Missions <mission help>
Missions are small tasks that you can perform for certain NPC's or creatures on 3K in exchange for a
reward. If any creature has a mission available, you will see a question mark at the end of their
name. Missions have a number of possible rewards that can range from coins, experience, stat boosts
and reputation increases. The tasks can be killing certain creatures, or collecting specific items
from an area. If you do find someone offering you a mission, be sure to type
<mission help> for the available commands to get started.
Stat Boosts
Stats are in many way one of the must fundamental parts of any character on 3K. Every character has
6 stats: Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity and Charisma. While some guilds
come with bonuses and sometimes even penalties, the cost to increase them, their starting points and
end game limits are the same for all players. In each of the realms found on 3K, you can also find
many opportunities to boost your stats. Though these boosts can be temporary, they come in very
handy when a little extra something is exactly what you need to help you achieve your goals. Stat
boosts can range from just a few minutes in duration up to the end of reboot, which means some can
stay with you for a week or more under the right conditions. Boosts can come in the form of potions,
items, or even rewards for completing a task (like missions). Similarly, traps and curses can have a
negative impact on your stats which can have the same duration in time as the boosts.
List of Missions & Stat Boosts Found
Click on mission/stat boost name to expand for more information. On
non-mobile devices, click on header to sort items by column
Name & Reward
Access the Terminals
Science, Voodoo Scavengers
Alien Ship
Non mission/Stat only: Stats
From Science: <enter, u, 4n, d, 21n, 11w, enter>
Return to Science: <leave, 11e, 21s, u, 4s, d, out>
Alien Ship [Distortion] Monster class:
92 to
69k This area has
58 discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered
58 rooms.
Map of Area
Once inside the area, travel <2n, 2u, s> - combat will begin with 2 enemies
29k : A Muton Man
20k : A Floater
<se, w, kill ragnok>
30k : Ragnok Aspian
<get keycard>
<e, ne, kill alien>
58k : Varant Aspian
<get cloak, get ring>
Power Cloak (radiating)
A Dark blue cloak that radiates wildly with power.
This item is legendary and you cannot possess more than one.
The cloak is in perfect condition.
This armor has the following resistances:
-1 edged, -1 blunt, -1 poison
It looks heavy.
Power Ring (radiating)
A Dark blue ring that radiates wildly with power.
This item is legendary and you cannot possess more than one.
The ring is in perfect condition.
This looks like it will wear out in countless weeks.
It looks heavy.
<sw, nw, n, d, s, w, sw, e, s, kill michael>
66k : Michael Aspian
<get boots, get helmet>
Power Boots (radiating)
Dark blue boots that radiate wildly with power.
This item is legendary and you cannot possess more than one.
The boots are in perfect condition.
This armor has the following resistances:
-1 edged, -1 blunt, -1 mind
It doesn't look too heavy.
Power Helmet (radiating)
A Dark blue Helmet that radiates wildly with power.
This item is legendary and you cannot possess more than one.
The helmet is in perfect condition.
It doesn't look too heavy.
<n, 2e, insert keycard, s, search dresser>
<get block, insert block, e, kill edro>
84k : Edro Aspian (evil)
<get amulet, get axe, get armor>
Power Amulet (radiating)
A Dark blue amulet that radiates wildly with power.
This item is legendary and you cannot possess more than one.
The amulet is in perfect condition.
This armor has the following resistances:
-1 edged, -1 mind, -1 energy, -1 radiation
It doesn't look too heavy.
Power Axe (evil) (radiating)
This is the legendary power axe. Its long black stem is laced with gold
and silver jewels, surrounded by a thin blue outline. The blade of the axe
itself is very sharp, with several ridges, to sever the organs of an
opponent. The axe itself was forged by alien engineers possibly back on
the home world. This great weapon belongs to Edro Aspian.
This item is legendary and you cannot possess more than one.
This weapon is in excellent condition.
This weapon deals edged damage.
This weapon's classifications: 17 (edged)
This weapon gains benefits from your two-handed axe weapon skill.
You must be level 10 to wield this weapon.
It looks heavy.
Power Armor (radiating)
Dark blue armor that radiates wildly with power.
This item is legendary and you cannot possess more than one.
The armour is in perfect condition.
It appears to be light armour for a player of your level.
This armor has the following resistances:
10 edged, 10 blunt
It looks very heavy.
Return to Science - <w, n, e, nw, w, n, d, 2s, leave, 11e, 21s, u, 4s, d, out>
Dexterity +2
Intelligence +2
Constitution +2
Charisma +2
Indefinite (when worn)
Power Boots (radiating)
Power Helmet (radiating)
Power Cloak (radiating)
Power Ring (radiating)
Science, Alien Ship
Amulet of Concupiscence
Non mission/Stat only: Stats
From Fantasy:<portal> (bam, you're there)
Return to Fantasy: <portal>
wayhaven [Tiro] Monster class:
300 to
219k This area has 12+ discovered rooms.
Map of Wayhaven
You'll need a light source when entering the upstairs library for this. (See the lights page here.)
Travel to the Aramathean Library. From Fantasy - <portal, 7w, 3s, 2e, 2s, u, n>
You should find Carid the Scholar (lovesick), <say hello>
Carid says: Hello, Locrian! Willing to help a poor, lovesick scholar?
<say yes>
Carid says: Oh, thank you! I have tried everything. I came to the
library to research a magic spell, or something I can use
to warm Terela's heart. I've been up here in the spells
and enchantments section for days, though, without any
luck. Let me know if you find anything?
<s, d, lookup love>
After an exhaustive search you finally find something relevant.
Love. n. 1. a (1): strong affection for another arising out of kinship
or personal ties <maternal ~ for a child> (2): attraction based on
sexual desire: affection and tenderness felt by lovers (3): affection
based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests b: an assurance
of love 2: warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion 3. a: the object
of attachment, emotion, or admiration b: a beloved person: DARLING -
often used as a term of endearment 4. a: unselfish loyal and benevolent
concern for the good of another 5. a god or personification of love
6. an amorous episode: LOVE AFFAIR.
Love. v. (loved; loving) 1. to hold dear: CHERISH 2. a: to feel a
lover's passion, devotion, or tenderness for b. (1): CARESS (2) to
fondle amorously 3. to like or desire actively: take pleasure in
4. to thrive in 5. to feel affection or experience desire
WHAT TO DO IF YOU ARE IN LOVE: Try lots of attention, gifts, etc.
If that does not seem to help, try writing poetry, hiring musicians,
and the like. IF ALL ELSE FAILS: use a love philter on your love.
This works every time. N.B.: Make sure that you are the first person
he or she sees after imbibing the philter. For a recipe for concocting
this potion, consult standard alchemical manuals, or an alchemist
of good repute.
<u, n, say philter>
Carid says: Hmm... That would do nicely! Can you get me one? I'll
reward you, of course.
Visit the alchemist, <s, d, 2n, 2w, 3n, 7e, portal, 3e, n, e, 2n, w, d, w, say philter>
Gideon says: Ah, you have a sweet spot for someone, eh?
Gideon chuckles.
Gideon says: I remember back when I was your age.
Gideon says: All the young ladies would have wanted one of those love philters to use on me.
Gideon looks nostalgic.
Gideon smiles.
Gideon suddenly realizes you are still here.
Gideon coughs.
Gideon says: Oh yes! You want to know about the love philter.
Gideon says: Let me jot down the recipe for you...
Gideon jots something down on a slip of paper and hands it to you.
Gideon says: You should get a bubbly red potion.
Gideon says: Watch out - if you drink it, you will fall irretrievably in love with the first person you see.
<read recipe>
Burner to 1, evaporator to 3. Grind shimmerweed. Turn the evaporator down to 2, and the burner all the way up. Straight amorblossom. Now turn the evaporator back up to 3 and set the burner to 2. Liquify dandelion.
<read recipe>
Burner to 2, evaporator to 3. Straight amorblossom.
process (burner 2) evaporator to 2 Chop bark process
Now turn the evaporator back up to 3, burner down to 1. Grind oakwood. process
From the first recipe, you can read that you need 3 ingredients; shimmerweed, amorblossom, and dandelion.
Shimmerweed can be found in the eastern side of the Fantasy realm. From the Alchemist, travel <e, u, e, 2s, w, s, 3w, portal, 15e, leave>
From here, you'll have to wander the area until you see shimmerweed and <get shimmerweed>. Reorient yourself and return to Fantasy portal.
Dandelion can be found in the northern side of the Fantasy realm. From Fantasy portal, <portal, 12n, leave>
From here, you'll have to wander the area until you see dandelion and <get dandelion>. Reorient yourself and return to Fantasy portal.
The amorblossom can be found in the Rocky Hill of west Fantasy. From Fantasy portal, <portal, 12w, leave, 10w, 3n, u, kill jackalman>
3k : Jackalman
3k : Jackalman
<nw, climb boulder, pick flower, kill lamia>
9k : Evil Lamia
<out, pick flower>
You pick a blossom from the amorblossom bush.
Return to the alchemist - <d, se, d, 6s, 2e, portal, 3e, n, e, 2n, w, d, w>
<burner 1>
You turn the burner to setting 1.
<evaporator 3>
You turn the evaporator to setting 3.
<grind shimmerweed>
You put the shimmerweed into the grinder.
<process shimmerweed>
You process the shimmerweed through the apparatus.
The shimmerweed passes through the grinding shaft.
The agent is fully distilled through the open evaporator.
Slight activation comes from passing by the low burner.
The shimmerweed drips out into the vial.
Step 1 of the brewing process is complete.
<evaporator 2>
You turn the evaporator to setting 2.
<burner 3>
You turn the burner to setting 3.
<straight amorblossom>
You put the amorblossom into the apparatus.
<process amorblossom>
You process the amorblossom through the apparatus.
The amorblossom passes through the straight shaft.
