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Welcome to Gentech!

Image of soldiers (supposed to represent Gentech) with futuristic weaponry, standing on the edge of a cliff and staring off into the distant destroyed city.
Map of Guild


A Deeper Look

The Gentech guild is based around scientific experimentation to add abilities to yourself for a variety of effects. The specific path through the experiments varies from Gentech to Gentech. Cooperation is also a key aspect of the Gentech guild, so Gentech should be prepared to help their guildmates and contribute meaningfully to the guild.

The Gentech Experiment Tree lays out the paths a Gentech can take. Different experiments have different chances of success (which can be seen with the ratepowers command). Completing experiments determine your Division (Offense/Defense) and Class (Medical/Scientific/Engineering), but as long as you have the prerequisites, you can pursue experiments in any tree. Experiments labeled "free slot" or "slotless" will not need a slot to research and you can research these when your chances of success are sufficient.

Guild experience is gained by using PU. Using the gsplit command diverts a portion of your gxp to Resource Credits which are necessary for increasing the phase of experiments.

In addition to PU, Gentech also have a stored power units (SPU) which have a maximum capacity of half your PU maximum. SPU can be converted to PU with recharge.

The Gentech guild is heavily focused on cooperation. So, when you're smaller never be afraid to ask for help and when you're larger you're going to be expected to pitch in. Key areas are CPC management, maintaining efficiencies for the smaller Gens, and sharing the emergency Timeslide.

Quickstart Guide

Newbie Help Guide - newbie2

This file was written in early August of 1997 by Graymalkin, a past Gentech player admin.
Revised on August 30, 1997 by Kinslayer.
Revised November, 2003 by Quigly.
Updated for WMT 2022 by Lisker.


I would like to welcome you to the best guild on the mud. I also want to make your transition into the Gentech as easy as possible, so I have come up with a guild primer. This is in no way a comprehensive list of all that is Gentech. I have attempted to put the basics with all the Need to Know info so you can be knowledgeable about the guild. And without further ado, I present to you Gentech, The Guild of Choice.

As a Gentech you will do plenty of fighting, so I ask you to please, please sit down and read this before you go out.


I.     Guild Communication
II.    Getting Ready for Combat
III.   HpBar
IV.   Guild Layout and Dropships
V.    Gexp and Research Credits
VI.   Experiments and Phases
VII.  Rank and Slots
VIII. Guild Storage and Subsidies
IX.   Handy Commands
X.    Bias
XI.   Efficiencies
XII.  Rules and Regulations
XIII. Guild Administration
XIV. Closing Comments

I. Guild Communication

If your recruiter hasn't already told you, The way to speak on the guild line is "comm <msg>". You are able to emote using "ecomm <msg>".

Also, there is a guild help file on communication, please type "gh communication" to view it if you have any other questions.

II. Getting Ready for Combat

If you want to jump right into combat, this is what you need to do.

"autoguild ionbeam"
# automates the firing of ionbeam

Optional: "genbrief"
# briefs guild combat, less spam
# you can genbrief both yourself and others
# gh genbrief for all the options.

And lastly you will probably want to wear a little armour. It may help from you getting killed. Armour is available from the guild armoury, or from the storage box.

# This will give you a full set of guild armour, which costs x coins.

"suitup 3"
# This command will provide a full set of armour and a multiphasic blaster, which is the 'best' single handed guild weapon.

III. HpBar

HP:460/531 SP:214/354 PU:2165/3300(754) CPC:9896/10000 [G2N:68%]E:none

HP: Hit points, you gain 8 hp for every point of CON you raise and 1 for every level gained.

SP: Spell points, gain 8 sp for every point of INT raised. Genpowers that use SP are: DDB, Surge, and Timeslide.

PU: Power Units, your max PU is raised 150 for every glevel gained, and your Stored PU (the number in parenthesis) max is raised upped by 75 as well. You can move Stored PU into Main PU by typing "recharge", You heal stored PU in a number of ways.

1) With the [Rec-Chamber] experiment, you can "reclaim" corpses.
2) With the [Powercell] experiment, you can regen SPU
3) You can heal in the infirmary.
4) On donating items to the storage facility you can get a small amount of SPU per item.

CPC: This is the number of power units (PU) within the guild core. These units are used by all gentechs for anything related to Guild HQ. The activities that use CPC are: ionbeam, guild levels, experiments phases, using the turbo lifts, getting items from storage, armoury, or guild store, and using the infirmary.

If CPC runs out - NONE of the above will work.

As a general rule bigger gens are expected to help the smaller gens with CPC. As you get bigger, you should work towards donating more than you use. See Remote Cpc Conduit.

Note: There are guild benefits for having a large lifetime CPC donations. see Standing.

G2N: Gexp needed until next glevel. It's good to make this a negative number.

E: Current enemies status...the range is as follows..
Perfect -- Scratched -- Bleeding -- Emergency -- Death.

IV. Guild Layout and Dropships

"gh maps" will give you a map of the guild. A few important to know are as follows:

(All directions are from the guild entrance)

(e/2u/2n/e) # heal here by typing "admit myself"

(e/u/2n/u) # raise glevels by "commence"ing

(e/u/2n) # raise levels and stats here

Main board
(e/u/2s) # please read all the notes

Strategy board
(e/u/2s/w) # helpful hints on combat

(e/u/w/n) # you can "borrow", "donate" or "trash" items here

(e/u/w) # put money in the bank, or switchsubs here

Expermintation Cylinders
(e/2u/2s) # "commence <power name>" in order to perform the experiment.

(e/e) # "transfer" pu to core

(e/u/w/s) # buy guild equipment

From the main guild enterance you may "slide <destination>" in order to head out into the realms, there is a list of valid destinations in the room if you look at the right object, but a few important destinations are:

surface, chaos, fantasy, science, shop.

Dropships are basically portable mini-guilds, they may travel out on the main areas of the realms, but cannot enter specific areas. You may use a dropship from glevel 1 onward, but to pilot a ship you need to have the ship-pilot skill.

"enter dropship" is the command to enter a dropship
"dropships" is a list of all the dropships and their locations

The layout of the dropship is as follows
Please refer to info file for layout.

Flight controls

Cargo Hold:
Access storage and PU transfer from here

Field Infirmary:
Works just like the infirmary at guild

Remote Slide Pad:
For activating remote timeslides.

V. Gexp and Research Credits

GEXP is gained by using guild powers. At the very beginning, you can gain gexp by using Ionbeam. As you gain more powers and use them, you gain more GEXP per round. Some GEXP powers are:

Adrenaline Rush: Heals its phase of hp for glevel rounds
Adrenaline Surge: Heals more HP in a single round
Synthorg: Attack power
DDB: Attack power
Ionlink: Lets Ionbeam fire every round
Efield: Defense power
Clone: Copy of you that does damage
Genarm: Wield extra weapons

The standing command will give you a list of possible bonuses to GEXP. Some of these include: quest points, guild age, and explorer rank.

Gexp vs. Research Credits (RC)

Gexp can only be earnt in combat, if you fight bigger and nastier mobs for your guild level you have chance to earn more gxp per combat round than by fighting smaller mobs. As you gain guild levels you will no longer get gexp from mobs that are too far below your level.

We have two types of guild experience, Gexp and RC. Gexp is used to gain guild levels. Research Credits are used to attempt to increase the phase of powers.

You may set a ratio for how much of your guild experience earned you want to go to each category with the gsplit command.

"gsplit 0" all guild experience goes to Gexp
"gsplit 50" half goes to Gexp, half to RC
"gsplit 100" all guild experience goes to RC

VI. Experiments and Phases

Many guild powers have been mentioned so far, if you want a detailed description about that guild power type "gh <guild power>".

Each guild power is an experiment, currently we have over 100 experiments, you can type "ratepowers" in order to see the list of experiments. "gh ratepowers" for more info on the list.

Experiments are divided up into Division - Offense or Defense and Classes - Science, Medical and Engineering. Most experiments have prerequisites of the Class or Division core experiments. "gh experiment tree" for the complete picture.

Experimenting is a touchy business with 4 possible outcomes.

Success - you fill the slot with the guild power Failure - nothing happens except you lose the coin cost for trying Failure - you lose a slot Failure - You DIE AND LOSE A SLOT!

Each experiment has a rating that determines you chance of success at your current guild level. A rating of "Ambiguous" gives you about a 50/50 chance of success. At "Likely", you'll get the power 67% chance of success.

Don't worry too much if you lose a slot. Later on damaged slots can be repaired.


Most of our guild powers have phases, or power levels. When you first get a power such as ionbeam is starts off weak. In order to make it more powerful, you need to raise its phase.

In order to raise a phase you need to have the necessary RC, and the cost covered (either by coins or subsidies). Proceed to the experimentation cylinders and "commence <power>" in order to attempt to raise the phase of a completed experiment.

Possible outcome of phase experiments:
Failure - You didn't quite get it right, and you lose some/all of the RC cost
Success - You got it right, and you go up one phase
Success - You did a fabulous job, and you go up two phases. You cannot "double" once you have achieved phase 5.

VII. Rank and Slots

A Rank is another term for a glevel, nothing more nothing less. Fifty is the highest attainable Rank for a Gentech. At Rank 50, a gentech becomes a member of the Gentech High Council (GHC) and can advance in orders.

And with Rank comes Power, or at least a power slot. For each guild level you gain one power slot.

A power slot is an opportunity to attempt to gain a guild power. If you have an empty power slot, you may try to fill it with an experiment.

VIII. Guild Storage and Subsidies

Our "guild box" is a storage room located e/u/w/n from the guild entrance. Here you may "list <type>" in order to see what is in storage. Typing list without any arguements will list everything in storage, some valid types are:

a - all armours
w - all weapons
m - all miscellaneous items

You may also list by the name of the item, ie: claw, sword, staff, armour, shield, cloak, ring, gloves, helmet, bracers, boots, amulet, etc.

You may borrow any item, but when you do, your subsidies (boxstatus) go down by the worth of that item.

You may "donate" and "trash" items in order to raise you subsidies. Donating items has three benefits.

1. There is equipment in the guild for people to use.
2. You raise your subsidies, which means you do not need to pay coins in order to try for phases or other guild items.
3. You regen a little bit of SPU.

Subsidies now have a great number of uses within the guild. Primarily they are used to fund phases for experiments, additionally through the use of the "switchsubs" command you can use subs to fund other guild purchases such as arsenal items, medkits and guild store items, and subsidies can be contributed to the guild capital account which is then used to fund CPC Regen Upgrades.

The storage facility sells everything automatically a few minutes before the mud boots. The total is divided amongst all active players and is added to your subsidies.

Do NOT go linkdead with equipment from the box in your inventory. It prevents other people from having the use of it and at boot lowers the overall value of the box split.

IX. Handy Commands

A small list of most commonly used commands that I think are useful to know, all of the commands have their individual help files that give more information about their usage.

