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<questlist 1> / <questlist marbles>

The Great Marble Quest

Peeron has wandered Three Kingdoms since its most rudimentary days. In this time; he has witnessed many great wonders of creation and imparted a bit of his self into nearly every land imaginable. Unfortunately; he exceeded his intellectual capacity to give and; as a result; is quite insane. For months now; fellow wizards have whispered about how Peeron has lost his marbles. Those who would call Peeron 'friend' now ask that you lend a hand in revitalizing his sanity. Hundreds of marbles lie strewn about the land of Three Kingdoms. Your quest is to discover their hidden locations and return them to Peeron's marble castle located in the plains of fantasy. For each successfully recovered marble; you will receive a one quest point bonus. Each type of marble can only be returned once by a single player. No marbles will exist in 'obvious' locations; discovery will require effort on the part of the adventurer. For Peeron's sanity; we wish you the best of luck.

Search throughout the Realms

Thinking : varies
Exploring : (15/10)
Fighting : varies

Quest Point Value : 1
Designed for Levels: 5+

Created by : Peeron
Once per Reboot : No

AREA NAME: Marble Castle [Peeron]

To Peeron's Castle from Fantasy: <portal, 12n, leave, 5n, 6e, enter, n, return marble>
Return to Fantasy: <s, leave, 6w, 5s, enter, 12s, portal>

Known Marbles: will be updated more as marble locations have been verified.

Click here to see marbles missing below.
#   Name

List of Marbles Found

Click on header to sort marbles by column... Click on marble name to expand for more information.

#   Name Location


From Fantasy: <portal, 12n, leave, 5n, 7e, 16n, enter>
Return to Fantasy: <leave, 4w, 3n, portal>

Jaffa's Lair [Caalan]
Monster class:





Map of Jaffa's Lair
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once in the area, locate Jaffa - <d, e, say hello>
    Jaffa says: Hello stranger. I hope you're not here to cause me any more troubles; I already have enough. Away with you!
  2. <say troubles>
    Jaffa lets out a sorrow-filled sigh.
    Jaffa says: Surely you cannot help me. I made a pact with a horrible twisted demon.
  3. <say demon>
    Jaffa's face begins to blaze with anger.
    Jaffa says: That damn demon tricked me into giving him my soul!
    Jaffa continues: I should not have listened to its twisted words.
  4. <say soul>
    Jaffa nods. Jaffa states: I can void the pact if I can get that contract and destroy it. But alas; I don't know where to begin looking.
  5. <say contract>
    Jaffa insists.
    Jaffa promises: I will reward you with knowledge if you can retrieve that contract for me; and save what's left of my dignity.
  6. <w, n, w, search walls, push wall, kill demon>
    27k : Devolgue Demon
  7. <search throne> - you should now have a scroll in your inventory
  8. At the end of this step, Jaffa will give you a book. Do NOT read this book as it will disappear once read - <s, e, s, e, give scroll to jaffa>
    Jaffa says: Wow! ___; you saved my soul!! Here; take this spell book; I have no need for it now. But; be careful with it; for it is quite old and delicate.

    Jaffa says: As a reward; I am entrusting this book to you; but it will be magically bound to you for your use only.

    Jaffa chants a magical phrase; waves a magical gesture; and the spell book glows. He then points a finger at ___; who glows for a second.

    Jaffa says: Thank you so much for saving my soul. Many centuries ago; I made a mistake. I have since suffered. But now; thanks to you; I may finally rest. Good-bye and thank-you!

    Jaffa chants a phrase; and vanishes in a cloud of smoke.
  9. <look at gem, twist gem clockwise>
  10. Return to Fantasy - <w, u, leave, 16s, 7w, 5s, enter, 12s, portal>

Fantasy, Jaffa's Lair


From Chaos: <enter> - Locate the roaming 'A Small ChaosBrand(tm) Television Set' - <turn knob> until you get to channel 2 <enter screen>
Return to Chaos: <n, enter, stairs, w, enter screen> and you'll be dropped off somewhere random inside Chaos

The Simpsons [Doh]
Monster class:





Map of Simpsons
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area - <4e, n, e, enter, e, n, kill skinner>
    18k : Principal Skinner
  2. <open drawer> - you should now have the Alabaster Marble in your inventory.
  3. Return to Chaos - <s, w, out, w, s, 4w, n, enter, stairs, w, enter screen>

Chaos, Simpsons


From Fantasy: <portal, 12w, leave, 4w, 11n, 5w, nw, sw, se, sw>
HM Directions: <portal wforest, nw, sw, se, sw>
Return to Fantasy: <ne, nw, ne, se, portal>

Alizarian Tower [Darrkin]
Monster class:





Map of Alizarian Tower and Forest
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area - <n, recite teleuteiu> ...wait
  2. <recite teleisthai> ...wait
  3. Once you enter the forest, all creatures are aggressive. By following the steps listed below, you should be able to locate the 4 ingredients and a jar within the forest.
    123k : Undead Ghost
    138k : Undead Lich
    137k : Undead Mummy
    154k : Undead Reaper
    142k : Undead Vampire
    137k : Undead Werebeast
  4. <e, n, ne, s, e, 3n, w, search tongue> - You should now have Adder's Tongue in your inventory
  5. <n, ne, 2n, search slope> ...wait
  6. <pick nightshade, climb hill>
  7. <nw, n, nw, w> - You're now in a cemetery where goldenrod grows (it's random though which gravestone it will be at).
  8. <search grass, search gravestone, search hole, pick goldenrod,> - if you did NOT find any, go to step 9, if you DID find it in this room, go <3w, n, nw> and skip to step 13.
  9. <w, search grass, search gravestone, search hole, pick goldenrod> - if you did NOT find any, go to step 10, if you DID find it in this room, go <2w, n, nw> and skip to step 13.
  10. <w, search grass, search gravestone, search hole, pick goldenrod> - if you did NOT find any, go to step 11, if you DID find it in this room, go <w, n, nw> and skip to step 13.
  11. <w, search grass, search gravestone, search hole, pick goldenrod> - if you did NOT find any, go to step 12, if you DID find it in this room, go <n, nw> and skip to step 13.
  12. <n, search grass, search gravestone, search hole, pick goldenrod> - hopefully you've found goldenrod by now and you can travel <nw>! (If you still haven't found goldenrod yet, continue searching the next row of gravestones and return to the room nw of here once you found it.)
  13. Get the jar, but leave the element inside the jar for now - <search grass, search gravestone, search hole, search cavity, get jar>
  14. <4e, s, e, ne, n, search branches, 2e, 3s, sw, se, 3s, e, 2n, ne, pick hemlock>
  15. Return to the Tower (directions will be broken up for ease)- <sw, 2s, w, 3n, nw, ne>
  16. <3n, 3w, s, sw, s, se, s, se>
  17. <2s, sw, s, e, 3s, w, n, sw, u>
  18. <s, 2w, n, put tongue on lyrra's left hand>
  19. <put hemlock in veilmont's left hand>
  20. <put nightshade in joica's left hand>
  21. <put goldenrod on tsumekah's left hand>
  22. Once you can see again, <s, 2e, n, u, s, 2w, step on switch, e, 3d>
  23. <3n>
  24. On this step, do not hesitate (you might want to just go ahead and string these two actions together) - <get element from jar, put element in depression>
  25. wait...... you should now have the marble in your inventory.
  26. Bring your marble to Peeron's Castle.

Fantasy, Alizarian Tower


From Fantasy: <portal, 12n, leave, 7n, 5e> (to get inside the Amethyst Tower, you need something with the name 'Amethyst' in your inventory, such as an Amethyst Ring.)
Return to Fantasy: <leave, 5w, 7s, enter, 12s, portal>

Amethyst Tower [Peeron]
Monster class:





Marble Instructions

  1. Travel to Cavemaw, from Fantasy - <portal, 12n, leave, 6n, 13w, cave>
  2. <d, search debris>
  3. <search debris again> - continue searching and you should have the Opal Marble in your inventory as well as a piece of amethyst.
  4. If you're stuck inside the cave, <stab membrane with glass> several times and it will spit you out, otherwise, travel <u, out>
  5. Visit the Amethyst Tower now - <18e, n, enter, get marble>
  6. Since Peeron's Castle is so close, travel <leave, 2s, e> to easily return it.
  7. Return to Fantasy (from Peeron's Castle): <6w, 5s, enter, 12s, portal>

NOTE: if you were unsuccessful at retrieving a piece of amethyst from Cavemaw, you can try the following directions:

  1. Go to Windraker Manor - from Fantasy, travel <portal, 7w, 3n, e, enter
  2. Locate Sherman Mandrake (he roams) - <s, w>. If he's not in this room, check one room north of here.
  3. <kill sherman>
    6k : Sherman Mandrake
  4. There is a chance that he will drop an amethyst ring. <get ring>
  5. Return to Fantasy - <e, n, exit, w, 3s, 7e, portal>
  6. Travel to Amethyst Tower - <portal, 12n, leave, 7n, 5e, enter, get marble>
  7. Since Peeron's Castle is so close, travel <leave, 2s, e> to easily return it.
  8. Return to Fantasy (from Peeron's Castle): <6w, 5s, enter, 12s, portal>

Fantasy, Amethyst Tower

Ametrine - An ametrine

From Chaos: <enter, 3w, 3n, d, cave, squeeze between stalagmites>
Return to Chaos: <n, ne, nw, n, ne, kill phish, eat head, enter hole, n, pull cord, 3s, 3e, vortex>

Otyugh Cave [Kintax]
Monster class:





Map of Otyugh Cave
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Directions from Chaos: <enter, 3w, 3n, d, cave, squeeze between stalagmites>
  2. Once inside the area, <n, ne, nw, n, jump dam, 2nw, sw, s, search body>. You should now have the marble in your inventory.
  3. Return to Chaos: <n, ne, 2se, jump dam, ne, nw, n, ne, kill phish, eat head, enter hole, n, pull cord, 3s, 3e, vortex>

Chaos, Otyugh Cave


From Fantasy: <7w, 8s, e, buy pass, charter ao>
Return to Fantasy: <board ferry, w, 8n, 7e>

Dragon Labyrinth [Rumor]
Monster class:





Map of Isle of Ao
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Requirement: You must have completed the Crystals of Ao quest in order to access this marble.
  2. Directions from Fantasy: <7w, 8s, e, buy pass, charter ao>
  3. Once inside the area, <2se, 2e, se, enter, 2n, nw, n, search pebbles>. You should now have a marble in your inventory.
  4. Return to Fantasy: <s, se, 2s, exit, nw, 2w, 2nw, board ferry> ...wait <w, 8n, 7e, portal>

Fantasy, Dragon Labyrinth


From Chaos: <enter, 4w, e, n, w, push fence>
Return to Chaos: <push fence, e, s, 2w, 3e, vortex>

Summerset Warrens [Miyurachi]
Monster class:





Map of Summerset Warrens
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Directions from Chaos: <enter, 4w, e, n, w, push fence>
  2. Once inside the area, <3n, 3e, search reeds>
  3. <ride board>
  4. <4e, 5n, 3e, 6s, 3e>
  5. <3n, 2e, n, e, 5n>
  6. <lift bar, enter barn>
  7. <reposition hay, s, beat blankets>
  8. <get brush, n, brush horse>
  9. <get bag, open bag>
Return to Chaos:
  1. <out, 5s, w, s, 2w, 3s>
  2. <3w, 6n, 3w, 5s, 4w>
  3. <search reeds, ride board>
  4. <3w, 3s, push fence, e, s, 2w, 3e, vortex>

Chaos, Summerset Warrens


From Fantasy: <portal, 15e, leave, 15e, 6n, enter>
Return to Fantasy: <leave, s, 4w, portal>

Forest Cottage [Pistil]
Monster class:





Map of Forest Cottage
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <4e, n, enter, kill barrett>
    15k : Barrett, Woodsman of the Forest
  2. <n, nw, d, s, kill rogue>
    37k : Rogue of the Forest
  3. <search mousehole> - if you do not grab the marble the first time, you may need to search again
  4. Once you've grabbed the marble, return to Fantasy. <n, u, out, s, leave, 4w, s, portal>

Fantasy, Forest Cottage


From Fantasy: <portal, 7w, 3s, 2w, s>
Return to Fantasy: <n, 2e, 3n, 7e, portal>

Kourlyn Temple [Ryft]
Monster class:





Map of Kourlyn Temple
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, <search candles>
  2. Return to Fantasy <n, 2e, 3n, 7e, portal>

Fantasy, Kourlyn Temple

Arsenic - A clump of arsenic

From Fantasy: <portal, 12n, leave, 10n, 10w, nw, w>
Return to Fantasy: <e, se, portal>

Orc Village [Skinless]
Monster class:





Map of Orc Village
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once in the area, travel <s, sw, 3w, n>
  2. <look at jars, empty jar>
    Many jars; filled with everything from brains to herbs fill the shelves which surround the room. All of the jars are tightly sealed except for one particular jar; which does not have a lid on it.

    You dump out the contents of the jar; and a clump of arsenic lands in your hands.
  3. Return to Fantasy, <s, 3e, ne, n, e, se, portal>

Fantasy, Orc Village


From Chaos: <enter, 3w, 3n>
Return to Chaos: <d, cave, 3s, 3e, vortex>

Electric Cave [Aserena]
Monster class:





Map of Electric Cave
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <d, n, search mist> - you should now have the marble in your inventory
  2. Return to Chaos, <s, cave, 3s, 3e, vortex>

Chaos, Electric Cave


From Chaos: <enter, 3e, 2s, 2e, n, 3e, s, 2w, s, gate>
Return to Chaos: <gate, n, 2e, n, 3w, s, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>

Happy Ed's Chinchilla Farm [Flaxen]
Monster class:





Map of Happy Ed's Chinchilla Farm
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <5e, 5n, enter, kill manager>
    26k : Manager
  2. <sit chair, search nook> - you should now have a marble in your inventory
  3. Return to Chaos, <out, 5s, 5w, gate, n, 2e, n, 3w, s, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>

Chaos, Happy Ed's Chinchilla Farm


From Fantasy: <portal, 12w, leave, 8w, 4s>
HM Directions: <portal desert, s>
Return to Fantasy: <n, portal>

Ruins of an Old City [Johnny]
aka Desert Ruins
Monster class:





Map of Ruins of an Old City
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <2s, e, d, 6n, e, get stone>
  2. Continue to <get stone> 4 more times
  3. <e, search>
  4. Continue to <search> several times until you find the Beryl Marble.
  5. Return to Fantasy, <2w, 6s, u, w, 2n, portal>

Fantasy, Ruins of an Old City


From Fantasy: <portal, 15e, leave, 12e, 5n, w, s>
HM Directions: <portal eforest, s>
Return to Fantasy: <n, portal>

Ravenloft [Tensor]
Monster class:





Map of Ravenloft
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <s, sw, w, nw, enter mist, kill nightmare>
    96 : Nightmare
  2. <in, n, nw, n, ne, n, nw, n, ne, n, 10w>
  3. <s, 4sw, 6w, nw, n, enter carriage, say home> ...wait
    103k : A rotted skeleton
  4. <enter, enter, e, s, w, search organ, w, search figure> - you should now have the black marble in your inventory
  5. Return to Fantasy: <2e, n, w>
    Prepare to have 4 dragons swoop down upon you when you try to go west again. <w>
    <2w, say return> ...wait
    <s, se, 6e, 4ne, n, 10e>
    <s, sw, s, se, s, sw, s, se, s, enter mist> <e, n, portal>

Fantasy, Ravenloft

Blood - A drop of Miyu's blood

From Chaos: <enter> Find A strange boy wandering around Chaos, <trace symbol>
Return to Chaos: <left, right, 4forward, left, forward, right, forward, buy dose of reality> (when you leave Kyoto, it drops you off at wherever the boy wandered to)

Kyoto [Dozy]
Monster class:





Map of Kyoto
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Note: This marble seems to be a rare drop.
    <2forward, right, 7forward, right, 3forward, kill miyu>
    (class unknown)
  2. <get blood> - This is the marble.
    A drop of Miyu's blood
    About an inch in diameter and glows darkly.
  3. Return to Chaos: <backward, 3forward, left, 2forward, right, forward, right, forward, buy dose of reality>

See also: Quest #71, Miyu

Chaos, Kyoto


From Chaos: <enter, 3e, 2s, 2e, n, 3e, u>
Return to Chaos: <d, 2w, s, 2w, 2n, 2w, vortex>

OJ Cow [Bake]
Monster class:





Map of OJ Cow
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, <kill thief>
    class unknown
  2. <get crowboar, jimmy window, in, look at doors>
  3. <sw, search drain> - you pocket a Blue Marble.
  4. Return to Chaos: <ne, window, 2d, 3w, s, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>

Chaos, OJ Cow

Bone - Spherical Bone Shard

From Fantasy: <portal, 12n, leave, 8n, 4e, 6n, 9w, s, 2w, sw, trail, (enter)>
Return to Fantasy: <(s), trail, ne, 2e, n, portal>

Arcanarton [Cletus]
Monster class:





Map of Arcanarton
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. You'll encounter many aggressive enemies along this route - <2n, u, e, u, 2s, 3u>
  2. <kill arcanarton> a 2nd time. First time you kill Arcanarton should be for the Arcanarton quest (#15) - second time you kill him, you will find the Spherical Bone Shard. If you identify the shard, you'll see that it's the Bone Marble.
Spherical Bone Shard
This is a small spherical bone shard which was lopped off of Arcanarton's head just before he died the second time. Pretty gruesome.