The agent picks up strong ventilation through the evaporator.
The amorblossom gains full activation passing by the high burner.
The amorblossom drips out into the vial.
Step 2 of the brewing process is complete.
The liquid in the vial begins to boil.
<evaporator 3>
You turn the evaporator to setting 3.
<burner 2>
You turn the burner to setting 2.
<liquify dandelion>
You put the dandelion into the liquifier.
<process dandelion>
You process the dandelion through the apparatus.
The dandelion passes through the liquifying shaft.
The agent is fully distilled through the open evaporator.
As the dandelion passes by the burner it gains energy.
The dandelion drips out into the vial.
Step 3 of the brewing process is complete.
The brewing is complete, the potion has been created.
You move the fresh potion to a nearby table.
A bubbly red potion
A potion made of swirling vapors and liquids.
Drinking an unknown potion may be hazardous to your health.
There is a small label on the vial reading 'Locrian'
It looks light.
Give the potion to Carid the Scholar, <e, u, e, 2s, w, s, 3w, portal, 7w, 3s, 2e, 2s, u, n, give potion to carid>
<get all> - The amulet is the item that provides you with the +3 Charisma stat boost when worn. (This item can be transmuted.)
The scroll of the Bukken
|\ < q L | (- : 7 / [ \; V + +) #
c h ~ \/ ;: ? )( '/ I % _-
It looks light.
Amulet of Concupiscence
A huge heart-shaped red ruby on a silver chain. The gem glitters
with some unknown magic. When you wear it, you feel strangely
attractive, as though all the men around you are driven mad with
desire at the very sight of you. In fact, with this amulet around
your neck, you are not quite as afraid to deal with men, and they
even seem to respond more favorably to everything you say.
Actually, you feel downright sexy with this thing on! It's quite enjoyable.
This item will bind to you when equipped.
The amulet is in perfect condition.
It has a magical glow about it.
This armor has the following resistances:
5 mind
It looks light.
You carefully study Amulet of Concupiscence...
This armor has hardly any protection.
Compared to other armors of this type, this one is pretty weak.
This has some defense against mental damage.
- Providing average protection for this item.
This armor has no special defense against melee attacks.
Yowsa, this thing is expensive!
There seems to be more that can be learned from this object.
You carefully study Amulet of Concupiscence...
This item has a detailed history:
This amulet was enchanted long ago for a young man who was desperately
in love. When he wore the amulet before his love, she became mad with
passion and desire, and flung herself on him. Their relationship
prospered from that point, as long as he remembered to wear the amulet.
Since then, the amulet has been passed down in the family, sold,
forgotten, and eventually came into the possession of Carid the Scholar
in Wayhaven. Carid tried unsuccessfully to use the amulet to seduce his
love, Terela. Unfortunately, even the amulet's powers were not
sufficient, and he was forced to resort to a love philter.
Nevertheless, the wearer of this amulet will become far more attractive
to members of the opposite sex - poor Carid just didn't start with much.
Return to Fantasy - <s, d, 2n, 2w, 3n, 7e, portal>
Charisma +3
Amulet of Concupiscence
Fantasy, Wayhaven
Arcanarton's Books
Non mission/Stat only: Stats
From Fantasy: <portal, 12n, leave, 8n, 4e, 6n, 9w, s, 2w, sw, trail, (enter)>
Return to Fantasy: <(s), trail, ne, 2e, n, portal>
Arcanarton [Cletus] Monster class:
204 to
49k This area has
20 discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered
20 rooms.
Map of Area
Once inside the area, travel <enter> (Fight the enemies in your path.)
4k : An orcish ghoul
6k : A massive human ghoul
3k : A thin, wiry human ghoul
<e> (Fight the enemies in your path.)
5k : A thin, wiry human ghoul
9k : An orcish ghoul
10k : A thin, wiry human ghoul
<n> (Fight the enemies in your path.)
5k : A massive human ghoul
9k : A thin, wiry human ghoul
<d, search walls>
<u, s, w, 2n, u> - Note: It is possible that you may slip on a stair while traveling up. Continue to travel up until you've successfuly made it to the 2nd floor.
<e, u, s> (Fight the enemies in your path.)
205 : A Follower of Arcanarton
212 : A Follower of Arcanarton
212 : A Follower of Arcanarton
211 : A Follower of Arcanarton
205 : A Follower of Arcanarton
<s> (Fight the enemies in your path.)
1k : A Dark Bishop of Arcanarton
3k : A Dark Priest of Arcanarton
1k : A Dark Bishop of Arcanarton
<u> (Fight the enemies in your path.)
4k : Animated corpse
<2u, kill arcanarton>
48k : Arcanarton the Arch-Lich
<read books> - You should now have your stat boosts.
Return to Fantasy - <3d, 2n, d, w, d, s, out, s, trail, ne, 2e, n, portal>
Intelligence +3 & Wisdom +1
48 hours
Arcanarton's Books
Fantasy, Arcanarton
+3, +1
48 hours
Care Bears
Non mission/Stat only: Stats
From Chaos: <enter, 3e, s, climb rainbow>
Return to Chaos: <slide rainbow, n, 3w, vortex>
Care Bears [Groosh and Turnhold] Monster class:
908 to
133M This area has
30 discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered
51 rooms.
Map of Area
Once inside the area, battle your way through the Care Bears and their cousins (NOTE: not all mobs in the area have stat boosting gear).
All Care Bear gear must be worn to receive stat bonus with the exception of the Cupcake. Only the cupcake is Bind on Pickup. Stat boosts will increase with higher scalers, as well as the minimum level requirement to wear it.
From Chaos: <enter, 3e, 2s, 2e, n, 3e, s, e>
Return to Chaos: <w, n, 3w, s, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>
Cloud City [Manson] Monster class:
34 to
277k This area has
23 discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered
23 rooms.
Map of Area
Warning: The items obtained to get the stat boosts will give you negative AC.
Once inside the area, travel <shakrali, follow instinct, n, e, n, knock door, e>
<say hypnotize> ...wait
<tap bully, kill bully>
8k : Large Bully
<rise, rejoice sibling, kill jealousy>
18k : Jealousy
<rejoice sibling, rise, relax>
<lie couch, kill stress>
33k : Stress
<rise, disturb brain, kill brain>
74k : Right Brain
<get ring> - Wearing this ring will give you +3 Charisma
Ring of Right Brain Control
This ring gives off many colors when exposed to light. The myriad of colors
inspires many emotions inside you. Perhaps it would have an even greater
effect if it was worn.
This item is legendary and you cannot possess more than one.
The ring is in perfect condition.
It has a magical glow about it.
This armor has the following resistances: -3 edged, -3 blunt, -3 fire, -3 ice, -3 acid, -3 electric, -3 mind, -3 energy, -3 poison, -3 radiation
It looks light.
<fall, fall, fall, fall> (that's 4 times of falling and you should be back in the Doctor's office now)
<w, n, 2w, s, knock door, w>
<say hypnotize me> ...wait
<say [your name]>
<kill problem>
27k : Problem One
<say 48, kill problem>
25k : Problem Two
<say 6:12, kill problem>
25k : Problem Three
<open panel, push red button, kill brain>
259k : Left Brain
<get ring> - Wearing this ring will give you +3 Wisdom
Ring of Left Brain Control
This ring seems like a normal looking ring. It has a simple band, and it
would seem to fit your finger okay. Curiously though, it appears to make
everything around you seem more clear.
This item is legendary and you cannot possess more than one.
The ring is in perfect condition.
It has a magical glow about it.
This armor has the following resistances: -3 edged, -3 blunt, -3 fire, -3 ice, -3 acid, -3 electric, -3 mind, -3
energy, -3 poison, -3 radiation
It looks light.
Note: If you wear BOTH rings, you will also gain a +3 Intelligence from the Ring of the Right Brain Control
Return to Chaos - <fall, fall, fall, fall> (that's 4 times of falling and you should be back in the Doctor's office) <e, s, e, n, open cage> ...wait <w, n, 3w, s, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>
Charisma +3
Wisdom +3
Intelligence +3
Indefinite (as long as you wear the gear)
Ring of Right Brain Control
Ring of Left Brain Control
Ring of Right Brain Control
Chaos, Cloud City
Damn the Drow!
From Fantasy: <portal, 15e, leave, 11e, 9s, 2w, s, 3d, 3n, nw, 3w, 10s, 3e, se, ne>
Return to Fantasy: <e, u, portal, 5n, nw, 3n, 3e, se, 3s, 3u, out, 2e, 9n, 11w, enter, 15w, portal>
Deep Mountain [Rastafan] Monster class:
326 to
257M This area has discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered rooms.
Mission Giver:
Larwon, Duergar Shop Keeper
Damn the Drow!
Mission Timer:
500 coins
500 reputation with Deep Mountain Duergar
1 Str
Map of Deep Mountain Map of The Drow Kingdom of fe dar Shad
Mission Instructions
Once you're in the area, locate Larwon, Duergar Shop Keeper. <sw, enter, n>
<mission ask>
<mission accept>
Description : Larwon has asked you to slaughter 25 of the damn dirty drow in the name of Deep Mountain.
Slaughter the Drow : 0/25
Return to The Drow Kingdom of fe dar Shad area, <s, e, u, portal>
Roam around this area killing anything with the name Drow in it until you've killed 25.
Once you've finished killing each one on the list, return to Larwon, Duergar Shop Keeper - (directions will vary based on your whereabouts within The Drow Kingdom of fe dar Shad)
<mission return>
You tell Larwon, Duergar Shop Keeper that you've finished the mission.
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'Damn the Drow!'.
You have been awarded 500 coins for your efforts.
You have been awarded 500 reputation with the Deep Mountain Duergar faction for your efforts.
Your reputation with Deep Mountain Duergar has increased.
You have been awarded 1 str for your efforts.
