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Christmas Slime!

Slimes are a fun addition to Christmas Day on 3K. Every December 25th, beginning at 12:01 AM mud time, a magic tree blooms in the center of town. Healing potions for all players of 3k can be plucked from the limbs of this tree and enjoyed for a full 24 hours. After your first few sips, whether you needed the healing or simply enjoy the flavor, a slime will fall into your inventory and begin to bombard you with slime related details. Like the potion, the slime will only stay with you for Christmas day, but anything it learns while it is with you, it will retain the information from one year to the next. Simply bring it with you when you enter combat and it will begin to gain experience. It will need to be fed corpses and items to satisfy its ravenous appetite. Additionally, it can be harmed if you fight anything that does fire damage, so be careful!

A pet slime -
A small glob of slime sits in the palm of your hand. It seems to study you and utters every now and then a content gurgle. The slime is completely translucent and fairly unremarkable except that it seems to have a will of its own and an innate infatuation with its creator. You could 'slime nudge' it gently if you wanted its attention.
You'll most likely herniate a disc lifting this.

Where to get it

  1. Find 'A Large Green Christmas Tree' in the Center of Town.
    This is an enormous, beautiful Christmas tree. It stands here shimmering in the light that reflects off the snow around it. Hanging in the tree you see hundreds, maybe THOUSANDS of shiny flasks. You could probably 'snatch a flask' off of this tree. But likely only once.
    You are not sure how heavy it is.
  2. <snatch a flask>
    You snatch a potion from the tree!
    Potion of XMas Healing (used 0 HP, 0 SP) -
    This is an XMas potion of healing. It has infinite capacity to heal.
    It looks light.
  3. <drink potion>
  4. Repeat the previous step until you see a slime spawn.
    As you go to drink the flask, a small slimey creature oozes out and slides down your face, around your neck, and into your backpack where it feasts on years worth of old cheetos and stale fritos and grows to twenty times its original size. It sure is cute though.
    If you don't like this slime you can squish it.

    [Slime Event] Locrian got slimed!
  5. You now have access to the slime chatline <slime chat> as well. Remember to stay away from fire damage to keep your slime longer (which includes damage by you and done to you).

What can I do with it?

Slime Nudge

<slime nudge>
Command Action
slime state - Shows the status of your slime.
slime hush - Motions the slime to keep quiet (it might be offended).
slime name - Change the name of the slime.
slime save - Saves the slime.
slime squish - Destroy the slime.
slime feed/gore - Feeds the slime an item, 'gore' - room
slime regurgitate - Yanks back the last fed item. It will offend the slime!
slime report - Turns on/off combat reporting.
slime train - Trains a skill. Example: 'slime train light'
slime chat - Chats on the slime line.
slime short - Toggle for short report style.
slime watch - Toggle for skill progress watching.

Slime's Hit Point Bar

~{S}~ Health:100/100 Slime:100/100 P: Fullness:0% Happy:65% XP:Some Can raise

Hit Point Bar explained:


S is for Slime.


How much health your Slime currently has.
Using <slime short>, your Health will be shortened as follows -
~{S}~ H:100/100 S:88/100 P:L F:92% H:65% XP:Some A while

<slime train health>
Health will increase by 6 points with each increase up to Health level 4.
Health will increase by 12 points with each increase from Health level 5 to unknown.


Slime is how much power your Slime currently has.
Using <slime short>, your Slime will be shortened as follows -
~{S}~ H:100/100 S:88/100 P:L F:92% H:65% XP:Some A while

When using powers, such as 'Light', Slime will decrease by 4 points per round until it reaches zero and then the power used will stop.

Once used, Slime will regenerate approximately 2 Slime points per round until it reaches 100% again.


P stands for Power. When you use a power, like 'Light' <slime light>, the hit point bar will look like this -
~{S}~ H:100/100 S:88/100 P:L F:92% H:65% XP:Some A while

Notice the P:L which indicates the use of Light.


Fullness is how hungry your slime is.
Using <slime short>, your Fullness will be shortened as follows -
~{S}~ H:100/100 S:88/100 P:L F:92% H:65% XP:Some A while

Your slime will eat weapons, armours and corpses. It will not eat 'junk' items.

<slime feed glasses>
Aeolian chomps down on glasses. Yummy!
<slime feed t-shirt>
Aeolian turns its "nose" up at your offering. It only eats weapons, armours and corpses.


Happy is how happy your slime is.
Using <slime short>, your slimes Happiness will be shortened as follows -
~{S}~ H:100/100 S:88/100 P:L F:92% H:65% XP:Some A while


XP is how much experience points your slime is earning that round (it will range between 'Minimal/Some/Plenty').

Keeping your slime at 99% full will earn 'Plenty' xp.

Can raise

The last part of the hit point bar relates to which skill you may be watching (it will range from 'A while/Almost!/Can raise').

