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What are Voluntary Access Fees?

Voluntary Access Fees, or more commonly referred to as VAFs, are optional monetary contributions to the MUD that players can make in exchange for various perks. The money is part of what helps pay for the upkeep of the MUD. All VAF's return "credits" which are linked to your character. The credits can be used to select items from a list of VAF benefits, though they are often tied to a single character. During some special occasions, VAF credits can also be purchased by sending gift cards or other items to the coding wizards as a way of thanking them for their hard work and contributions to 3K. There can be several VAF drives throughout the year in which you will find certain VAF perks on sale/receive bonus credits for donating/or other enticing perks to get more out of your VAF dollars.

<help vafs>
We humbly request Voluntary Access Fees (VAFs) from any of our players willing to pay them, with each $1 getting you 1 VAF credit. You are not required to pay a VAF to play 3Kingdoms (hence the 'voluntary' part), but without them to take care of operating costs, 3K can't exist to be played, so you can do the math. We rely on the generosity of the player community, players like you, to keep 3Kingdoms running for the good of everyone. It's kind of like PBS, but with monsters. As a bonus for VAFs given, you are afforded a number of choice rewards that are listed at the bottom. Once you are credited with your VAFs, you can then spend the credits in the Vault of Ancient Fables, which you can reach by 'kneel'ing at the Center of Town. There, the Guardian Atriel will assist you in your selections. If you have multiple characters, any VAFs given will be applied to the group, meaning that any of your characters will then be able to spend from your shared VAF pool. Basically, your VAFs are tied to the human controlling the characters, rather than a specific character. Once you spend a VAF on an enhancement, however, that enhancement is tied to that character alone (with some noted exceptions). VAFs are not transferrable between players (humans), and if all characters are wiped for whatever reason, all VAFs attributed to that character/set of characters are wiped also.

To pay online, use the below link. Your credits will appear within 24 hours, but usually much sooner than that. For any issues, "mail VAFS" for support.

Goto and then click the Gold 3K VAF icon

Be sure to include '3K' and your character's name in the notes. (e.g. '3K Barnaby'). Only VAF in whole dollars, as rogue cents will be truncated. You can check your VAF status at any time by using the 'vaf' command. You can also learn more details about the individual enhancements below by typing 'vaf <enhancement>'

List of VAFs

Name and Brief Description Cost

dogjoy -

Makes your dog happy for the rest of reboot/login

<vaf dogjoy>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Makes your dog happy for the rest of reboot/login
HOW TO GET: 'select dogjoy' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)

Until reboot, your dog will remain happy happy happy without the need for any attention from you, cause you are lazy and won't even walk him, seriously. If you quit, the perk goes *poof* even if it's before the end of boot, but it will survive you going linkdead.

WMT NOTE: This VAF is ONLY for happiness and does not include hunger. Visit our puppies page for more information.



scar -

Remove one scar

<vaf scar>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Remove one scar
HOW TO GET: 'select scar' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 10

This reselectable enhancement removes your latest scar, because you decided to fight Tiamat, while drunk, this one time, in Fantasy.



neutral -

Reset your current alignment to true neutral

<vaf neutral>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Reset your current alignment to true neutral
HOW TO GET: 'select neutral' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 15

This reselectable enhancement brings your exciting evil or good alignment value to boring-old true neutral. Zero. Zip. Nada.



ident -

Three usages of remote identify

<vaf ident>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Three usages of remote identify
Charges: You will receive three usages
HOW TO GET: 'select ident' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 15

This reselectable enhancement gives you the ability to identify three items while anywhere in the realms. The usages remain with you over reboots until you use them up. Tell that stupid gypsy to shove it. Once you have the perk, the command is 'vaf ident <item>'



noscar -

Receive no scars upon death until reboot

<vaf noscar>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Receive no scars upon death until reboot
HOW TO GET: 'select noscar' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 20

This reselectable enhancement allows you to receive absolutely no new scars upon dying until reboot. This applies only to the character selecting the perk.



bestk -

Reset your Best Kill

<vaf bestk>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Reset your Best Kill
HOW TO GET: 'select bestk' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 20

So yeah, this will clear your best kill information from your finger.