Mission complete!
Return to Fantasy: <s, e, 2s, e, 3n, w, n, 2w, 3n, u, n, 8e, 3n, 11w, enter, 15w, portal>
Fantasy, Deep Mountain
Death to Gargamel!
From Chaos:
<enter, e, 2s>
Return to Chaos: <2n, w, vortex>
Smurfland [Zoom] Monster class:
3k to
40M 86 of "40" rooms discovered
Mission Giver:
Papa Smurf
Death to Gargamel!
Mission Timer:
This mission can be completed once per 24 hours.
1,000 coins
15,000 XP
Map of Area
Mission Instructions
Once you're in the area, locate Papa Smurf -<3s>
<mission ask>
<mission accept>
Description :
Papa Smurf sizes you up, nods briefly, then approaches you with a wide
grin. 'Some people think we're all cuddles and snuggles and friendly
happy thoughts, but the truth is if you cross us enough times we will
come after you with a vengeance. One such individual has proven that he
simply will not give up in his quest to eat us or turn us into gold, or
something. We need to make sure that this individual does not cause us
any more harm. DEATH TO GARGAMEL!!'
Kill A very large rat : 0/9
Kill A large furry spider : 0/6
Kill Azrael : 0/1
Kill Gargamel : 0/1
Travel to Gargamel's castle - <s, 2e, 8s, enter>
Enter each and every room, killing the spiders, rats, Azrael, and Gargamel.
Once you've finished killing each one on the list, locate Gargamel's room - ≤out, 2s>
<mission return>
You tell Papa Smurf that you've finished the mission.
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'Death to Gargamel!'.
You have been awarded 15000 xp for your efforts.
You have been awarded 1000 coins for your efforts.
Mission complete!
Return to Chaos: <4n, w, vortex>
Chaos, Smurfland
From Chaos: <enter, 4w, e, s, w, s, 2e, grab joystick, w, s, play halo>
Return to Chaos: <lie down, n, e, out, 2w, n, e, n, 2w, 3e, vortex>
Halo [Quaker] Monster class:
373 to
18M 41 of 44 rooms discovered
Mission Giver:
A pale marine
Mission Timer:
200 coins
10,000 XP
Map of Area
Mission Instructions
Note: If you come across an office chair while you're roaming Halo, <get chair, sit chair> and you'll wheel yourself all around the mud.
Once you're in the area, you should immediately see A pale marine. <mission ask>
<mission accept>
Description : A marine has asked you to bring back a couple different weapons from the
invaders. You can return them to any marine you find!
(Hint: use mission
store and mission return to complete this mission)
A metallic plasma pistol : 0/1
A blue plasma rifle : 0/1
Note: Keep in mind that some enemies are not always in the same room with each reboot. While the instructions below direct you to specific rooms for the items, you may encounter the enemies prior to the specified destination given. Look for the <.> at the end of each name.
Search the area, killing all you find in order to obtain the items you need. Class sizes will vary since this is a dungeon. First time this mission was completed, an item was found by traveling <w, n, jump over pipes, n, w, s, w, 2s, kill creature>
A short yellow-armoured creature
After killing this creature, 'A metallic plasma pistol (enhanced)' dropped.
<get pistol, mission store pistol>
Travel <s, e, kill elite>
A blue-armoured elite
After killing this creature, 'A blue plasma rifle (enhanced)' dropped.
<get rifle, mission store rifle>
Once you've found both items, return to A pale marine - <w, 3n, e, n, e, s, jump over pipes, s, e
<mission return>
You tell A pale marine that you've finished the mission.
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'Disarm!'.
You have been awarded 200 coins for your efforts.
You have been awarded 10000 xp for your efforts.
Mission complete!
Chaos, Halo
Down with Duergar!
From Fantasy: <portal, 15e, leave, 11e, 9s, 2w, (s)>
Return to Fantasy: <out, 2e, 9n, 11w, enter, 15w, portal>
Drow Kingdom of fe dar Shad [Rastafan]
including fe dar Shad Monster class:
85 to
12M This area has discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered rooms.
Mission Giver:
Guard Captain
Down with Duergar!
Mission Timer:
500 coins
500 reputation with fe dar Shad
1 Int (for 1 hour)
Map of The Drow Kingdom of fe dar Shad Map of Deep Mountain
Mission Instructions
Note: kill all things that block your path.
Once you're in the area, locate the Guard Captain. <3d, 3s>
<mission ask>
<mission accept>
Description : The Drow Captain has asked you to slaughter 10 Duergar for fe dar Shad.
Kill Duergar : 0/10
Travel to the Deep Mountain area (remember to kill all enemies blocking your path), <6n, nw, 3w, 10s, 3e, se>
Continue through to the hidden exit - <ne>
Roam around this area killing anything with the name Duergar in it (you may want to refrain from killing Larwon and the Bar keeper) until you've killed 10.
Once you've finished killing 10, return to the Guard Caption - (directions will vary based on your whereabouts within Deep Mountain)
<mission return>
You tell Guard Captain that you've finished the mission.
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'Down with Duergar!'.
You have been awarded 500 coins for your efforts.
You have been awarded 500 reputation with the fe dar Shad faction for your efforts.
Your reputation with fe dar Shad has increased.
You have been awarded 1 int for your efforts.
From Fantasy:
<portal, 12w, leave, 3w, 4n, enter>
Return to Fantasy: <leave, 4s, 3e, enter, 12e, portal>
Zelligar's Castle [Pfunk] Monster class:
38 to
Map of Area
Note: The directions below include directions for the temporary stat boost as well as how to obtain the gear.
Once inside the area, travel <2n, w, n, nw>
<drink from pool 9>
You drink the water and your fingers tingle.
Note: Alternatively, you could add this to your Zelligar script. In the same room that you get the first key, you can also drink from pool 9. This way, you should get the INT boost each time you visit Zelligar's.
Return to Fantasy - <se, s, e, 2s, leave, 4s, 3e, enter; 12e, portal>
Or continue with the steps below for the stat boosting gear. Keep in mind that there will be golems in almost every room and their class size will vary based on the scaler you set your dungeon to. Refer to Zelligar's dungeon page for more information on class size per scaler.
<n, 3e, 2s, search shelves, get gloves> - NOTE: you do not need to wear the gloves, just have them in your inventory.
<2n, 3w, s, get key>
<n, 3e, 2s, 3e, n, 3e, 4n, 4w, 4s, unlock door, open door, w, get key>
<4n, 4e, 4s, 3w, s, 3w, 2n, 2w, n, unlock door, open door>
<2w, 2s, sw, 3w, n, nw, 4e, n, ne, 3e, n, kill zelligar>
<get headband>
Intelligence +1
Int and Wis
1.38 hours
Indefinite (as long as you wear it)
Drink from Pool 9
Zelligar's Headband
Fantasy, Zelligar's Castle
1.38 hours
Dwayne hates...
From Chaos: <enter, 2e, d>
Return to Chaos: <u, 2w, vortex>
Alphabet Land [Rastafan] Monster class:
92 to
5M This area has 27 discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered 27 rooms
+2 Dex, +1 Con, +1 Int, +1 Str, +1 Cha, +1 Wis for 48 hours
3,000 coins
Map of Area
Mission Instructions
Once you're in the area, <mission ask>
You ask The Alphabet Serial Killer if you can help out.
Dwayne, the Alphabet Serial Killer, who never had a date in his life, probably because he's such a loser, has asked you to kill off all the letters spelling the word 'Girls'
You have been offered the mission 'Dwayne Hates "Girls"'.
Dwayne, the Alphabet Serial Killer, was a social outcast. As such, he wants to wipe out "Jocks" for ostracising him for his entire scholastic internment.
You have been offered the mission 'Dwayne Hates "Jocks"'.
Dwayne, the Alphabet Serial Killer, who was a social outcast, was unfairly bundled with all the "Nerds" in school. Unfortunately he was never particularly intelligent, so they teased him too.
You have been offered the mission 'Dwayne Hates "Nerds"'.
Dwayne, the Alphabet Serial Killer, was mercilessly teased in school. One time during the class trip he was locked in the bathroom with a goat stolen from a local farm. He has never forgiven all goat-kind.
You have been offered the mission 'Dwayne Hates "Goats"'.
Dwayne, the Alphabet Serial Killer, was mercilessly teased in school. His school mascot was a wolf, as such he has sworn to kill "Wolves" as often as he can.
You have been offered the mission 'Dwayne Hates "Wolves"'.
Dwayne, the Alphabet Serial Killer, was a clumsy lout. He wasn't ambidextrous, at all. In fact, far from it. He could barely utilize one of his arms to do any task requiring fine motor skills. As such he has sought to strike down all things 'Ambidextrous.'
You have been offered the mission 'Dwayne Hates "Ambidextrous".
<mission accept>
Repeat the last step until you've accepted all 6 missions.
Active missions for Locrian
1 ) Dwayne Hates "Girls"
| Letter G : 0/1
| Letter I : 0/1
| Letter R : 0/1
| Letter L : 0/1
| Letter S : 0/1
2 ) Dwayne Hates "Jocks"
| Letter J : 0/1
| Letter O : 0/1
| Letter C : 0/1
| Letter K : 0/1
| Letter S : 0/1
3 ) Dwayne Hates "Nerds"
| Letter N : 0/1
| Letter E : 0/1
| Letter R : 0/1
| Letter D : 0/1
| Letter S : 0/1
4 ) Dwayne Hates "Goats"
| Letter G : 0/1
| Letter O : 0/1
| Letter A : 0/1
| Letter T : 0/1
| Letter S : 0/1
5 ) Dwayne Hates "Wolves"
| Letter W : 0/1
| Letter O : 0/1
| Letter L : 0/1
| Letter V : 0/1
| Letter E : 0/1
| Letter S : 0/1
6 ) Dwayne Hates "Ambidextrous"
| Letter A : 0/1
| Letter M : 0/1
| Letter B : 0/1
| Letter I : 0/1
| Letter D : 0/1
| Letter E : 0/1
| Letter X : 0/1
| Letter T : 0/1
| Letter R : 0/1
| Letter O : 0/1
| Letter U : 0/1
| Letter S : 0/1
Now, go have fun killing all the letters. As long as you kill every letter, you'll receive credit for each mission. (Don't forget to kill the hidden letter R.)