# automates guild commands in combat

# perform a single command every round of combat

# kills first mob in a room - potentially dangerous

# on/off a guild light source.

# show guild info on other gentechs

# report a guild problem

# A personal log

# combat stats, provides info on xp, gxp and rc earned

# guild stats - shows your current status

# more guild stats

# info on current gxp bonuses and adjustments

# listing of experiments gained, and their current phase

# scans a mob to show difficulty and comp & dmg bonuses
# can be used to scan armour and weapons at higher glvls.

X. Bias

Bias determines what part of combat, attack or defence you wish to concentrate on the most. This is expressed as a percentage and you can specify through the 'conform' command how you which for your bias to be set up. Different powers have an affect on bias causing it to change automatically within combat, gh power areas for more detail. To prevent your bias changing you can lock it using the biaslock command.

Each gentech starts with 90% bias and gains an additional 2% per Rank. As your bias increases it allows you to be more effective at both.

# Shows the current bias setting.

# Toggles whether your bias is locked or unlocked.
# Unlocked bias can change during combat.

# Allows you to change your bias to the required setting, this must be done out of combat.

It is against guild rules to set a bias when you have no experiments in that division.

XI. Efficiencies

Efficiencies are a measure of how well our gentech powers are operating. There are two different sorts, tech and gen efficiencies and each combat power has an effect on one or the other. Your 'gs' command can be used to display the current status of your 'effs' Once you have passed Rank 5, use of almost any power within combat will cause your efficiencies to start to degrade. Efficiencies can degrade as far as 30% which can signifcantly affect your fighting abilities.

There are five ways to heal efficiencies.
1) Guild infirmary
2) a new guild level automatically fixes them.
3) Autorepair Eng and Autorepair Tech experiments allow you to fix your own.
4) Engineering Gen and Engineering Tech experiments allow you to fix your own and someone elses.
5) Stabilize will stop your effs from going down for a period of time

XII. Rules and Regulations

Being a Gentech is a privilege and not a right. Please do not abuse that privilege or you may be kicked out of the guild. This is a game, and only a game, but it does have rules and we ask that you follow them.

All mudwide rules apply within the guild, but here are the three most frequent rules broken that will get you thrown out of the guild, consider this your first and last warning about them. If you have ANY questions regarding these rules please contact any guild admin for clarification.

Rule 1: "Bot"ing. There is a mudwide rule against it, if you are caught doing it, you will be removed from the guild and then probably your character will be erased. Period. "help rules" gives you all the mudwide rules, please read this. The best way to deal with bots is that if you don't have to touch the keyboard to do something, then it's probably a bot. Note: Even other players can be considered bots if they force you to do things without requiring your input into the game.

Rule 2: Guild bugs. Pistil has done a fabulous job coding this guild, but things can always go wrong, if you come across a guild bug, REPORT IT IMMEDIATELY using the "genprob" command. Do not report any bugs to another wizard if Guild Admin is not available. Also if you've found what you think is a guild bug, avoid it. Abusing guild bugs is cause for removal from the guild.

Rule 3: Abusing mobs for gexp. Abusing a mob for Gexp (or RC) will not be tolerated and is cause for removal from the guild. Abusing a mob (monster) for gexp consists of fighting a mob without the intention of ever killing it, or just taking a long time to kill it in order to make tons of Gexp. Basically if you can't kill it in 5-10 minutes and you aren't taking any damage, don't fight it.
At glevel 3 you can kill things in the grocery store (3n/w from chaos vortex),
on the chessboard (e/climb from chaos vortex),
in the mushroom (4w/eat mushroom form vortex),
and in other low level places.

We also have a rule about guild lines. Also you are NOT allowed to discuss quest information at any time, especially on the guild line. If you do not only will you be immediately restricted from the guild line, you will then have to answer to Higher Wizards about cheating, and discussing qinfo is cause from removal from the game, or being site-banned.

X. Guild Administration

The current active members of Guild Administration are

genhelp admin will give you a list of admin

XI. Closing Comments

Gentech is fun guild that excels at partying.

There is no right order to get experiments.

Special thanks to Graymalkin for writing this.

Recommendations by Lisker

I am new what should I get first?

Engineering(free) → Reclaim → Biochem Analysis(free) → Powercore → Advanced Combat(free) → Synthorg → Defensives Systems(free) → Ferrous DNA → Scientific Methods (free)

Note: Remember that you must have an open slot to get a "free" power.

Where do I go from here?

I want to do more damage

Ionbeam ii → Ionlink → DDB → DDB 2 → DDB 3 → Enhanced Capacity → DDB Mastery → Sonic Capacity → Synerg → IonFocus → Synthorg II

I want to tank well

Energy Field → TacsSield → Bladed Tacshield → Disruptive TacShield → Enhanced TacShield → Tacshield Mastery → Adaptive TacShield → Energy Field II → Energy Field III

MY PU regen is bad

Biochem Enhancement → BioChem Mastery → Metabolic Conversion

I don't want to bother with efficiencies ever again

Enhanced Engineering → Engineering Mastery → Stabilize → Engineering Gen → Engineering Tech

My spirit cloak doesn't heal me enough

Biochem Enhancement → Adrenaline Surge → Meditation → Scientific Methods → Scientific Metrics → Concentration

I like free stuff

Logistics → Tactics → Research → Research II → Research III → Advanced Scientifics → DNA Splicing

Recommendations by Gaidin

comm chat on the guild line (and commhist for history)
genhelp access the guild help files
ratepowers shows you all the experiments, their current phase, chance of success, and cost. ratepowers complete will show you only completed experiments.
genhelp experiment tree shows the Gentech experiment tree.
autoguild toggles various abilities
gsplit Controls how much of your gexp is converted to resource credits from 0 to 100 percent (in 10% increments)

In general, to get an an ability you must complete the appropriate experiment. Each experiment also has phases which can increase its effectiveness and unlock additional aspects. Once an experiment is completed, it occupies one of your experiment slots (you get one slot per guild level) until it's removed. Removing experiments requires completing an experiment (genhelp slot purge) so long-term planning is a good thing.

Gentech start with a single experiment (ionbeam) which will use some Power Units (PU) and Central Power Core (CPC) power to damage enemies. After that, you can go in any direction you like. When experimenting or increasing the phase of an experiment, it's always beneficial to have someone staff the Experiment Room if someone is available. Holding off experimenting until someone is around isn't unreasonable. Recently, an NPC staff has been placed on permanent duty in the experimentation room to improve success odds.

Early experiment path

Due to recent (2019) changes in making many experiments slotless, at low levels you may run into issues where experiments are too difficult for you to attempt at your current guild level. So, rather than a set path, here is a set of experiments to aim for that will give you a solid base of powers. You may need to skip guild levels until you're high enough to successfully complete each experiment. You should be able to complete all of these around guild level 10.

Ionbeam (this experiment is automatically granted when you join)
Biochem Analysis and Powercoer Biochem Analysis is the prerequisite for Powercore which will allow you to passively regen PU.
Engineering and Rec-chamber Engineering is the prerequisite for Rec-Chamber which will allow you to reclaim SPU from corpses.
Advanced Combat and Synthorg Advanced Combat is the prerequisite for Synthorg which is for damage.
Adrenaline Rush Provides a small amount of healing over time by using PU. Started with the rush command.
Defense Systems and Ferrous DNA Provides some defense by using PU. Started with the edna command.

Since your chance of success increases with guild level, waiting until you can research both the base experiment and the power experiment it depends on will lead to increased chance of success. For example, waiting until you have two free slots to do Biochem Analysis and Powercore or Engineering and Rec-chamber at the same time means you will have a greater chance at success. You benefit because the base experiments typically only support subsequent experiments.

Extra tips

Watch your efficiencies (they're on gs). If they get too low, you'll start sucking. You can get them repaired at the infirmary in the guild hall, but it's better to ask on the guild line and a bigger Gen can swing by, do a repair, as well as stabilize you which will keep your efficiencies from dropping for an hour or two. The Autorepair Gen/Tech experiments will let you slowly regen them on your own, and the Engineering Gen/Tech experiments will give you the repair commands. The Stabilize will, well, give you the stabilize power.

Stat Priority

While your personal playstyle may vary a bit, these is a general guide to a decent stat layout. It's biased towards being able to tank rather than being pure damage.

Constitution Generally, Gentech healing sucks and before you reach Gen-High Council your shield can "leak" damage. You want a healthy pool of hit points to absorb that damage and give your healing time to repair it.
Dexterity/Wisdom Dexterity is important for damage mitigation and defense and wisdom helps with dealing damage
Intelligence/Strength Strength helps with melee damage and we get a *lot* of hits later on (6/round) so strength helps; strength also enhances some defense powers. Intelligence is a pool of spell points for healing as well as how well you manage powers which require control of your environment.
Charisma You'll need some charisma in order to successfully research and upgrade experiments, but don't go nuts. 20-30 should be fine for most.

Gentech Files

The Gentech :: Beginnings:

In the year 3758, the Gen/Cyber war came to an end on planet Earth. The Cybers had crushed the Gen army's resistance to its domination of the Terran system. What was left of the Gen-enhanced armies fled Earth and all of their surrounding bases in the Extra-solar orbiting Battle- platforms. Having gained a small respite from the 500 year old war, the Gen forces vowed to return to the Terran system and take back Earth from their long hated enemies, the Cybers.

Before the war, hundreds of sequential technological breakthroughs led to the escalation of the Cyber-ware implantation into a certain sector of the world's militaries. To counter this, genetically enhanced military units were produced. When the Final World War broke out, it quickly dissolved into an all out battle between these two factions. The Gen armies quickly built up their numbers with clones and bodily enhancements, whereas the Cybers assimilated as much of the world population as possible. The War quickly spread to the outer colonies of the solar system. The Cybers became heavily fortified within the Terran system, and amassed huge arsenals of weapons, whereas the Gen remained quick and mobile, exploring ever deeper into the Galaxy, and eventually discovering the inventions which lead to their ability to escape after their crushing defeat.

Resigned to having lost the Terran system for the moment, the Gen commanders opted to take another approach. To try to beat the Cybers at their own game, the Gen slowly began to incorporate artificial and technologically enhanced hardware into their bodies. These additions to their Gen-enhancements were a marvel of walking the fine line of a balance between the body and the artificial hardware. The Gen struck this balance on a cell-to-microcircuit level, and were able to incorporate certain amounts of artificial hardware into their Genetically enhanced bodies. This proved to make them the ultimate warriors.

Near the end of the year 3999, the Gen made their counterattack on the Terran system. They came in droves into the system, flying in fleets of orbiting battle platforms, and dropping hundreds of thousands of Gen soldiers onto Earth's surface. As the Gen had changed and adapted over the years of their absence, so had the Cybers. No longer was the high command run by a council of half-human, half-cyber generals. The Cybers had all been melded into one large collective, headed by a Mega-computer centralized on the island of Manhattan. Humanity on Earth had been dead for over 100 years.