Tintin auto-feed Slime Triggers

#act {\~\{S\}~ Health:%1/%2 Slime:%3/%4 P: Fullness:%5\% Happy:%6\% XP:%7} {#if {%5 < 75} {unwrap;slime feed corpse}}

Optional Juggernaut variant:
Purchase daggers from the smithy in Pinnacle and give them all to your truck, then -
#act {\~\{S\}~ Health:%1/%2 Slime:%3/%4 P: Fullness:%5\% Happy:%6\% XP:%7} {#if {%5 < 75} {get dagger from truck;slime feed dagger}}

Trigger explained:
  1. #act is short for #action (either #act or #action can be used).

  2. Then we open the command on what we want Tintin to look at by opening a bracket.
    #act {

  3. We need to comment out the { } that is surrounding the S in front so that Tintin does not try to interpret them as code within our regular expression (also known as regex), as well as comment out the first tilde since using it at the beginning of an action captures color info. To do this, we use the \ key.
    #act {\~\{S\}~

  4. We begin to type out our hit point bar as is, but replace everything you want to capture with a %1, increasing the value by one each time we come across a new value to replace. We're essentially giving our numbers a name to be referenced in the regex later since they're not always the same throughout each round of combat.
    #act {\~\{S\}~ Health:%1/%2 Slime:%3/%4 P: Fullness:%5\% Happy:%6\% XP:%7

  5. Once we're finished typing out our bar and made sure that all numbers have been replaced with a %#, we give a closing } to show that this is the end of what we want our regex to keep an eye out for.
    #act {\~\{S\}~ Health:%1/%2 Slime:%3/%4 P: Fullness:%5\% Happy:%6\% XP:%7}

  6. Now we begin our command of what we want our regex to "do" with what we just asked it to keep an eye out for. To do this, we open another bracket.
    #act {\~\{S\}~ Health:%1/%2 Slime:%3/%4 P: Fullness:%5\% Happy:%6\% XP:%7} {

  7. We provide an if statement, and to do this, we need to make sure we put a # in front. #if will signify to regex that this is a command and not just a word. Making this on a new line and increasing the indentation simply helps us easily recognize that "this" code belongs to the action (however, when pasting into your mud window, it's easiest if it's all on one line).
    #act {\~\{S\}~ Health:%1/%2 Slime:%3/%4 P: Fullness:%5\% Happy:%6\% XP:%7} {

  8. Indicate which value we're wanting to focus on. %5 is the number that is listed first for Fullness and this is what we want to control our action off of. Because we're referencing a value, we need to put this portion of code inside brackets.
    #act {\~\{S\}~ Health:%1/%2 Slime:%3/%4 P: Fullness:%5\% Happy:%6\% XP:%7} {
     #if {%5

  9. What do we want to do with %5? Any time it drops less than 75, do something. The number 75 can be adjusted to any number you desire that is between the range of 1 and 100. Because these numbers need to be in their brackets, we're left with {%5 < 75}
    #act {\~\{S\}~ Health:%1/%2 Slime:%3/%4 P: Fullness:%5\% Happy:%6\% XP:%7} {
     #if {%5 < 75}

  10. Now we have our regex looking to see if our fullness number is less than 75, we need to let it know what we want it to do once it IS less than 75. Using the first example above, we want to unwrap a corpse from our coffin, and immediately feed it to the slime. These are two seperate actions, and just like our values, we need to surround these actions in their own { }. {unwrap corpse;slime feed corpse} Notice the ; that is in the middle. This needs to included to let our expression know that unwrap corpse is one action, and slime feed corpse is a separate action. If we did not include the ; between the two, it would think we're asking it to complete one action that is unwrap corpse slime feed corpse. This would cause an error and you would receive a prompt on the mud that there is no reason to unwrap corpse slime feed corpse here.
    #act {\~\{S\}~ Health:%1/%2 Slime:%3/%4 P: Fullness:%5\% Happy:%6\% XP:%7} {
     #if {%5 < 75} {unwrap corpse;slime feed corpse}

  11. Our last action is to close our entire if statement with a bracket. This means the entire command is complete. This code can be copy/pasted into your mud window and it will begin to keep track of your slimes fullness immediately. Once your connection to 3K is lost, this action will be forgotten. If you want this action to be recognized with each login, you'll need to paste it into a .txt file and then in your mud window, type #read name-of-file.txt.
    #act {\~\{S\}~ Health:%1/%2 Slime:%3/%4 P: Fullness:%5\% Happy:%6\% XP:%7} {
     #if {%5 < 75} {unwrap corpse;slime feed corpse}

Tintin auto-light Slime Trigger

Q: What if I want to auto-feed my slime and make it create light at the same time?
A: That's pretty easy, we're going to follow the same trigger above, but add one extra line to it.