See also: Quest #15, Arcanarton

Fantasy, Arcanarton


From Fantasy: <portal, 15e, leave, 11e, 9s, 2w, s, 3d, 3n, ne, d, 4e, s, e, s, e, s, 2e, 3s, search, vortex, kill dragon>

600k : Dragon

<sw, w>
Return to Fantasy: <climb, ne, vortex, 3n, 2w, n, w, n, w, n, 4w, u, sw, 3s, 3u, out, 2e, 9n, 11w, enter, 15w, portal>

Neutral Dragon Realms [Rastafan]
Monster class:





Map of Dragon Realms and Neutral Dragon Realms
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <w, 2n, w, s, w, s, w>
  2. <n, w, n, w, 2n, e, s>
  3. <2e, n, 6e, s, e, n, e>
  4. <2s, e, s, dig in crater> - you should now have the Brimstone marble
  5. Return to Fantasy: <n, w, 2n, w, s, w, n>
    <6w, s, 2w, n, w>
    <2s, e, s, e, s, e>
    <n, e, n, e, 2s, e>
    <climb, ne, vortex, 3n, 2w, n, w, n, w, n, 4w, u, sw, 3s, 3u, out, 2e, 9n, 11w, enter, 15w, portal>

See also: Quest #74, Dragon Shell

Fantasy, Neutral Dragon Realms


From Fantasy: <portal, 15e, leave, 6e, 5n, 3e, 8n, kill monk, n, (move closer)>
Return to Fantasy: <(ne, n, nw, turn back), 8s, 2e, portal>

Sea of Suffering [Zhaoyun]
Monster class:





Map of Shaolin Temple and the Sea of Suffering
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. <ne, n, nw, kill monk>
    14k : Jueyuan the captain of the monk guard
    17k : A skinny monk
    43k : A fat monk
  2. Perform this step, literally, 1,000 times. <search sands>
    TinTin shortcut: <#1000 search sands> - you should now have a bronze marble in your inventory.
    You search a thousandth time and are enlightened to find a small; bronze object.
  3. Return to Fantasy: <turn back, 8s, 2e, portal>

See also: Stat bonus available within the Shaolin Temple.

Fantasy, Sea of Suffering

Brown - A turd

From Science: <enter, u, 3e, d, e, path, 3n, 12e, road>
Return to Science: <n, 12w, 3s, path, w, u, 3w, d, out>

Atlanta [Cletus]
Monster class:





Map of Atlanta
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <road, s, 2e, n, e, 5n, 2w, 2n, e, n>
  2. <search toilet> - you should now have 'A turd' in your inventory.
  3. Return to Fantasy: <s, w, 2s, 2e, 5s, w, s, 2w, n>
    <12w, 3s, path, w, u, 3w, d, out>

See also: Quest #59, Shadowrun.

Lena sniffs and regards the marble with extreme distaste...

Science, Atlanta


From Chaos: <enter, 2s, open book, read book, read chapter 1, (say games, enter shoe)>
Return to Chaos: <(s), leave, 2n, vortex>

Old Woman in the Shoe [Foggie]
Monster class:





Map of Old Woman in the Shoe
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you've entered the shoe, <stairs, right, n, kill betsy>
    234 : Betsy
  2. <get bubbles, look at bubbles>
    Betsy's Bubbles
    A small plastic bottle of green bubbles. There is a label with instructions on the back of the bottle. There is a metal top that is used to keep the bubbles in their place.
  3. <look at label>
    Betsy's Bubbles
    1) Open bottle.
    2) Take wand from bottle.
    3) Dip wand in bottle. (get it nice and gooey)
    4) Blow bubble.
    5) Try and catch a bubble.
    When finished, place wand in bottle and close top.
  4. At this point, take your bottle of bubbles to Castle Peeron.
    <s, hallway, stairs, s, leave, 2n, vortex, s, w, 2s, w, s, 3w, portal, 12n, leave, 5n, 6e, enter, n>
  5. Now follow the instructions on the label (it's best if you string all of these together): <open bottle;take wand from bottle;dip wand in bottle;blow bubble;catch bubble;place wand in bottle;close top>
    You open the bottle of bubbles with little effort. The top dangles along the side of the bottle by a piece of string.

    You reach inside the bottle with your pointer finger and thumb and take the bubble wand out of the bottle.

    You dip the bubble wand into the bottle of bubbles. The wand is now covered with green gooey bubble liquid. You are ready to blow a bubble now!
    	oO'        'Oo
          O'         O    'O
         O                  O
         O                  O
         O                  O
          O.              .O
            oo.        .oo
    The bubble bursts as you clasp your hands around it.

    You place the wand inside the bottle.

    You twist the top securely onto the bottle.
  6. Continue the previous step until you see this flashing message - You catch the bubble!! It's so beautiful.
  7. Return the marble to Lena as soon as possible before it pops. <return marble>
    Lena says: Thank you for returning this beautiful marble!
    Important Note: This bottle can be used by other players too. Once you returned your marble, pass the bottle along so that everyone can have fun.

Chaos, Old Woman in the Shoe


From Fantasy: <portal, 12e, 2n, 4w, n, 4e, say forgery, give 1000 coins to skillot, 4w, s, 4e, 2s, 12w, 12n, leave, 10n, 7e, show identification to guard, enter>
Return to Fantasy: <leave, 17w, portal>

Momentory Keep [Peeron]
Monster class:





Map of Momentory Keep
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Prior to traveling to Momentory Keep, you'll need to visit Skillot the Forger. From Fantasy, travel <portal, 12e, 2n, 4w, n, 4e>
  2. <say forgery>
  3. <give 1000 coins to skillot> - You should now have 'Identification' in your inventory.
    This is an expertly crafted piece of fake ID. Made to fool even the most astute observer. The picture in it looks like Locrian. The seal of the Lord of Momentory Keep, also forged, completes the deception.
  4. Travel <4w, s, 4e, 2s, 12w, 12n, leave, 10n, 7e, enter>
  5. <show identification to guard>
  6. <enter, w, n, w, 4n, 2e, 2s, kill lord
    4k : Lord Furthe
    3k : Bodyguard
    2k : Bodyguard
    3k : Bodyguard
  7. <get cube>
    Glowing cube
    This is a small glowing cube. It is deep blue and opaque. It seems to almost pulse with life.
    It looks light.
  8. <give cube to statue 4>
    You gently place the cube into Perry's awaiting hand....
    The statue suddenly slides backwards, revealing a hidden bag!
    The bag is now in your inventory.

    A bag. There is something in it.
    This is extremely light, and might be bugged, please 'bug' it.
    It contains:
    A pile of gold coins.
    Burgundy Marble.
    Goblin's scroll.
  9. <get all from bag> - you should now have a marble in your inventory.
  10. Return to Fantasy: <2n, 2e, 4s, w, s, w, leave, 17w, portal>

Fantasy, Momentory Keep

Butterscotch - A piece of hard candy

From Science: <enter, u, 3e, d, e, path, 3n, 12e, road, s, 4e, 3s>
Return to Science: <3n, 4w, 2n, 12w, 3s, path, w, u, 3w, d, out>

ICU [Gogmagog]
Monster class:





Map of ICU
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

Note: If you have not completed the Caramel marble yet, it is suggested that you look over that one so that you can play the game of Solitaire while you wait for this Butterscotch marble.

  1. Once you're in the area, <stand in line> and wait (literally) 45 minutes.
    Clerk says: Papers, please.

    Clerk says: Where are your papers?

    Clerk says: How can I process your papers if you don't have any?

    Clerk says: Maybe you should come back after you've requested your papers from the Records department. Code qe-g438.
  2. Once inside the area, <w, request qe-g438>
    The clerk gives you some official-looking papers.

    These papers have the code qe-g438 across the top. They seem important.
    It looks light.
  3. <e, stand in line> and wait for another 45 minutes.
    Clerk says: Papers, please.

    Clerk says: These papers aren't stamped.

    Clerk says: How can I process your papers if they're not stamped?

    Clerk says: You'll need to request a stamp at Information Adjustments. Code ny-s348.
  4. <2e, request ny-s348>
    The clerk stamps your papers.
  5. <sign papers, w, stand in line> and wait for 45 minutes.
    You at last reach the front of the line.

    Clerk says: Papers, please.

    The clerk takes your papers.
    The clerk looks over your papers carefully.
    Clerk says: It seems your papers are in order.

    Clerk says: Have a good day.

    Clerk says: Take a candy on the way out if you'd like.
  6. <take candy> - This is the marble.
    You take a candy from the bowl.

    A piece of hard candy
    A round piece of hard butterscotch candy.
  7. Return to Science: <3n, 4w, 2n, 12w, 3s, path, w, u, 3w, d, out>
Lena says: I sure hope the line wasn't too long.

Science, ICU


From Fantasy: <portal, 7w, 8s, e, (buy pass), pay serinth> ...wait <3se, e, 5s, w, 4s, e, 3s, 7w, 9s, 7e, s, enter fort>
Return to Fantasy: <s, n, 7w, 9n, 7e, 3n, w, 4n, e, 5n, w, 3nw, board ferry> ...wait <w, 8n, 7e, portal>

Fort in the woods [Mischief]
Monster class:





Map of Fort in the Woods
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you're in the area, <3n, e, clean pen> - you should now have a canary marble in your inventory.
  2. Return to Fantasy: <w, 4s, n, 7w, 9n, 7e, 3n, w, 4n, e, 5n, w, 3nw, board ferry> ...wait <w, 8n, 7e, portal>

See also: Quest #61, Pub Crawl

Lena says: A canary marble! Thank you. Peeron's been looking for this one.

Fantasy, Fort in the Woods

Caramel - A large mars bar → A lump of gooey caramel

From Center of Town: <n, w, 2n, e, n> (enter)
Return to Center of Town: (vortex) <s, w, 2s, e, s>

Chaos [Mud]
Monster class:





Map of Chaos
Map of Realm

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you've entered the realm, travel <2w, deposit 50 coins>
    You deposit your coins into the machine and there is a faint clunking sound as the cards are dropped down into your hands.

    A deck of playing cards
    This is a small deck of playing cards. Each of the cards has a small picture of a pair of dice on the back. Your fingers almost twitch to "deal cards" and play a game or two of solitaire. If you don't know how, you could always type "help solitaire" for instructions. If you wish to get rid of the cards, just "toss" them away.
    It looks light.
  2. Play Solitaire, and win.
  3. Once you win, you will receive a piece of chocolate. <eat chocolate, look at wrapper, look at writing, look at terms>
  4. If the terms say TRY AGAIN, keep playing (and winning) the game of Solitaire until you can <look at terms> and it says WINNER.
  5. Once you have the WINNER wrapper, travel to Cancer's shop (one east of the Center of Town inside Pinnacle) and <redeem wrapper>

Solitaire Instructions



From Fantasy: <portal, 12n, leave, 5n, 6e, enter>
Return to Fantasy: <leave, 6w, 5s, enter, 12s, portal>

Marble Castle [Peeron]
Monster class:





Map of Marble Castle
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you're in the area, <search tapestry 5> - you should now have a Cerulean marble in your inventory.
  2. <n, return marble>
  3. Return to Fantasy: <s, leave, 6w, 5s, enter, 12s, portal>

Fantasy, Marble Castle


From Chaos: <enter, 3e, 2s, ride cow>
Return to Chaos: <path, 2n, 3w, vortex>

CowVille [Stelari]
Monster class:





Map of CowVille
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <6n, e, open gate, 3e, se, n, kill rascal>
    Note: Rascal does not always have the chalk; if this happens, kill others until you get the chalk.
  2. <get chalk>
  3. Buy a milkshake at the Queen's Hoof (directions from Rascal) - <s, nw, 2w, open gate, 2w, 3n, buy milkshake>
  4. Locate Bromide - <s, ne, 2e, enter (hidden exit), say hi>
  5. <say help>
  6. <say yes>
  7. <search paper, read note, exit, 2w, sw, 3s, buy pie>
  8. <3n, ne, 2e, enter>
  9. Important: on this step, type the entirety of this syntax together (meaning: do NOT give one item at a time) - <give chalk and pie and milkshake to bromide>
  10. You should now have a cheese marble in your inventory.
  11. Return to Chaos: <exit, 2w, sw, 8s, path, 2n, 3w>

Chaos, CowVille

Cherry - A delicious ripe cherry

From Chaos: <enter, n, shop>
Return to Chaos: <out, s, vortex>

The Soda Jerk [Tuesdai]
Monster class:





Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, <search jukebox> - A delicious ripe cherry will be in your inventory now.
  2. Return to Chaos: <out, s, vortex>

Chaos, The Soda Jerk


From Chaos: <enter, 4w, e, s, w, s, 2e, 2n, e, s, enter sleigh>
Return to Chaos: <back, 2n, w, s, 2w, n, e, n, 2w, 3e, vortex>

Area [wiz]
Monster class:





Map of Toy Factory
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Note: Prior to visiting this area, you'll need to eat a lot of food first (otherwise you'll eat the piece of chocolate, aka the marble).
    1. Head to Mario's Bistro, in Pinnacle. From Center of Town, travel <s, 2e, 3s, 2w, s, e>
    2. <buy 4, eat spaghetti>
    3. Continue the previous step until you can no longer eat.
      This is much too rich for you right now! Perhaps something lighter?
  2. If you have a dog, <dog stay>, continue on to the next step.
  3. Now head to Chaos. Directions from Mario's Bistro - <w, n, w, 3n, w, 2n, e, 2n, e, n, enter>
  4. Make your way to the Toy Factory - <4w, e, s, w, s, 2e, 2n, e, s, enter sleigh>
  5. Once inside the area, travel <3w, 2n, search tree>
    You search around the periphery of the Christmas tree and happen upon an object which wasn't immediately obvious upon entering the room. It appears to be a small chocolate marble. It looks simply delicious! You're almost afraid to pick it up knowing that holding such a savory morsel would take an unprecedented amount of will power.
  6. Before you get the marble, make sure you're prepared to quickly work your way through the remaining steps so that you do not accidentally eat the marble.
    <get marble>
    The moment you place your hands upon the desirable morsel, you yearn to taste its savory bliss. Unfortunately, you're a bit too bloated to devour it. Perhaps later.
    marble: Taken.
  7. Return to Chaos: <2s, 3e, back, 2n, w, s, 2w, n, e, n, 2w, 3e, vortex>
  8. Go directly to Castle Peeron - <s, w, 2s, w, s, 3w, portal, 12n, leave, 5n, 6e, enter, n, return marble>
  9. Optional: if you have a dog, go back and get it.