Attacking the central core of the Cybers, the Gen were quickly able to knock out all of the primary Cyber central systems from orbit. When the Gen hit the surface, they met heavy resistance. The centralized system that the Gen had imagined existed within the Cybers, was more varied and dispersed then they had projected. Quickly, the Cybers began to crush the Gen forces. Then, to the Gen's surprise, a star-ship fleet attacked. Contrary to the Gen spy's reports, and long-range surveillance, the Cybers had developed deep space military craft that far outweighed the military might of the Gen's now outdated and inferior Battle platforms.

Having both their ground and orbit based forces crushed, what was left of the Gen high circle of commanders decided to use the only trick they had left. They used Timetravel. It was a risky process, but it worked much as the same principle as the Bodyslide technology, which had made the Gen troop movements virtually instantaneous.

One high ranking solider by the code-name of Cable was picked from the remaining forces. In a last ditch effort, what remained of the orbiting fleet of Gen Battle platforms attacked the Cyber fleet at full strength. This left them completely open to a counterattack, but gave Cable the much needed time to take the only undamaged Battle platform a safe distance from the battle and activate the Timeslide.

As the ship was beginning to phase into its slide, a Cyber battle group broke from the main battle formation, and attacked Cable's ship at long range. The incoming energy blasts phased through the ship, perverting its trajectory and Timesliding coordinates.

Cable awoke from the slide-induced coma to find himself and his Battle platform in orbit around a strange city. The city appeared to be a convergence of many different timelines and worlds, since travelers of all forms and walks of life were seen from orbit wandering its streets. Finding himself in modern-day Pinnacle, Cable has an agenda to complete to save the Gen forces in the future. He has a gut feeling that the Cybers on the streets of Pinnacle may have a connection to the power of the Cybers of his future. He also knows that he came back to rally support for the armies of the future, and so thus he founded Gentech, recruiting people into his ultra-advanced high-tech Genetic-Technology blend of a guild.


The info file is not displayed here, please refer to the file on the mud or to this image.

Map of Guild


bias (general)

Bias is an indicator of a gentech's current combat adaptation. As a gentech grows in power he or she can learn to maintain higher overall levels of both offensive and defensive readiness. This comes in the form of a 2%/rank bias, with the base being 90% overall combat readiness.

With greater levels of defensive readiness, the gentech form adapts to close itself off from any damaging effects of its environment. In doing so the gentech's surrounding energy fields (energy field, life support) are strengthened as is internal dna structuring (ferrous DNA).

Increasing attack bias levels increases a tech's ability to extend into his or her surroundings. Genetic research involves increasing the gentech ability to move quickly in combat and strike powerfully with physical weapons, and optimizing use time flux fields (timeshift). With the relaxing of internal structures, dense dark bodies (DDB) can move more freely and act more strongly under the direction of the Gentech. Cellular polymer fusions become more reactive and easier for the tech to manipulate (synthorg). Both internal and external data flow speeds are greatly increased, enabling increased reaction time and targeting ability to all attack powers (esp. ionbeam).

See also: showbias, biaslock, power areas, conform

class (general)

"Efficiency through specialization". This was the motto of the Gentech who delved into the research behind the three classes. Specializing in a specific field gives a Gentech increased access to powers within that field.

Three main Classes are available: Medical, Science and Engineering.

Which Class you currently belong to depends on the majority of Class experiments you have completed. As you gain or purge experiments, your Class will dynamically change with the experiments that you choose.

See also: standing, ratepowers2, command, experiment tree

command (general)

The Gentech battleforce is an organization of soldiers, scientists and engineers tasked with fighting the ever encroaching enemy forces. As opposed to the enemy and their strictly enforced heirarchy, the Gentech have always been led by a High Commander, elected to serve the whole and preserve the Gentech battleforce.

The High Commander is the highest ranking officer within Gentech, overseeing all battle operations from recruitment to promotions to enforcement of battle-plans and procedures. The responsibilities of command are great, and the success or failure of Gentech depends on the abilites of the High Commander to lead the soldiers forward into victory.

The High Commander is the voice and the main representative of Gentech. This responsibility is great, and should be taken with the utmost sincerity to perform the requirements of the position to the fullest.

One of the main duties of the High Commander is to oversee the Senior Officers and Command staff. In this role, the High Commander selects and promotes the Chief Medical Officer, the Chief Science Officer and the Chief Engineer, each of whom are responsible for their respective classes and report directly to the High Commander. The High Commander also may appoint soldiers to command positions and they report up through the command heirarchy by direct order of the High Commander.

The High Commander is also the leader of his or her Division, be it either Offense or Defense. They are assisted in this by the amount of experience they have with Command AI.

The High Commander is elected once every four weeks. To be nominated, a candidate must be Elite, and possess the Command AI experiment. Twenty-four hours before the end of the election, voting will be opened by TAL. Your Rank is your vote and you may vote for one candidate only. At the end of the election, TAL will call the election. After an election, there will be a small amount of time of 'change' in which the previous Command structure will help to guide the incoming Command structure. As the new High Commander takes office, the Chief Officers of the past administration will be automatically removed, although any current Commanders or Officers will remain.

All election actions take place within the guild advancement room. Commands are <nominate>, <withdraw> and <vote>.

See also: standing, command ai, admin

communications (general)

Your link with the Gentech guild is through your Lower Arm Casing. With this unique and futuristic high-tech piece of equipment, you are able to do a vast number of things. One of them being communication with the rest of the guild. The Casing is equipped with a voice activated high fidelity microphone and speaker. Currently you have one communication line open to you, the Alpha line. To use it type 'comm message' where <message> is what you want to say on the alpha chat line. You may also use 'ecomm message' to display emotes. The line can be blocked by typing 'comm off' and unblocked by typing 'comm on'. To color the line (if you have an ANSI compatible terminal) type 'help ansi' to find out how the base mud ansi system works, since that ansi system is what the chatlines work off of. This is different from the rest of the ansi coloring system for the guild. The ansi variable for the main guild line is 'gent_alpha' and the ansi variable for the notify line is 'gent_notify'. So, as an example you could set the alpha line to be in yellow (if you have your ansi turned on) by typing 'aset gent_notify yellow'.

See also: comm, ecomm, commhist, color, help ansi

cpc (general)

Central Power Core (CPC). Found in Main Engineering, the Central Power Core provides the main power to all of the major systems of the HQ orbital battleplatform. Activation of a major system within HQ will draw CPC from the core, thus lowering its power.

Many systems require CPC for usuage. They are:

Advancement Experimentation Infirmary Arsenal Facility Workout Room Transfer tubes Storage Cloning Ionbeam

The main fusion drives of Main Engineering supply enough power to the Central Power Core to slowly recharge the power of the core over time. Also, a Gentech may transfer Power Units into the core within Main Engineering by using the <transfer> command.

See also: Contribute, Engineering Staff

division (general)

In the war against the Cybers, two major Divisions within Gentech evolved. Those who specialized in multiple forms of attack, and researched the varied ways of increasing the amount of damage that their Gentech systems could project formed into the Offensive Division. Those who delved into the science of energy shielding and cellular strengthening formed into the Defensive Division.

Both Divisions are open to a Gentech soldier. Which Division you are in depends upon your current experiments. As you gain or purge experiments, your Division will dynamically change to conform to the Division of the experiments you have chosen.

See also: standing, ratepowers2, command

efficiency (general)

The life of Gentech is a life dominated by constant combat. Even though Gentech systems are built to be battle-ready, the extended time fighting takes a massive toll on the effectiveness of a Gentech's systems. The powers available to a Gentech walk the fine line between Genetics and Technology, and this is reflected in Efficiencies.

As you use your powers within the guild, those powers will loose efficiency over time. There are two types of efficiency, Gen Eff and Tech Eff. Different powers are reflected in the different Effs. As an example, DDB is a genetics based power, so it will decrease Gen Eff, Synthorg is a technology based power, so it will decrease Tech Eff. With the usage of a power, the corrisponding Eff will decrease by a percentage. This percentage reflects how well your power is doing based on 100%. So, a 75% Tech Eff means that your Synthorg is only doing 75% of the damage that it could be.

Efficiencies can be repaired through many experiments found in the Engineering Class.

Note: Due to the limited nature of combat and power usage by a new Gentech, anyone Rank 5 or under does not incur any damage to Efficiencies.

See also: genstat, class, autorepair gen, autorepair tech, engineering gen, engineering tech

experiments (general)

The experiments that the Gentech perform determine their powers and skills. Experiments are performed within the Experiment Cylinders located on the second level of HQ. Once there, to perform an experiment you must type 'commence <power name>' where 'power name' is any of the powers listed in 'ratepowers'. Your chances of success depend upon the rating of the power and your Rank. If you succeed you will fill an empty Power Slot with the power which you were researching, and so thus you will gain that power. There are requirements for some experiments including pre-requisite experiments (which must be completed first) and minimum guild level requirements.

In general, the worse the rating of the power is in <ratepowers>, the greater your chances of the experiment failing. There are three types of failure:

1) You fail, but retain your Power Slot. - This means that your experiment went poorly, but it was not detrimental to you. You may repeat the experiment immediately, or wait to gain a better rating for the power, or you may try for another power.

2) You fail and lose a Power Slot. - Your experiment completely failed, and in thus doing so, used up your Power Slot. To research an experiment again you will have to gain another Power Slot after this happens.

3) You fail and die. - Your experiment failed so badly that it was detrimental not only to your powers, but to your body. At this point you will suffer a major cellular cohesion failure, and dissolve into nothingness. This death will take 1 from each stat and your level, along with a Power Slot. The chances of this happening are very low, but are always present no-matter what the rating of the power is unless you have Research I and Research III at phase 10, at which point all powers have a 100% chance of success. (Research II pertains to phases)

Each experiment you perform also takes coins. Ratepowers lists the costs of the experiments along with the ratings for each power. As you increase in Ranks, the ratings for each power will become better, while the amount of coins it takes to perform an experiment also increases due to the added resources that the Experiment Cylinders must use to convert an older Gentech soldier to a new power. No matter what the outcome of an experiment, you will always gain in knowledge and understanding of how to conduct your research in the Gentech, and so thus you gain GEXP for each experiment, gaining more GEXP for success than failure.

See also: Phases, ratepowers

experiment tree (general)

Refer to the Gentech Skill Tree Charts below.

gentech (general)

The Gentech :: Beginnings:

In the year 3758, the Gen/Cyber war came to an end on planet Earth. The Cybers had crushed the Gen army's resistance to its domination of the Terran system. What was left of the Gen-enhanced armies fled Earth and all of their surrounding bases in the Extra-solar orbiting Battle- platforms. Having gained a small respite from the 500 year old war, the Gen forces vowed to return to the Terran system and take back Earth from their long hated enemies, the Cybers.