#act {\~\{S\}~ Health:%1/%2 Slime:%3/%4 P: Fullness:%5\% Happy:%6\% XP:%7} {#if {%5 < 75} {unwrap corpse;slime feed corpse}; #if {%3 == %4} {slime create light}}

Auto-light Trigger explained:
  1. Following the same steps for the previous trigger, we're going to add one more line to the code between the ending brackets.
  2. Add a semi-colon separate out our triggers so that the code realizes this is a new command.
    #act {\~\{S\}~ Health:%1/%2 Slime:%3/%4 P: Fullness:%5\% Happy:%6\% XP:%7} {
     #if {%5 < 75} {unwrap corpse;slime feed corpse};
  3. We're going to make another if statement to focus strictly on the Slime percentage. %3 is looking at the current slime number, and %4 is the maximum slime number. We want the trigger to initiate when the current slime number is equal to the maximum slime number, therefore we have two equal signs so that it doesn't think we're trying to complete a mathematical equation.
    #act {\~\{S\}~ Health:%1/%2 Slime:%3/%4 P: Fullness:%5\% Happy:%6\% XP:%7} {
     #if {%5 < 75} {unwrap corpse;slime feed corpse};
    #if {%3 == %4
  4. Close the bracket to help the program know to stop looking for more information, and open up a new bracket so that we can tell it what we want it to do once our if statement is found.
    #act {\~\{S\}~ Health:%1/%2 Slime:%3/%4 P: Fullness:%5\% Happy:%6\% XP:%7} {
     #if {%5 < 75} {unwrap corpse;slime feed corpse};
     #if {%3 == %4} {
  5. Insert the result (the action) we want to happen now.
    #act {\~\{S\}~ Health:%1/%2 Slime:%3/%4 P: Fullness:%5\% Happy:%6\% XP:%7} {
     #if {%5 < 75} {unwrap corpse;slime feed corpse};
     #if {%3 == %4} {slime create light
  6. And add a closing bracket so that the program knows this is all we want it to do. Optionally, you can also add a semi-colon to the end of this if statement as sometimes you'll get an error report if it's not there.
    #act {\~\{S\}~ Health:%1/%2 Slime:%3/%4 P: Fullness:%5\% Happy:%6\% XP:%7} {
     #if {%5 < 75} {unwrap corpse;slime feed corpse};
     #if {%3 == %4} {slime create light};

Slime State

<slime state>
HP: 100 / 100 Slime: 100 / 100 Level: 1
Talkative: Yes Reporting: Yes Awake: Yes
Hunger: Famine A meter indicates how far along you're slime is between Famine and Full Full
Mood: Angry A meter indicates how far along you're slime is between Angry and Happy Happy
Light A meter indicates how far along you're slimes light skill is. 0/100 A while
Poison A meter indicates how far along you're slimes poison skill is. 0/100 Req lvl: 10
Goo A meter indicates how far along you're slimes goo skill is. 0/100 Req lvl: 5
Weight A meter indicates how far along you're slimes weight skill is. 0/100 Req lvl: 2
Gluttony A meter indicates how far along you're slimes gluttony skill is. 0/100 Req lvl: 6
Fireproof A meter indicates how far along you're slimes fireproof skill is. 0/100 Req lvl: 4
Symbiosis A meter indicates how far along you're slimes symbiosis skill is. 0/100 Req lvl: 15
Regeneration A meter indicates how far along you're slimes regeneration skill is. 0/100 Req lvl: 10
Health A meter indicates how far along you're slimes health skill is. 0/100 Req lvl: 3
Smear A meter indicates how far along you're slimes smear skill is. 0/100 Req lvl: 8
Acid absorption A meter indicates how far along you're slimes acid absorption skill is. 0/100 Req lvl: 13

Slime Levels

Slime levels are earned automatically when you spend XP to raise skills. It is not yet determined how much xp you need to spend before a level is earned. Previous theories of n+1 were deemed inaccurate in 2022.

Available Skills: Slime

<mskills slime>

Combat :

Acid absorption : 0/100

Skill name: Slime.combat.acid absorption
Your level: -= 0/100 =-

If you're very lucky (and your slime is awake) it might block an acidic attack aimed at you. This skill will increase the odds of that happening as well as allow it to block more of the damage.

To view a list of all skills available to you, type 'skills'

Advance: slime train acid absorption

Fireproof : 0/100

Skill name: Slime.combat.fireproof
Your level: -= 0/100 =-

If hit by fire the slime will indeed catch fire and naturally it will also hurt you. By training in this skill you will not only lessen your slime's odds of getting accidently killed you will also lessen the damage transferred to you.

To view a list of all skills available to you, type 'skills'

Advance: slime train fireproof

Poison : 0/100

Skill name: Slime.combat.poison
Your level: -= 0/100 =-

The slime can, if ordered, poison your foe. Use 'slime poison' target. A higher skill will result in more damage and a chance of putting a damage over time effect on your target.