Once all letters have been killed, go back to the Alphabet Serial Killer and <mission return> for all 6 missions.
You tell The Alphabet Serial Killer that you've finished the mission.
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'Dwayne Hates "Girls"'.
You have been awarded 500 coins for your efforts.
You have been awarded 1 con for your efforts.
You tell The Alphabet Serial Killer that you've finished the mission.
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'Dwayne Hates "Jocks"'.
You have been awarded 500 coins for your efforts.
You have been awarded 1 int for your efforts.
You tell The Alphabet Serial Killer that you've finished the mission.
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'Dwayne Hates "Nerds"'.
You have been awarded 500 coins for your efforts.
You have been awarded 1 str for your efforts.
You tell The Alphabet Serial Killer that you've finished the mission.
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'Dwayne Hates "Goats"'.
You have been awarded 500 coins for your efforts.
You have been awarded 1 cha for your efforts.
You tell The Alphabet Serial Killer that you've finished the mission.
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'Dwayne Hates "Wolves"'.
You have been awarded 500 coins for your efforts.
You have been awarded 1 wis for your efforts.
You tell The Alphabet Serial Killer that you've finished the mission.
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'Dwayne Hates "Ambidextrous"'.
You have been awarded 500 coins for your efforts.
You have been awarded 2 dex for your efforts.
Mission complete! Return to Chaos.
Chaos, Alphabet
48 hours
Einstein's Brain
Non mission/Stat only: Stats
From Chaos: <enter, 3e, 2s, 2e, 3n, trail>
Return to Chaos: <back, 3s, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>
Einstein's Cottage [Ulme] Monster class:
13k to
241k This area has
12 discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered
12 rooms.
Map of Area
Warning: It is said that the braincells are CHA-aggro, wander, as well as drain SP's. You have been warned. Once inside the area, travel <ne, climb gate, w>
<look at fence, search tree> - you should now have a small key in your inventory
From Fantasy:
<portal, 12n, leave, 11n, 9e, 7n, 2e, 2n>
Return to Fantasy: <6s, 16w, portal>
Tower of Pak-Tor [Flaxen] Monster class:
3k to
39k This area has discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered rooms.
Mission Giver:
A ghostly voice
Free Hamstel!
Mission Timer:
25,000 xp
2 Con
Map of Area
Mission Instructions
Remember to bring a light when you travel to this area.
As soon as you enter the area, you're mission is offered from A ghostly voice.
A ghostly voice whispers: Be you friend or be you foe, come end the
travesty that is the life of the fallen mage
Hamstel. Give rest to he who has known nothing
but pain. Come! Make your way to the top of the
<mission accept>
Description : A ghostly voice has asked you to enter the Tower of Pak-Tor, learn its
history and the terrible tragedy that befell the mage who lives here.
Ultimately, you must free the mage's soul and take upon yourself the
responsibility he once had.
Gain access to the Tower of Pak-Tor: 0/1
Learn of the Battle of Torbin : 0/1
Learn of the Fall of Hamstel : 0/1
Learn the Truth of Hamstel : 0/1
Release Hamstel's soul : 0/1
Take up the mantle of Hamstel : 0/1
<look at something, look at driftwood, search driftwood> - you should now have a wooden key in your inventory.
A wooden key
A key made out of driftwood.
It looks light.
<enter> - and you've already completed the first step of the mission.
<look at walls, look at east wall> - you've now learned of the Battle of Torbin.
A ghostly voice whispers: The dark elves came in droves and swarms, and
swarms of droves ... We had badly underestimated
how many elves there were, and no other mages
replied to our summon for aid ... We were
You study the painting intently, although it is blurred and faded due to
time and lack of care. Suddenly you realize that this is a depiction of
the great Battle of Torbin, wherein the dark elves from the
southern-most parts of the forest and the Great Mage Hamstel of the
magical Tower of Pak-Tor fought. Legend has it that after three months
of unending battle, the black elves retreated to their homeland, leaving
the Tower of Pak-Tor in utter ruin, and leaving the Great Mage Hamstel
weak and frail, for he alone had held off the entire armies of the dark
elves. The legends don't tell much about what happened to the Tower or
the elves, and the fate of Hamstel was unknown. It was rumored that he
died not long after this battle, leaving the plainsmen vulnerable to the
renewed attacks by the dark elves. This led to the ultimate downfall of
the plainsmen and the complete annihilation of their entire race.
<u, look at paintings
A ghostly voice whispers: He was beautiful ... beautiful when he was in his
prime. None could stand before him ... and no
one individual ever did. Instead, they sent more
soldiers than any one man, or god, could
The paintings tell the history of Pak-Tor. The first shows the Tower
being built by the plainsmen, in honour of the great mage Hamstel who
had repeatedly saved their tribe from the dark elves. The next shows
Hamstel, in his youth, casting great spells as he battled the dark elves
from the land of the plainsmen. You cannot help but gaze in awe at the
power that this mage once had. The third painting shows the plainsmen,
living in peace and prosperity, the Tower standing protectively in the
background. When you turn to look at the fourth painting, the first
thing you notice is that it is painted differently than the others. It
is crudely done, and is scratched into the wall. Upon closer
inspection, you can tell that it shows the dark elves running rampant
among the plainsmen, pillaging and plundering. The saddened face of
Hamstel is seen in the background as he watches helplessly.
<kill glimlek>
7k : Glimlek
<u, unlock door, open door, enter, kill mage>
27k : A red-robed maged
A ghostly voice whispers: And now you see, the Hamstel who has taken up
residence here, though it was rumoured to be
Hamstel, was no more than an imposter. Thank
you, Locrian, for righting this wrong. But seek
ye now the true Hamstel! He lives still!
<get all>
A dungeon key
The key to the dungeon of Pak-Tor.
It looks light.
A strong wooden staff
A thick wooden staff, its surface polished to an almost mirror-like
quality. Each end of the staff is capped with steel bands, wrapped
around the wood to provide extra strength. The holy symbol of the
Goddess Celeni has been stamped into the metal rings, while another
carving you can not make out clearly dominates the wooden shaft.
To use this staff you must hold it.
It looks light.
You carefully study A strong wooden staff...
This item has a detailed history:
Celeni, Goddess of Nature, handed the first of these staves to her
high-priest for exceptional service several centuries ago. The nature
of his service is lost to sages now, but the staff has appeared several
times in history since. It is rumored that the priests of Celeni have
discovered the secret for making these items, but they refuse to give a
straight answer on the topic.
Glass Potion of Potency (beige liquid)
This potion makes things more potent!
It looks light.
<s, 2d, unlock door, open door, n, kill hamstel>
35k : Hamstel
A ghostly voice whispers: And so ends the great mage Hamstel. Pay your
respects, for he once stood equal with the gods.
Were it not for his permanently weakened state,
you would not have lasted more than a blink of
his eye. Now, come! The time for sad thoughts
is at an end! Come, grab my hilt, and assume the
mantle of protecting the plains, as ravaged and
as barren as they may be!
<move dirt, pull lever>
You move the dirt away and reveal a lever.
You pull the lever with all your might, and the wall opens, revealing
hidden treasure.
Nightbringer (ensharpened)
This is the legendary mace Nightbringer. Any closer examination shows
nothing. The mace gets its power from absorbing the light in its immediate
environment. Its powers are known only in rumors and unfounded claims.
It is indeed a formidable weapon.
This weapon is in excellent condition.
This weapon deals blunt damage.
This weapon's classifications: 16 (blunt)
This weapon gains benefits from your mace weapon skill.
You must be level 10 to wield this weapon.
It doesn't look too heavy.
<wield nightbringer>
** You have completed mission 'Free Hamstel!' **
Nightbringer whispers: Well done, Locrian! You have ended Hamstel's long
nightmare and you have liberated me from my prison!
And now, Locrian, I task you with the protection of
these lands, the same task that spurred my creation
oh so many years ago. Use your judgement wisely, and
wield me as you see fit, in the name of the plains!
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'Free Hamstel!'.
Nightbringer whispers: I grant thee the endurance of a plainswoman. May
that blessing find its way to your heart Remember
forever the story of Pak-Tor and the great mage
You have been awarded 25000 xp for your efforts.
You have been awarded 2 con for your efforts.
WMT Note: The CON boost, 'Free Hamstel! reward', will last for 5 hours.
Dungeon of Pak-Tor (s) @
You have come to a tiny room that looks nothing like the rest of the
Tower. It is dark here, the only light coming from the torch on the
wall, lighting a very small area of the room, and barely that. Water
drips down from the walls and ceiling, forming a little stream along
the ground and disappearing into the darkness. A musty smell
permeates the room, and you feel like you are about to be sick. This
is a very unpleasant place to be, and a little voice tells you that
you should be leaving here as soon as possible.
There is one obvious exit: south
A swirling vortex of lightning.
Ionian the packmule.
(divine insight
Using your divine ability you discover the following information about the
environment you are in:
The following items can be examined in this room: room, ceiling, door,
walls, light, wall, northern wall, water, patch, ground, dirt, concrete,
torch, stream, loose patch, cement walls, patch of dirt
There are no searchable items in the room.
You have discovered 6 of the 6 known rooms in this area.