Chaos, Toy Factory


From Science: <enter, u, 4n, d, n, 3w, 4s, nw>
Return to Science: <se, 4n, 3e, s, u, 4s, d, out>

Impact Crater [Saragon]
Monster class:





Map of Impact Crater
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <n, nw, w, move rocks, se>
  2. <look at hole, reach into hole>
  3. <widen hole, scrape away mud, reach into hole>
  4. <search bottom> - you should now have A small piece of chondrite in your inventory.
    This item creates a lot of spam, "Something hits you for 20 damage!", but it does not actually cause damage (or at the time this was acquired, it was dodged).
  5. Quickly return the marble - <nw, se, 3n, e, n, 2e, s, u, 4s, d, out>
  6. Continue to Castle Peeron - <2w, s, 4w, n, 3w, portal, 12n, leave, 5n, 6e, enter, n, return marble>
Lena says: Excellent, this marble has been lost for a long time indeed.

Science, Impact Crater


From Science: <enter, u, 4n, d, 5n, 20e, bunker>
Return to Science: <leave, 20w, 5s, u, 4s, d, out>

Military Bunker [Chrome]
Monster class:





Map of Military Bunker
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Note: You will encounter at least 1 aggressive mob while obtaining this marble. Once you've arrived in the area, kill the aggressive guard.
    17k : An outpost guard
  2. Travel <2n, kill trooper>
    25k : An outpost trooper
    24k : An outpost trooper
  3. <open hatch, d, 4n, u>
  4. <kill trooper>
    25k : An outpost trooper
    25k : An outpost trooper
  5. <n, search mud> - you should now have a marble in your inventory
  6. Return to Science: <s, d, 4s, u, 2s, leave, 20w, 5s, u, 4s, d, out>

Science, Military Bunker

Chrysoberyl - Eye of Newt

From Chaos: <enter, e, 2s>
Return to Chaos: <2n, w, vortex>

Smurfland [Zoom]
Monster class:





Map of Smurfland
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you're in the area, travel <5s, 2e, 8s, enter, 5s, e>
  2. <kill gargamel>
    This is a dungeon, it will depend on what scaler you entered the dungeon with to determine the class size of Gargamel.
  3. <extinguish fire, get all from cauldron> - you should now have an Eye of Newt in your inventory
  4. Return to Chaos: <out, 2n, w, vortex>

Chaos, Smurfland


From Science: <enter, u, 4n, d, 4n, w, ne>
Return to Science: <sw, e, 4s, u, 4s, d, out>

Incinerator [Tuesdai]
Monster class:





Map of Incinerator
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, you'll encounter several enemies that will not let you continue your path. Kill each one. <3e, se, e>
    8k : Fly
    8k : Incinerator Worker
    34k : Incinerator Guard
    35k : Incinerator Guard
    8k : Incinerator Worker
  2. <look at hand, search hand> - you should now have a Clay marble in your inventory.
  3. Return to Science: <w, nw, 3w, sw, e, 4s, u, 4s, d>

Science, Incinerator


From Fantasy: Step 1 - Locate the Apprentice Mage in Lally's Pub, <portal, 8n, 4e, s, say zinfandel>
Step 2 - <n, 4w, 4n, leave, 11n, 3e, 3n, 12w, 2n, climb>
Return to Fantasy: <leave, 2s, 4e, portal>

Seal [Tramane, Thyros, Kend]
aka Crevice of the Mystic Seal
Monster class:





Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, <search, enter fissure>
  2. <look at runes, search east corner, study symbols>
  3. <look at cracks in floor, search cracks in floor>
  4. <look at jump in center crack, pry lump>
  5. Return to Fantasy - <out, climb up, 2s, 4e, portal>

Fantasy, Seal


From Chaos: <enter, 2e, s, e>
Return to Chaos: <w, n, 2w, vortex>

Mouse Trails Cottage [Mischief]
Monster class:





Map of Mouse Trails Cottage
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you're in the area, travel <e>
  2. <ask for tongs>
    You ask the old woman nicely for the tongs; and she gives you a pleasant smile as she hands them to you.
  3. <open grate, get dark coal>
  4. Return to Chaos: <2w, n, 2w>

Chaos, Mouse Trails Cottage


From Center of Town: <n, 2w, s, 3w, portal>
Return to Center of Town: <portal, 3e, n, 2e, s>

Fantasy [Mud]
Monster class: unknown to unknown

Map of Fantasy
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Travel from Fantasy portal - <portal, 12n, leave, 2n, 3e>
  2. <look at dam, look at leak, look at marble>
  3. String these next commands together because if you don't leave the area immediately, you'll lose hold of your marble when the dam breaks - <get marble from dam, 6w>
  4. Return to Fantasy: <3s, 2e, enter, 12e, portal>


Coral - A Piece of Coral

From Fantasy: <portal, 12w, leave, 2w, 6s, e, 2se>
Return to Fantasy: <2nw, w, 6n, 2e, enter, 12e, portal>

Seacave [Cirrus]
aka Sea Cliffs
Monster class:





Map of Seacave
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <sw, gather things, search corpse, get all from corpse>
    Note: If you did not find a corpse after gathering in this room; go se once more and try again there.
  2. <wear trunks, sw, 2nw, swim>
  3. <look at mirror, search mirror>
    You look at the mirror and see a vision of beauty; oh it's you! Aren't you gorgeous! Suddenly you notice a small hairline crack growing in the center of the mirror. There's another; and another ... The entire mirror shatters into a gazillion pieces-now what could have caused that? Something catches your eye in the broken mirror. You sift through the glass shards and disturb a small piece of coral which falls out and rolls across the floor.
  4. <get all> - you should now have 'A Piece of Coral' in your inventory
  5. Return to Fantasy: <swim, 2se, 2ne, 2nw, w, 6n, 2e, enter, 12e, portal>

Fantasy, Seacave

Cork - Yellow cork bobber

From Chaos: <enter, 3e, 2s, 2e, n, 2e, s>
Return to Chaos: <n, 2w, s, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>

Ice Fishing [Igor]
Monster class:





Map of Ice Fishing
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <s, open door, w>
  2. <search box, search bobbers, get bobber>
  3. Return to Chaos: <door, 2n, 2w, s, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>

Chaos, Ice Fishing


From Science: <enter, u, 4n, d, n, 11w, n, nw>
Return to Science: <se, s, 11e, s, u, 4s, d, out>
Directions to area using the shuttle:
From Science: <enter, 2u, board shuttle> ...wait <exit, w, 3nw, n, board shuttle> ...wait <exit>
Return to Science: <board shuttle> ...wait <exit, s, 3se, e, board shuttle> ...wait <exit, 2d, out>

Mars [Nanook]
Monster class:





Map of Mars
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <2w, 2n, compound, 4n, board shuttle> ...wait
  2. <exit, 2sw, w, sw, w, d>
  3. <2w, sw, nw, n, nw, n, ne, n, enter>
  4. <e, stairs, n, w, search bed> - You should now have the Crimson marble in your inventory.

Return to Science

  1. <out, s, d, w, out, s, sw, s, se, s, se, ne, 2e, u>
  2. <e, ne, e, 2ne, board shuttle> ...wait
  3. <exit, 7s, 2e, se, s, 11e, s, u, 4s, d, out>

Science, Mars


From Chaos: <enter, 3w, s, u, slide spoon>
Return to Chaos: <boat, say crunch> ...wait <fore, kill cap'n>
26k : Cap'n
<steer, plank, jump, w, nw, enter basket, d, n, 3e, vortex>

Cap'n Crunch Land [Santiago]
Monster class:





Map of Cap'n Crunch Land
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you slide on the spoon, travel <boat, say crunch> ...wait
  2. <fore, kill cap'n>
    26k : Cap'n
  3. <wear hat, steer, plank, jump, w, nw, w, kill alien>
    22k : Alien
  4. <get crunchberry>
  5. Return to Chaos: <e, enter basket, d, n, 3e, vortex>

Chaos, Cap'n Crunch Land


From Fantasy: <portal, 12n, leave, 11n, 3e, 10n, 4w, touch creature>
Return to Fantasy: <touch creature, 4e, 3n, portal>

Valley of Forests and Glaciers [Thorin]
Monster class:





Map of Valley of Forests and Glaciers
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once insie the area, <n, w, 2n, cave, search> - you should now have a round crystal in your inventory.
  2. Return to Fantasy: <out, 2s, e, s, touch statue, 4e, 3n, portal>

Fantasy, Valley of Forests and Glaciers


From Center of Town: You're in the center of Pinnacle

Pinnacle [Mud]
Monster class: unknown to unknown

Map of Pinnacle
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you're in the Center of Town, <look at statue, look at arm, pull arm>

Pinnacle, Center of Town

Diamond - A beautiful multi-colored little ball

From Center of Town: <2s, d, 2n>
Return to Center of Town: <2s, u, 2n>

The Pinnacle Casino [Stu]
Monster class:





Map of Pinnacle Casino
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <5n, d, 2s>
  2. <look at wall, search hole> - you should now have A beautiful multi-colored little ball in your inventory
  3. Important Note: Original quest info indicates to move slowly or the marble will jump from your hands. I counted 5 seconds between each move and it did not jump from my hands.

Pinnacle, Pinnacle Casino

Dilithium - A Dilithium Crystal

From Science: <enter, 2u, board shuttle> ...wait <exit, 4w, 2d, e, s, enter pod> ...wait just a moment <beam>
Return to Science: <beam, door, n, w, 2u, 4e, board shuttle> ...wait <exit, 2d, out>

USS Enterprise (TNG) [Tensor]
Monster class:





Map of USS Enterprise TNG
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, <enter shuttle, push pad, out, push button> ...wait
    If the shuttle is not available, skip to the next set of steps.
  2. <turbolift, say engineering> ...wait
  3. <out, search> - you should now have A Dilithium Crystal in your inventory
  4. Return to Science, <place hand on plate, enter shuttle, push pad> ...wait
  5. <out, beam, door, n, w, 2u, 4e, board shuttle> ...wait
  6. <exit, 2d, out>
If the shuttle is not available in step 1:

  1. <kill data>
    7k : Lt. Commander Data
  2. <get badge, wear badge, tap badge>
  3. <push button> ...wait
  4. <turbolift, say engineering> ...wait
  5. <out, search> - you should now have A Dilithium Crystal in your inventory
  6. Return to Science

Science, USS Enterprise (TNG)

Donut (once per reboot)

From Center of Town to Auction room: <e, d>
  From Center of Town to Auction house: <e, 2d>
Return to Center of Town from Auction room: <u, w>
  Return to Center of Town from Auction house: <2u, w>

Monster class:





Map of Pinnacle
Map of Pinnacle

Marble Instructions

  1. Note: this marble is only available once per reboot.
    From Center of Town, travel to the auction house <e, 2d>
  2. Once inside the auction house, <look at podium>
  3. <look at gavel>
  4. <search gavel>
  5. <search compartment> - you should now have a donut marble in your inventory.

Pinnacle, The auction house



Map of Rabbit Fields and Drow Kingdom of fe dar Shad
Map of Drow Kingdom of fe dar Shad

Map of Elven Woods
Map of Elven Woods

Marble Instructions

  1. Travel to the Drow Kingdom of fe dar Shad. Directions from Fantasy - <portal, 15e, leave, 11e, 9s, 2w, s>
  2. Once inside the area, kill all drows blocking your way, some are aggressive and some are not. <3d, kill drow>
  3. <3n, ne, kill drow>
  4. <d, 3e, s, w, s, e>
  5. <s, e, s, e>
  6. <2s, d, n, 2e, s>
  7. <2e, s, e, s, e>
  8. <s, w, 2s, e, kill hound>
  9. <d, 2e, 2n, e, kill drow>
    113k : Arriana, Drow Princess
  10. <get statue>
  11. Now head towards Elven Woods - <w, 2s, 2w, u>
  12. <w, 2n, e, n, w, n>
  13. <w, n, 2w, n, 2w, s>
  14. <u, 2n, w, n, w, n>
  15. <w, n, e, n, 3w, u>
  16. <sw, 3s, 3u, out, n>
  17. <2e, 10n, path, nw, n>
  18. <ne, 2w, n, kill warrior>
    83k : Kerridis, an Elven Warrior
  19. <2e, kill aris>
    89k : Aris, an Elven Warrior
  20. <2n, kill dorilian>
    68k : Dorilian, an Elven Warrior
  21. <2w, kill yriadne>
    82k : Yriadne, an Elven Warrior
  22. <w, s, kill celyndil>
    81k : Celyndil, an Elven Warrior
  23. <e, kill eremon>
    656k : Eremon, an Elven Peacekeeper
  24. <enter, give statue to lorr> ...wait... you should now have the Drab Marble in your inventory
  25. Return to Fantasy: <2w, n, 3e, 2s, 2w, s, 2e, sw, s, se, path, s, 11w, enter, 15w, portal>

Fantasy, Elven Woods


Medlar Castle [Pistil]
Monster class:





From Fantasy: <portal, 12n, leave, 8n, 4e, 10n, 6w, path>
Return to Fantasy: <path, 4s, 3w, portal>

Map of Medlar Castle
Map of Medlar Castle

Marble Instructions

  1. If you have already completed the Free Stag quest, you will need another player (one that has not completed the quest) to open the portal for you. Travel to Medlar Castle, directions to Medlar Castle from Fantasy - <portal, 12n, leave, 8n, 4e, 10n, 6w, path>
  2. Once inside the area, travel <2w, nw, 2n, 5w, turn stone>
  3. <enter portal, 2e>
  4. <kill dragon>
    293k : Azure dragon
    7k : Dragon Guardian
  5. When killed the dragon drops, among other interesting things, 'An eye of the Azure Dragon' that when identified is the Dragon Marble. <get eye>
  6. Return to Fantasy: specific directions to leave have not yet been provided

Fantasy, Medlar Castle


From Fantasy: <portal, 7w, 8s, e, (buy pass), pay ao>
Return to Fantasy: <board ferry, w, 8n, 7e, portal>

Isle of Ao [Rumor]
Monster class:





Map of Isle of Ao
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

Note: This marble may only be once per boot. Prior to beginning this journey, make sure you have a way to fly.

FYI: Bards can cast wings on you.

  1. Once inside the area, <2se, 2s, kill widerlich
    61k : Widerlich
  2. On this next step, as soon as you search the grass, you'll fall into a pit (taking 250 damage) and land in front of an aggressive mob. To avoid taking damage from the fall, make sure you're flying, <2s, e, search grass>
    67k : Luerk
  3. <search pieces> - you should now have the Ebonite marble in your inventory.
  4. Return to Fantasy: <u, w, 4n, 2nw, board ferry> ...wait <w, 8n, 7e, portal>

Fantasy, Isle of Ao

Ebony - A small black ball

From Fantasy: <portal, 15e, leave, 17e, 4n, 3e> (...wait for ship <board ship> ...wait <gangplank>)
HM Directions: <portal eforest, 7e, s, 2e> (...wait for ship <board ship> ...wait <gangplank>)
Return to Fantasy: <board ship> ...wait <gangplank, 5w, nw, 3w, portal>

Taslen [Tensor]
Monster class:





Map of Fantasy
Map of Fantasy

Marble Instructions

  1. Do not travel to the shores of Taslen, stay on the Fantasy side of Taslen. Directions from Fantasy portal - <portal, 15e, leave, 17e, 4n, 3e>
  2. Once you've arrived at the Taslen docks, <board ship>
  3. Prepare to kill rats - <stairs>
    150 : Rat
  4. Prepare to kill an undead scarecrow - <open door>
    327k : Undead scarecrow
  5. <search hay>
  6. Repeat the previous step until you successfully locate 'A small black ball', as this is the marble.
  7. Return to Fantasy - <out>
  8. Repeat the previous step a lot since you may be stuck in the hay.
  9. <stairs, gangplank> At this point, if you cannot travel west, <board ship> again and wait for it to travel to the shores of Fantasy.
  10. <gangplank, 5w, nw, 3w, portal>

Fantasy, Taslen


From Science: <enter, u, 3e, d, e, path, 14e, 4s, d>
Return to Science: <u, 4n, 14w, path, w, u, 3w, d, out>

Florida Sinkhole [Delenn]
Monster class:





Map of Florida Sinkhole
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the Florida Sinkhole, travel <2d, e, say sifter>
    The boy says 'Bring me some lizard meat and I'll tell you more about that.'
  2. <w, 2d, open door, kill lizard>
    2k : A Giant Lizard
  3. <get meat, 2u, e, give meat to boy>
    The boy says: Cool, my favorite! If you go down by the car wreck you can find my sifter. Just sift to find stuff in the creek!
  4. <w, 2d, dig creek> - you should now have the Ecru Marble in your inventory
  5. Return to Science: <5u, 3n, 14w, n, path, w, u, 3w, d, out>

Science, Florida Sinkhole


From Fantasy: <portal, 12n, leave, 7n, 10w, nw>
Return to Fantasy: <se, e, 3n, w, portal>

Clear Falls Valley [Ganzie]
Monster class:





Map of Clear Falls Valley
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once insde the area, travel <nw, 2n, open door, e>
  2. <open crate, get all from crate, open back door, e>
  3. <spread feed, reach into hole> - you should now have 'A tiny egg' in your inventory. This is the marble.
  4. Return to Fantasy: <2w, 2s, 2se, e, 3n, w, portal>

Fantasy, Clear Falls Valley


From Chaos: <enter, 2s, open book, read book, read chapter 3>
Return to Chaos: <leave, 2n, vortex>

Humpty Dumpty [Ploppy]
Monster class:





Mission Reward:
10,000 XP
1,000 coins
Eggshell Marble
Map of Humpty Dumpty.
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

Note: By completing the mission, you are given the Eggshell marble. Therefore, the instructions below are for the mission, and the extra steps are provided to account for obtaining the marble.