rlevel -

Reduce your level by 5 without other penalties

<vaf rlevel>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Reduce your level by 5 without other penalties
HOW TO GET: 'select rlevel' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 20

This reselectable enhancement allows you to reduce your current player level by 5 instantly and without penalties of any kind (deaths, scars, etc.) Why do this? Hell if I know, but enjoy!



bind -

Bind items across characters until reboot

<vaf bind>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Bind items across characters until reboot
HOW TO GET: 'select bind' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 20

This reselectable enhancement allows you to bind any and all bind-on-pickup bind-on-equip items across ALL your characters until reboot.



sellall -

Remote sellall to the main shop until reboot

<vaf sellall>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Remote sellall to the main shop until reboot
HOW TO GET: 'select sellall' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 20

This reselectable enhancement allows you to 'sellall' to the main shop from anywhere on the mud that is not designated a non-teleport (NT) area. The enhancement lasts until reboot and works across ALL your characters.



bestpk -

Reset your Best PK Kill

<vaf bestpk>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Reset your Best PK Kill
HOW TO GET: 'select bestpk' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 20

So yeah, this will clear your PK best kill information from your finger.



untrain -

Fully untrain one mud skill

<vaf untrain>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Fully untrain one mud skill
HOW TO GET: 'select untrain' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 20

Mad that you sunk too many skill points into survival and now you're hearing about how cool smuggling is? Fear not! Use this reselectable enhancement to untrain yourself in a single skill, undoing what you did so that you may do it again but differently. Once you select this perk, simply go downstairs and choose which skill you wish to untrain. And yes, this returns the skill points to your pool.



pkboot -

Set yourself with playerkiller status until reboot

<vaf pkboot>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Set yourself with playerkiller status until reboot
HOW TO GET: 'select pkboot' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 20

Yessir, now you to can join the ranks of the PK crowd without the sticky mess of it being permanent. The status will remain all throughout the current reboot. If you want to end it early, you can choose 'nopk' down from here and be purged. Note, you won't appear PK by way of the 'finger'command, but rest assured, in all other ways, you will be PK.



uncurse -

Three usages of remote uncurse

<vaf uncurse>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Three usages of remote uncurse
HOW TO GET: 'select uncurse' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 25

This reselectable enhancement gives you the ability to uncurse three items from yourself or your room while anywhere in the realms. The usages remain with you over reboots until you use them up. Never be caught snared by some of those sneaky cursed items again! Once you have the perk, the command is 'vaf uncurse <item>'



marvel -

Dispenses one Marvel token

<vaf marvel>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Dispenses one Marvel token
HOW TO GET: 'select marvel' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 25

Dispenses you one token for use with the MUD-wide Marvel System. Type 'help marvels' for more information.



weapon -

Three usages to make a weapon unbreakable

<vaf weapon>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Three usages to make a weapon unbreakable
HOW TO GET: 'select weapon' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 25

This reselectable enhancement gives you the ability to make three weapons unbreakable, which is pretty cool don't you think? Anyway, the usages remain with you over reboots until you use them up. Once you have the perk, the command is 'vaf weapon <item>'



unquest -

Undo one quest from your quest list

<vaf unquest>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Undo one quest from your quest list
HOW TO GET: 'select unquest' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 30

At first you think 'wtf?' but let's say there was that really cool quest you did long ago. You know, the one with the compelling storyline and really cool effects? Now with this handy reselectable perk, you can relive your glory days and try it out again and again! Once you select this perk, simply go downstairs and choose which quest you wish to wipe. And yes, this removes the qps you got from the quest too.



portal -

Three usages to teleport to Center of Town

<vaf portal>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Three usages to teleport to Center of Town
Charges: You will receive three usages
HOW TO GET: 'select portal' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 30

The mystical powers of teleportation are yours to utilize and magically convey you to the safety of Pinnacle. This reselectable enhancement gives you three usages. It is not useable in no-teleport areas. Once you have the perk, the command is 'vaf portal now'



archpk -

Reset your PK Arch Foe

<vaf archpk>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Reset your PK Arch Foe
HOW TO GET: 'select archpk' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 35