Before the war, hundreds of sequential technological breakthroughs led to the escalation of the Cyber-ware implantation into a certain sector of the world's militaries. To counter this, genetically enhanced military units were produced. When the Final World War broke out, it quickly dissolved into an all out battle between these two factions. The Gen armies quickly built up their numbers with clones and bodily enhancements, whereas the Cybers assimilated as much of the world population as possible. The War quickly spread to the outer colonies of the solar system. The Cybers became heavily fortified within the Terran system, and amassed huge arsenals of weapons, whereas the Gen remained quick and mobile, exploring ever deeper into the Galaxy, and eventually discovering the inventions which lead to their ability to escape after their crushing defeat.

Resigned to having lost the Terran system for the moment, the Gen commanders opted to take another approach. To try to beat the Cybers at their own game, the Gen slowly began to incorporate artificial and technologically enhanced hardware into their bodies. These additions to their Gen-enhancements were a marvel of walking the fine line of a balance between the body and the artificial hardware. The Gen struck this balance on a cell-to-microcircuit level, and were able to incorporate certain amounts of artificial hardware into their Genetically enhanced bodies. This proved to make them the ultimate warriors.

Near the end of the year 3999, the Gen made their counterattack on the Terran system. They came in droves into the system, flying in fleets of orbiting battle platforms, and dropping hundreds of thousands of Gen soldiers onto Earth's surface. As the Gen had changed and adapted over the years of their absence, so had the Cybers. No longer was the high command run by a council of half-human, half-cyber generals. The Cybers had all been melded into one large collective, headed by a Mega-computer centralized on the island of Manhattan. Humanity on Earth had been dead for over 100 years.

Attacking the central core of the Cybers, the Gen were quickly able to knock out all of the primary Cyber central systems from orbit. When the Gen hit the surface, they met heavy resistance. The centralized system that the Gen had imagined existed within the Cybers, was more varied and dispersed then they had projected. Quickly, the Cybers began to crush the Gen forces. Then, to the Gen's surprise, a star-ship fleet attacked. Contrary to the Gen spy's reports, and long-range surveillance, the Cybers had developed deep space military craft that far outweighed the military might of the Gen's now outdated and inferior Battle platforms.

Having both their ground and orbit based forces crushed, what was left of the Gen high circle of commanders decided to use the only trick they had left. They used Timetravel. It was a risky process, but it worked much as the same principle as the Bodyslide technology, which had made the Gen troop movements virtually instantaneous.

One high ranking solider by the code-name of Cable was picked from the remaining forces. In a last ditch effort, what remained of the orbiting fleet of Gen Battle platforms attacked the Cyber fleet at full strength. This left them completely open to a counterattack, but gave Cable the much needed time to take the only undamaged Battle platform a safe distance from the battle and activate the Timeslide.

As the ship was beginning to phase into its slide, a Cyber battle group broke from the main battle formation, and attacked Cable's ship at long range. The incoming energy blasts phased through the ship, perverting its trajectory and Timesliding coordinates.

Cable awoke from the slide-induced coma to find himself and his Battle platform in orbit around a strange city. The city appeared to be a convergence of many different timelines and worlds, since travelers of all forms and walks of life were seen from orbit wandering its streets.

Finding himself in modern-day Pinnacle, Cable has an agenda to complete to save the Gen forces in the future. He has a gut feeling that the Cybers on the streets of Pinnacle may have a connection to the power of the Cybers of his future. He also knows that he came back to rally support for the armies of the future, and so thus he founded Gentech, recruiting people into his ultra-advanced high-tech Genetic-Technology blend of a guild.

gen-high council (general)

Since before the great Terran war, the Gen-High Council has governed all that concerns the Gentech and its subsequent battles with the Cyber Empire and the AIs that reside within. Through long-standing tradition, and the ceremony of the ancient clonal Sovereigns, the Gen-High Council has stood for peace and strength throughout the colonies of the galactic core, the central systems and beyond the rim. However, the war against the Cyber Empire has been harsh and much has been subsumed by the Cyber threat. The Gen-High Council must be rebuilt to stand against the ancient enemy.

The Gen-High Council are the sovereigns of Gentech. The great council oversees the battle-force and plans for the day of return.

Nomination to the Gen-High Council is open only to those Gentech who have attained Rank 50. As a Gentech continues to grow in experience, the soldier is able to advance within the Order of the Gen-High Council. Each Order grants one new Power Slot.

Note: To advance to Rank 50, a Gentech is required to possess a PhaseRank of 350.

See also: Order, Echelon, gs50, Standing, Gentech

gexp (general)

GEXP, or guild experience, is the key to advancement within the Gentech guild. Guild experience is earned through the use of a variety of guild powers during combat. Gentech soldiers may select to retain all of their earned guild experience as gexp (accumulated towards increasing rank) or to put any multiple of 10% (up to 100%) into research credits (accumulated toward advanced research projects).

To gain gexp you must be doing the following:
- You must be in combat.
- You must either use PU or take damage.

You also will gain more gexp as you push yourself against larger and more complex fights. The factors that increase the added gexp are:

1) Using as much PU and CPC as possible per round.
2) Fighting the toughest enemy you can.
3) Wearing the best armour you can and taking the most damage that you can handle.
4) Wielding the best weapon you can find.
5) Spending time within Gentech helping, outside of combat.
6) Partying with other players, and especially other Gentech and Gentech Recruiters, Officers and Commanders.
7) Questing.
8) Being one of the top 10 Gentech Explorers
9) Being one of the top
10 Mud-Wide Explorers

A rating of how well you're doing for numbers 5 and 7 is shown within the <standing> command.

A rating of an enemy as it pertains to number 2 is shown within the <genscan> command.

See also: Research Credits, gsplit, standing, genscan, hypergen

hq (general)

HQ is the headquarters of the guild. Positioned in stationary orbit over Pinnacle, Gentech members may watch over all of the town and surrounding realms. HQ is the last remnant from the future Gen-Cyber war, having been transported back through time to the 3-Kingdoms. Within the halls of HQ lie all of the secrets of the Gentech; only the strongest and most fit Gen-soldiers are ever able to delve completely into its mysteries.

NOTE: To leave HQ you _must_ slide. HQ is in orbit and it is not possible to "walk" out of it. If you want to reach the glade where the Gentech pillars are, simply "slide surface".

items (general)

The Guild Store (located on the west side of level 1 in HQ) sells a variety of items that are useful to Gentech members. Some items require advanced experimentation to access them.

A short list of the items follows. More information on any of these items may be accessed through <gh item-name>.

Healing: Medkit

Combat : Grav Inducer, Hologen, Plasma Grenade

Facilitation : Backpack, Flashlight, Tripwire

NOTE: The guild also contains an arsenal which has a wide selection of weapons and armor especially designed and tailored for the needs of the Gentech warrior.

NOTE: Either coins or subsidies can be used in the Guild Store and Arsenal. To switch between using coins and subsidies within Gentech facilities go to the ATM room within HQ and <switchsubs>.

See also: Storage, Arsenal, Backpack, Flashlight, Grav Inducer, Hologen, Medkit, Plasma Grenade, Tripwire

newbie (general)

As a newbie Gentech, the guild may seem a bit overwhelming at first. This file will teach you the basics you need to know to go out and start earning some gexp.

As a newbie Gentech you have several powers available to you. The main ones to be concerned with are genscan, illuminate, and ionbeam. Each has their respective gh file which you should read over. Ionbeam will be your main attack power for a few ranks. Genscan is helpful to determine the difficulty of the monster. Illuminate allows you to see in dark rooms.

Before you go out and fight monsters, you should probably wear some armour and wield a weapon. The Equipment Facility is where Gentech members can donate equipment for other members to use. If there is nothing suitable in the Equipment Facility, you may purchase armour and weapons from the guild Arsenal. The location of both of these rooms can be found via gh maps. You can buy pieces individually from the Arsenal, or buy a whole set using the suitup command. Simply type suitup <#> where # is the weapon you want, 1 being the Dagger and 5 being the K-E Autoblaster.

Once you're equipped with armour and a weapon, it is time to start killing things. Newbie Gentechs aren't very powerful, so stick to areas with small mobs. To keep from having to continually type ionbeam to damage the monster, it is suggested you put ionbeam in your autoguild by typing <autoguild ionbeam>. Autoguild is a power which lets you perform a specified action every round of combat. Refer to gh autoguild and gh autocombat for more information on automating certain combat tasks.

If you get low on HP you can run back to HQ or a dropship and visit the infirmary to heal. If you have a bioenergy assimilator, you may also <assimilate corpse> to regain a small amount of HP from a corpse.

Now that you know the basics of combat, it's time to help you decide what to do with the gexp you've accumulated. For the first few ranks you want to concentrate only on getting more gexp. As you advance in ranks you may decide it's time to phase a power (gh phases) to make it work better. Phasing costs Research Credits (RC). To gain RC you must gsplit (gh gsplit) your gexp so that part of it goes towards gaining Research Credits. It is recommended that you don't put any gexp towards RC until at least Rank 5.

Once you have enough gexp to advance your rank (shown by the G2N field on your hpbar), you may proceed to T.A.L and <commence> to gain the next rank. Every time you gain a rank you also gain an empty power slot (gh powerslots). You can fill this powerslot by successfully performing an experiment. Refer to gh experiments for more information.

The first two powers that most Gentechs get are Engineering and Rec-chamber. Rec-chamber allows you to gain PU from corpses, so that you can stay in the field longer before having to visit an infirmary. Engineering is simply Rec-chamber's prerequisite. It is recommended that you wait until Rank 3 to research both Engineering and Rec-chamber at the same time. It is possible to gain Engineering at Rank 2, but waiting until Rank 3 will give you better chances of success.

Because you only gain gexp for using PU in combat, it is recommended that your second experiment priority be to gain a power that uses PU every round. Synthorg is the power most recommended to fill that position. Synthorg requires Advanced Combat as a prerequisite, so you need two open slots to get it. This means you'll have to save a slot from Rank 4 and use it along with the slot you get at Rank 5 to attain Synthorg. Because Ionbeam fires every other round, getting Synthorg can almost double your gexp rate since you will be using PU every round.

After Rank 5 the powers you choose to experiment are up to personal preference. Also, at this time you may wish to start devoting part of your gexp towards RC so you can begin phasing powers.

You should now know enough to get you through your first few ranks. It is also recommended you read gh faq. It answers the most common questions newbie Gentechs have.

See also: faq

phases (general)

Once a new experiment is completed, your research into that area is not yet complete. Each experiment has a number of phases of advanced research. These phases represent knowledge above and beyond the base knowledge you gain while working on the first experiment and generally lead to improved efficiency, cost, or accuracy to the abilities provided by the base experiments.

In order to undertake advanced research into experiments, you must first complete the basic experiment. Then you must gain sufficient research credits to undertake the advanced research project. Finally, you must pay a coin cost for the materials needed for your project.