  1. Once you're in the area, travel to the castle to find Egbert - <6n, enter, 3n, se, mission ask>
  2. <mission accept>
    Description : Egbert says: I need your help to save Humpty's life. I have been able to assemble a good portion of him, but some of the critical pieces are still missing. Please find the pieces on this list and return them to me, so I can finally put Humpty Dumpty together again.
    Get Piece of Omelette       : 0/1
    Get Piece of Quiche         : 0/1
    Get Piece of Fried Egg      : 0/1
    Get Piece of Hard-Boiled Egg: 0/1
    Get Piece of Over Easy Egg  : 0/1
    Get Piece of Poached Egg    : 0/1
    Get Piece of Scrambled Egg  : 0/1
  3. <nw, sw, kill man>
    4k : King's Man (eating lunch)
  4. <get quiche, mission store quiche>
  5. <ne, n, e, n, kill omelette>
    7k : Rampaging Omelette
  6. <get omelette, mission store omelette>
  7. <s, w, 3s, leave, s, w, kill mother>
    7k : Mother Dumpty
  8. <search nest> - You should now have a 'Nest Egg (Packed In Tiny Nest)' in your inventory.
  9. <unpack nest egg, e, 2s, e, kill egg>
    3k : Over Easy Egg
  10. <get egg, mission store egg>
  11. <2s, kill egg>
    4k : Fried Egg
  12. <get egg, mission store egg>
  13. <n, 2w, kill boyle>
    10k : Harden Boyle, PI
  14. <get egg, mission store egg>
  15. <3e, ne, 3e, search reeds, ne, kill mound>
    25k : Scrambling Mound
  16. <get egg, mission store egg>
  17. <sw, 3w, sw, 2w, 4n, 2e, 2n, ne, kill egg>
    4k : Poached Egg
  18. <get egg, mission store egg>
  19. Return to the wizard - <sw, 2s, 2w, enter, 2n, se>
  20. <mission return>
    You tell Egbert the Wizard that you've finished the mission.
    Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'Save Humpty Dumpty'.
    Humpty Dumpty says: Locrian, thank you so much for assisting in my recovery.
    Humpty Dumpty says: Please accept this gift as a token of my gratitude.
    Humpty Dumpty gives you an Eggshell Marble!
    You have been awarded 10000 xp for your efforts.
    You have been awarded 1000 coins for your efforts.

    Eggshell Marble
    Exquisitely crafted/magicked, this pristine little eggshell bauble is the whimsical, residual aftermath of peeronic thought. Sadly, the entropic tendencies of such mental energies are difficult to grasp or maintain. A marble will inevitably evanesce and reform in an infinite There are two obviounumber of cryptic locations.

    The Eggshell Marble looks very fragile. Perhaps you should find a way to pack it so it doesn't break while you are traveling around.
  21. Mission complete!
  22. If you received the Eggshell Marble, <pack marble>
    You pack the Eggshell Marble in the Tiny Nest.

    <look at marble>
    Eggshell Marble (Packed In Tiny Nest)
    Exquisitely crafted/magicked, this pristine little eggshell bauble is the whimsical, residual aftermath of peeronic thought. Sadly, the entropic tendencies of such mental energies are difficult to grasp or maintain. A marble will inevitably evanesce and reform in an infinite number of cryptic locations.

    The Eggshell Marble is now packed and protected, ready for travel.
  23. Return to Chaos: <nw, 3s, leave, 6s, leave, 2n, vortex> and bring your marble to Peeron's Castle.

Lena carefully removes the Eggshell Marble from the Tiny Nest.
Lena says: Oh good! It didn't break during the journey here!

Chaos, Humpty Dumpty

Einsteinium - A ball of einsteinium metal

From Chaos: <enter, 3e, 2s, 2e, 3n, trail>
Return to Chaos: <back, 3s, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>

Einstein's Cottage [Ulme]
Monster class:





Map of Einstein's Cottage
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

Note: Holding this marble dropped charisma by -3.

  1. Once inside the area, travel <w, search tree - You should now have a small plastic key in your inventory.
  2. <2e, 2n, enter, unlock paperholder>
  3. <turn paperholder, climb bench, stagedive rift>
  4. <2s, w, unlock door, open door, n, kill einstein>
    215k : Einstein, the master of brain
  5. As soon as you get the metal, you will begin taking damage - <search desk, open drawer, search pot> - you should now have A ball of einsteinium metal in your inventory
  6. Return to Chaos - <unlock door, open door, s, e, s, sw, back, 3s, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>

Lena says: hmmm... I should find a lead pot for this one.
Lena grimaces.

Chaos, Einstein's Cottage


From Science: <enter, u, 4n, d, 27n, 2w, enter>
Return to Science: <leave, 2e, 27s, u, 4s, d, out>

SolChem [Chrome]
Monster class:





Map of SolChem
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <2e, s, 2e, n, enter hole, kill leader>
    41k : The rager leader
  2. <get card>
  3. <out, n, 2w, s, w, n, u, insert card, 2e, 2s, kill leader>
    45k : DMR leader
  4. <look at desk, search drawers> - you should now have the Electrum Marble in your inventory
  5. Return to Science - <2n, 2w, d, w, leave, 2e, 27s, u, 4s, d, out>

Science, SolChem


From Chaos: <enter> Locate the roaming 'Erratio Forest.' <enter forest, 2sw, climb tree>
Return to Chaos: <portal, 2ne, 5s, enter gap> (gets you back to where you entered the forest at)

Dragonbone Chair [Slick]
Monster class:





Marble Instructions

  1. Once insde the area, travel <4d, out1, 2n, e, hall, sw, w, door, search seal>
    The firedrake was protecting what seems to be an egg. You carefully lift it out from underneath its claws.
  2. <shake egg>
    Told you not to shake it around. Now the cracks are big enough for you to crack the whole egg open.
  3. <crack egg>
    You crack the egg open to reveal a fiery orb.
    It burns your hands with its flame!!!
  4. Return to Chaos: <out, e, ne, outside, w, 2s, tower, 4u, portal, s, 2sw, s, 2se, enter gap>
    You'll be dropped off somewhere in Chaos.

Lena says: Ouch! You could have warned me this was hot.

Fire Marble
Exquisitely crafted/magicked, this pristine little fire bauble is the whimsical, residual aftermath of peeronic thought. Sadly, the entropic tendencies of such mental energies are difficult to grasp or maintain. A marble will inevitably evanesce and reform in an infinite number of cryptic locations. The flame surrounding this orb is very hot.

Chaos, Dragonbone Chair


From Chaos: <enter, 2e, s, 2e, look at hole, 2n, 2w, s, enter, kill rat>
(kill all 3 rats)
21k : Hissing Rat
20k : Hissing Rat
19k : Hissing Rat

<search twigs, get wand, out, n, 6e, 3n, enter> ...wait to be flushed and you'll randombly be placed inside the sewer
Return to Chaos: <hold wand, click my heels>

Chaotic Sewers [Mischief]
Monster class:





Map of Chaotic Sewers
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, you'll be dropped in a random location within the sewers. You'll need to make your way to the southeast corner of the entire area.
  2. <search> - You should now have a Fuchsia marble in your inventory.
  3. Return to Chaos - <hold wand, click my heels>

Chaos, Chaotic Sewers

Fulgurite - Fulgurite Sphere

From Fantasy: <portal, 15e, leave, 17e, 4n, 3e> ...wait for ship <board ship> ...wait <gangplank, 23e, 4n, 6e, s, burrow>
Return to Fantasy: <4w, 4s, 23w, board ship> ...wait <gangplank, 5w, nw, 3w, portal>

Desert Tomb [Vivianne]
Monster class:





Map of Taslen
Map of Taslen with Desert Tomb to the east of the area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you travel <burrow>, you'll be dropped inside a 10 room maze, however, just continue traveling <sw> until you see:
    It's dry, musty, bone cold, with a glitter of moonlight on the wall.
  2. <slide, slide, cavern, search floor> - You should now have the Fulgurite Sphere in your inventory.
  3. Return to Fantasy - <tunnel, u, 2n, 25w, 4s, 3w, board ship> ...wait <gangplank, 8w, n, w, portal>

Lena says: I see you've been seeking the orb.

Fantasy, Desert Tomb

Glass - Crystal Ball

Marble Instructions

This marble is randomly dropped when you kill magical creatures. Try fighting in the Catacomb,s as the Powerful Sorceress will often times have a Crystal Ball that could be ID'd to a glass marble.

Crystal ball
This translucent, crystal-colored ball radiates with a peculiar inner light. A strange foggy substance swirls in its interior. You get the distinct impression that it is magical in nature.

Possible areas

  1. Chaos, Chaotic Sewers
  2. Fantasy, Catacombs
  3. Fantasy, Deep Mountain (Beloch arena)
  4. Fantasy, Mount Knivur (and Expansion)



From Fantasy: <portal, 12n, leave, 11n, e, path>
Return to Fantasy: <path, s, 11w, portal>

Gnoll Outpost [Eek]
Monster class:





Map of Gnoll Outpost
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you travel to the area, you'll need to kill any gnolls that jump out to block your move forward. Begin by traveling <gate>.
  2. <2n, cave, kill commander>
    38k : A Scrawny Gnoll Commander
  3. <n, free hobgoblin> - once you free him, he will throw a rock at you. (You should now have the Granite marble in your inventory.)
  4. Return to Fantasy - <s, out, 2s, gate, path, s, 11w, portal>

Fantasy, Gnoll Outpost


From Science: <enter, u, 3e, d, e, path, 2e, n, 13e, n, e, n, e, 11n, 2e, 4n, e, bridge, e, 2se, e, 4n, enter>
Return to Pinnacle (Chaos): <out, 2s, enter>

Toy Store [Smoof]
Monster class:





Map of Toy Store
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you're in the area, travel <e, n, search helicopter>
    As you search around the helicopter, you knock a spare controller off the shelf and onto the floor.
  2. <get control>
    A remote control
    This is the controller for a helicopter. The screen located on the front displays only static. The helicopter must be out of range or deactivated.
    The directions on the side read:
    control <dir>
    : move in a particular direction
    control look
    : look at the present room
    : activate the helicopter
    : deactivate the helicopter
    control land
    : land the helicopter
  3. <activate control>
    You attach the controller to the amplifier, and the screen suddenly becomes active. The altimeter appears to be malfunctioning, as the copter is flying about 1000 feet too high. It'd be too risky to land just anywhere, so bring it back to the toy store first.
  4. <control look>
    Through the thick clouds on the screen, you see the following distorted image:

    Lots of white, fluffy clouds.
  5. <control s>
    Through the thick clouds on the screen, you see the following distorted image:

    Even more white, fluffy clouds.
  6. <control s>
    Through the thick clouds on the screen, you see the following distorted image:

    Seventh Avenue runs south from here, and to the North is Central Park.

    A weather balloon comes too close to the helicopter, and is popped by the spinning blades. A small black box falls to the ground below.
  7. If your helicopter did not hit a weather balloon yet, continue controlling it in any specific direction you'd like, however, pay attention to the street description that it indicates as this is your clue on how to find the crater. In the previous step, the clue was, "Seventh Avenue runs south from here, and to the North is Central Park.". Based on this clue, I was able to travel <s, w, out, 2w> and then the crater was located.
  8. Once your helicopter hits the weather balloon, travel <s, w, out>
  9. Orient your surroundings with the clue that was given when the helicopter hit the weather balloon (it should not be too far away from the Toy Store.
  10. <search crater>
    Searching through the crater, you find a small black box embedded in the center.
  11. <search box> - you should now have the Graphite Marble in your inventory.
    Recognizing the black box from the image from the helicopter, you quickly pry open the casing and after searching through various weather instruments, a small ball rolls out, and you pick it up. You notice the FBI logo is imprinted on one of the instruments. Having destroyed federal property, you quickly fill up the hole with dirt, destroying the evidence.
  12. Return to the entrance of the Toy Store (but not inside the Toy Store). Even though you're in Science, we're taking a short-cut to Chaos, travel <2s, enter>

Science, Toy Store

Gray (once per reboot)

From Center of Town: <s, e, s>
Return to Center of Town: <n, w, n>

Village Smithy [Mud]
Monster class:





Map of Pinnacle
Map of Pinnacle

Marble Instructions

  1. From Center of Town - <s, e, s, search east bin>
    You search through the scrap bin and find a small rod of iron.
  2. <say iron>
    You whisper to Smithy: iron
    Smithy looks up from his anvil and smiles.

    Smithy says: I can't do much with a piece of iron rod that size; but; I could probably forge you a steely.
  3. <say steely>
    You whisper to Smithy: steely

    Smithy whispers: A steely is like a small ball bearing. I've heard the local children use them in a game called 'marbles'.

    Smithy winks at you.
  4. <say marbles>
    You whisper to Smithy: marbles
    Smithy looks around nervously.
    Smithy leans closer towards you.

    Smithy whispers: It's illegal to discuss marbles. I could lose my establishment if Peeron ever found out. If you promise not to mention this to anyone; I could forge one from that iron rod for you.
  5. <give iron rod to smith>
    Smithy says: What would you like me to forge with this?
  6. <forge marble>
    Smithy smiles at you.

    The smithy uses the large bellows to stir up the fire within the forge. With a pair of small tongs; the smithy swings a piece of iron rod into the forge fire. After heating the iron rod to a fiery glow; the Smithy retrieves the red-hot iron from the forge and slips it onto the anvil. He then places the iron rod into a clamp on the anvil; and with a chisel cuts off the tip. Using precise and even strokes with his hammer; the smithy begins to shape the iron into a tiny ball. With a final stroke of his hammer; the smithy then dips the hot iron into a barrel of cold water.

    Moments later; the smithy removes the iron ball from the water; buffs it slightly and then hands it to you.

Pinnacle, Smithy


From Science: <enter, u, 3e, d, e, path, 15n, 19e, 3n, e, bridge, e, 3se, enter>
Return to Pinnacle (Chaos): <out, 3n, enter>

NYPD [Pfunk]
Monster class:





Map of NYPD
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you travel to the area, <s, kill officer>.
    16k : Officer Richards
  2. <search desk, get powder>
  3. <2n, u, s, kill officer>
    14k : Officer Jones
  4. <get key, unlock door, open door, cell>
  5. <kill pickpocket>
    25k : A Subway Pickpocket
  6. <kill mugger>
    17k : A convicted mugger
  7. <search toilet, powder ball, get ball>
  8. Even though you're in Science, we're going to take a shortcut to Chaos - <out, n, d, s, out, 3n, enter>

Lena says: I'll bet this one was a bit slippery!