So yeah, this will clear your PK arch foe information from your finger.



archf -

Reset your Arch Foe

<vaf archf>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Reset your Arch Foe
HOW TO GET: 'select archf' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 35

So yeah, this will clear your arch foe information from your finger.



newbie -

Single-use Newbieland pass

<vaf newbie>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Single-use Newbieland pass
HOW TO GET: 'select newbie' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 40

Allows you a single entry into Newbieland via the donation bin entrance. This one entry will not get you back in again if you happen to wander out again accidentally. You can select this enhancement multiple times.



sever -

Three usages to quit during combat

<vaf sever>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Three usages to quit during combat
Charges: You will receive three usages
HOW TO GET: 'select sever' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 40

Oh crap, that monster is too tough, oh crap, I can't quit in combat, oh crap, oh crap, oh wait... vaf sever! This reselectable enhancement gives you three usages. It is not useable in no-quit areas. Once you have the perk, the command is 'vaf sever now'



unbind -

Three usages to unbind something from yourself

<vaf unbind>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Three usages to unbind something from yourself
Charges: You will receive three usages
HOW TO GET: 'select unbind' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 40

This reselectable enhancement gives you the ability to unbind three items from yourself while anywhere in the realms. Once unbound, the items will re-bind themselves according to their normal rules (i.e. picked up or worn/wielded again). The usages remain with you over reboots until you use them up or five minutes elapse. Ok, kidding about that five minute part. Once you have the perk, the command is 'vaf unbind <item>'



cswap -

Transfer crafting skills between your characters

<vaf cswap>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Transfer crafting skills between your characters
HOW TO GET: 'select cswap' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 50

This magically delicious (and reselectable) perk allows a person to swap their crafting skills amongst a human's legal characters. So call them seconds, alts or toons, use this perk and they will do a true swap of their crafting skills. If Bill has crafting skills A and Bob has crafting skills B, after the swap, Bill will have skills B and Bob will have skills A. Clear? Cool. Selecting the perk is the first step, then you head over to the Crafting Consignment Shop, go up and finish all the messy details there.



crlevel -

Reduce your level down to any level above level 1

<vaf crlevel>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Reduce your level down to any level above level 1
HOW TO GET: 'select crlevel' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 60

Think of this as a super rlevel, allowing you to knock your level down to any level between level 1 and your current level. When you select this perk, simply include the level you WANT TO BE AT. For example, 'select xrlevel 20' will place you at level 20.



kreset -

Free mud skills reset (no coins cost)

<vaf kreset>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Free mud skills reset (no coins cost)
HOW TO GET: 'select kreset' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 70

Screw up your skills have you? Well of course you have. Sure you can get your mud skills reset pretty cheaply with only a few coins, but once you do that a few times, it can get a little more expensive than you're willing to deal with, so here comes this magical VAF perk to the rescue!



sever2 -

Three usages to quit during combat w/equipment!

<vaf sever2>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Three usages to quit during combat w/equipment!
Charges: You will receive three usages
HOW TO GET: 'select sever2' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 80

Oh crap, that monster is too tough, oh crap, I can't quit in combat, oh crap, oh crap, oh wait... vaf sever2! AND I relogin with my equipment - sweet! This reselectable enhancement gives you three usages. It is not useable in no-quit areas and only works on droppable equipment you are carrying (kept and non-kept). Once you have the perk, the command is 'vaf sever2 now'



allscar -

Remove all your scars

<vaf allscar>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Remove all your scars
HOW TO GET: 'select allscar' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 100

This reselectable enhancement will instantly remove every scar from your description, leaving your body clean, smooth and sexy.



unpk -

Remove true playerkiller status

<vaf unpk>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Remove true playerkiller status
HOW TO GET: 'select unpk' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 100

Reselectable and pretty self-explanatory don't you think? You wimp.



house -

Receive 4 million house credits for a character

<vaf house>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Receive 4 million house credits for a character
HOW TO GET: 'select house' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 100

This perk allows you to get a whopping load of house credits to one character with each selection (the character it goes to is the one doing the selecting). Deck out your crib more then you ever dreamed possible and the ladies will come a flockin'. Or guys, if you're into flockin' men.