The costs for your advanced research project can be found by examining the information from <ratepowers>. For experiments in which you have completed basic research, ratepowers will report the phase you currently have completed, the number of phases in the experiment, and the research credit and coin cost for the next phase.

Note: The Gentech Research Council monitors the acts of all Gentech members, and has been reported to subsidize the monetary cost of advanced research for those who serve the guild well.

Once you have met the requirements for your advanced research project, you can undertake the project by returning to the Gentech experiment chambers and typing <commence power>, where power is the experiment you wish to do advanced research on. Like basic experimentation, advanced research is risky. However, the risks are substantially less than basic research. There are three outcomes:

(1) Success: Your research phase level increases as you gain detailed knowledge into advanced parts of the experiment.

(2) Failure: Your research is inconclusive. Although you have lost the coins and research credits necessary to start the advanced experiment, there are no negative effects.

(3) Total Failure: Your research leads you into a contradictory area of inquiry. Because of the false results, your new research actually pushes you backwards in progress. You lose your coins, your research credits, and your phase within the experiment decreases by one.

See also: Experiments, ratepowers

power list (general)

The following is a list of the powers in the guild and a short description about what each one does. To gain information about syntax and usage, as well as whether you should experiment for the power, please refer to each power's individual genhelp file.

Ionbeam I&II: Energy Attack Costs:PU
Ionlink: Enables Ionbeam every round
Ionfocus: Increase Ionbeam Efficiency
Synthorg: Togglable Blasters Costs:PU
DDB: Togglable damage power Costs:S/PU
Synergy: Coordinate Damage by Type
XXX Capacity: Add a damage type to DDB

Energy Field: Absorbs "physical" damage
Ferrous DNA: Increases AC
Tacshield: Improve Efield w/ Dam. Type
Life Support: Enhances energy field to absorb "special" damage
XXX Shielding: Add a damage type to TacShield
Efield Bubble: Extend Efield to other

Respirocytes/Cellular Regen: HP Regen
Neuronocytes/Neurologics: SP Regen
Adrenaline Rush: Heal HP in combat
Adrenaline Surge: Heal more HP
Meditation Field: Turn PU to SP
Concentration: Meditate in combat
Powercell: Regenerates SPU
Medkit I&II: Heal out of combat
Powercore/Metabolic Conversion: PU Regen
Medlink: Heal other players
Inf. Staff: Improve Infirm Eff
Medical Command:Required for C.M.O

Logistics/Tactics: +GXP
Workout Room: Gain Str/Con/Dex
Slot Reclaimation: Regain Lost Slot
Slot Purge: Remove a power/ free slot
Timeslide: Reset a room
Timescan: Track a rooms reset
Concentration: Meditate/Medkit in comb.
Clone: Grow a clone to carry things
Clone Combat: Allow Clone to attack
Clone Armor: Increase Clone AC
Clone Healing: Increase Clone Regen
Timeshift I&II: Increase Phys. Attacks
Tactical Enhancement: Increase GXP
Research I&II&III: Improve your Experimenting Success
Experiment Staff: Increase others Experimenting Success
Scientific Command: Required for C.S.O.

Genscan: Get info on a foes attack, defense, and GXP. Also gain info on weapons and armor.
Illuminate: Create light.

Rec-Chamber: reclaim SPU from corp
Remote CPC Conduit: Trans PU afar
Tripwire: Room activity monitor
Autorepair Gen/Tech: Slowly repair effs outside combat
Grav Inducer: create a tanking and noflee gravity well
Hologen: Hide from a MOB
Combat Bodyslide: Move to a MOB
Microforge: Repair a gun
Powerfeed: Transfer PU to a Gen
Powercell: Cause SPU to regen
Ship-Pilot: Pilot a dropship
Weapon Enhancement: Increase Weap. Durability
Armor Enhancement: Increase Armor Durability
Engineering Gen/Tech: Repair a Gens Efficiencies
Engineering Staff: Add Core Regen
Stabilize: Lock Efficiencies
Engineering Command: Required for C.E.

See also: gh files for each power.

powerslots (general)

Every Gentech member begins their career with a single power slot.

For every rank earned, you gain one additional powerslot.

This represents the amount of knowledge that you have accumulated through your ranks which allows you to gain experiments. Realize that there will always be more powers to pick from than available power slots. This means that you must choose wisely and decide on which path you wish to journey as a Gentech soldier. You have the choice to specialize in one branch of abilities or to mix together your own unique combination of offensive and defensive capabilities.

rank (general)

Your Rank is your level within the Gentech. There are 50 total ranks. Which rank you are at is determined by the amount of gexp you receive from your battles and uses of your Gentech powers. You may increase your rank when you have enough Gexp with T.A.L. in the guild advancement room. To do this type 'commence' there, and you will advance your rank. Increasing your rank increases the maximum number of Power Units you have, plus it raises your chances of completing an experiment successfully, and all of your powers increase in their usefulness.

See also: Guild Levels, GEXP, Research Credits

autocombat (general)

autocombat <command>
autocombat off

Autocombat allows you to perform a single non-guild command during each round of combat. Use <autocombat off> to clear your autocombat command string. Autocombat and autoguild can be used at the same time to control guild and non-guild actions, but they are independent. Clearing your autocombat does _not_ clear your autoguild.

Example: autocombat smile

Each round of combat, you will smile, instilling great fear in your enemies and impressing your allies with your limitless bravery. (NOT)

See also: pheal, autoguild

storage (general)

The Storage rooms are the key to the use of the various storage technologies of Gentech, including both the guild's storage facility and the guild store.

Guild Store: Your survival chances in the Realms can be vastly improved through items available in the Guild Store (both through the HQ outlet and through sub-outlets in each dropship). The basic items available upon include light sources, healing devices, and a backpack. Upon completion of the more advanced experiments you gain access to the Hologen, Medkits, and Grav Inducers.

Guild Storage Facility: Guild members may store items here for the use of support through guild experience and power points upon donation of items. Finally, the Gentech Research Council will subsidize the coin cost of advanced research projects based on the value of items you have donated.

NOTE: Either coins or subsidies can be used in the Guild Store. To switch between using coins and subsidies within Gentech facilities go to the ATM room within HQ and <switchsubs>.

NOTE: The number of items you can purchase at once is determined by your guild level.

See also: Items, Hologen, Grav Inducer


gsplit (command)

Syntax : gsplit <percentage>

The <gsplit> command allows you to determine how much of your earned guild experience should be retained and how much should go towards funding advanced research projects. The <percentage> argument specifies the percentage that should be retained, and must be an even multiple of 10 between 0 and 100.


gsplit 100: Specifies that all earned gexp should be credited towards research credits.
gsplit 50 : Specifies that earned gexp should be split in half, which half retained for progression to new glevels and half used for research credits.
gsplit 0 : Specifies that all earned gexp should be retained and no research credits should be accumulated.

See also: Phases, Guild Levels, GEXP, Research Credits

resign (command)

Syntax : resign from guild

The <resign> command will remove you from the Gentech guild. You must contribute all subsidies you have obtained as well as wait a mandatory five minute period.

This command is only available at the entrance to HQ.

See also: contribute

autoguild (command)

Syntax : autoguild <ability>

Autoguild is a toggle that turns on and off the execution of guild powers during each round of combat. Autoguild does some checking of powers (for instance, it will not activate energy field if you already have one active) but will attempt to activate powers which you do not have enough PU for. This is simply so that you see the low PU message and know that your PUs are out.

When autoguild says that a power is ENABLED, that means that it will be invoked (if it isn't already active) each round of combat. If the power is DISABLED, it will not be invoked and you must invoke it manually if you wish to use it.

Type <autoguild> all by itself to see a list of powers which are currently enabled.

The following powers can be controlled with autoguild:

o Surge
o Rush
o Edna
o Ionbeam
o Recharge
o Meditate
o Efield
o TShift
o Lsupp

See also: autocombat, pheal

autokill (command)

Syntax : autokill

To kill the first monster in your current location without having to type in its full name simply type 'autokill' and you will attack the first monster in your current room.

NOTE: Autokill will not work on invisible foes.

biaslock (command)

Syntax : biaslock

Biaslock programs your casing to lock-in your current battle bias adaptation. The lock remains until it is re-entered. This command is a toggle, so type the same command to turn it on or off.

See also: power areas, conform

color (command)

Syntax : color <variable> <color>

If you have an ANSI compatible terminal emulation, you can color many things in your Gentech experience. All guild members have two chat lines that they may listen to and color. You may color 'notify' or 'alpha'. Also, you may color hp, sp, or pu. This will color those variables on your hpbar. All format variables can be added to a color with a '+', such as RED+BOLD.

Example: colour sp blue

This will make your sp-now and sp-max on your hpbar blue.

Valid Colors:

Valid Formats:

The following is a list of variables you may colour:
Hitbar variables - <hp-now> <hp> <sp-now> <sp> <pu-now> <pu> <gen-eff> <tech-eff> <rc> <g2n> <tslide> <enemy> <hypergen> <hypergent>
Attack forms - <ddb> <synthorg> <ionbeam> <cstatus>
Healing powers - <meditate> <rush> <surge>
Warning messages - ie: <warning>, <efield>, <genscan>, <pheal>, <timescan>, and <reset>
Screen Settings - <page_heading>, <page_lines>, <page_titles> <page_text>

SPECIAL NOTE: To color guild chatlines, please see 'help chatlines' and 'help ansi' for more information.

Additional Note: The Gentech color system is going through a multi-year switch from the genset color system over to the mud ansi system. It is also recommended that you 'aset variable color' as well. Help ansi for more information.

See also: colour, genset


clones (experiment)

Note: There are no info files for clones, this file was written by Mugen with a screenshot from Martyr.

Clones require the clone experiment to gain one, then you must go to the clone chamber and <commence>. This will attempt to make your clone and they get 1 gxp per round of combat (this is listed as G2N on the <=gs> screen), all commands start with =. At the start of combat you have to <=call> your clone to come hit for you, upon reaching level 10 the clone will now follow you and you no longer need to call it every time. You will want to use <=akill on> and <=afollow on> to keep it in automatic combat. Eventually you can unlock more damage types and more hits per round, the clone levels up to level 50, then it starts working its way through the greek alphabet. "Evolution" is the % of reaching full power for the boot. "Max tier" is the largest the clone can ever be.

Screenshot of the Gentech's Beta Clone information when you type gs.

The below image took about 10 million rounds to max (with each % being about 100k rounds).
Screenshot of the Gentech's Upsilon Clone information when you type gs.
• autofollow is clone level 10
• 2 hits is 40
• aswap is epsilon
• 3 hits is kappa
• Inventory never changes
• autoswitch - unknown

voltage capacity (experiment)

Pre-Req: DDB Mastery (Phase 1)

Acquisition of the Voltage Capacity experiment increases the offensive capabilities of enhanced Dark Dense Bodies. This capacity allows your DDBs to generate attacks through many types of lightning and electrical damage. Voltage Capacity has ten phases, completion of each phase increases the amount of voltage energy which DDB will direct at an enemy.