To view a list of all skills available to you, type 'skills'

Advance: slime train poison

Smear : 0/100

Skill name: Slime.combat.smear
Your level: -= 0/100 =-

Being a creature made from poisonous and acidic matter you can smear part of the slime onto your weapon. This will undoubtedly add a poisonous element to its damage. However, the slime might get offended, not to mention actually take damage from your stealing some of its slimy essence. Training this skill will lead to a higher bonus, as well as a longer duration. Note that you can only enchant one weapon at a time. Once this skill is acquired use 'slime smear' target.

To view a list of all skills available to you, type 'skills'

Advance: slime train smear

Passive :

Gluttony : 0/100

Skill name: Slime.passive.gluttony
Your level: -= 0/100 =-

Increasing this skill will increase how quickly the slime can digest food. A pleasant side effect of this is that the slime will break down food quicker the higher it is and by doing this heal itself with an accelerated pace.

To view a list of all skills available to you, type 'skills'

Advance: slime train gluttony

Light : 0/100

Skill name: Slime.passive.light
Your level: -= 0/100 =-

You can train your slime to emit a glowing ball of light. Use 'slime light' to begin glowing. At higher levels this ability can have unexpected effects during combat.

To view a list of all skills available to you, type 'skills'

<slime light>
You nudge Aeolian which grumblingly replies with an eerie shine.

Slimes hit point bar will now indicate that you're using the Light power.
~{S}~ Health:100/100 Slime:88/100 P:L Fullness:92% Happy:65% XP:Some A while

Slime points will decrease 4 points per round until it reaches zero and then the light will turn off.
(Your slimes fullness will affect how many slime points will decrease per round.)
When your slime points run out, you'll see the following message:

Aeolian's gooey form stops glowing.
Advance: slime train light

Symbiosis : 0/100

Skill name: Slime.passive.symbiosis
Your level: -= 0/100 =-

You can create a symbiosis with your slime which in short means that it will do its best to lend you its health. The more you train in this skill the lower the slime will allow itself to be (health-wise) as well as giving you a better effect of the transfer. Use 'slime symbiosis' when achieving this skill.

To view a list of all skills available to you, type 'skills'

Advance: slime train symbiosis

Physical :

Goo : 0/100

Skill name:
Your level: -= 0/100 =-

The slime can only do so much. However, putting points into this will increase its ability to be effective.

To view a list of all skills available to you, type 'skills'

Note: raising goo will increase 'Slime' points by 5.

Advance: slime train goo

Health : 0/100

Skill name:
Your level: -= 0/100 =-

You wouldn't want your slime to die since it will most likely be highly offended. This skill will affect the slimes health and secondarily affect the skill symbiosis.

To view a list of all skills available to you, type 'skills'

Slime health level 3 = 118 hit points.
Slime health level 5 = 136 hit points.
Slime health level 6 = 142 hit points.
Slime health level 7 = 148 hit points.
Slime health lvl 10 = 178 hit points.

Advance: slime train health

Regeneration : 0/100

Skill name: Slime.physical.regeneration
Your level: -= 0/100 =-

The slime will regain some of its goo with time. However by training this skill it will go faster, as well as use less food and keep the slime in a generally better mood.

To view a list of all skills available to you, type 'skills'

Advance: slime train regeneration

Weight : 0/100

Skill name: Slime.physical.weight
Your level: -= 0/100 =-

Even though the slime is made from goo, it's still pretty heavy. This skill will reduce that weight.

To view a list of all skills available to you, type 'skills'

When you initially receive your Level 1 Slime, its description is listed as follows:
You'll most likely herniate a disc lifting this.

Once you advance your slimes Weight skill to 1, its description is listed as follows:
It would take considerable effort to lift this.
This description remains throughout the weight skill level of 6. Beyond level 6 is unknown at this time.
Advance: slime train weight

help slime.[combat|passive|physical].skillname

Consolation Prize

If your slime has died, or the 24 hours of slime time is over, you can still return to the Christmas Tree, <snatch a flask>, and you'll be given a present.
a carefully wrapped present with a blue ribbon and green bow
This is a big, rectangular box that is very carefully wrapped with a blue ribbon and a big, green bow. You can't wait to open it.

<open present>
You tear open your present...
It's : a crystal dagger!!!!

a crystal dagger
This is a crystal dagger, very sleek and light. The crystal seems to be very brittle, and you realize the dagger is hollow but there is something pulsing inside. An odd choice for a weapon, it looks like it would break on the first attack. But who knows what would happen when it shatters...
This weapon is in excellent condition.
This weapon deals edged damage.
This weapon's classifications: 10 (edged)
This weapon gains benefits from your dagger weapon skill.
It looks light.