sreset -

Full stat reset (with no experience loss)

<vaf sreset>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Full stat reset (with no experience loss)
HOW TO GET: 'select sreset' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 125

This reselectable enhancement instantly resets all your stats. This means instantly, as in right away, as in the moment you select it - BOOM. Also, if this is 3Kingdoms, and you happen to have the 'vaf gswap' perk, this will also reset your stats organizes, giving you a fresh set to play with.



item -

Autoloading unique item, description only

<vaf item>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Autoloading unique item, description only
HOW TO GET: 'select item' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 150

This reselectable enhancement allows you to define both the short and long description of a single, autoloading item. If applicable, you would be able to 'wear' it, even though it wouldn't add ac. This item won't actually 'do' anything, but it will appear in your inventory and make everyone green with envy when they look at you and your very own thing in your inventory, when they look at you, with envy, green, that is.



xchar -

Grant yourself an additional legal character

<vaf xchar>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Grant yourself an additional legal character
HOW TO GET: 'select xchar' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 150

Use this reselectable enhancement to get yourself an additional legal character to play. Each usage of this perk will allow you creation of one additional legal character to play on the game, regardless of the current level(s) of your character(s). Once selected, use the 'spawnsecond' command to link your characters. See 'help spawnsecond' for more information. There is no limit to the number of extra characters you are allowed to have using this perk.



nchange -

Change your character's name

<vaf nchange>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Change your character's name
HOW TO GET: 'select nchange' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 200

This reselectable enhancement allows you to select another (unbanished) name for others to call you evermore. Don't ask for Iililiillii or we will wipe you. Please note, due to how the explorer information is stored, changing your name will result in the loss of all explorer stats and any house you have.



gswap -

Multi-guild one of your characters

<vaf gswap>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Multi-guild one of your characters
HOW TO GET: 'select gswap' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 200

Each use of this reselectable enhancement allows you the awesome ability to choose one additional guild affiliation for one of your characters. That's right, one character with MULTIPLE individual guild profiles. You will only be able to have one guild active at any given time, but you will be able to swap them as you desire (with a slight cooldown period) in the Rainbow Room down from here.

What's that about stats you say? Right, given that not all guilds operate with the same stat configurations, you will be able to have a separate stat organization for each profile, allowing you to maximize your efficiency within each of your guilds.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you later end up quitting a guild while multi-guilded, the gswap will go *poof* and you will incur NO normal guild-leaving penalties in the process. You will again be able to return to multi-guildness for that character, but it will require another selection of the gswap perk.



marble -

Personalized quest marble

<vaf marble>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Personalized quest marble
HOW TO GET: 'select marble' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 200

Yes, you too can immortalize yourself into 3K with a little piece of Marble, er a marble. After selecting this enhancement, you will have a quest marble created with whatever description you want, within reason, of course, placed nearly wherever you want. Your name plugged into 3K wrapped nicely along with a quest point. What more could you ask for?



restore -

Restore a previous character in partial or full

<vaf restore>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Restore a previous character in partial or full
HOW TO GET: 'select restore' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 400

This reselectable enhancement allows you to restore a character or part of a character from a previously existing point in time. This could be the result of a wipeme, character purge, guild quit, etc. Before you leap headfirst into this one, let's go over the rules...

What you can do with a restore:
1) Fully restore a previous character including player, guild, professions and crafting aspects (if applicable)
2) Selectively restore one of your character's previous major aspects (guild, professions, etc.) to one of your current characters
3) Restore one of your previous characters to one of your current guild profiles
4) Swap guild objects between two of your characters
5) Use in conjunction with 'gswap' to assimilate one of your extra characters's guild onto one character
6) Temporarily break the multi-char limit with a restored character

What you cannot do with a restore:
1) You cannot pick and choose individual, minor aspects you want to restore (coins, quests, skills, etc.)
2) You cannot clone a character - if you are playing the same character that you want to restore, it must be replaced
3) Some ancillary aspects of a player (medals, crafting, dogs, etc.) may be restorable, but there's always a chance they are not. You should assume they will not be part of the restoration unless you are told otherwise
4) Houses are never restored, ever