See also: DDB, DDB Mastery, switchDDB

ablative tacshield (experiment)

Pre-Req: TacShield (Phase 1)

Under regular combat conditions, when a Gentech Energy Field encounters more than 16 direct assults against it within one combat round, it is overcome with attempting to compensate across multiple regions of the Energy Field sphere surface, and thus fails utterly leaving the Gentech soldier defenseless against the onslaught. Successful experimentation of Ablative TacShield enhances an Energy Field allowing the field to stay active under the more stressful conditions of situtations in which more than 16 hits are directed at it within one round. However, due to the severe limitations of an active Energy Field providing a defense under those conditions, the variance of the success of the Energy Field sphere intercepting the 17th or greater hit is extremely high, ranging from zero interception to 100% of the Energy Field's defensive capacity.

See also: Defense Systems, Energy Field, TacShield, Persistent TacShield

adaptive shielding (experiment)

Pre-Req: Tacshield Mastery

The last in the complement of Tactical Shielding, Adapative Shielding is both the most powerful and paradoxically the weakest of all of the Shielding types. Upon acquisition of Adapative Shielding, a Gentech can then switchshield to 'adaptive'. The adaptive algorithms that are added into the Tacshield Energy Field allow the shielding to sense the greatest type of damage that an enemy is directing at a Gentech and adapt to it, increasing the shielding against that type of damage, automatically. Adaptive Shields will choose the most optimium type of defensive shielding even if the enemy modulates its attack.

Note: Adaptive Shields are only able to utilize Tacshield types that you have already acquired. If you do not possess the optimium Tacshield type, then the Tacshield will choose the next best.

See also: Tacshield Mastery, Energy Field, switchshield, Experiment Tree

bladed shielding (experiment)

Pre-Req: TacShield (Phase 1)

Acquisition of the Bladed Shielding experiment increases the defensive capabilities of a TacShield enhanced Energy Field against all forms of Bladed attacks, including sharp and piercing objects.

See also: Defense Systems, Energy Field, TacShield Disruptive Shielding, setshield, switchshield.

defense systems (experiment)

The Defense Systems experiment combines introductory research in cellular adaptation and cellular energy absorption. This research is required as a basis for advanced experimentation in those two fields. Additionally, completion of this experiment and subsequent phasing, increases the effectiveness of natural body armor.

See also: Ferrous DNA, Energy Field

disruptive shielding (experiment)

Pre-Req: TacShield (Phase 1)

Acquisition of the Disruptive Shielding experiment increases the defensive capabilities of a TacShield enhanced Energy Field against all forms of disruptive attacks, including crushing, blunt and bludgoning objects. Disruptive Shielding has ten phases, completion of each phase increases the amount of disruptive energy which the energy field can absorb each round.

See also: Defense Systems, Energy Field, TacShield Bladed Shielding, setshield, switchshield.

energy field (experiment)

Syntax : efield <enhanced>
Pre-Req: Defense Systems (Phase 1)

One of the early tech research breakthroughs was the control of electro- magnetic energy fields. The Gentech were able to harness this control by channeling power into a perimeter energy field. These energy fields are able to protect the soldier within by absorbing some of the kinetic energy of an incoming attack and dissipating it. This experiment has ten phases, completion of each phase increases the amount of energy which the energy field can absorb each round.

Energy Field is a complement to the related defensive capabilities of Ferrous DNA and Life Support.

See also: efield, Defense Systems, Ferrous DNA, Life Support, Energy Field II, Energy Field III, Tacshield.

energy field ii (experiment)

Pre-Req: Energy Field (Phase 1)

Energy Field II increases the concentration and metrics of an Energy Field perimeter defense matrix. The increased density of the matrix allows it to remain active while using less energy per round. Energy Field II has ten phases, each phase increasing the per round power efficiency of all forms of Energy Fields.

See also: Defense Systems, Energy Field, TacShield, Life Support.

energy field iii (experiment)

Pre-Req: Energy Field II (Phase 1)

Energy Field III augments all forms of defensive Energy Fields by decreasing the base energy requirements of the perimeter field matrix. Energy Field III works in conjunction with Energy Field II to decrease the amount of power units required to power an energy field each round. Rumors have spread that the Tech Researchers have found that at higher phases of Energy Field II, and Energy Field III, a perimeter energy field matrix will acquire the ability to remain active just from the initial power unit input.

See also: Defense Systems, Energy Field, Energy Field II, TacShield, Life Support.

energy field bubble (experiment)

Pre-Req: Energy Field III syntax: bubble <target>

To enhance the effectiveness of the core Gentech attack squads, as well as augment all large force operations, the Gentech high command called for the advanced research that brought about the Energy Field Bubble. Once the Energy Field Bubble experiment has been completed, a Gentech is then able to extend an Energy Field matrix out from their primary perimeter, and envelope another person. The extended Field matrix will provide protection based on the phase of Energy Field Bubble, and the types (and phases) of Tacshields that the Gentech has researched. An Energy Field Bubble can be extended around any other player as well as most guild followers. The length of time that the bubble will last is also dependent upon the phase of Energy Field Bubble, as well as many of the core experiments within the Defensive Division.

Note: The Gentech must be present in the room with the target. If either the Gentech or the target leaves the room, the Energy Field Bubble will collapse.

See also: Defense Sytems, Energy Field, Energy Field II, Experiment Tree

enhanced shielding (experiment)

Pre-Req: TacShield (Phase 1)

Enhanced Shielding is the first of the higher TacShield type enabling experiments. With Enhanced Shielding, the TacShield absorbtion matrix is expanded to activate against more forms of TacShielding types, and so thus, more TacShield types become avaliable for experimentation.

See also: Defense Systems, Energy Field, TacShield, Thermal Shielding, Subkelvin Shielding, Oxidation Shielding, Toxin Shielding, setshield, TacShield Mastery. switchshield.

ferrous dna (experiment)

Pre-Req: Defense Systems (Phase 1)

The Ferrous DNA experiment allows you to explore the inner workings of your own DNA structure. Through selective replacement of certain of the hydrogen bonds between the double helix with light metals, the walls of resulting cells become stronger and more resistant to damage. At higher phases in the experimentation process, you will use more durable light metals, enhancing the life and strength of the resulting nucleic acid strings.

See also: edna, Energy Field

life support (experiment)

Syntax : efield enhanced
Pre-Req: TacShield

The Life Support experiment gives Gentech members the ability to enhance the support functions of their energy fields to provide for protection against super high energy attacks. With life support engaged and energy fields active, members are able to harmlessly dissipate attacks which would leave lesser guilds crippled and mangled.

Note: Life Support has no effect without an active TacShield shielding type setting.

See also: efield, Energy Field, Defense Systems, TacShield

oxidation shielding (experiment)

Pre-Req: Enhanced Shielding (Phase 1)

Acquisition of the Oxidation Shielding experiment increases the defensive capabilities of a TacShield enhanced Energy Field against all forms of oxidation attacks, including all forms of corrosive damage. Oxidation Shielding has ten phases, completion of each phase increases the amount of oxidative energy which the energy field can absorb each round.

See also: Defense Systems, Energy Field, TacShield, Enhanced Shielding, Thermal Shielding, Subkelvin Shielding, Toxin Shielding, setshield, switchshield.

persistent tacshield (experiment)

Pre-Req: Ablative TacShield (Phase 1)

Gentech battle-scientists long strove to provide a defensive capability to the front-line soldiers in their effort to survive against the Cyber war-machine's long-held ability to direct massive and multiple sustained bursts of energy attacks. The basic core of the Gentech defense division is built around the powerful-yet-flexible abilities of Energy Field. However, when faced with more than 16 attacks directed at a specific soldier's Energy Field the energy sphere is overcome with attempting to compensate across its entire surface and fails.

After successful experimentation of Persistent TacShield, for every phase of the power, a Gentech soldier's Energy Field is reinforced to compensate for one more attack per phase over 16, allowing the Energy Field to operate normally until the new maximum number of hits is reached. At that point Energy Field will become highly variable, rather than failing completely, due to the Gentech already possessing the pre-requisite, Ablative TacShield.

See also: Defense Systems, Energy Field, TacShield, Ablative TacShield

psionic shielding (experiment)

Pre-Req: TacShield Mastery (Phase 1)

Acquisition of the Psionic Shielding experiment increases the defensive capabilities of a TacShield enhanced Energy Field against all forms of psionic attacks, including mental based attacks. Psionic Shielding has ten phases, completion of each phase increases the amount of psionic energy which the energy field can absorb each round.

See also: Defense Systems, Energy Field, TacShield, Enhanced Shielding, TacShield Mastery, Sonic Shielding, Valence Shielding, Voltage Shielding, setshield, switchshield.

tacshield (experiment)

Pre-Req: Energy Field (Phase 1)

The Tactical Shield (TacShield) is one of the more recent technological discoveries of the Gentech. Gleaning information from captured cybernetic systems, the Gentech were able to augment their energy field technology with systems that could absorb multiple types of energies. Once the TacShield experiment is complete, the Tactical Shield energy matrix is automatically applied to all perimeter energy fields. TacShield has ten phases, with each phase increasing its effectiveness.

Note, that with the completion of TacShield, specific shielding types become avaliable for research. Through much effort by Gentech scientists, it has been discovered that possessing any specific shielding type increases the effectiveness of the TacShield, and thus an Energy Field, ten fold.

See also: Defense Systems, Energy Field, Enhanced Shielding, Bladed Shielding, Disruptive Shielding, setshield, switchshield, Ablative TacShield, Persistent TacShield

tacshield mastery (experiment)

Pre-Req: Enhanced TacShield (Phase 1)

TacShield Mastery is the last of the higher TacShield type enabling experiments. With TacShield Mastery, the TacShield absorbtion matrix is expanded to activate against all forms of TacShielding types, and so all TacShield types become avaliable for experimentation.

See also: Defense Systems, Energy Field, TacShield, Enhanced Shielding, Psionic Shielding, Sonic Shielding, Valence Shielding, Voltage Shielding, Adaptive Shielding, setshield, switchshield.

thermal shielding (experiment)

Pre-Req: Enhanced Shielding (Phase 1)

Acquisition of the Thermal Shielding experiment increases the defensive capabilities of a TacShield enhanced Energy Field against all forms of thermal attacks, including infared, thermal heating and fire based attacks. Thermal Shielding has ten phases, completion of each phase increases the amount of thermal energy which the energy field can absorb each round.

See also: Defense Systems, Energy Field, TacShield, Enhanced Shielding, Subkelvin Shielding, Oxidation Shielding, Toxin Shielding, setshield, switchshield.

toxin shielding (experiment)

Pre-Req: Enhanced Shielding (Phase 1)

Acquisition of the Toxin Shielding experiment increases the defensive capabilities of a TacShield enhanced Energy Field against all forms of toxin attacks, including differing forms of poison, disease, sickness. Toxin Shielding has ten phases, completion of each phase increases the amount of toxic energy which the energy field can absorb each round.

