Resource Crisis
<questlist 10> / <questlist resource crisis>
The rash of terrorist incidents by environmental leftists has risen by leaps and bounds lately. Most attacks have been concentrated on the giant oil corporations, destroying their drilling rigs and storage fields. MorTex oil is anxious to prevent any further terrorist raids and is looking for some contract help to guard their facilities. If you think you can protect their investments, go to your nearest MorTex Oil plant.
Search in the Realm of Newbieland
Thinking : (2/10)Exploring : (2/10)Fighting : (2/10)
Quest Point Value : 5Designed for Levels: 3+ (newbie)
Created by : Nanook
Once per Reboot : No
Quest Instructions
(last solved and updated: September 2022)-
Travel to the area. From Newbie bin -
<4s, u, n, enter mirror 3>
Locate the multimeter (which has various locations that it's been found in.
Inside the shack - directions from entrance:
<2e, enter shack, search tools, get multimeter, out, 2w>
Inside the trailer - directions from entrance:
<2e, 3s, e, trailer, search drawer, get [item found], out, w, 3n, 2w>
- this could be either the multimeter or wire cutters. Either way, you need the item. -
Inside the truck (the truck has also been known to move locations). Once you've found the truck:
<enter truck, search seats, look at tools, search tools, get [item found], door>
- this could be either the multimeter or wire cutters. Either way, you need the item. Retrace your steps to return to the entrance of the area.
Inside the shack - directions from entrance:
Locate the wire cutters (same as the multimeter, these have been found in various locations).
- Follow Step 1, Location 2.
- Follow Step 1, Location 3.
It's been indicated that the wire cutters have also been found in the inventory of an enemy. Simply wander the area and
<kill human>
until you've found the wire cutters.<get wire cutters>
and return to the entrance of the area.
Climb the tank -
<2e, 3s, climb tank, test green wire>
<test green wire>
You touch the leads of the multimeter to the green wire and watch as the numbers scroll upwards showing a current.
<test yellow wire>
You touch the leads of the multimeter to the wire and frown slightly as the numbers barely twitch on the display.
<test blue wire>
You touch the leads of the multimeter to the wire and frown slightly as the numbers barely twitch on the display.
<test red wire>
You touch the leads of the multimeter to the wire and frown slightly as the numbers barely twitch on the display. -
Notice in the example above that the green wire has the numbers scroll upwards showing a current, whereas all of the other wires 'barely twitch on the display'. Whichever color shows a current for you is the wire that you need to cut in this step.
<cut [color with current] wire>
Quest complete!
Return to Newbie bin: <d, 3n, 2w, return, s, d, 4n>