Because every character restore is a unique situation, selection of this perk must be done with an Archon's assistance (because they have to dig for the information). If you want more information or have any questions, mail an Archon. If you have a specific restore in mind, including details such as the approximate date, level, guild and guild level of the character you're looking to restore will speed things up.



numbers -

View real-time combat damage numbers

<vaf numbers>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: View real-time combat damage numbers
HOW TO GET: 'select numbers' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: Variable choices (see below)
20 VAF credits (lasts for one month)
50 VAF credits (lasts for one year)
250 VAF credits (lasts permanently)

This enhancement gives you the sweet ability to go beyond literal combat descriptions and see exactly what kind of waste you are laying to your enemies. We're talking actual damage numbers, every single round. Now there will always be some exotic means of attack that will not be tracked, but most of what you do certainly will. If you fancy yourself a 'number person' you will love this perk. Note: Adding more time will simply add to what you already have. For example, if you had one month remaining and you select another month, you would end up with two months.


20 - 250

linkd -

Unlimited linkdead time to reboot

<vaf linkd>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Unlimited linkdead time to reboot
HOW TO GET: 'select linkd' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: Variable choices (see below)
10 VAF credits (lasts until reboot)
50 VAF credits (lasts for one year)
250 VAF credits (lasts permanently)

Yes, that's right, no more limited linkdeath time for you. Use this enhancement to give your character unlimited time to remain linkdead until you decide to come back. Of course, by unlimited, we mean at most until reboot. Note: Adding more time will simply add to what you already have. For example, if you had one month remaining and you select another month, you would end up with two months.


10 - 250

ldlogin -

Login another character while others are linkdead

<vaf ldlogin>

CATEGORY: Limited/Reselectable Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Login another character while others are linkdead
HOW TO GET: 'select ldlogin' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: Variable choices (see below)
10 VAF credits (lasts until reboot)
25 VAF credits (lasts for one month)
100 VAF credits (lasts for one year)
500 VAF credits (lasts permanently)

This enhancement gives you the ability to login any of your secondary characters, even if any of them are currently linkdead. You are still limited to one active character at any given time, but now the others can remain linkdead while that one is active, preserving equipment, stat bonuses, etc. Unlike most enhancements, this one is tied to the human, meaning that if you select it, it will apply to all your characters. Note: Adding more time will simply add to what you already have. For example, if you had one month remaining and you select another month, you would end up with two months.


10 - 500

ktrig1 -

Automatic, server-side kill trigger

<vaf ktrig1>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Automatic, server-side kill trigger
HOW TO GET: 'select ktrig1' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 10 VAF credits

This permanent enhancement gives you access to the 'ktrig' command which provides you with a server-side trigger that will engage whenever you fell an opponent. This gives you an advantage over client triggers because being server-side, it is not only absolute and instantaneous, but also specific to your kills and not kills of other players or party members that may be around.



tellb -

Ability to tellb (tellblock) all

<vaf tellb>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Ability to tellb (tellblock) all
HOW TO GET: 'select tellb' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 10 VAF credits

This permanent enhancement gives you the ability to 'tellb all' which will tellblock all players. Of course, wizards will still be able to speak to you, because wizards speak nothing but things that you need to hear.



lt -

+1 name to linktell (max of 5 enhancements)

<vaf lt>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: +1 name to linktell (max of 5 enhancements)
HOW TO GET: 'select lt' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 10 VAF credits

Each selection of this permanent enhancement will add 1 more name that you can 'addlink' to your linktell. It's like almost nearly your very own elitist chatline! Almost.



ktrig2 -

Full ktrig ability (10 total commands and more)

<vaf ktrig2>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Full ktrig ability (10 total commands and more)
HOW TO GET: 'select ktrig2' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 15 VAF credits

This permanent enhancement adds seven more commands for a total of ten, as well as further functionality to your existing ktrig1 enhancement. See 'help ktrig' for more info. Oh yeah, to select this enhancement, you must first have selected the ktrig1 enhancement, but you knew that already.



alias -

+25 max aliases (max of 4 enhancements)

<vaf alias>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: +25 max aliases (max of 4 enhancements)
HOW TO GET: 'select alias' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 20 VAF credits