Science, NYPD


From Chaos: <enter, 4s, 2ne, 4e>
Return to Chaos: <4w, 2sw, 4n, vortex>

Jack's House [Xiola]
Monster class:





Map of Jack's House
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you travel to Jack's House, locate and <kill jack>.
    25k : Jack
  2. <open window, toss beans out window, s, ne>
  3. <climb beanstalk, search leaves, open pod>
  4. Return to Chaos - <d, sw, 4w, 2sw, 4n, vortex>

Chaos, Jack's House


From Science: <enter, u, 3e, d, e, path, 15n, 18e, camp>
Return to Science: <leave, 18w, 15s, path, w, u, 3w, d, out>

Military Camp [Muzicchik and Ariakus]
Monster class:





Map of Military Camp
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you travel to the area, prepare to fight off several enemies while you're inside the camp.
    8k : A military policeman
    8k : A military policeman
    8k : A military policeman
    15k : A crazed soldier
    14k : A crazed soldier
  2. <n, nw, n>
  3. <search desk, get gum from desk>
  4. Return to Science - <s, se, s, leave, 18w, 15s, path, w, u, 3w, d, out>

Science, Military Camp


From Center of Town: (Only when available) <enter>
Return to Center of Town: <exit>

Tower of Cletus (Atlanta) [Cletus]
Monster class:





Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, <get sphere> - You know have the marble in your inventory

Pinnacle, Tower of Cletus


From Chaos: <enter, 4w, eat mushroom>
Return to Chaos: <clap, vortex>

Ladder [Frizzle]
Monster class:





Map of Ladder
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you're in the area, travel <d, sw, shake tree>
  2. Shake the tree several times until a marble falls out.
  3. Return to Chaos - <ne, u, clap, vortex>

Chaos, Ladder


From Chaos: <enter, e, n, climb vine>
Return to Chaos: <2s, w, vortex>

Hippie Commune [Xiola]
Monster class:





Map of Hippie Commune
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you're in the area, travel <3n, enter, e, search stairs> - You should now have the marble in your inventory.
  2. Return to Chaos - <w, 6s, w, vortex>

Chaos, Hippie Commune


Unknown [Peeron]
Monster class:





Marble Instructions

Note: This marble may only be once per boot (as it's been seen stuck to the pedestal.)

The ice marble won't budge. It seems to have partially melted, then refrozen, thus fusing with the pedestal.

Additional Note: This marble is time-sensitive, therefore directions to return the marble are included for efficiency.

  1. Travel to the Ice Dragon's Treasure Cove. From Fantasy - <portal, 12n, leave, 5n, 6e, 17n, 3e, s>
  2. Once you're inside the Ice crevasse, travel <3d, enter, kill dragon>
    200k : A Magnificent Ice Dragon
  3. At the end of this step, do not hesitate to complete Step 4, otherwise this marble will melt - <move facet, n, get marble>
  4. <s, out, 2u, leave, n, 3w, 17s, enter, n, return marble>
  5. Return to Fantasy - <s, leave, 6w, 5s, enter, 12s, portal>

Fantasy, Unknown


From Center of Town: <2s, d, 2w, d>
Return to Center of Town: <u, 2e, u, 2n>

Game Room [Gerin]
Monster class:





Map of The Great Getaway, which includes Game Room
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once insde the area, travel <mastermind>
  2. <search box> - if you do not retrieve a marble at this step, play a game of Mastermind and then try again.
  3. Refer to directions below on how to play a game of Mastermind.
  4. <search box>
    You sort through the box of marbles and weed out an off-colour one. It looks more indigo than true blue. You sigh at the bad quality of merchandise created by modern industrial processes.
  5. Return to Center of Town: <leave, u, 2e, u, 2n>

Lena giggles: You must have been a mastermind to find this one!

Indigo Marble
It looks like the rest of the mastermind marbles, but is somewhat off-colour, being indigo instead of true blue. You decide to keep it as a cheap souvenir of your game.

How to Play Mastermind

Pinnacle, Game Room


From Fantasy: It has been said that Jigokudani has several entrances, this is but one - <portal, 12n, leave, 11n, 3e, 13n, e, climb>
Return to Fantasy: <d, portal>

Jigokudani [Indium]
Monster class:





Map of Jigokudani
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

Note: Sadly only one of the several entrances are known at the time. If you're unable to gain access to Jigokudani with this entrance, try to find another way up (and then let us know).

  1. Once you're in the area, travel <dive largest pool> ...wait
  2. As soon as you get to the bootom, <search floor>
  3. Continue to <search floor> until you find the marble.

Lena exclaims: WOW! The indium marble! Where in Peeron's name did you find this?!? He will be most pleased. Thank you!

Fantasy, Jigokudani

Inyxx - A lump of Inyxx

From Fantasy: <portal, 12n, leave, 11n, 3e, 12n, w, n>
Return to Fantasy: <s, e, n, portal>

Black Pyramid [Kohl]
Monster class:





Map of Black Pyramid
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you're in the area, travel <enter, n, 3ne, s, 2sw, kill isil>
    63k : Isil, an Inyxx Warrior
  2. <dip hands into liquid> ...wait
  3. <get potion>
  4. <2ne, n, 3nw, e, 3se, kill xtacth>
    82k : Xtacth, the Inyxx Warrior
  5. <grasp sword> ...wait
  6. <2nw, w, 3sw, 2se, s, 3nw, kill sharii>
    59k : Sharii, an Inyxx Warrior
  7. <place hands on altar> ...wait
  8. <get armour>
  9. <3se, n, 2nw, n, 3ne, kill talon>
    59k : Talon, an Inyxx Warrior
  10. <grip wand> ...wait
  11. <get wand>
  12. <3sw, s, 3ne, 3se, 3sw, enter, s, kill avatar>
    61k : The Avatar of Rage
  13. <s, bathe pool>
  14. <2n, e, kill avatar>
    76k : The Avatar of Hatred
  15. <e, bathe pool>
  16. <2w, n, kill avatar>
    85k : The Avatar of Fear
  17. <n, bathe pool>
  18. <2s, w, kill avatar>
    85k : The Avatar of Despair
  19. <w, bathe pool>
  20. <2e, tough gem, kill inyxx>
    190k : Inyxx, the Demon of Darkness
  21. <get lump> - This is your marble
  22. Return to Fantasy: <touch gem, leave, s, e, n, portal>

Fantasy, Black Pyramid


From Science: <enter, u, 4n, d, n, 7w, enter>
Return to Science: <leave, 8e, s, u, 4s, d, out>

Water Tower [Xiola]
Monster class:





Map of Water Tower
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you're inside the area, travel <2u, left, search crate> - You should now have the marble in your inventory.
  2. Return to Science: <right, 2d, leave, 7e, s, u, 4s, d, out>

Science, Water Tower


From Science: <enter, 2u, board shuttle> ...wait <exit, 4w, 2d, e, enter pod>
Return to Science: <door, w, 2u, 4e, board shuttle> ...wait <exit, 2d, out>

Fuzzy Aliens of Mars [Ryft]
Monster class:





Map of  				Fuzzy Aliens of Mars
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you're inside the area, travel <s, enter shuttle> ...wait
  2. <exit, step platform, 3n, e>
  3. <search surface> - you should now have the Jet marble in your inventory
  4. Return to Science: <w, 3s, step platform, enter shuttle> ...wait <exit, n, door, w, 2u, 4e, board shuttle> ...wait <exit, 2d, out>

Science, Fuzzy Aliens of Mars


From Chaos: <enter, 3e, 2s, 2e, n, 3e, s, w, n>
Return to Chaos: <out, e, n, 3w, s, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>

ROTC [Hayt]
Monster class:





Map of ROTC
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <2n, kill captain>
    73k : Captain Pope
  2. <search desk> - you should now have the marble in your inventory
  3. Return to Chaos - <2s, out, e, n, 3w, s, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>

Chaos, ROTC

Lag - A ball of concentrated lag

From Chaos: <enter, 2w, lift lid>
Return to Chaos: <u, 2e, vortex>

BBN Planet [Oneiros]
Monster class:





Map of BBN Planet
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Turn off all ktrigs, reflexes, maybe even type autohp off.
  2. Find a friend that can summon (or ask Locrian); get in a party with them and have them on standby at Peeron's Castle, standing in front of Lena, to summon you there when you've retrieved the marble (follow steps 3, 4, and 7). If you cannot find a friend, continue with all of the steps below.
  3. Once inside BBN Planet - <e, search wires, look at labels, search purple wire, look at ooze, remove ooze>
  4. Tell your friend you're ready to be summoned, or go to the next step.
  5. VERY slowly, go <w, u, 2e, vortex, s, w, 2s, w, s, 3w, portal>
  6. <12n, leave, 5n, 6e, enter, n>
  7. <return marble>

See also: Quest #2, BBN Planet

Chaos, BBN Planet

Lapis - A blue stone, flecked with gold

From Fantasy: <portal, 12n, leave, 5n, 7e, 10n, enter, u, s, closet, u, out, 2w, s, portal, pray>
Return to Fantasy: <out, sin, s, 12w, portal>

Heaven [Polanna]
Monster class:





Map of Heaven
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <n, w, 3n, ne, e, 2n, kill saint>
    33k : A Saint
  2. <get key>
  3. <2s, w, sw, 3s, e, s, e, unlock gates, open gates, e>
  4. <climb tree, climb, look at tree, search nest, get egg> - you should now have A blue stone, flecked with gold in your inventory. This is the marble.
  5. Return to Fantasy - <2d, 2w, out, sin, s, 12w, portal>

Lena says: This marble was once in the possession of the angel Isobel.

Fantasy, Heaven


From Chaos: <enter, 3e, s, climb rainbow>
Return to Chaos: <slide rainbow, n, 3w, vortex>

Care Bears [Groosh and Turnhold]
Monster class:





Map of Care Bears
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <path, n, e, n, kill grumpy>
    13k : Grumpy Bear
  2. <search table> - you should now have a Lavender Key in your inventory.
  3. <e, search carpet, pull latch, d, search bed>
  4. <unlock chain> - you will rescue Hugs and Tugs and they will give you the marble.
  5. Return to chaos - <u, w, s, w, s, path, slide rainbow, n, 3w, vortex>

Chaos, Care Bears


From Science: <enter, u, 4n, d, 26n, 6w, path>
Return to Science: <path, 6e, 26s, u, 4s, d, out>

MicroTech [Vaix]
Monster class:





Map of MicroTech
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Ensure you have at least 1 light source on you (refer to the lights page if needed).
  2. Once inside the area, travel <4e, push button, e, s, w, 2s, 2e, kill janitor>
    11k : A MicroTech Janitor
  3. <get broom>
  4. <w, s, sweep debris> - you should now have the Lead Marble in your inventory
  5. Return to Science - <w, 3n, e, n, 6w, path, 6e, 26s, u, 4s, d, out>

Science, MicroTech


From Chaos: <enter, 4e>
Return to Chaos: <4w, vortex>

Jag's Bar [Koronin]
Monster class:





Map of Jag's Bar
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside Jag's Bar, travel <n, kill dozer>
    40k : Dozer the doorman
  2. <4n, 3w, kill snake>
    55k : Snake the badass biker
  3. <n, se, kill bartender>
    49k : Bullfrog the bartender
  4. <get key, nw, s, 3e, 3s, 4e, n, enter door>
  5. <n, u, unlock door, open door, s, kill jag>
    86k : Jag - Owner of the bar and grill
  6. <search papers> - you should now have a paper clip in your inventory
  7. <pick lock, open drawer, search drawer> - you should now have the Leather Marble in your inventory
  8. Return to Chaos - <n, d, 3s, 4w, 2s, 4w, vortex>

Chaos, Jag's Bar

Lego - Lego wyvern eye

From Chaos: <enter, 2e, 4s, w, s> Continue to travel <s> until you're unable to. <push block, crawl through hole, s, sw, s, se, push block, enter hole>
Return to Chaos: <climb ledge, nw, n, ne, n, crawl through hole, n, e> Continue to travel <e> until you're unable to. <4n, 2w, vortex>

Lego Monster Lair [Tiro]
Monster class:





Map of New Legoland and Lego Monster Lair
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Travel to New Legoland, from Chaos <2e, 4s>
  2. <w, s>
  3. Continue to travel south (this is somewhat of a maze as rooms will repeat until you reach a room where you can no longer travel south.
  4. At this point, <push block, crawl through hole>
  5. <s, sw, s, se, 2n, pull eye> - this is the marble
  6. Return to Chaos - <2s, nw, n, ne, n, crawl through hole, n, e> Continue to travel <e> until you're unable to. <4n, 2w, vortex>

Chaos, New Legoland


From Science: <enter, u, 3e, d, e, path, 19n, e, d>
Return to Science: <climb ladder, w, 19s, path, w, u, 3w, d, out>

Forgotten sewers [Muzicchik]
Monster class:





Map of Forgotten Sewers
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <se, s, search wall, s, kill man>
    61k : A mad man
  2. <search crack> - You should now have a Lime Marble in your inventory.
  3. Return to Science - <2n, nw, climb ladder, w, 19s, path, w, u, 3w, d, out>

Science, Forgotten Sewers

Limestone - A piece of limestone

From Fantasy: <portal, 15e, leave, e, ne, 6e, portal>
Return to Fantasy: <portal, 6w, sw, w, enter, 15w, portal>

Portal of Life [Keeble]
Monster class:





Map of Portal of Life
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <2n, 8ne, 4n, 5nw, cave>
  2. NOTE: this area has blockers. Some of which you can travel through, while others will not let you continue until you defeat them. Known blockers have been listed below, but keep in mind that they may be different during your journey.
  3. Travel <n, 2nw, search crevasses, d>
  4. <2n, ne, 2n, kill illithid>
    19k : Illithid
  5. <nw, ne, n, se, n, ne, kill illithid>
    19k : Illithid
    21k : Illithid
    18k : Illithid
  6. <nw, search carvings>
    You stick your grubby paws all over the carvings, and suddenly a small piece of one comes off into your hand. Iconoclast!
    You tell yourself it was probably already loose....
  7. You should now have 'A piece of limestone' in your inventory.
    A piece of limestone
    A small ball of pinkish limestone, taken from an ancient illithid carving. It is slightly moist.
  8. Return to Fantasy - <se, sw, s, nw, s, sw, se, 2s, sw, 2s, u, 2se, s, out, 5se, 4s, 8sw, 2s, portal, 6w, sw, w, enter, 15w, portal>

Fantasy, Portal of Life

Lint - A ball of lint

From Chaos: <enter, 4w, e, s, w, s, 2e, grab joystick>
Return to Chaos: <out, 2w, n, e, n, 2w, 3e, vortex>

Gamer's House [Kendric]
Monster class:





Map of Gamer's House
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside Gamer's House, travel <2w, n>
  2. <open washer>
  3. <put clothes in washer>
  4. <put detergent in washer>
  5. <close washer>
  6. <run washer>
  7. <open washer>
  8. <open dryer>
  9. <put clothes in dryer>
  10. <close dryer>
  11. <run dryer>
  12. <open dryer>
  13. <put clothes in hamper>
  14. <kill monster>
    6k : A hungry hamper monster
  15. <get shirt>
  16. <get lint from shirt> - this is your marble
  17. Return to Chaos - <s, 2e, out, 2w, n, e, n, 2w, 3e, vortex>

Chaos, Gamer's House


From Fantasy: <portal, 12n, leave, 7n, 8e, shore, n, 2ne>
Return to Fantasy: <2sw, s, plains, 8w, 7s, enter, 12s, portal>

Phantom Ship [Xiola]
Monster class:





Map of Phantom Ship
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you're at the entrance to the ship, <search pools>
    You search the pools for a while, nearly slipping into the water on several occasions, and upsetting the sealife. Eventually you are rewarded with a small bauble that must have been washed up and caught in a rock pool here. You take it.
  2. You should now have the Magenta Marble in your inventory. Return to Fantasy - <2sw, s, plains, 3n, 18w, portal>

Fantasy, Phantom Ship


From Fantasy: <portal, 12n, leave, 11n, 9e, 8n>
Return to Fantasy: <8s, 9w, 11s, enter, 12s, portal>

Catapult [Peeron]
Monster class:





Map of Catapult
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside Catapult, you'll encounter many aggressive 'Stirge' on your way up. Travel <8u, 2n, search dung>
    59 : Stirge
    59 : Stirge
    59 : Stirge
    59 : Stirge
    59 : Stirge
    59 : Stirge
    59 : Stirge
    59 : Stirge
    59 : Stirge
    59 : Stirge
  2. <search dung> again you'll possibly find something else too.
  3. Return to Fantasy - <2s, 8d, 8s, 9w, 11s, enter, 12s, portal>

Fantasy, Catapult


From Fantasy: <portal, 7w, 3s, e, n>
Return to Fantasy: <s, w, 3n, 7e, portal>

Rilian's Alchemy Academy [Kohl]
aka Alchemy School
Monster class:





Map of Catapult
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <n, e, kill rilian>
  2. <get key>
  3. <w, u, n, unlock box>
  4. <get stone, transmute stone>

    The thought crosses your mind that maybe it isn't wise to fool with something powerful enough to change the fundamental nature of matter, but at this point, it's too late. The reaction has already begun.