Fantasy, Tower of Pak-Tor
For Sentimental Reasons
Chaos, Pulp Fiction
Inside a shack on the ice
Non mission/Stat only: Stats
From Chaos: <enter, 3e, 2s, 2e, n, 2e, s>
Return to Chaos: <n, 2w, s, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>
Ice Fishing [Igor] Monster class:
4k to
12k This area has
10 discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered
9 rooms.
Map of Area
Once inside the area, travel <s, sw, w, open door, w, kill fisherman>
<get rod, wield rod>
<door, e, ne, open door, w>
Repeat the previous step until you receive a +1 Intelligence boost.
You catch a fish! It's kind of small, but you decide to eat it anyway.
After all, fish is brain food.
Return to Chaos - <door, 2n, 2w, s, 2w, 2n, 3w>
Intelligence +1
Inside a shack on the ice.
Chaos, Ice Fishing
In the Pantry
Non mission/Stat only: Stats(Once per boot)
From Chaos: <enter, 4w, e, s, w, s, 2e, grab joystick, 2s, play 3kraft, hard, 10n, 3e, n>
Return to Chaos: <leave, 3w, out, windows, 2n, out, 2w, n, e, n, 2w, 3e, vortex>
<throw salt> and it will give you a +1 indefinite stat bonus. If you do not receive a +1 stat, this means that another player has already received the stat boost (and it's only given out once per boot).
Random +1
In the Pantry
Chaos, 3Kraft
Investigate the Disturbance
Fantasy, Owlbears
12 hours
Kayos Chinchilla Furs!
Chaos, Happy Ed's Chinchilla Farm 2.0
From Chaos: <enter> Locate the roaming 'A Small ChaosBrand(tm) Television Set' - <turn knob> until you get to channel 3<enter screen, s, 2w, u, 2e, n, e, kill dexter>
50k : Dexter
<pull book, se, 2d, w, press button>
Return to Chaos: <press button, e, u, sw, e, input exit, w, s, 2w, d, 2e, n, enter door> and you'll be dropped off somewhere random inside Chaos
200 reputation with Global Security
2 Cha, 2 Str, 2 Wis, 2 Con (169 hours)
4,000,000 XP
Map of Area
Mission Instructions
Once you've followed the directions to get into the area, you should be in front of A TV Screen Showing The Commander. <mission ask> for all 4 missions
<mission accept> for all 4 missions
Description : You'll need to be prepared to finish off the Huntor as The
Commander has requested you to do. The Huntor is a fiendishly
clever opponent with lots of gadgets and gizmos at his disposal.
He's hot on the trail of Monkey so you need to hurry!
Kill Huntor : 0/1
Description: Hidden somewhere on the space station is the evil being known as
Magmanamus. Seek him out and end him before he gets a chance to
burn Monkey to a crisp! Magmanamus is a giant lava being, so
things might get hot!
Kill Magmanamus : 0/1
Description: The Commander has tasked you with entering the space station to
find, and kill the evil Peltra before she can capture Monkey and
skin him alive!
Kill Tanner : 0/1
Kill Skinner : 0/1
Kill Peltra : 0/1
Description: The Commander has ordered you to kill the incredibly beefy
Rasslor before he can find Monkey! Be careful, Rasslor has single
handedly dispatched the entire Justice Friends without breaking a
Kill Promotor : 0/1
Kill Rasslor : 0/1
As soon as you kill Tanner, Skinner will appear and is aggressive. <kill skinner>
867k : Skinner
As soon as you kill Skinner, Peltra will appear. <kill peltra>
1.1M : Peltra
<8e, search netting, kill huntor>
847k : Huntor
<4w, 4s, enter cockpit, mission return> for all 4 missions
You tell A TV Screen Showing The Commander that you've finished the mission.
The Commander says: You've done us a great
service, and I'm sure Monkey appreciates it. One
less group of scum challenges Global Security.
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'Kill Peltra'.
You have been awarded 1000000 xp for your efforts.
You have been awarded 200 reputation with the Global Security faction for your efforts.
Your reputation with Global Security has increased.
You have been awarded 2 cha for your efforts.
The Commander says: You've done us a great service, and I'm sure
Monkey appreciates it. One less group of scum
challenges Global Security.
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'Kill Rasslor'.
You have been awarded 1000000 xp for your efforts.
You have been awarded 200 reputation with the Global Security faction for your efforts.
Your reputation with Global Security has increased.
You have been awarded 2 str for your efforts.
The Commander says: Huntor has plagued many planets seeking trophies
to fill his base. You have helped a great many
species today, all of whom owe you a debt of
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'Kill Huntor'.
You have been awarded 1000000 xp for your efforts.
You have been awarded 200 reputation with the Global Security faction for your efforts.
Your reputation with Global Security has increased.
You have been awarded 2 wis for your efforts.
The Commander says: By killing Magmanamus you've managed to cool the
situation, pardon the pun, and done a great
service for us at Global Security.
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'Kill Magmanamus'.
You have been awarded 1000000 xp for your efforts.
You have been awarded 200 reputation with the Global Security faction for your efforts.
Your reputation with Global Security has increased.
You have been awarded 2 con for your efforts.
Order of the Lost Knights [Revelation] Monster class:
3.8M to
8.7M This area has discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered rooms.
Mission Giver:
A young man (in training)
A Knight's Ale
Mission Timer:
300 reputation with The Order of the Lost Knights
Map of Area
Mission Instructions
Make sure you have at least 100 coins on your for this mission.
Once you've followed the directions to get into the area, travel <s, sw, se, 2s, mission ask>
<mission accept>
Description : There's nothing like a good, old-fashioned, Knight's ale to ease
your mind. Find the pub in town and knock back a cold one!
Enjoy a Knight's Ale : 0/1
Travel <2w, s, buy ale>
Good work, Locrian, not much of a task there though, right?
** Objective 'Enjoy a Knight's Ale' of 'A Knight's Ale' : completed! **
** You have completed mission 'A Knight's Ale' **
You pay 100 coins for an ale.
Johanne hands you an ale.
<n, 2e, mission return>
You tell A young man (in training) that you've finished the mission.
You may just have what it takes to be a future Knight!
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'A Knight's Ale'.
You have been awarded 300 reputation with the The Order of Lost Knights faction
for your efforts.
Your reputation with The Order of Lost Knights has increased.
Knight Training Arena -
Order of the Lost Knights [Revelation] Monster class:
69k to
167M Room information not available
Mission Giver:
Larry, the arena boss
Lifelong Training (Part 1)
Lifelong Training (Part 2)
Lifelong Training (Part 3)
Mission Timer:
300 reputation with The Order of Lost Knights
Map of the Village of Erah
Mission Instructions
Note: no corpses will be dropped during the time of this mission as you're not actually "killing" the knights.
Once you've traveled to the area and reached Larry, <mission ask>
<mission accept>
Description : Enter the training arena and continue your training on the long path toward knighthood.
Name : Lifelong Training (Part 1)
Defeat challenger in arena : 0/10
<enter, e> - you'll notice a Challenger Board in the Beginner Arena. You can <look at board> to see how many knights you must best at this stage. (For this example, it happens to be 4 challengers.)
<challenge, kill knight> - repeat this three more times (or for however many challengers were listed on the board when you looked at it).
244k : An Aspiring Knight {Page-in-Training}
155k : An Aspiring Knight {Page-in-Training}
220k : An Aspiring Knight {Page-in-Training}
156k : An Aspiring Knight {Page-in-Training}
Once you've bested the challengers, <e, look at board> - there are 5 challengers to best during this run-through (remember, your amount may be different).
Repeat the previous step (<challenge, kill knight>) until you've cleared the board.
170k : An Aspiring Knight {Page-in-Training}
159k : An Aspiring Knight {Page-in-Training}
161k : An Aspiring Knight {Page-in-Training}
207k : An Aspiring Knight {Page-in-Training}
271k : An Aspiring Knight {Page-in-Training}
Option 1: If at this point, you've bested 10 knights, travel <2w, out> and skip to step 11.
Option 2: If you have NOT reached your goal of besting 10 knights, continue on to the next step.
Travel <n, look at board>
Just like earlier, there are five challengers to best here. As you can see, I've bested 9 knights thus far, only needing 1 more. However, if I challenge only 1 and try to leave, I will lose reputation points. Therefore, I will continue to <challenge, kill knight> for all five knights.
2.1m : An Aspiring Knight {Squire-in-Training}
2.6m : An Aspiring Knight {Squire-in-Training}
724k : An Aspiring Knight {Squire-in-Training}
2.0m : An Aspiring Knight {Squire-in-Training}
2.1m : An Aspiring Knight {Squire-in-Training}
<s, 2w, out>
<mission return>
You tell Larry, the arena boss that you've finished the mission.
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'Lifelong Training (Part 1)'.
You have been awarded 300 reputation with The Order of Lost Knights faction for your efforts.
Your reputation with The Order of Lost Knights has increased.
Mission complete! At this point, you may either -
Return to Fantasy: <nw, 3w, 2n, ne, nw, 5n, leave, 6n, 2w, portal>OR continue on with the next mission that Larry offers. (Part 2) and (Part 3) missions have not been recorded at this time by WMT.
Fantasy, Knight Training Arena - Order of the Lost Knights
Lost City
Non mission/Stat only: Stats
From Science: <enter, u, 4n, d, 17n, 9w, ne>
Return to Science: <sw, 9e, 17s, u, 4s, d, out>
Lost City [Aserena] Monster class:
8k to
156k This area has
46 discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered
46 rooms.
Map of Area
Note: This is an 'other' item, and is Bind on Pickup. (Kill any enemies that block your path.)
Once inside the area, travel <2n, w, door, d> ...wait
<6e, 2n, 2e, kill lee>
91k : Lee
<ne, kill sung>
<get belt>
Belt of Wisdom
The belt of wisdom, a powerful item indeed. It has
long been passed down over the generations from the
current world master in the martial arts. It is said
to hold a small bit of the spirits of each of the
previous owners within it. Made of a flexible strip
of platinum wrapped in silk, it is a wondrous thing
to behold.