See also: Defense Systems, Energy Field, TacShield, Enhanced Shielding, Thermal Shielding, Subkelvin Shielding, Oxidation Shielding, setshield, switchshield.

sonic shielding (experiment)

Pre-Req: TacShield Mastery (Phase 1)

Acquisition of the Sonic Shielding experiment increases the defensive capabilities of a TacShield enhanced Energy Field against all forms of sonic attacks, including many types of sound based and cellular disruption type attacks. Sonic Shielding has ten phases, completion of each phase increases the amount of sonic energy which the energy field can absorb each round.

See also: Defense Systems, Energy Field, TacShield, Enhanced Shielding, TacShield Mastery, Psionic Shielding, Valence Shielding, Voltage Shielding, setshield, switchshield.

Subkelvin shielding (experiment)

Pre-Req: Enhanced Shielding (Phase 1)

Acquisition of the Subkelvin Shielding experiment increases the defensive capabilities of a TacShield enhanced Energy Field against all forms of subkelvin attacks, including freezing, frost and cold based attacks. Subkelvin Shielding has ten phases, completion of each phase increases the amount of subkelvin energy which the energy field can absorb each round.

See also: Defense Systems, Energy Field, TacShield, Enhanced Shielding, Thermal Shielding, Oxidation Shielding, Toxin Shielding, setshield, switchshield.

valence shielding (experiment)

Pre-Req: TacShield Mastery (Phase 1)

Acquisition of the Valence Shielding experiment increases the defensive capabilities of a TacShield enhanced Energy Field against all forms of valence attacks, including differing types of EM-pulse and nucleonic radation based attacks. Valence Shielding has ten phases, completion of each phase increases the amount of valenic energy which the energy field can absorb each round.

See also: Defense Systems, Energy Field, TacShield, Enhanced Shielding, TacShield Mastery, Psionic Shielding, Sonic Shielding, Voltage Shielding, setshield, switchshield.

adrenaline rush (experiment)

Pre-Req: Biochem Analysis

The Adrenaline Rush experiment gives you the ability to harness the vast power of your adrenaline system to elevate your hormonal levels during combat. The net effect is to increase your health during each round of combat for a short period.

This experiment has ten phases. Each successive phase increases the strength of the adrenaline rush as well as the duration of its effects.

See also: rush, adrenaline surge, medkit

adrenaline surge (experiment)

Pre-Req: Biochem Enhancement

The greatest powers of the Gentech are your genetic abilities. Adrenaline Surge allows you to mentally regulate your body's own adrenaline output flow. By forced adrenal emissions, you can release adrenaline directly into your bloodstream, yielding a temporary increase in body vitality. This experiment has ten phases, each successive phase allows your vital systems to bear a greater influx of adrenaline, yielding higher healing strength.

See also: Biochem Analysis, Adrenaline Rush, surge, rush

biochem analysis (experiment)

The first of the Medical Class core experiments, Biochem Analysis focuses on the cellular and system level reconstructive processes of the human body. Knowledge gained during this research experiment is directly pertinent to research for later healing experiments.

See also: Biochem Enhancement, Biochem Mastery, Class, Experiment Tree

biochem enhancement (experiment)

Pre-Req: Biochem Analysis

The second of the Medical Class core experiments, Biochem Enhancement opens up avenues of research that better allow a Gentech to govern the complex energy forces that flow through a soldier, as well as the energies of others. Knowledge gained during this research experiment is directly pertinent to research for earlier and later healing experiments.

See also: Biochem Analysis, Biochem Mastery, Class, Experiment Tree

biochem mastery (experiment)

Pre-Req: Biochem Enhancement

The final Medical Class core experiment, Biochem Mastery allows a Gentech research the most complex and advanced experiments available to the Medical Class. The advanced healing capablities of these experiments enhance the power of not only the Gentech possessing them, but also the entire guild. Knowledge gained in researching this experiment is directly pertinent to research for earlier and later healing experiments.

See also: Biochem Analysis, Biochem Enhancement, Class, Experiment Tree

cellular regen (experiment)

Pre-Req: Biochem Mastery

A long held Gentech genetic modification of the advanced ranks of the Gentech Battleforce, Cellular Regeneration is the modification of each cell's genome to increase the healing ability of each cell. White blood cell counts are increased, and major stem cell lineages are remolded and deployed to strategic locations through- out the body. These changes all lead to a increased ability to heal hit points. Increased phases of Cellular Regen enhances the healing effect.

Note: Cellular Regen will automatically provide a healing benefit, no Power Units are required.

See also: Biochem Mastery, Respirocytes

infirmary staff (experiment)

Pre-Req: Biochem Mastery

As a Gentech's knowledge of phyiscal medicine increases through studies within the Medical Class, the Infirmary Staff experiment then becomes available for research. Once researched, the Gentech medic is then able to go 'on staff' within any of the guild Infirmaries, both within HQ and the dropships. Being on staff brings an added amount of expertise from the Gentech staffing the infirmary, and thus all rates of healing are increased within the infirmary, without any greater cost to CPC. Each phase of Infirmary Staff increases the efficiency of infirmary healing rates when the Gentech is 'on staff'.

To go 'on staff', go to an infirmary and type <staff infirmary>. You will recieve a message as to the healing rates and then you will be on staff. Please note that your staffing ends if you leave the infirmary.

See also: Infirmary

meditation field (experiment)

Pre-Req: Biochem Enhancement

The intense psychokinetic abilities of the Gentech are remnants of the mental enhancements of the early Gen soldiers. These enhancements provided the soldier abilities to control his surroundings and his body through the intricate abilities of his mind.

With Meditation Field, you can raise a field of very pure energy around your body, which blocks out the distractions of your current environment long enough for you to commune with the inner workings of your mind and regain lost mental energies in the form of Spell Points. Due to the high amount of concentration that this power takes, it may normally only be activated outside of combat.

The Meditation Field experiment has ten phases. Each phase gives greater mental control and the ability to heal to a higher percentage of your maximum mental energy.

See also: Biochem Analysis, Concentration, meditate

medkit (experiment)

Pre-Req: Biochem Enhancement

Crucial to both sides in the Gen/Cyber war, the Medkit was used to heal many wounds outside of combat. The small device is able to scan and detect major and minor injuries and then form a narrow band energy field around the damaged tissue. This speeds up the local area metabolism and heals the wound quickly and painlessly, usually leaving no scars. The Medkit experiment has ten phases, each phase increases your competence with the Medkit and allows you to diagnose and heal more severe wounds.

The MedLink experiment allows you to refine your knowledge of the Medkit to use on other sentients.

Note: Medkits can be purchased at HQ storage or within a Dropship. The total number of Medkits you currently have is displayed within your Genscore.

See also: Medkit II, MedLink

medkit ii (experiment)

Pre-Req: Medkit

Medkit II increases a Gentech's overall knowledge and abilities performing battlefield medical response operations. Each phase of Medkit II enhances the amount of healing that is accomplished with the use of each medkit purchased.

See also: Medkit, MedLink

medical command (experiment)

Pre-Req: Biochem Mastery

To lead is to serve. To serve is to lead.

The role of the Chief Medical Officer is to serve the Gentech Battleforce as the main command node for all of the Medical Class. In this capacity, the Chief Medical Officer leads through example as well as direct command of his or her class. The current Chief Medical Officer is appointed by the High Commander and remains in that position by the direct order of the High Commander.

To be eligible to be appointed as the Chief Medical Officer, you must have successfully researched Medical Command. Once appointed, the entire Medical Class will receive a bonus to all Medical Class powers whenever you are onboard HQ. The degree of the bonus is directly dependent upon the phase of the Medical Command experiment. The bonus is reflected within the 'standing' command.

Once appointed as Chief Medical Officer, you will be in direct command of the Medical Class. All Gentech soldiers will look to your leadership in this area, and the Medical Class will be yours to command as you see fit.

Note: If you are not positive that you will be appointed the Chief Medical Officer, it will do you no good to get Medical Command, since it gives no benefit unless you are the Chief Medical Officer.

See also: Biochem Mastery, Standing, Command, Class

metabolic conversion (experiment)

Pre-Req: Biochem Mastery

Mitochondria, deep within the cytoplasm of all eukaryotic cells, continually sever the molecular bonds that hold oligosaccharides together, capturing the released energy and storing it in the form of chemical energy known as adenosine triphosphate, ATP. Remnants of an ancient parasitic attack on the primordial lithotroph, mitochondria continually harness ATP through a complicated series of enzymatic steps. The mitochondria within the cells of all Gentech operate at an accelerated metabolic rate, generating ten times the normal amount of ATP. This excess ATP is used by the battleforce to supply energy to many of the powers offered by advanced research. Metabolic Conversion increases the flow of ATP across the plasma membrane of a Gentech's cells, and into the lower arm casing, where it is converted immediately into Power Units. Increased phases of Metabolic Conversion enhance the ATP transfer into the lower arm casing.

Note: Metabolic Conversion will automatically provide a Power Unit benefit, no Power Units are required.

See also: Biochem Mastery, Powercore

Neurologics (experiment)

Pre-Req: Biochem Mastery

Even at the advanced stages of Gentech research, the human mind remained as one of the last great frontiers of research to be totally explored and mapped. Even so, experiments into the inner workings of the glial cells and their complex dendridic neural junctions was very far advanced. The Neurologics experiment increases the rate of dopamine and seratonin transfer levels at the dendridic connections between neurons within the brain. This increased cellular communication greatly increases the rate at which mental power is regained, reflected within a Gentech's spell points. Increased phases of Neurologics will grant greater control over the cerebral neurons, enhancing the amount of regeneration of spell points.

Note: Neurologics will automatically provide a healing benefit, no Power Units are required.

See also: Biochem Mastery, Neuronocytes

neuronocytes (experiment)

Pre-Req: Biochem Analysis

The artificial neuron or "neuronocyte" is a cranial implanted spherical 1-micron diamondoid 500 milliamp vessel with active sodium and potasium ion pumping powered by endogenous serum glucose, able to respond to a threshold neural stimulus 583 times faster than a human neuron and manage multiple chemical interchanges at the dendritic junction. An onboard nanocomputer and numerous chemical and pressure sensors enable complex device behaviors automatically programmed by the a Gentech's lower arm casing. Completion of the Neuronocyte experiment implants many neuronocytes into the brain. Increased phases of the Neuronocyte experiment will subsequently increase the overall number of neuronocytes in the brain, as well as the number of dendritic connections throughout the cerebellum.

Note: Neuronocytes will automatically provide a mental benefit by healing some of a Gentech's spell points each round. No action is required.

See also: Biochem Analysis

neurotoxins (experiment)

Pre-Req: Biological Warfare

The Neurotoxins Experiment brings mastery of the shells and weaponry used with the Gas Cannon sold in the store. Note that the Storage Experiment is also required in order to buy items from the store.