    The surface of the Stone starts to ripple, changing first to a leaden colour, then brightening into gold, then shimmering through an incredible array of different consistancies and colours. The surface of the Stone ripples faster and faster until it buckles, and the Stone cracks down the center, the material settling into a dull black glassy consistancy. Where the center of the Stone was, there is a small, completely spherical mound of a silvery substance that seems to swirl within a hard shell of a glass-like substance, which you take.

  5. Return to Fantasy - <s, d, 2s, w, 3n, 7e, portal>

Fantasy, Rilian's Alchemy Academy


From Chaos: <enter, 3e, 2s, 2e, n, 3e, n, pick paris>
Return to Chaos: <exit, s, 3w, s, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>

Paris: Eiffel Tower [Santiago]
Monster class:





Map of Paris: Eiffel Tower
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <s, sw, s, e>
  2. Birds will automatically attack you when you complete this step - <climb tower>
    Note: You may slip and fall while attemping to climb the tower. Just
    1k : Black Pigion
    437 : Spotted Pigion
  3. <kill julie>
    24k : Werewolf
  4. <get talisman, look at moonstone, pry moonstone> - you should now have the marble in your inventory.
  5. Return to Chaos - <d, w, n, ne, n, exit, s, 3w, s, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>
Lena says: Ah! The moon shines brightly upon you. Thank you for returning the marble!

Chaos, Paris: Eiffel Tower


From Chaos: <enter, w, 2s, enter mist>
Return to Chaos: <enter mist, 2n, e, vortex>

Land of the Dinosaurs [Polsy]
Monster class:





Map of Land of the Dinosaurs
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <s, e, search pool>
  2. <search mud> - you should now have a moss marble in your inventory.
  3. Return to Chaos - <w, n, enter mist, 2n, e, vortex>
Lena says: You left it covered in mud? Still; it's acceptable.

Chaos, Land of the Dinosaurs


From Chaos: <enter, 3e, 2s, 2e, n, 3e, s, enter, 2n, e, open door, push button, shift lever 1 to 1, shift lever 2 to 2, shift lever 3 to 3, enter wormhole>
Return to Chaos: <w, nw, nw, climb boulder, enter wormhole, out, w, 2s, out, n, 3w, s, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>

Murky Swamps [Tharog]
Monster class:





Map of Murky Swamps
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Make sure you have a light source. Once inside the area, travel <2w, enter sinkhole>
  2. <search mud> - you should now have the mud marble in your inventory
  3. Return to Chaos - <climb walls, e, 2nw, climb boulder, enter wormhole, out, w, 2s, out, n, 3w, s, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>

Chaos, Murky Swamps


From Center of Town: You're in the center of Pinnacle

Pinnacle [Mud]
Monster class: unknown to unknown

Map of Pinnacle
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

NOTE: you will need coins in your inventory to obtain this marble. At 25 coins per attempt, it took one player 9 (225 coins) tries and another player 22 (550 coins) tries before obtaining the marble.

  1. From Center of Town, travel <2s, d, deposit 25 coins>
    You pull out a bunch of change from your pockets and count out 25 coins to insert into the gumball machine.
  2. <turn crank>
    You grab the crank and turn it with all your might and a gumball rolls down the ramp and into your hand.
  3. <chew gum>
    You place the yellow gumball into your mouth and begin to chew on it.

    You chew vigourously on the yellow gumball.

    You blow a bubble and it pops.

    You make a snapping sound with your gum.

    Ooops... You swallowed your gum while having so much fun chewing on it. You better get another piece it was so fun!
  4. Continue steps 1-3 until you break a tooth.
    You take a last bite down on your gum and break a tooth.
    You take a closer look at the object you bit down on and notice it's a marble.
  5. Return to Center of Town - <u, 2n>

Lena says: Oh.. thank you the Neon marble is one of the best in my collection!



From Chaos: <enter, 4w, e, s, w, s, 2e, u>
Return to Chaos: <u, 2w, n, e, n, 2w, 3e, vortex>

Crydee [Slick]
Monster class:





Map of Crydee
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside Crydee, travel <2n, 2d, enter, s, 8w, 3s, kill guard>
    13k : Royal Crydee Guard
  2. <e, s, w, kill guard>
    13k : Guard
  3. You have at least two locations that the marble has been found:
    1. <d, 2n, ne, kill guard, get key, sw, nw, e, search pile> - you should now have the Nickel marble in your inventory.
    2. Directions from Location 1: <w, n, search stuff (get key), s, se, ne, n, unlock trapdoor, open trapdoor, d> - directions are incomplete for this location as it does not indicate which room in the Secret Passage the marble is in.
  4. Return to Chaos -
    1. From Location 1: <w, se, 2s, u, e, n, w, 3n, 8e, n, portal, 2n, 2s, u, 2w, n, e, n, 2w, 3e, vortex>
    2. From Location 2: <exit, 2s, u, s, sw, 2s, u, e, n, w, 3n, 8e, n, portal, 2u, 2s, u, 2w, n, e, n, 2w, 3e, vortex>

Chaos, Crydee


From Fantasy: <portal, 15e, leave, 5e, trail>
Return to Fantasy: <trail, 5w, enter, 15w, portal>

Druid Copse [Syd]
Monster class:





Map of Druid Copse
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <se, 2e, 2s, nw, trace pattern>
  2. <kill taliesin>
    12k : Taliesin
  3. <get sapling>
    Oak Sapling
    This is a small oak sapling. Although it appears mundane, the magical feeling passing through your hands dictates otherwise. The sapling probably reveals its power only at maturity. Doesn't look like this'll happen considering its above-ground state at the moment.
    It looks light.
  4. <plant sapling>
    You plant the oak sapling firmly in the ground. It will probably take it a while to mature. Perhaps you should return later.
  5. Leave the area and come back in approximately 9 hours. It could be less time, but that is what has been recorded thus far. Please tell Locrian if you found a shorter growing time.
    Oak Tree
    This is a full grown oak tree. Although it looks fairly normal, an innate sense tells you that it is magical in nature. It is far too big to climb but there is a single acorn within reaching distance.
    You could easily pluck it out of the tree.
    If you're able to move this thing, tell a wizard, or else.
  6. <pluck acorn>
    You pluck the acorn out of the oak tree. A few seconds later the entire tree dissolves into nothingness.

    This is a small oak acorn. Although fairly mundane in appearance, you get the distinct impression it is magical in nature. Oddly enough it is perfectly round.
  7. Return to Fantasy - <se, 2n, 2w, nw, trail, 5w, enter, 15w, portal>

Fantasy, Druid Copse


From Fantasy: <portal, 15e, leave, 12e, 5n, w, 2s, sw, w, nw, enter mist> ...wait <in, n, nw, n, ne, n, nw, n, ne, n, 5w, 11n, 11w, n, 3w, 2n, w>
HM Directions: <portal eforest, 2s, sw, w, nw, enter mist> ...wait <in, n, nw, n, ne, n, nw, n, ne, n, 5w, 11n, 11w, n, 3w, 2n, w>
Return to Fantasy: <e, 2s, 3e, s, 11e, 11s, 5e, s, sw, s, se, s, sw, s, se, s, enter mist, e, n, portal>

Aiden's Crypt [Dynon]
Monster class:





Map of Aiden's Crypt
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Remember to have at least 4 light sources on your for this marble.
  2. Once inside the area, you will encounter aggressive mobs throughout the area. If you travel quickly, you will not have to fight many mobs.
  3. <look at trunk, search nice, push button>
  4. <w, search dust> - you should now have a small obsidian pearl in your inventory. If you did not find it upon your first attempt at searching the dust, continue to <search dust> until you find it.
  5. Return to Fantasy - <e, out, e, 2s, 3e, s, 11e, 11s, 5e, s, sw, s, se, s, sw, s, se, s, enter mist> ...wait <e, n, portal>
Lena says: I will send word to Dynon that you have returned Peeron's marble for him. He was a bit unsure of where he placed it.
Fortunately, your perserverence has solved the mystery!

Fantasy, Aiden's Crypt


From Science: <enter, u, 4n, d, 12n, 2w, open door, enter>
Return to Science: <exit, 2e, 12s, u, 4s, d, out>

Bomb Shelter [Flaxen]
Monster class:





Map of Bomb Shelter
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <e, s, search splinters> - you should now have a metal key in your inventory.
  2. <n, kill mother>
    14k : Desperate Mother
    3k : A boy
  3. Once you complete this step, an aggressive mob will attack you - <unlock door, open door, e>
    27k : Man
  4. <search mirror, search cabinet> - you should now have the Ochre marble in your inventory.
  5. Return to Science - <2w, exit, 2e, 12s, u, 4s, d, out>

Science, Bomb Shelter


From Center of Town: <n, w, 2n, e, n> (enter)
Return to Center of Town: (vortex) <s, w, 2s, e, s>

Chaos [Mud]
Monster class:





Map of Chaos
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. From Chaos, travel <enter, 4w, e, s, w, enter bliss>
  2. <kill blister>
    4k : Blister
  3. <search>
    You dig through the pus-like substance (*ewww*) and uncover an Olive Marble! Sheesh, I hope it was worth it.
  4. <get needle>
  5. <pop blister> - you'll be transported to somewhere else in Chaos (possibly north of Happy Ed's Chinchilla Farm - travel <2e, n, 3w, s, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>)


Onyx - The Soul of the Undead Knight

Ice Cave
From Fantasy: <portal, 12n, leave, 11n, 7e, 11n, 2e, n, e, s, enter>
Return to Fantasy: <leave, n, 2w, s, 5w, 2n, portal>

Lonely Keep
From Fantasy: <portal, 12n, leave, 11n, 3e, 4n, 3w, enter>
Return to Fantasy: <leave, 5w, s, portal>

Obsidian Tower
From Fantasy: <portal, 15e, leave, 14e, 4s, path>
Return to Fantasy: <path, 9n, 3w, portal>

Unknown [Tensor]
Monster class:





Map of Unknown areas by Tensor
Map of Unknown areas by Tensor

Marble Instructions

  1. From Fantasy, travel <portal, 12n, leave, 11n, 3e, 4n, 3w, enter>
  2. Warning: killing the Undead Knight will not be easy. You will die, most likely numerous times. Keep going back and whittling the knight's health down. She is a popular mob at the beginning of reboots for the highly sought after Red Axe. Combat will begin as soon as you enter the room. <2w, d, sw>
    700k : Undead Knight
  3. <get soul> - this will identify to the onyx marble.
  4. Return to Fantasy: <ne, u, 2e, leave, 5w, s, portal>

Fantasy, Unknown (Lonely Keep)


From Fantasy: <portal, 12n, leave, 6n, 13w>
Return to Fantasy: <4e, 4n, w, portal>

Cavemaw [Wain]
Monster class:





Map of Cavemaw
Map of Pinnacle

Marble Instructions

  1. Note: It is recommended that you bring something 'sharp' with you, as in a sword (or a needle that you obtained from the Olive marble); the piece of sharp glass available in the area has been known to not always appear.
    Location to obtain a sharp item if needed:
    1. From Center of Town, travel <n, w, 2n, e, n, enter, 4w, e, s, w, enter bliss, kill blister, get needle, pop blister, 2e, n, 3w, s, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex, s, w, 2s, w, s, 3w>
  2. Travel to the cave, from Fantasy - <portal, 12n, leave, 6n, 13w>
  3. <cave, d>
  4. <search debris>
  5. Continue to <search debris> until you've uncovered the Opal Marble.
  6. <u, stab membrane with [sharp item you have]>
  7. Continue to <stab membrane with [sharp item you have]> in your inventory until the creature spits you out.
    The creature heaves, and you are carried on a wave of vomit, up and out of the cavemaw's mouth!
  8. Return to Fantasy, <4e, 4n, w, portal>

Fantasy, Cavemaw

Peach - An old fruit ball

From Chaos: <enter> - Locate the roaming 'A HUGE Refrigerator' - <open refrigerator>
Return to Chaos: <leave> - you'll be dropped off in a random spot in Chaos.

Wandering Refrigerator [Ulme]
Monster class:





Map of Wandering Refrigerator
Map of Pinnacle

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you've located and entered the refrigerator, travel <w, jump 2s, jump>
  2. <2n, 2e, search leftovers> - you should now have An old fruit ball in your inventory.
  3. Return to Chaos, <2w, 2s, jump, 2n, jump, e, leave> - You will be dropped off in a random location within Chaos (wherever the refrigerator roamed to while you were inside).

Chaos, Wandering Refrigerator

Peanut (once per reboot)

From Center of Town: <n, 2w, nw>
Return to Center of Town: <out, 2e, s>

The Dragon's Breath Pub
Monster class:





Map of Pinnacle
Map of Pinnacle

Marble Instructions

  1. From Center of Town, travel <n, 2w, nw>
    Warning: If Friar Tuck is inside the pub, he will pick up the marble as soon as you find it. Your choice is to either wait for him to leave, or kill him if he's there.
    2k : Friar Tuck
  2. Once inside the pub, <search shells>
  3. Continue to <search shells> until you find a peanut.
    You search around in the crap and grime on the floor; succeeding in getting rotten crud on your hands. But you also find a peanut.
  4. <deshell peanut> - you should now have the Peanut Marble in your inventory
  5. Return to Center of Town - <out, 2e, s>

Pinnacle, Dragon's Breath Pub


From Chaos: <enter, 3w, s, dive into bucket>
Return to Chaos: <u, n, 3e, vortex>

Atlantis [Woof]
Monster class:





Map of Atlantis
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you've entered Atlantis, travel <d, se, e, 2s, w, sw>
  2. <search cave, n, take bracelet>
  3. <s, nw, w, 2n, 2e, pool, 4d, search>
  4. <look at oyster, open oyster> - you should now have the pearl marble in your inventory.
  5. Return to Chaos <4u, w, ne, 2u, n, 3e, vortex>

Chaos, Atlantis


From Fantasy: <portal, 12n, leave, 11n, 3e, 9n, portal>
Return to Fantasy: <portal, 4n, portal>

Land of the Ice People [Rastafan]
(aka Icy Blue Portal)
Monster class:





Map of Land of the Ice People
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you've entered the area, travel through the dungeon and kill every Ice Woman you come across.
  2. For each ring that you obtain, you'll need to identify it. The correct ring will be as follows:
    Peridot Ring of Adornment
    Though this ring resembles nearly all other adornment rings; it possesses a unique characteristic. It appears as though the peridot stone in the setting is removeable. The ring is in perfect condition. It has a magical glow about it.
    It looks light.