This item is bound to you.
This item is legendary and you cannot possess more than one.
The belt is in perfect condition.
This armor has the following resistances:
2 fire, 2 ice, 2 acid
It looks light.
Return to Science - UNKNOWN AT THIS TIME
Wisdom +2
Indefinite (as long as you wear the item)
Belt of Wisdom
Science, Lost City
Magical Connections
rewards unknown
A Minor Inconvenience
rewards unknown
Fantasy, Garrison
Murdock Chicken Plant
Non mission/Stat only: Stats
From Science: <enter, u, 3e, d, e, path, 5n, 14e, enter>
Return to Science: <leave, 14w, 5s, path, w, u, 3w, d, out>
Note: This can be completed twice during one reboot per player.
Once inside the area, travel <4s, w, door, 3n, e, search urinal, get keycard>
Murdock Security Keycard
This small keycard has a black stripe on it. It has the picture of a
small and greying man. The name under the picture reads J. R. Murdock.
It looks light.
<w, 3s, door, w, fill out application>
<door, give application to richard>
<n, 4w, 2n, insert keycard, door>
<drink potion>
Return to Science - <out, 2s, 4e, s, door, 2e, 4n, leave, 14w, 5s, path, w, u, 3w, d, out>
Repeat all of this again later for 1 more random +1 stat boost, as this can be completed twice per reboot, per player.
Random +1
Murdock's Secret Laboratory
Science, Murdock Chicken Plant
Out, Damned Spot of Trouble!
Fantasy, Kourlyn Temple
Penguin Zone
Non mission/Stat only: Stats
From Fantasy: <portal, 12n, leave, 11n, 6e, 11n, 2e, 2n, path>
Return to Fantasy: <path, 2s, 5w, 2n, portal>
Winter Wonderland [Alayna] Monster class:
14k to
50k This area has
13 discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered
12 rooms.
Map of Area
Once inside the area, travel <slope> ...wait
<look at sculptures> - you should now have a charisma boost!
Return to Fantasy - <search drift, get gear, wear gear, climb wall, climb up, path, 2s, 5w, 2n, portal>
Charisma +1
Penguin Zone
Fantasy, Winter Wonderland
Pittsburgh Cleanup
Science, Houston Transport Center Central Hub
Poisoned Apples
From Chaos: <enter, 3e, 2s, 2e, s, 2w, buy 3, theatre, n, sit on couch>
Return to Chaos: <sit on couch, 2s, 2e, n, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>
Pulp Fiction [Ploppy] Monster class:
3k to
94k This area has discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered rooms.
Mission Giver:
Butch Coolidge
For Sentimental Reasons
Poisoned Apples
Samurai Sucker Punch
Redneck Rampage
Mission Timer:
2,000 coins
25,000 XP
Map of Area
Mission Instructions
Note: This mission is a continuation from Butch's first mission, 'For Sentimental Reasons'. If you have not completed that one, close these instructions and scroll to expand the instructions for 'For Sentimental Reasons'.
If you just completed the 'For Sentimental Reasons' mission and wish to continue - <mission ask>
<mission accept>
Description :
Butch says: This has been without a doubt the single weirdest fucking day of my life! I could really use a smoke right now but Sally LeRoy's was out of my brand. If you run across a pack of Red Apple Cigarettes, could you bring them back to me? I need something to calm my nerves..
Get Butch some Red Apple
Cigarettes : 0/1
Locate the Dead Redneck inside the Pawn Shop Maze (you'll need to kill anyone that blocks your way), <6n, 2e, 2n, e, 3n, e>
<n, 2e, 5s, w, s, w, 3s>
<e, n, 2e, n, 4e, 3s, w>
<n, 3w, s, w, s, search redneck> - you should now have Red Apple Cigarettes in your inventory.
<mission store cigarettes>
<mission store watch>
Return the watch to Butch - <n, e, n, 3e, s, e, 3n>
<4w, s, 2w, s, w, 3n, e>
<n, e, 5n, 2w, s, w, 3s>
<w, 2s, 2w, 6s, mission return>
You tell Butch Coolidge that you've finished the mission.
Butch grabs the pack of Red Apples, pulls a cigarette out, lights up, and takes a long drag.
Butch says: Thanks friend, that hits the spot. Here's some extra cash for your
troubles. If you're sticking around here, I could use some more help...
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'Poisoned Apples'.
You have been awarded 2000 coins for your efforts.
You have been awarded 25000 xp for your efforts.
Mission complete!
Return to Chaos: <u, leave, n, w, 6n, w, s, enter, sit couch, 2s, 2e, n, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>OR you can <mission ask> Butch again for the next task.
If you wish to continue with the next mission, close these instructions and scroll to open 'Poisoned Apples'.
Chaos, Pulp Fiction
Redneck Rampage
rewards unknown
From Chaos: <enter, 3e, 2s, 2e, s, 2w, buy 3, theatre, n, sit on couch>
Return to Chaos: <sit on couch, 2s, 2e, n, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>
Pulp Fiction [Ploppy] Monster class:
3k to
94k This area has discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered rooms.
Mission Giver:
For Sentimental Reasons Poisoned Apples Samurai Sucker Punch
Redneck Rampage
Mission Timer:
Map of Area
Mission Instructions
Nothing on this mission is known at this time. It is only presumed that you need to complete the previous three missions before this one is offered.
Order of the Lost Knights [Revelation] Monster class:
3.8M to
8.7M This area has discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered rooms.
Mission Giver:
A lady-in-waiting
Roses are Red
Mission Timer:
300 reputation with The Order of the Lost Knights
Map of Area
Mission Instructions
Once you've followed the directions to get into the area, travel <s, sw, se, s, 2w, mission ask>
<mission accept>
Description : Find the garden and pick a flower to begin proving yourself.
After you pick the flower, return to me for your reward.
Find the garden : 0/1
Pick me a flower : 0/1
Travel <2e, n, nw, smell flowers>
You reach over to smell the beautiful flowers and spot a small passage leading east.
<e, pick flower>
You reach over and pluck the beautiful flower.
Good work, Locrian, your persistence will pay off.
<w, se, s, 2w, mission return>
You tell A lady-in-waiting that you've finished the mission.
You may just have what it takes to be a future Knight!
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'Roses are Red'.
You have been awarded 300 reputation with the The Order of Lost Knights faction for your efforts.
Your reputation with The Order of Lost Knights has increased.
Mission complete!
Fantasy, Order of the Lost Knights
Samurai Sucker Punch
rewards unknown
Chaos, Pulp Fiction
Save Humpty Dumpty
Chaos, Humpty Dumpty
The Science of Voodoo
rewards unknown
From Science: <enter, u, 3e, d, e, path, 10e, 2s, d>
Return to Science: <u, 2n, 10w, path, w, u, 3w, d, out>
116k This area has discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered rooms.
Mission Giver:
Major Henkey, PhD
Rescue a Good Friend
The Science of Voodoo
Pittsburgh Cleanup
Mission Timer:
Map of Realm
Mission Instructions
Note: This mission can be accepted along with the two other missions (listed above), or simply completed by itself.
From Science, <enter, u, mission ask>
<mission accept>
Description :
Major Henkey says: 'We have reports of something the people are
calling 'voodoo' deep in the office buildings in New Orleans.
Word is that the use of 'voodoo' is what has given that gang its
advantage over all the others. My organization can't make sense
of these reports until we know more about it. I need you to go
in there and learn what you can about this so-called 'voodoo',
and then report back to me.'
Learn about 'voodoo' : 0/1
Further directions have not been completed yet.
Science, Houston Transport Center Central Hub
From Science: <enter, u, 3e, d, e, path, 15n, 13e, enter>
Return to Science: <leave, 13w, 15s, path, w, u, 3w, d, out>
Kilton Research, Inc. [Takamori] Monster class:
18k to
724k This area has discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered rooms.
Mission Giver:
A Security Guard
A security situation
Eliminate Them!
Mission Timer:
650 coins
200,000 XP
Map of Area
Mission Instructions
Once you enter the area, there will be two different security guards which offer you missions within this area. We'll start with the guard closest to the entrance and add the second mission immediately after - <e, mission ask>
<mission accept>
Description : A security guard has asked you to help recover three security cards.
A Cyan Key Card : 0/1
A Magenta Key Card : 0/1
A Yellow Key Card : 0/1
<n, 3w, 2n, w, u, e, mission ask>
<mission accept>
Description : A security guard has asked you to help eliminate the rogue
Rogue Kilton Robots : 0/10
<kill guard>
90k : A Stern Security Guard
You dealt the killing blow to A Stern Security Guard.
** Objective 'Rogue Kilton Robots' of 'Eliminate Them!' : 1/10. **
Now you'll go back downstairs and kill all enemies with <^> after their name as you travel along to find the necessary items for your 1st accepted mission, 'A security situation'.
You dealt the killing blow to Rove And Secure Mk 3.
** Objective 'Rogue Kilton Robots' of 'Eliminate Them!' : 2/10. **
You dealt the killing blow to Rove And Secure Mk 3.
** Objective 'Rogue Kilton Robots' of 'Eliminate Them!' : 3/10. **
You dealt the killing blow to Rove And Secure Mk 3.
** Objective 'Rogue Kilton Robots' of 'Eliminate Them!' : 4/10. **
You dealt the killing blow to Rove And Secure Mk 3.
** Objective 'Rogue Kilton Robots' of 'Eliminate Them!' : 5/10. **
You dealt the killing blow to Jim, a Rugged Teamster.
** Objective 'Rogue Kilton Robots' of 'Eliminate Them!' : 6/10. **
You dealt the killing blow to A Skinny Janitor.