Each selection of this permanent enhancement will add 25 more to your maximum alias total. Have more aliai than ever before!



scaler -

Allows dungeon level scaling from 66% to +8

<vaf scaler>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Allows dungeon level scaling from 66% to +8
HOW TO GET: 'select scaler' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 20 VAF credits

What the hell does 66% to +8 mean? Well, if you know about dungeon areas, then you should. Right now you get the range from 75% to +5. Obviously this perk expands that range for you.



afk -

Triple-length afk message

<vaf afk>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Triple-length afk message
HOW TO GET: 'select afk' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 20 VAF credits

How the heck can you truly explain to people why you're afk with only one lousy line of text? Select this permanent enhancement and you will gain the ability to set an afk message that's triple the length of your neighbors!



friends -

+10 friend slots (max of 10 enhancements)

<vaf friends>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: +10 friend slots (max of 10 enhancements)
HOW TO GET: 'select friends' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 20 VAF credits

Each selection of this permanent enhancement will add 10 more slots to your 'friends' command. Alas, friends not included - we can't help you there.



rating -

Open up full capability of the 'rating' command

<vaf rating>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Open up full capability of the 'rating' command
HOW TO GET: 'select rating' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 25 VAF credits

This permanent enhancement adds sexy new information to the already useful 'rating' command (help rating) including rooms in the area, monster and unique item loading information plus more possible down the road. Think of this perk as the hot fudge covering the delectable ice cream that is the basic rating command and dig in!



scaler2 -

Allows scaling from 50% to +10 (requires scaler)

<vaf scaler2>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Allows scaling from 50% to +10 (requires scaler)
HOW TO GET: 'select scaler2' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 25 VAF credits

This, along with the original scaler, gets you 50% of scaler and +10 to upper limit, whatever that means.



muffs1 -

Earmuffs level 1 (740)

<vaf muffs1>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Earmuffs level 1 (740)
HOW TO GET: 'select muffs1' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 30 VAF credits

This permanent enhancement allows you to sequester yourself away in your own, quiet little world by 'earmuff'uffing all shouts from anyone up to level 740, which includes all but the titled wizards.



desc -

Ability to color-ansi your personal description

<vaf desc>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Ability to color-ansi your personal description
HOW TO GET: 'select desc' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 30 VAF credits

Once you have this permanent enhancement, in the Star Chamber down from here, you can configure your personal description (when people look at you) in full-color ansi. Pure, unadulterated vanity is now within your reach.



idle -

Add 1 hour to idle limit (max of 6 enhancements)

<vaf idle>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Add 1 hour to idle limit (max of 6 enhancements)
HOW TO GET: 'select idle' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 33 VAF credits

This reselectable enhancement allows you to add 1 hour to the current 2 hour limit before an idle character is forced linkdead. For example, If you select this twice, you will be able to remain idle for 4 hours before the system forces you linkdead. You are able to select this enhancement up to six times, for a total of 8 hours idleness maximum.



mbox -

+100 capacity to your mailbox (max of 5)

<vaf mbox>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: +100 capacity to your mailbox (max of 5)
HOW TO GET: 'select mbox' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 40 VAF credits

Each selection of this permanent enhancement will add 100 to your mailbox capacity (default is 50). Now you can keep mails from 1992 and never run out of room for your messages again! Be sure to also check out the 'mailer' VAF perk for more mailing awesomeness.



tellhis -

Quadruple-sized tell history (64 tells)

<vaf tellhis>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Quadruple-sized tell history (64 tells)
HOW TO GET: 'select tellhis' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 40 VAF credits

Do you have such an active social life that your tells simply scroll right off the screen and off your tellhist? Worry no more! Now you can permanently increase your tellhist to encompass 64 total tells!



muffs2 -

Earmuffs level 2 (940, must have level 1 first)

<vaf muffs2>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Earmuffs level 2 (940, must have level 1 first)
HOW TO GET: 'select muffs2' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 40 VAF credits

This permanent enhancement allows you to 'earmuff' all shouts from anyone up to level 940, which includes all but the most godly wizards. To select this enhancement, you must first have selected the earmuffs level 1 enhancement, which you already knew, because you're a smart cookie.