    NOTE: The Gypsy, inside Pinnacle, can identify items for you. Bards can also identify items for you.
  3. <remove stone> - you should now have the peridot marble in your inventory.
  4. To return to Fantasy from the entrance of the dungeon, travel - <4n, portal>

Fantasy, Land of the Ice People


From Chaos: <enter, 2s, e>
Return to Chaos: <w, 2n, vortex>

Toy Store [Woof]
Monster class:





Map of Toy Store
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, <2n, search mansion> - you should now have the pink marble in your inventory
  2. Return to Chaos - <2s, w, 2n, vortex>

Chaos, Toy Store


From Chaos: <enter> - Locate the roaming 'The Good Humor, Ice Cream Truck' - <enter truck>
Return to Chaos: <out, vortex>

Good Humor Truck [Santiago]
Monster class:





Map of Good Humor Truck
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <enter freezer 1>
  2. <eat ice cream>
  3. <get wrapper, out>
  4. <enter freezer 2>
  5. <eat ice cream>
  6. <get wrapper, out>
  7. <enter freezer 3>
  8. <eat ice cream>
  9. <get wrapper, out>
  10. <enter freezer 4>
  11. <eat ice cream>
  12. <get wrapper, out>
  13. <enter freezer 5>
  14. <eat ice cream>
  15. <get wrapper, out>
  16. <enter freezer 6>
  17. <eat ice cream>
  18. <get wrapper, out>
  19. <enter freezer 7>
  20. <eat ice cream>
  21. <get wrapper, out>
  22. <enter freezer 8>
  23. <eat ice cream>
  24. <get wrapper, out>
  25. If the freezers have not reset yet, come back to the area in about 30 minutes. Repeat steps 1-24 to acquire 8 more wrappers.
  26. At this time you should now have 16 wrappers. <redeem 16 wrappers>
    The Ice Cream Man shouts: Congrats! You've won the grand prize! Kick Ass!!
  27. You should now have the Plastic Marble in your inventory.
  28. Return to Chaos: <out, vortex>

Chaos, Good Humor Truck

Platinum - The core of a platinum wraith

From Center of Town: <n, 2w, s, 3w, portal>
Return to Center of Town: <portal, 3e, n, 2e, s>

Map of Fantasy
Map of Fantasy realm

Marble Instructions

  1. Note: It is highly recommended to get a friend to help during this marble hunt. The wraith flees any exit that does not have a player/NPC standing in it. Therefore, if you can follow the directions with a friend, this should be successful very quickly.
    From Pinnacle's Fantasy portal, travel <portal, 12n, leave, 11n, 3e, 3n, 8w, s
  2. Once you and your friend have followed the directions above, the wraith will be one south.
  3. You travel <south> (the wraith will leave 'enter').
  4. Friend travels south, the two of you are now in the same room.
  5. You travel <enter> (the wraith will leave 'up').
  6. Friend travels enter, the two of you are now in the same room again.
  7. You travel <up> (the wraith has no where to go since this is a deadend room and your friend is standing in the only available exit).
  8. <kill wraith>
    44k : Platinum Wraith

    You should now have the core of the platinum wraith in your inventory.
  9. Return to Fantasy: <d, leave, 2n>


Polystyrene - A beanbag bean

From Chaos: <enter, w, 4n>
Return to Chaos: <4s, e, vortex>

Map of Shady Oaks Asylum
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you're in the area, travel <2n, w>
  2. <search beanbag, dive into pool> - You should now have A beanbag bean in your inventory.
  3. Return to Chaos: <w, 5s, e, vortex>

Chaos, Shady Oaks

Potato - A piece of potato

From Chaos: <enter, 4w, e, open chest>
Return to Chaos: <out, 2w, 3e, vortex>

Winnie the Pooh [Tuesday]
Monster class:





Map of Winnie the Pooh
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <2n, 3e, 5n, 6w>
  2. <search basket>
    Searching through the basket you find some potato salad, cole slaw, potato bread for sandwiches and many slices of bologna and swiss cheese. Six cloth napkins, six paper plates and cups, and a set of six forks, knives, and spoons lay at the bottom of the basket. A couple large serving spoons sit on top of the potato salad container.
  3. <look at salad>
    Some delicious red skinned potato salad with creamy mayonnaise, yellow onion, red pimento and a dash of garlic black pepper seasoning to taste.
  4. <search container>
    You turn the potato salad container around trying to pry the lid off. POP, it goes flying. There looks to be a big piece of delicious potato wayyyyyy in the bottom that you want. Perhaps searching deeper into the salad might help you reach it.
  5. <search salad> - You should now have 'A' piece of potato' in your inventory. This is your marble.
    You dig all the way to the bottom of the salad and pull out a big hunk of gooey potato!
  6. Return to Chaos - <6e, 5s, 3w, 2s, out, 2w, 3e, vortex>

Chaos, Winnie the Pooh


From Fantasy: <portal, 15e, leave, e, 2ne, w>
Return to Fantasy: <e, 2sw, w, enter, 15w, portal>

Map of Troll Bridge
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. From Fantasy portal inside Pinnacle, travel <portal, 15e, leave, e, 2ne, d>
  2. <climb vines, hole, kill troll>
    63k : Merrem the River-Troll
    69k : Gwillim the River-Troll
  3. <search hole>
    2k : A Scrill
    2k : A Scrill
    2k : A Scrill
    1k : A Scrill
    2k : A Scrill
    2k : A Scrill
  4. <search hole> 2 more times. You should now have the Puce Marble in your inventory. (If you picked up the Troll Corpses as well, it's advised you drop them here.)
  5. Return to Fantasy: <out, d, u, s, w, sw, se, portal>

Fantasy, Troll Bridge

Pyrope - Tears of Blood

From Chaos: <enter, 3e, 2s, 2e, n, 3e, n, pick paris, s, sw, w>
Return to Chaos: <e, ne, n, exit, s, 3w, s, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>

Paris: Theatre Des Vampires [Santiago]
Monster class:





Map of Paris: Eiffel Tower and Paris: Theatre des Vampires
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. From Chaos, travel <enter, 3e, 2s, 2e, n, 3e, n, pick paris>
  2. <s, sw, 4w, search supports, kill santiago> - Santiago will flee, but give you an invitation to visit the theatre.
    Engraved Invitation
    This is a white invitation that simply reads in blood red letters: Vous etes invites Theatre des Vampires.
  3. <3e, enter, give invitation to usher>
  4. <u, kill actor> (kill both actors)
    33k : Actor dressed in black
    30k : Actor dressed in black
  5. <search curtain, enter curtain>
  6. <3s, d, 3e, se, kill santiago>
    141k : Santiago
  7. <open iron maiden, search iron maiden, get blood>
    Blood of the Innocents
    The blood of the innocents.
    It looks light.
  8. <nw, e, d, 2e, n, give blood to statue> - You should now have Tears of Blood in your inventory (this is the marble)
    You give the blood to the statue.
    Its face changes from one of agony to one of peace. The statue begins to cry tears of blood. You manage to catch one of the tears in your hand.
    Oddly, it feels like a solid crystal, not fluid at all.

    Tears of Blood
    Tears of blood you've managed to catch. They form a small circle in the palm of your hand and seem more like a dark-red gem now.
  9. Return to Chaos - <pry stones, kill louis>
    38k : Louis de Pointe de Lac (enraged)
  10. <get key, s, 2w, u, unlock door, open door>
    31k : Madeleine
    36k : Claudia
  11. <unlock grate, climb wall, e, ne, n, exit, s, 3w, s, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>

Chaos, Paris: Theatre des Vampires

Rubber - A smooth rubber ball (once per reboot)

From Fantasy to entrance near Desert portal: <portal, 12w, leave, 10w, s, trail>
Return to Fantasy: <trail, 2e, 2s, portal>

From Fantasy to entrance near Road portal: <portal, 12n, leave, 11n, 3e, 3n, 7w, 2n, path, e>
Return to Fantasy: <w, path, 2s, w, portal>

Rampage [Vraal and Rampage]
Monster class:





Map of Temple of Drackonus
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

Note: This may be a once per reboot marble.

IMPORTANT: This 'rubber ball' will be jostled as you move from room to room and will bounce out of your inventory and possibly even into a few rooms away. Be very careful and try to pay attention. Reorient yourself as needed to stay on the path necessary to return the marble.
OR find a friend with the Eternal power, (summon, alternatively this will work if you have the Eternal power (teleport. Meet up beforehand, <rally [friend]>, and have them wait at Peeron's Castle in front of Lena while you go get the marble. If the marble is found, have them (summon you, or you (teleport to [friend], so that you can immediately <return marble>

  1. From Fantasy portal, travel to the Rampage entrance that is near the road portal. Once inside, travel <n, nw, sw, e, ne, n, nw, w, sw, se, dive pool>
    Enemies defeated during this step:
    10k : Develarian Troll
    9k : Develarian Troll
    9k : Develarian Troll
    10k : Develarian Troll
  2. Note: kill all enemies that may block you from traveling in the desired direction.
    <swim n, swim e, 2 swim s, swim w, 2 swim s>
    Enemies defeated during this step:
    5k : Tiger Shark
    5k : Tiger Shark
    6k : Blood Shark
    6k : Blood Shark
    6k : Blood Shark
    7k : Blood Shark
    7k : Tiger Shark
    7k : Blood Shark
    5k : Blood Shark
  3. <2s, enter, n, ne, w, n, 2w, 2n, w, sw, se, e, enter>
  4. <4n, se, u, w, s, search wall, kill ogre>
    32k : Ogre Guard of the Treasury
  5. <search bric-a-brac, get ball, search marbles, get marble>
  6. If you previously located a friend to (summon you, this is the time to get them to do it. Alternatively, use (teleport to [friend]. Otherwise, proceed cautiously with the remainder of the directions.
  7. Return marble directly to Peeron's Castle: <search wall, n, e, d, nw, 3s, bushes>
  8. <w, nw, ne, e, 2s, 2e, s, e, sw, 2s, 3n>
  9. Note: Remember to kill anything that blocks your path.
    <swim n, swim e, 2 swim n, swim w, swim s, surface>
  10. <nw, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, ne, se, s, w, path, 10e, 11s, enter>

Fantasy, Temple of Drackonus


From Fantasy: <portal, 7w, 9s, board>
Return to Fantasy: <gangplank, 9n, 7e, portal>

Thistlebeard's Galleon [Samiel]
Monster class:





Marble Instructions

  1. From Fantasy portal, travel <portal, 7w, 9s, board>
  2. Obtain the breathing apparatus (A Curious Diving Helmet)
    <aft, open door, door, open carved door, carveddoor>
  3. <search pillows>
  4. <get key>
  5. <unlock chest>
  6. <open chest>
  7. <get helmet>
  8. Get cold water body protection (A Whaleskin Suit)
    <out, open large door, largedoor, fore, fore, d, aft>
  9. <search kindling>
  10. <get suit>
  11. Get the marble (seaweed)
    <fore, u, climb chain, jump into water>
  12. <search anchor>
  13. <clear seaweed>
  14. Go to Peeron's Castle
    <climb chain, climb, aft, gangplank, 9n, 7e, 12n, leave, 5n, 6e, enter, n>
  15. <return marble>
  16. <smile>
  17. Return to Pinnacle
    <s, leave, 6w, 5s, enter, 12s, portal>

Fantasy, Thistlebeard's Galleon

Shale - A shale stone

From Fantasy: <portal, 12n, leave, 6n, 12w, n>
Return to Fantasy: <s, 3e, 4n, w, portal>

The Old Hermit [Talimar]
aka Old Storyteller's Cabin
Monster class:





Map of Old Hermit
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <n, nw, n, enter, request spring, enter, bridge>
  2. <n, look at rock, say stone>
    The old man looks at you with sad eyes for a few moments.

    The old man says: "As I told you, I have always been a very spiritual man, and the Spring of Kierlanai meant a lot to my essense, no matter what happened in the years that would follow. I could trace its surface for hours, and it would bring me to my center and to my focus."
  3. <say focus>
    The old man smiles briefly at you.

    The old man says: "Would you like to hold it?"
  4. <say hold>
    The old man says: "We are both on the same journey, you and I... I can see it in your eyes. Although it would pain me somewhat to do so, I will let you have this stone, in the hopes that it will bring to you the peace that it brought to me."

    The old man says: "However, you must answer a question in return. Call it a test, if you will."
  5. <say test>
    The old man says: "A journey for the truth and for knowledge starts with a simple question. And the question I pose to you is this:

    During the Mage Wars, many battles were fought, whole kingdoms were destroyed, the surface of the land was forever changed, and many died. Historians agree that one battle in particular was key in the defeat of the Erthorpion and his Dark Mages. Which battle was this?"

    The old man continues: "My memory fails me sometimes. When you know the answer, come back to this place in my story so that I remember what we have spoken of."
  6. <answer eastern peninsula battle>
    The old man says smiles wistfully to himself, more than anyone else. He tosses the stone in your direction, which you deftly catch.

    The old man says: "Yes, that was the one. Maybe someday I will share that story with you. But, for now, I shall give you my valued relic. Please, be careful with it... I have had it for more lifetimes than you could imagine."
  7. You should now have A shale stone in your inventory. This is the marble.
    A shale stone
    The old man's voice echoes in your head: "It protected me from the horrors that consumed the others, I think. I hope that you find some reward from it, as I did."
  8. Return to Fantasy: <s, bridge, out, exit, out, s, se, 2s, 3e, 4n, w, portal>
    Lena says: The shale marble? How did you find this? I was sure that this one was lost for all time... Thank you so much!

Fantasy, Spring


From Fantasy: <portal, 12e, 2n, 2e, 6n, 2w, n, w>
Return to Fantasy: <out, s, 2e, 6s, 2w, 2s, 12w, portal>

Silversmith [Peeron]
Monster class:





Map of Wayhaven
Map of Wayhaven

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside Wayhaven, travel <12e, 2n, 2e, 6n, 2w, n, w>
  2. <say marble>
    Augar says: Ah!! what a wonderful project that would be!! Peeron would surely cringe at the prospect of me making a marble with my meager talents. I'll do it if you wish to pay the fee.
  3. <say yes>
    Augar says: Great!! Just read the sign in the store to see the list of services available.
  4. At this point, you need to acquire items with 'silver' in the name. You can travel to any location you know of, however these directions will take you to the Catacombs. Now, travel to the Catacombs in Fantasy. <out, s, 2e, 6s, 2w, 2s, 12w, 12n, leave, 11n, 3e, 4n, w, d>
  5. Continue through the Catacombs to the 4th floor. <4n, 2e, n, kill statue>
    5k : A statue of a dwarf
  6. <2w, 3s, w, kill statue>
    14k : A statue of a dwarf
  7. <2s, 5e, 3n, w, d>
  8. At this point, locate and kill the vampire soldiers, as they are the enemies that specifically have silver pieces of gear on them. They are not aggro, but the normal vampires are. Therefore, you'll have to kill both vampires and the soldiers to obtain the silver.
    11k : A vampire soldier
    5k : A Vampire
  9. After each soldier dies, <get all>
  10. Once you've obtained enough silver items (actual quantity unknown), return to the entrance of the 4th level.
  11. Now travel <u, e, 3s, 5w, 2n, u, 4e, 2n, w, n, u, 3s, 2w, 2s, u>
  12. <e, 4s, 3w, 11s, enter, 12s, 12e, 2n, 2e, 6n, 2w, n, w>
  13. <screate marble>
    Augar says: You must supply me with enough silver first.
  14. <give slicer to augar>
    You hand your silver slicer to Augar to be smelted down for raw materials.

    Augar says: Excellent! I now have a total of 3 chunks and 0 grains of raw silver for crafting any item you'd like commissioned!
  15. At this point, continue to give Augar every silver item you have. Note: When this quest was completed, enough items were given to equal 50 chunks and 0 grains worth of material. It is uncertain how much you may actually need.
    Augar says: Excellent! I now have a total of 50 chunks and 0 grains of raw silver for crafting any item you'd like commissioned!
  16. <screate marble>
    Augar says: Wonderful!!! These special trinkets challenge my skill as a Silversmith to the fullest! I'll have to warn you though that the effort will cost you 5000 coins. Is this an acceptable price?
  17. <y>
    Augar says: Great! I'll get started on it right away. I'll inform you upon its completion. Oh, and you now have 50 chunks and 0 grains left for crafting.
  18. Wait for approximately 10 minutes.
    Augar tells you: Your item is ready!
  19. You should now have the Silver Marble in your inventory.
  20. Return to Fantasy: <out, s, 2e, 6s, 2w, 2s, 12w, portal>

Fantasy, Silversmith


From Science: <enter, u, 4n, d, 8n, 5w, enter>
Return to Science: <leave, 5e, 8s, u, 4s, d, out>
From Science to Satellite: <enter, 2u, board shuttle> ...wait <exit, 4w, 2u, 3sw, n, door, board shuttle> ...wait <exit>
Return to Science: <board shuttle> ...wait <exit, e, s, 3ne, 2d, 4e, board shuttle> ...wait <exit, 2d, out>

Weather Station [Shadowlotus]
Monster class:





Map of Weather Station
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once at the Science entrance, travel to the ground level Weather Station area - <enter, u, 4n, d, 8n, 5w, enter>
  2. Travel <n, d, nw, push button, w>
  3. <say hello, say yes> - you should now have a module in your inventory
  4. <e, se, u, s, leave, 5e, 8s, u, 4s, u, board shuttle>
  5. ...wait <exit, 4w, 2u, 3sw, n, door, board shuttle> ...wait
  6. <exit, push button, airlock, push dock, push inside, inside>
  7. <d, replace module> - you should now have the Titanium marble in your inventory
  8. Return to Science - <u, airlock, push inside, push dock, dock, board shuttle> ...wait <exit, e, s, 3ne, 2d, 4e, board shuttle> ...wait <exit, 2d, out>

Lena says: Thank you for returning Peeron's titanium marble!