See also: Biological Warfare, Storage, Gas Cannon

weapon enhancement (experiment)

Syntax : enhance <weapon>
Cost : 100 * phase PU & 1000 coins per phase per use.
Research: weapon enhancement (phase 1)

Pre-req: Engineering Mastery

Bio-organic Weapon Enhancement. Akin to armour enhancement, weapon enhancement uses the same specially engineered microbes contained in E-capsules. These microbes have been engineered to bond to weapons and create an enhanced surface matrix, which adds to the total durability of the weapon. This addition adds significantly to a weapon's durability and allows it to last longer in combat before it breaks. If a weapon has previously been enhanced, instability of the microbes bonding on top of one another will prevent you from enhancing that weapon again until the protective surface matrix has been worn away and the weapon is in less than perfect condition.

Please refer to armour enhancement for more information on E-capsules.

Note: There are some types of weapons that have surfaces which resist the adherance of the microbes and thus can not be enhanced. Also, you can not enhance a weapon that is genwielded or enchanted.

See also: Engineering Mastery, Armour Enhancement, genstat

command ai (experiment)

Pre-req: None

In the great war, the Gentech battle council has used all tools at its disposal to prosecute the most efficient battle operation possible. This has included the integration of AIs that have defected from the TechnoCore. These AIs are able to better control the tech oriented Gentech operations, including Command communication and control.

To gain access to the high security upper level nodal AIs, a Gentech soldier must successfully gain the Command AI experiment and be elected to High Commander. Once this has occured, access to the Command AI is opened, and most minor command system operations can then be efficiently maintained by the AI, freeing the High Commander for the more important details of leadership.

The Command AI is dispatched only to the Division of the High Commander. The improved operational control of the Command AI provides a slight increase in the output of all major Division abilities, but only to the Division of the High Commander, the opposing Division receives no increase. The High Commander's phase in Command AI determines the efficiency of the AI.

Note: A Gentech's casing will only uplink to HQ and download a Command AI protocol once per reset. If the High Commander is not online during a Gentech's reset, no protocol will commence.

Note: If you are not running for election to High Commander the Command AI experiment will provide no benefit, since it only affects the High Commander.

See also: standing, command, admin, division


version (information)

Gentech Guild Code: Version 2.5
Gentech Power Base: Version 6.0
Gentech Storyline: Version 2.0

Original Gentech Concept: Pistil

Gentech Code Base and Development: Pistil, Kinslayer
Additional Development: Alayna, Blackstaff

The Gentech guild including story, theme, code, and name are Copyrighted, 1994,1996,2002: A.J. Bowers


backpack (item)

There are currently two types of backpacks which can now be purchased from the guild store. An autostacking backpack and a nonstacking backpack.

The nonstacking backpack is a durable all-weather backpack. Although it does not have many of the additional features found with the autostacking backpack, it is capable of holding a generous amount of items at a considerably lower cost.

Like the nonstacking backpack, the autostacking backpack may be purchased from the guild store and can hold a large amount of items. The Backpack also has the feature of being able to retrieve items from the ground through the use of its built in robotic enhancements and the 'stack' command.

Both backpacks have the following commands:

rename: allows you to give the backpack a personal alias,
clearname: clears the name of the backpack

In addition to the above commands, the autostacking backpack has the following features:

stack: picks up all items from the ground,
unstack: removes all items from your packs,
vend: allows you to sell everything in your pack

See also: Storage

flashlight (item)

There are two flashlights available in the guild stores. Each contain a certain charge, the extended-life flashlight contains the longest charge and so obviously lasts the longest. Flashlights can not be recharged.

See also: Storage

gravity well inducer (item)

Syntax : grav, recharge
Pre-req: Grav Inducer

The gravity well inducer is the item which performs the power obtained by the grav inducer experiment. The inducer will help to stop the attacks of an oncoming enemy. The inducer only needs to be bought once, since it can be recharged using the Power Units present in your lower arm casing.

See also: Grav Inducer, Storage

nanolab (item)

Syntax : Isolate <enemy name>

The DNA Nanolab Isolation Module can be purchased from the Guild Store by any Gentech of Elite status or higher. This tiny 'Lab-on-a-chip' allows a Gentech to isolate the DNA of an enemy by scanning the immediate area and collecting sloughed off cell samples. Once the cellular material is collected, the Nanolab automatically isolates and purifies the DNA of the selected target.

DNA isolated within the Nanolab contains all of the specifications of the target, providing a sample of its essence for use by other guilds, namely Mages.

Rumors have recently emerged that Gen-Scientists have been working on other uses of the isolated DNA.

See also: DNA Splicing, Storage

plasma grenade (item)

Syntax : throw

The plasma grenade can be bought from the guild store, and is a standard issue plasma grenade. These grenades can be used to strike at an enemy who is in an adjacent room through the use of the 'throw' command.

See also: Storage


arsenal (location)

The arsenal is a small room in which all manner of weapons and armours, which were brought back from the 40th century, are stored. These items can be bought and used by any Gentech and reflect the parameters of the generic equipment that is available at the Smithy in Pinnacle.

NOTE: Either coins or subsidies can be used in the Guild Store and Arsenal. To switch between using coins and subsidies within Gentech facilities go to the ATM room within HQ and <switchsubs>.

infirmary (location)

The infirmary is a small room in which gentech soldiers can be treated for all kinds of wounds. This 40th century treatment greatly aids in the healing of the gentech soldier. It can be started by going and using the machines in the infirmary by typing: admit myself.

The infirmary can also be found on dropships, as it was instrumental that gentech soldiers received this added healing close to the front lines.

Cost Requirements

Click on the buttons below to see cost requirements for various aspects of the Gentech guild.

At every guild level, you are able to pick a new power (some powers have pre-requisites).
Guild Level Gxp
 01 0 0
 02 27000 27,000
 03 42000 69,000
 04 73200 142,200
 05 162000 304,200
 06 345600 649,800
 07 711900 1,361,700
 08 1440000 2,801,700
 09 3186000 5,987,700
 10 5634000 11,621,700
 11 2706000 14,327,700
 12 3273000 17,600,700
 13 3957000 21,557,700
 14 4785000 26,342,700
 15 5781000 32,123,700
 16 6990000 39,113,700
 17 8451000 47,564,700
 18 10218000 57,782,700
 19 12348000 70,130,700
 20 14931000 85,061,700
 21 10292000 95,353,700
 22 7084000 102,437,700
 23 9960000 112,397,700
 24 10914000 123,311,700
 25 11961000 135,272,700
 26 13107000 148,379,700
 27 14367000 162,746,700
 28 15747000 178,493,700
 29 17256000 195,749,700
 30 18912000 214,661,700
 31 13077000 227,738,700
 32 13869000 241,607,700
 33 14706000 256,313,700
 34 15600000 271,913,700
 35 16542000 288,455,700
 36 17544000 305,999,700
 37 18606000 324,605,700
 38 19734000 344,339,700
 39 20928000 365,267,700
 40 22194000 387,461,700
 41 20376000 407,837,700
 42 21447000 429,284,700
 43 22569000 451,853,700
 44 23751000 475,604,700
 45 24996000 500,600,700
 46 26307000 526,907,700
 47 27684000 554,591,700
 48 29136000 583,727,700
 49 30663000 614,390,700
 50 35609300 650,000,000
* possible to get this phase for free from a double phase (see research ii)
Phase Level Cost in Research Credits
 Phase 1 Automatic
 Phase 2 48,000
 Phase 3*102,000
 Phase 4*216,000
 Phase 5*444,000
 Phase 6*936,000
 Phase 71,920,000
 Phase 84,080,000
 Phase 98,400,000
 Phase 1016,800,000

Gaidin's Note: Remember, just because you can afford to phase a particular experiment doesn't mean you should. Read the genhelp files carefully to ensure that increasing the phase doesn't increase the cost beyond what you can cover.

Echelons to
reach this Order
Insignia Title
0 0 0 < > Terran Insurgent
1 20 20 * Technocore Insurgent
2 40 60 <*> Speaker for the Barren Wastes
3 62 122 <<*>> Leader of the Ruined Systems
4 86 208 *** Professor of Cellular Integration
5 112 320 <***> Dominator of the Disputed Border
6 139 459 <<***>> Guardian of the Battle Worlds
7 168 627 ***** Administrator of Quantum Manipulation
8 198 825 ******* Defender of the Nomad Cluster
9 229 1054 :*: Champion of the Demon Planets
10265 1319 <:*:> Professor of Molecular Displacement
11298 1617 <<:*:>> Defender of the Blasted Darkness
12334 1951 ::*:: Master of Genomic Displacement
13397 2348 |*| Guardian of the Beyond
14415 2763 <|*|> Guardian of Beyond the Beyond
15463 3226 <<|*|>> Overseer of Spatial Displacement
16507 3733 ||*|| Leader of the Galactic Frontier
17557 4290 -*- Defender of the Outer Rim
18605 4895 <-*-> Head of Temporal Displacement
19648 5543 <<-*->> Master of the Galactic Core
20697 6240 --*-- Chief of Terrangenetics
21725 6965 =*= Champion of the Golden Systems
22779 7744 <=*=> Director of Xenogenetics
23822 8566 <<=*=>> Instigator of the Wastelands
24853 9419 ==*== Moderator of the Battlefields
25883 10302 ===*=== Leader of Fallen Stars
26916 11218 ^ Pilgrim of the Core
27948 12166 <^> Chief of Orbital Bombardment
28982 13148 <<^>> Commodore of the Clone Clusters
291015 14163 *^* Executive of the Cloud Core
301269 15432 <*^*> Head of Tech Insurgents
311348 16780 <<*^*>> Director of Gen Brigades
32??? ??? **^** Umpire of Galactic Embroilment
33??? ??? ***^*** Master of the Spatial Alliance
34??? ??? :^: Head of the Galactic Union
35??? ??? <:^:> Pathfinder for Wasted Lands
36??? ??? <<:^:>> Sovereign of the Space Continuum
37??? ??? ::^:: Director of Clones
38??? ??? |^| Inquisitor of the Blasted Rims
39??? ??? <|^|> Operator of Tech Ruins
40??? ??? <<|^|>> Commander of the Datavault
41??? ??? ||^|| Supervisor of the Genetic Code
42??? ??? -^- Assessor of Lost Worlds
43??? ??? <-^-> Umpire of the Barren Ruins
44??? ??? <<-^->> Settler of Galactic Disputes
45??? ??? --^-- Adjudicator of Worlds
46??? ??? =^= Prime of the First
47??? ??? <=^=> Terran Pathfinder
48??? ??? <<=^=>> Terran Resurgent
49??? ??? ==^== Terran Ascendant
50??? ??? ===^=== Terran Prime

Skill Tree Chart

Click on the buttons below to see the various skills you can choose within Gentech.