pretit -

Increase pretitle length to 20 characters

<vaf pretit>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Increase pretitle length to 20 characters
HOW TO GET: 'select pretit' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 40 VAF credits

Oh snap! How many times have you needed just ONE more character to set the perfect pretitle that will lay down your wordy smackdown on everyone who sees you? Worry not, with this permanent enhancement, you can now set one up to TWENTY characters in length.



pretit2 -

Colorized ansi pretitle (must have 'pretit' first)

<vaf pretit2>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Colorized ansi pretitle (must have 'pretit' first)
HOW TO GET: 'select pretit2' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 40 VAF credits

This permanent enhancement allows you to take your pretitle to new levels on the main 'who' list and your personal 'finger' info by including fanciful ansi colors and effects. Stand out amongst the teeming masses with this cool perk. The ansi works just like board ansi 'help board' and can be set in the Star Chamber down from here.



align2 -

Colorized ansi alignment (must have 'align' first)

<vaf align2>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Colorized ansi alignment (must have 'align' first)
HOW TO GET: 'select align2' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 50 VAF credits

This permanent enhancement allows you to take your alignment title to new levels on the main 'who' list and your personal 'finger' info by including fanciful ansi colors and effects. Stand out amongst the teeming masses with this cool perk. The ansi works just like board ansi 'help board' and can be set in the Star Chamber down from here.



wname -

Colorized ansi name on who list and finger info

<vaf wname>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Colorized ansi name on who list and finger info
HOW TO GET: 'select wname' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 50 VAF credits

This permanent enhancement allows you to select an ansi color in which your name will appear on the main 'who' list as well as your personal 'finger' info. Yes, you can make your name stand out from all those people who spent their VAFs on other things like earmuffs and scars. Screw those people.



align -

Custom alignment description (up to 20 chars)

<vaf align>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Custom alignment description (up to 20 chars)
HOW TO GET: 'select align' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 54 VAF credits

If dwarves from the ice ranges of Alaska existed, they would use this permanent enhancement to set their customized alignment message to 'Alaskandwarvishrgood' which just reaches the 20 character limit. They would be able to do this whenever they want, in the Star Chamber down from here, again, if they existed.



title2 -

Colorized ansi title (must have 'title' first)

<vaf title2>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Colorized ansi title (must have 'title' first)
HOW TO GET: 'select title2' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 60 VAF credits

This permanent enhancement allows you to take your title to new levels on the main 'who' list and your personal 'finger' info by including fanciful ansi colors and effects. Stand out amongst the teeming masses with this cool perk. The ansi works just like board ansi 'help board' and can be set in the Star Chamber down from here.



title -

Custom title description (up to 80 chars)

<vaf title>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Custom title description (up to 80 chars)
HOW TO GET: 'select title' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 60 VAF credits

This permanent enhancement allows you to set your title to anything you like (up to eighty characters) as many times as you want by visiting the Star Chamber down from here. Of course, by anything, we mean tasteful. Abuse of this baby will not be looked upon kindly.



plan -

Ability to attach a colored plan to your finger

<vaf plan>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Ability to attach a colored plan to your finger
HOW TO GET: 'select plan' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 75 VAF credits

Once you have this permanent enhancement, in the Star Chamber down from here, you can create a full-color plan that will appear whenever anyone fingers you. Y'know, there's just no way to make that not sound disgusting, really.



yadda -

Double shout length

<vaf yadda>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Double shout length
HOW TO GET: 'select yadda' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 75 VAF credits

Ever get sick of the yadda yadda yadda? Well, with this permanent enhancement, you can double your shout length and never be yadda'd again! Ok, well, you will, but not for twice as long!



satch -

2x capacity crafting satchel

<vaf satch>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: 2x capacity crafting satchel
HOW TO GET: 'select satch' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 100 VAF credits

Double your crafting pleasure, double your crafting fun.



pose -

Customized pose message

<vaf pose>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Customized pose message
HOW TO GET: 'select pose' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 100 VAF credits

Become the envy of the entire mud with this permanent enhancement that allows you to create your own, customized pose over and over again. Annoy 3K like never before!



showac -

View actual AC values on items and yourself

<vaf showac>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: View actual AC values on items and yourself
HOW TO GET: 'select showac' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 100 VAF credits

That's right, augmenting the already very useful appraisal skill, now view the actual armour class numbers of most every piece of armour on the game with this permanent perk. Note: For the realm of 3Kingdoms, the skill of Appraisal 1 is required for use of this perk, while on the realm of 3Scapes, Perception 1 is required.