** Objective 'Rogue Kilton Robots' of 'Eliminate Them!' : 7/10. **
You dealt the killing blow to Steve, a Rugged Teamster.
** Objective 'Rogue Kilton Robots' of 'Eliminate Them!' : 8/10. **
You dealt the killing blow to Alan, a Rugged Teamster.
** Objective 'Rogue Kilton Robots' of 'Eliminate Them!' : 9/10. **
** Objective 'Rogue Kilton Robots' of 'Eliminate Them!' : completed! **
** You have completed mission 'Eliminate Them!' **
From security guard on the second floor after you killed him - <w, d, e, n, w, 2n, e, turn on computer>
Note: while finding the items for 'A security situation' mission, do NOT use the <mission store> command. You will need the items later in the area. - <e, s, 3e, n, e, search crate, get card>
<e, 2s, w, 2s, e, 2s, search box, get card>
<2w, n, 4w, 2n, w, u, w>
Provided that A Stern Security Guard has reset - <mission return>
You tell A Stern Security Guard that you've finished the mission.
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'Eliminate Them!'.
You have been awarded 500 coins for your efforts.
You have been awarded 125000 xp for your efforts.
<kill guard>
93k : A Stern Security Guard
<s, insert magenta card, kill android>
322k : A Mutant Android
<2n, kill research>
63k : A Frantic Researcher
<get card>
<mission store card> - repeat this two more times so that you store all 3 cards
** Objective 'A Yellow Key Card' of 'A security situation.' : completed! **
** Objective 'A Yellow Key Card' of 'A security situation.' : completed! **
** Objective 'A Yellow Key Card' of 'A security situation.' : completed! **
** You have completed mission 'A security situation.' **
Now return the mission to the guard - <2s, w, n, w, d, e, 2s, 3e, s, mission return>
You tell A Security guards that you've finished the mission.
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'A security
You have been awarded 150 coins for your efforts.
You have been awarded 75000 xp for your efforts.
Mission complete!
Return to Science: <w, leave, 13w, 15s, path, w, u, 3w, d, out>
Order of the Lost Knights [Revelation] Monster class:
3.8M to
8.7M This area has discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered rooms.
Mission Giver:
Johannes, the bartender
See The Town
Mission Timer:
300 reputation with The Order of the Lost Knights
2,000 coins
Map of Area
Mission Instructions
Note: Special note on this mission, it's been a bit buggy if you have your missions set to autoaccept, so toggle that off. You can check by simply typing <mission set autoaccept> and make sure it reads:
You toggle the mission setting 'autoaccept' to : off.
Once you've followed the directions to get into the area, travel <s, sw, se, 2s, 2w, s, mission ask>
<mission accept>
Description : Spend some time seeing the town that The Order of Lost Knights
call home. Explore the entire courtyard!
Walk through the courtyard : 0/12
Somewhat slowly, travel <n, 5e, n, 5w, 2s>
<mission return>
You tell Johannes, the bartender that you've finished the mission.
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'See The Town'.
You have been awarded 300 reputation with the The Order of Lost Knights faction for your efforts.
Your reputation with The Order of Lost Knights has increased.
You have been awarded 2000 coins for your efforts.
Mission complete!
Fantasy, Order of the Lost Knights
Silicon Wraiths HQ
Non mission/Stat only: Stats
From Science:
<enter, u, 4n, d, 9n, 13e, 12n, 2e, enter, 10e, 10ne, w, n>
Return to Science: <s, e, 10sw, 10w, s, 2w, 12s, 13w, 9s, u, 4s, d, out>
<load bar with 200> (you could possible do less/more weight, but that's what was chosen during this exploration)
<lie on bench>
<lift weights>
Continue to <lift weights> until the following message is displayed.
You feel a surge of power at lifting such a heavy weight!
Strength +1
A communal recreation area
Science, Silicon Wraiths HQ
Soggie War!
From Chaos: <enter, 3w, s, u, slide spoon>
Return to Chaos: <boat, say crunch> ...wait <fore, kill cap'n>
26k : Cap'n
<steer, plank, jump, w, nw, enter basket, d, n, 3e, vortex>
Cap'n Crunch Land [Santiago] Monster class:
8k to
38k This area has discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered rooms.
Mission Giver:
Tugboat Granny
Soggie War!
Mission Timer:
30,000 XP
2,500 coins
Map of Area
Mission Instructions
Once you're in the area, locate Tugboat Granny - <boat, mission ask>
Description: Tugboat Granny squints an eye and looks at you: 'Look, we both know what's going on here. The 'Cap'n' as he calls himself (did you know he's not a real Captain??) is old and ineffective. We are being destroyed by the Soggies and we need someone to step in and finish them off once and for all. I don't care how you do it, just get it done!
<mission accept>
Kill Crunchberry Beast : 0/1
Kill Alien Cap'n Crunch : 0/1
Kill Sidney Soggy : 0/1
Kill Sylvester Soggy : 0/1
Kill Squish the Sogmaster : 0/1
Kill Jean La Foote,the Bare Foot
Pirate : 0/1
<say crunch> ...wait
<fore, kill cap'n>
26k : Cap'n
<steer, plank, jump>
Explore the area, killing the necessary 'Soggies' that Tugboat Granny wants you to kill.
Once you've finished killing each one on the list, locate the Hot-air Baloon - <enter basket, slide spoon, boat>
<mission return>
You tell Tugboat Granny that you've finished the mission.
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'Soggie War!'.
You have been awarded 30000 xp for your efforts.
You have been awarded 2500 coins for your efforts.
Mission complete! Return to Chaos - from Granny, <say crunch> ...wait <steer, plank, jump, w, nw, enter basket, d, n, 3e, vortex>
Chaos, Cap'n Crunch Land
Surrender some contraband
rewards unknown
Science, Mantle Corps, Inc.
Transaction Completed
Science, Voodoo Scavengers
Tree of Life 2.0
Non mission/Stat only: Stats, Gear
From Chaos: <enter, 4w, embrace void>
Return to Chaos: <leave, w, 3e, vortex>
Tree of Life 2.0 [Turnhold] Monster class:
7m to
Map of Area
Once inside the area, battle your way through each angel. Refer to the dungeons page for more in-depth information on the angels.
Acquiring the gloves will give you +10 to Strength.
Acquiring the boots will give you +10 to Dexterity. These boosts (for Strength and Dexterity) will stay on you as long as you wear the gear.
Acquiring the breastplate will give you +10 to Constitution. This boost will stay on you as long as you wear the gear.
Upon defeating Metatron, travel <light>
<get scroll, recite scroll> - you should now have a +10 to Intelligence and +15 to Wisdom.
Indefinite (as long as you wear the gear)
Indefinite (as long as you wear the gear)
Indefinite (as long as you wear the gear)
Gloves of the Spirit
Boots of the Spirit
Breastplate of the Spirit
Scroll of the Universe
Scroll of the Universe
Chaos, Tree of Life 2.0
Tuesdays with Kourlyn
Fantasy, Kourlyn Temple
Weaken the Guard
From Fantasy: <portal, 12n, leave, 11n, 3e, 5n, 9w, nw>
Return to Fantasy: <se, e, 2s, portal>
Guiles Forest [Aztec] Monster class:
33k to
44k This area has discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered rooms.
Mission Giver:
Elf Traveller
Weaken the Guard
Mission Timer:
40,000 XP
5,000 coins
Map of Area
Mission Instructions
Before traveling to Guiles Forest, you'll need to locate the Elf. Once you're at the Fantasy portal, travel <portal, 12n, leave, 11n, 3e, 3n, 8w>. The Elf roams the road, so if he's not at the road portal, walk the rest of the road to find him.
Once he's been found, <mission ask, mission accept>
Description :
I'm not just a wanderer, as you may have
assumed. I'm actually here to complete our push against Guile.
Unfortunately, he's gotten wind of our plan and has locked himself deep in his stronghold. Worse yet, he has hired many orc guards to protect him! Guile needs to be brought down, but we can't do it with the guards there. We need you to clear us a path. Head up to the bleak forest found in the hills when you're ready.
Kill the orc guards : 0/10
Kill Orcish patrol guard : 0/1
Kill Ugly orcish guard : 0/1
Kill Huge orcish guard : 0/1
Kill Captain of the guard : 0/1
The directions above took you directly to the Fantasy road portal, if you had to leave the room to locate the elf, return to Fantasy road portal now. Once you're at the portal, travel <2n, w, nw, w, n, kill guard>
37k : Orcish guard
<climb ladder, kill orc>
35k : Ugly orcish guard
<climb down>
This is a rectangular area, 7 rooms x 3 rooms, and you're currently in the far northeast corner. We're going to travel back and forth between the 3 rows, killing all you come across. The first set of directions will be <6w>. Make sure you kill each orc you come across.
<climb down, 6w> - Remember to kill all orcs that cross your path.
37k : Orcish guard
36k : Orcish guard
<n, e, enter, kill guard>
36k : Orcish guard
36k : Orcish guard
<open door, e, s, kill orc>
44k : Captain of the guard
Time to return to the elf - <n, 3w, 6e, se, 2s, e>
Note: you're now at the Fantasy road portal. Remember that the elf roams on this road, travel east and/or west to find him. Once found, <mission return>
You tell Elf Traveller that you've finished the mission.
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'Weaken the Guard'.
You have been awarded 40000 xp for your efforts.
You have been awarded 5000 coins for your efforts.
Mission complete! Return to Fantasy - If you had to travel to locate him, reorient yourself and make your way back to the road portal. Once there, <portal>
Fantasy, Guiles Forest
Who is it?
rewards unknown
From Science: <enter, u, 3e, d, e, path, 15n, 13e, enter>
Return to Science: <leave, 13w, 15s, path, w, u, 3w, d, out>
Kilton Research, Inc. [Takamori] Monster class:
18k to
724k This area has discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered rooms.