Science, Weather Station

Trinitrotoluene - A small chunk of trinitrotoluene

From Science to Tank 1: <enter, u, 4n, d, n, 12w, n, punch steps, climb tank>
Return to Science: <d, s, 12e, s, u, 4s, d, out>
From Science to Tank 2: <enter, u, 4n, d, 18n, 23e, punch steps, climb tank>
Return to Science: <d, 23w, 18s, u, 4s, d, out>
Note: the two tanks are actually the same 6 rooms, they can simply be found in two different locations within science.

X1S17 Stealth Tank [Crolack]
Monster class:





Map of X1S17 Stealth Tank
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, <punch steps, climb tank, turn hatch, hatch, kill captain>
    18k : Captain Wm. Sutherton
  2. <get paper> - Refer to this code later.
      A piece of paper

    A torn piece of paper with 'A B F 1 5 T X' written on it.
  3. Travel to the Gunner's seat, <d, right>
    Note: If you would like to read the X1S17 Gunner's Manual - <search under seat, get manual, open book, read page 4>
  4. <turn handle>
    You turn the handle to Backup sequencer and the gun powers up.
  5. <enter [code from piece of paper]>
    <enter A B F 1 5 T X>

    The computer chimes: Fire control systems now engaged and unlocked.
  6. <flip prechamber 1, flip prechamber 2, flip prechamber 3>
    You flip on the firing prechamber 1 switch. You hear a mechanical whirl from below you.

    You flip on the firing prechamber 2 switch. You hear a mechanical whirl from above you.

    You flip on the firing prechamber 3 switch. You hear a mechanical whirl from next to you.
  7. <open chamber, remove shell, press clear chamber>
    You press the 'Clear Chamber' button and a metal shaft streaks up the gun barrel and stops. There is a loud *click* and the shaft slowly retracts down the barrel. The end of the shaft seems to have opened up, pulling any debris down the barrel.

    The shaft closes and retracts back into the end of the barrel.
  8. <load shell>
    You load up the chamber with a high explosive shell.
  9. <close chamber>
    You close the chamber.
  10. <press chamber lock>
    You press the chamber lock button and hear a loud *CLICK* from the chamber.
  11. <press LLT [another players name]> - Make sure that the other person is expecting to be shot at and can look at the large crater that will be made in the room they're standing in
    Targeting....Locked on Knull
  12. <flip open muzzle>
    You flip the muzzle switch and hear a distant electrical whine as the muzzle OPENS.
  13. Ensure that your settings are correct so that you don't blow up yourself - <look at screen>
    TA-47X Auto-Sequencing computer : *INOP*
    Power Systems : *Backup*
    Fire Control : *ARMED*
    Prechamber Status : Prechamber (1,2,3) *Ready*
    Load Status : *LOADED*
    Chamber Status : Ready to Fire
    Muzzle Status : *OPEN*
    Target : Knull
  14. <fire>
    The tank rumbles as you fire off a shot at your target!!!
  15. Check with your friend, they hopefully will see a small chunk of trinitrotoluene inside the crater. If unsuccessful, repeat steps 7 - 14 to retry until a chunk of trinitrotoluene can be found.
  16. If successful, your target will see -
    A small chunk of trinitrotoluene.
    A large crater {2}.

    Note: On this attempt, the target was fired at twice, hence the two craters in the room.The small chunk of trinitrotoluene is the marble though.
  17. Once the chunk of trinitrotoluene has been discovered, travel to the room that your friend found it in, <get chunk>. Now return it.
    A small chunk of trinitrotoluene
    This appears to be a piece of trinitrotoluene that didn't combust from the explosive device from which it came. It has an odd spherical shape and a nice glossy shine to it.

    Note: There is a small chance that this marble could blow up during your travels to return it.

Lena says: Oh Crap, not that one!

Lena puts on a flak jacket, protective gloves and a protective face shield. She opens up a thick blastproof container and with a pair of padded tongs places the marble inside. She sighs with relief as she closes the container and places it in the dish.

Science, X1S17 Stealth Tank


From Chaos: <enter, 3e, 2s, 2e, fix typo>
Return to Chaos: <leave, vortex>

Dayln's Mind [Dayln]
Monster class:





Map of Dayln's Mind
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

IMPORTANT: While holding this marble, you will constantly be typoing nearly all commands. Be very careful, repeat the commands as needed, and try to pay attention OR find a friend with the Eternal power, (summon. Meet up beforehand, <rally [friend]>, and have them wait at Peeron's Castle in front of Lena while you go get the marble. If the marble is found, have them (summon you so that you can immediately <return marble>

  1. From Chaos, travel to Dayln's Mind. Once inside, <begin>
  2. This will drop you randomly into one of the available 14 rooms. Depending on which room you're in will determine how you proceed. Locations below will indicate the rooms short name, as well as how to unlock the exit.

    Note: You will encounter aggressive enemies along the way, however they will not follow you.
    1. A Battlefield - <fix then, e>
    2. A Black Void - <fix won, nw>
    3. A golden hay field - <fix it's, w>
    4. Grade 8 Classroom - <fix grammer, w>
    5. A moonlit forest - <fix its, s>
    6. A Mountain Peak - <fix definately, n>
    7. A quiet dining room - <fix there, ne>
    8. A raging storm - <fix you're, w>
    9. A shifting dessert - <fix dessert, e>
    10. An smokey forest - <fix an, n>
    11. A Snow Storm - <fix were, e>
    12. Swimming with the 'Fish' - <fix where, s>
    13. A Viewing Stand - <fix too, s>
    14. If you end up with the room that has <vortex> and <crack> as exits, you may be required to unlock all other rooms before you're allowed to travel <crack>. Therefore, go <s> to 'A Viewing Stand' and start your journey around the area.
      10k : A Formless Mass of Mental Energy
      11k : A Formless Mass of Mental Energy
      16k : A Ravenous Where-Shark
      10k : A Formless Mass of Mental Energy
      10k : A Formless Mass of Mental Energy
      11k : A Formless Mass of Mental Energy
      10k : A Formless Mass of Mental Energy
      11k : A Formless Mass of Mental Energy
      9k : A Dessert Nomad
      11k : A Formless Mass of Mental Energy
  3. Once you've made it to the room with <vortex> and <crack> as exits, travel <crack, s, e, ne>
    47k : A Humanoid Shaped Mass of Mental Energy
    48k : A Humanoid Shaped Mass of Mental Energy
  4. <look at things>
  5. The word 'something' will be mispelled in some various form or fashion (it's been spelled at least three different ways on various attempts to retrieve this marble. Therefore you'll need to <find [enter the spelling of how something is for you here]>

    <find osmething> - you should now have a Marlbe in your inventory.
  6. At this point, every command you input will have a chance to typo. Therefore, you'll have to retype commands as necessary to get to where you want to go. From here, travel <sw, w, n, crack, vortex, vortex, s, w, 2s, w, s, 3w>
  7. <portal, 12n, leave, 5n, 6e, enter, n, return marble>

Lena says: Wel doen!

Chaos, Dayln's Mind


From Fantasy: <portal, 15e, leave, 17e, 6n>
HM Directions: <portal eforest, 6e, n>
Return to Fantasy: <s, 6w, portal>

Abandoned Garden [Salrylia]
Monster class:





Map of Abandoned Garden
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the Abandoned Garden - <n, 2e, search rosemary, s>
  2. <search stalks, examine stalks> - if the bird blocks you from doing this, kill him (class 92).
  3. Return to Fantasy: <n, 2w, 2s, 6w, portal>

Fantasy, Abandoned Garden

Ultraviolet - A small ultraviolet sphere

From Science: <enter, u, 3e, d, e, path, 15n, 19e, 3n, e, bridge, 6e, enter building>
Return to Science: <out, 2w, enter>

NASTAR [Stercus]
Monster class:





Map of Nastar
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, <4n, u, s, w, s, 2e, s, kill guard>
    25k : 4-Armed Guard
  2. <w, say open, u, 2n, se, 2n, w, kill guard>
    43k : 5-Armed Guard
  3. <n, u, 2s, e, search paperwork, get spectacles, wear spectacles>
  4. <2w, s, switch on, search desk, take sphere> - you should now have 'A small ultraviolet sphere' in your inventory (this is the marble).
    A small ultraviolet sphere
    A small sphere of unknown function. It is almost totally invisible when not viewed in the ultraviolet spectrum. You wonder what Swain was doing with it!
  5. Return to Science: <n, e, 2n, d, s, e, 2s, nw, 2s, d, n, e, n, 2w, n, e, n, d, 4s, out, 2w, enter>

Lena receives the tiny sphere, and amazingly seems to be able to see it!

Lena exclaims: aha! the ultraviolet marble! This one is so hard to see, I was sure it was gone for good...

Science, Nastar

Uranium - A chunk of uranium

Map of Bombfreaks' Abbey
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, <n, e, 2n, e, kill guard>
    19k : An Anti-Technologist Guard
  2. <d, 11s, kill guard>
    24k : Anti-Technologist Elite Guard
  3. <e, kill chief>
    35k : Police Chief Bailey
  4. <d, push button, d, e>
  5. <look at barrels, search barrels> ...wait for Radiation God, it will automatically begin attacking you (be warned, it will also take things from your inventory)
    49k : Radiation God
  6. <look at barrels, search barrels> - you should now have 'A chunk of uranium.' in your inventory (this is the marble).
    Each barrel looks extremely heavy and has the letters U.S.A.F stenciled on it. A sense of decay emanates from them.
    You search through the barrels, but most of them are sealed. All you manage to souvenir for yourself is what looks like a chunk of uranium.

    A small ultraviolet sphere
    This chunk of uranium is in a well polished ball, probably for use in a certain kind of reactor... or bomb.
  7. Return to Science: <w, 2u, w, 11n, u, w, 2s, w, s, path, 2w, 8s, u, 4s, d, out>

Lena receives the tiny sphere, and amazingly seems to be able to see it!

Lena exclaims: aha! the ultraviolet marble! This one is so hard to see, I was sure it was gone for good...

Science, Bombfreaks' Abbey

Urchin - A sea urchin

From Chaos: < From Chaos: <enter, 4w, e, s, w, s, 2e, grab joystick, w, s, play dead or alive 3>
Return to Chaos: <gameover, n, e, out, 2w, n, e, n, 2w, 3e, vortex>

Dead or Alive 3 [Kendric]
Monster class:





Map of Dead or Alive 3
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you're inside the area, travel <select snow, e, s, kill ein>
    40k : Ein
  2. <search snow, open trapdoor>
  3. <select building, w, jump through window, kill lee>
    42k : Jan Lee
  4. <open grate>
  5. <select cliff, kill wong>
    48k : Brad Wong
  6. <jump, jump, jump>
  7. <select cage, se, kill bayman>
    45k : Bayman
  8. <w, open door>
  9. <select aquarium, kill bass>
    37k : Bass
  10. <climb ladder, get urchin, swim out>
  11. Return to Chaos: <gameover, n, e, out, 2w, n, e, n, 2w, 3e, vortex>

Lena carefully takes the marble to avoid getting pricked.

Chaos, Dead or Alive 3


From Fantasy: <portal, 15e, leave, 13e, 7s> (enter)
Return to Fantasy: (out) <7n, 13w, enter, 15w, portal>

Great Lighthouse [Ryft]
Monster class:





Map of Great Lighthouse
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the Great Lighthouse area - <enter, look at crack, pry crack> - you should now have a vanilla marble in your inventory.
  2. Return to Fantasy: <out, 7n, 13w, enter, 15w, portal>

Fantasy, Great Lighthouse


From Fantasy: <portal, 12n, leave, 11n, 3e, 3n, 8w, 2s, enter>
Return to Fantasy: <leave, 2n, portal>

Dragon Lair [Vermillion]
Monster class:





Map of Dragon Lair
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. IMPORTANT NOTE: You will need to be able to fly in order to obtain this marble. Items to help you fly are listed below:
    1. AMULET OF FLYING : Obtain this amulet from Talbo's Forest Home in Fantasy - <fantasy, portal, 15e, leave, 6e, 4n, 2e, path, knock door, 2ne, w, s, climb branches, ne, climb nest, search nest, get amulet, climb out, sw, u>. You can now travel <nw, leap> to the road portal or <ne, leap> to the east forest portal.
    2. WINGS OF THE PHOENIX : Ask a Bard to cast wings of the phoenix on you (the wings are also a light source). These wings will not last forever though.
    3. HOVERBOARD : Bring 1,500 coins with you to purchase a hoverboard from the Toy Store in Science (directions also include the return trip) - <science, enter, u, 3e, d, e, path, 2e, n, 13e, n, e, n, e, 11n, 2e, 4n, e, bridge, e, 2se, e, 4n, enter, 2n, e, buy 2, w, 2s, out, 2s, enter>
      Or use the following alias if you have tintin:
      #alias {getboard} {science;enter;u;#3 e;d;e;path;#2 e;n;#13 e;n;e;n;e;#11 n;#2 e;#4 n;e;bridge;e;#2 se;e;#4 n;enter;n;n;e;buy 2;w;s;s;out;s;s;enter}
  2. Once you have the ability to fly, let's travel to the Dragon Lair area. From Fantasy - <portal, 12n, leave, 11n, 3e, 3n, 8w, 2s, enter>
  3. <u>
  4. Activate your flying capability and then travel <u> again.
  5. <search shrubs>
  6. Return to Fantasy: <2d, leave, 2n, portal>

Fantasy, Dragon Lair


From Fantasy: <portal, 15e, leave, 3e, 2s>
Return to Fantasy: <2n, 3w, enter, 15w, portal>

Ancient Dolmen [Solo]
Monster class:





Map of Ancient Dolmen
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once you're in the area - <s, sw, e, search patch>
    You find nothing of interest.
  2. You can now travel <d> into the trap-door.
    You open the trap-door and carefully climb down the wooden ladder below.
  3. <n, e, untie rope> - the children should give you a marble for setting them free.
  4. Return to Fantasy: <w, s, u, w, ne, 3n, 3w, enter, 15w, portal>

Fantasy, Ancient Dolmen

Wax - A ball of wax

From Center of Town: <s, w, 2s, e>
Return to Center of Town: <w, 2n, e, n>

Monster class:





Map of Pinnacle
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Important note: Do not pick up the candle when you find it; it must remain on the ground.
  2. Once inside the chapel, <search altar, light candle>
  3. Wait quite a while (like an hour or two - or more) for the candle to burn itself out. You do not have to wait in the room, you can leave and come back.
  4. Once it's done, you'll see 'A ball of wax' in the room. <get wax> - this is the marble
  5. Return to Center of Town: <w, 2n, e, n>

Pinnacle, Chapel

Wood - A small knot of wood

From Science: <enter, u, 4n, d, 9n, 13e, 12n, 2e, enter, 10e, 10ne, w, n>
Return to Science: <s, e, 10sw, 10w, s, 2w, 12s, 13w, 9s, u, 4s, d, out>

Silicon Wraiths HQ [Nermal]
Monster class:





Map of Silicon Wraiths HQ
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, <look at walls, look at holes in west wall>
  2. <hit west wall, get wood>
  3. <break wood> - you should now have A small knot of wood in your inventory. This is the marble.
  4. Return to Science: <s, e, 10sw, 10w, s, 2w, 12s, 13w, 9s, u, 4s, d, out>

Lena says: Lucky you found this one, we thought it had been lost for good.

Science, Silicon Wraiths HQ


From Chaos: <enter, 2w, s, count 123>
Return to Chaos: <exit, n, 2e, vortex>

Sesame Street [Xiola]
Monster class:





Map of Sesame Street
Map of Area

Marble Instructions

  1. Once inside the area, travel <3e, se, kill bird>
    411 : Big Bird
  2. <search nest> - you should now have a yellow marble in your inventory
  3. Return to Chaos: <nw, 3w, exit, n, 2e, vortex>

Chaos, Sesame Street

More marbles will be uploaded in the
future to catch up with the old database