*Cloak of the Spirit {radiant} (worn)
This cloak is infused with the sun-yellow power of Tipharet. To obtain it, one must be in mastery of the lower five Sephiroth on the Tree of Life.
The cloak is in perfect condition.
It looks unbreakable.
This armor provides special defense against melee attacks.
This armor has the following resistances:
25 edged, 25 blunt, 25 mind, 20 energy
This looks the same as when you put it on.
You must be level 10 to wear this.
It looks light.



mailer -

Full access to the Premium Mail System

<vaf mailer>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Full access to the Premium Mail System
HOW TO GET: 'select mailer' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 100 VAF credits

This sweet perk gives you full usage of all of the mail system's new hotness. This includes the ability to swap between all of your characters to check mail and even send mail from them when they aren't logged in. You will also be able to create custom folders to keep your mail organized. Finally, you will have access to your sent (Outbox) and deleted (Trash) items as well - very handy. This perk only needs to be selected once and it will work for all your legal characters.



showwc -

View actual WC values on weapons

<vaf showwc>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: View actual WC values on weapons
HOW TO GET: 'select showwc' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 100 VAF credits

This permanent beauty enhances the appraisal skill, letting you see the actual weapon class numbers of most every weapon in the game automagically. Note: the skill of Perception 4 is required for use of this perk.

*Spork Lance (wicked) [superforced] (wielded) (enchanted)
This is an impressively large spork. Its prongs look wicked-sharp. There are grooves along the handle that seem like they would be awfully convenient if one wanted to hold it like a lance. This particular spork lance seems rigid and WICKED sharp.
This item is bound to you.
This weapon is in flawless condition.
This weapon deals edged damage.
This weapon's classifications: 93 (edged)
This weapon gains benefits from your lance weapon skill.
You must be level 55 to wield this weapon.
Equip Sets: Fieldsmith Super Reinforced [Max: 1]
It looks light.



stimer -

Remove your personal shout delay timer

<vaf stimer>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Remove your personal shout delay timer
HOW TO GET: 'select stimer' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 125 VAF credits

Want to experience doling out the utter annoyance that only a true newbie can? Well, select this permanent enhancement and you will remove all delays between your shouts, until you abuse the hell out of it and we take the ability away from you.



dogjoin -

Merge dogs across all your characters into one

<vaf dogjoin>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Merge dogs across all your characters into one
HOW TO GET: 'select dogjoin' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 200 VAF credits

This permanent perk allows you (a human) to merge all your dogs from across all your characters into one, which we will lovingly refer to as The One Dog. The dog owned by the character that actually selects this perk will become The One Dog for the human, so make sure you're on as the character who's dog you want to remain. All other dogs will be abandoned and gone forever, with their experience all merged into The One Dog, which will then be waiting patiently for you in the kennel.



checker -

Remote board reader/writer

<vaf checker>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Remote board reader/writer
HOW TO GET: 'select checker' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 200 VAF credits

One of the coolest permanent enhancements, the checker will allow you instant, remote access to any boards you like. You will be able to read and post to them whenever you want. Be the first on the block to get yours! If you are ever lame, and lose your checker, you will be able to get another one from the Star Chamber down from here.



sswap - (3Scapes only VAF)

Add one additional full-stat swap block (max of 4)

<vaf sswap>

CATEGORY: Permanent Enhancements
DESCRIPTION: Add one additional full-stat swap block (max of 4)
HOW TO GET: 'select sswap' in the VAF room (down from Center of Town)
COST: 200 VAF credits

Each use of this reselectable enhancement allows you the ability to choose one additional set of stats for each of your guilds. Yes, you read that right - one for each of your guilds!