Mission Giver:
Paige, A Cute Secretary
Who is it?
Mission Timer:
Map of Area
Mission Instructions
Once you enter the area, there will be two different security guards which offer you missions, as well as Paige. For further information on the guards missions, see 'Security...' Locate Paige by travelling <n, w, s, w> (She may roam.)
<mission ask, mission accept>
Description : A cute secretary has asked you to grab the phone for her.
Answer the phone. : 0/1
Further directions have not been completed yet.
Science, Kilton Research, Inc.
Zalasta's Test of Strength
Fantasy, Scorpion Caves
Zelligar's Castle
Non mission: Gear
From Fantasy:
<portal, 12w, leave, 3w, 4n, enter>
Return to Fantasy: <leave, 4s, 3e, enter, 12e, portal>
Zelligar's Castle [Pfunk] Monster class:
38 to
Map of Area
Note: The directions below include directions for the temporary stat boost as well as how to obtain the gear.
Once inside the area, travel <2n, w, n, nw>
<drink from pool 9>
You drink the water and your fingers tingle.
Note: Alternatively, you could add this to your Zelligar script. In the same room that you get the first key, you can also drink from pool 9. This way, you should get the INT boost each time you visit Zelligar's.
Return to Fantasy - <se, s, e, 2s, leave, 4s, 3e, enter; 12e, portal>
Or continue with the steps below for the stat boosting gear. Keep in mind that there will be golems in almost every room and their class size will vary based on the scaler you set your dungeon to. Refer to Zelligar's dungeon page for more information on class size per scaler.
<n, 3e, 2s, search shelves, get gloves> - NOTE: you do not need to wear the gloves, just have them in your inventory.
<2n, 3w, s, get key>
<n, 3e, 2s, 3e, n, 3e, 4n, 4w, 4s, unlock door, open door, w, get key>
<4n, 4e, 4s, 3w, s, 3w, 2n, 2w, n, unlock door, open door>
<2w, 2s, sw, 3w, n, nw, 4e, n, ne, 3e, n, kill zelligar>
<get headband>
Intelligence +1
Int and Wis
1.38 hours
Indefinite (as long as you wear it)
Drink from Pool 9
Zelligar's Headband
Fantasy, Zelligar's Castle
The Zodiac
Non mission/Stat only: Stats
From Chaos: Locate the roaming 'USA Today Newspaper' <study horoscope>
Return to Chaos: <portal> (you'll be transported to wherever the newspaper is in Chaos at the time you type this)
The Zodiac [Takamori]
A piece of USA(r) Today
Monster class:
13k to
143k This area has
- discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered
38 rooms.
Map of Area
These steps have been taken from the Heart of the Cosmos quest. If you're interested in completing the quest instead of obtaining stat boosts, follow the directions on this link.
Locate the USA Today Newspaper that roams around (A piece of USA(r) Today) - <study horoscope> and this will bring you to the cosmos area.
Presuming that you're inside the First House (if not, travel <left> until you are).
Acquire the small ruby shard within the First House - <archway, kill ram>
16,393 : Aries the Ram
<get shard, archway, left, left>
Search for your clue and a huge shard in the Second House - <search rainbow> (you should find and automatically pick up a large hunk of an emerald)
Acquire the small emerald shard within the Second House - <archway, kill bull>
32,388 : Taurus the Bull
<get shard, archway, left, left>
Acquire the small diamond shard within the Third House- <archway, kill brother>
32,258 : A Gemini Brother
14,303 : A Gemini Brother
Step 9: <get shard, archway, left, left>
Acquire the small sapphire shard within the Fourth House - <archway, kill crab>
35,068 : Cancer the Crab
<get shard, archway, left, left>
Search for your clue and a huge shard in the Fifth House - <search rainbow> (you should find and automatically pick up a large hunk of a diamond)
Acquire the medium ruby shard within the Fifth House - <archway, kill lion>
20,778 : Leo the Lion
Step 14: <get shard, archway, left, left>
Acquire the medium emerald shard within the Sixth House - <archway, kill virgo> - Virgo is not hard, but constantly pleads for you to stop fighting, therefore you have to constantly re-engage combat
29,923 : Virgo the Virgin
<get shard, archway, left>
Search for your clue and a huge shard in the hallway between the Sixth and Seventh Houses - <search rainbow, left> (you should find and automatically pick up a large hunk of sapphire)
Acquire the medium diamond shard Seventh House - <archway, kill libra>
17,771 : Libra the Scales
<get shard, archway, left, left>
Find your clue in front of the Eighth House! - <search marking> - and remember what it says.
Acquire the medium sapphire shard within the Eighth House - <archway, kill scorpion>
35,946 : Scorpio the Scorpion
<get shard, archway, left, left>
Acquire the large ruby shard within the Ninth House - <archway, kill archer>
34,047 : Sagittarius the Archer
<get shard, archway, left>
Search for your clue and a huge shard in the hallway between the Ninth and Tenth Houses - <search rainbow, left> (you should find and automatically pick up a large hunk of a ruby)
Acquire the large emerald shard within the Tenth House - <archway, kill capricorn>
16,135 : Capricorn the Sea-Goat
<get shard, archway, left, left>
Acquire the large diamond shard within the Eleventh House - <archway, kill aquarius>
31,556 : Aquarius the Water Bearer
<get shard, archway, left, left>
Acquire the large sapphire shard within the Twelfth House - <archway,kill fish>
15,373 : Pisces the Fish
<get shard, archway, left, left>
At this point, you should have 4 small shards, 4 medium shards, 4 large shards, and 4 huge shards, with each size containing a ruby, sapphire, diamond, and emerald (if not, make another round to search every room for anything you may have missed). Presuming that you're standing in the First House, <forward, look at flags>
There are four standards placed symmetrically about the room. Each bears a plain flag of a different color. One flag is solid red, one is solid blue, one is solid white, and one is solid green.
Original qinfo states: the order of the flags gives you a clue on the order to combine the gems in.
During the time this quest was completed, the flags were listed in order from red, blue, white, and green. Therefore, the syntax typed in was - <push red flag, push blue flag, push white flag, push green flag>
IMPORTANT: Eternus will apear now. As soon as you kill him, <get hammer, hold hammer>!!! It's very important that you hold it, otherwise it will just fly away from you.
Additionally, as stated in the questlist information, you do not need to be the one to kill Eternus if you can't tank above class 100k mobs. It's only important that you be the one to get and hold the hammer.
Now, <kill eternus>
132,103 : Eternus, The Smith of the Cosmos
At this point, you need to refer to the marking that you found while going from house to house. Remember, your clue will be specific to how you play out this next step. So far, there's a possibility of four different clues and there could be more. In what order you place the colors is up to you as long as you follow your clue directions. Below are some examples of what has worked.
If your clue read, "There is a small design next to the marking. It is a small diagram showing four dots of the same size, but of four different colors.", then you need to do the following (color placement was based on order of the flag colors):
<place small ruby in groove 1> <place small sapphire in groove 2> <place small diamond in groove 3> <place small emerald in groove 4> <forge>
<place medium ruby in groove 1> <place medium sapphire in groove 2> <place medium diamond in groove 3> <place medium emerald in groove 4> <forge>
<place large ruby in groove 1> <place large sapphire in groove 2> <place large diamond in groove 3> <place large emerald in groove 4> <forge>
<place huge ruby in groove 1> <place huge sapphire in groove 2> <place huge diamond in groove 3> <place huge emerald in groove 4> <forge>
If your clue read, "There is a small design next to the marking. It is a small diagram showing four dots of the same color, but of four different sizes.", then you need to do the following (assuming color placement would be based on order of the flag colors):
<place small ruby in groove 1> <place medium ruby in groove 2> <place large ruby in groove 3> <place huge ruby in groove 4> <forge>
<place small sapphire in groove 1> <place medium sapphire in groove 2> <place large sapphire in groove 3> <place huge sapphire in groove 4> <forge>
<place small diamond in groove 1> <place medium diamond in groove 2> <place large diamond in groove 3> <place huge diamond in groove 4> <forge>
<place small emerald in groove 1> <place medium emerald in groove 2> <place large emerald in groove 3> <place huge emerald in groove 4> <forge>
If your clue read, "There is a small design next to the marking. It is a small diagram showing four dots. The middle two are the same color, but the surrounding two are different.", then you need to do the following (assuming color placement would be based on order of the flag colors):
<place small emerald in groove 1> <place small ruby in groove 2> <place medium ruby in groove 3> <place small diamond in groove 4> <forge>
<place medium emerald in groove 1> <place small sapphire in groove 2> <place medium sapphire in groove 3> <place medium diamond in groove 4> <forge>
<place large sapphire in groove 1> <place large emerald in groove 2> <place huge emerald in groove 3> <place huge ruby in groove 4> <forge>
<place large ruby in groove 1> <place large diamond in groove 2> <place huge diamond in groove 3> <place huge sapphire in groove 4> <forge>
If your clue read, "It is a small diagram showing four dots. The last two are the same color, but the first two are different.", OR "There is a small design next to the marking. It is a small diagram showing four dots. The first two are the same color, but the last two are different." then you need to do the following:
syntax will be updated soon (hopefully)
<place small ruby in groove 1> <place medium ruby in groove 2> <place small diamond in groove 3> <place medium diamond in groove 4> <forge>
<place small emerald in groove 1> <place medium emerald in groove 2> <place small sapphire in groove 3> <place medium sapphire in groove 4> <forge>
<place large emerald in groove 1> <place huge emerald in groove 2> <place large ruby in groove 3> <place huge ruby in groove 4> <forge>
<place large diamond in groove 1> <place huge diamond in groove 2> <place huge sapphire in groove 3> <place large sapphire in groove 4> <forge>
Once you're done forging each set, you'll have this in your inventory:
A Beautiful Sapphire
A Beautiful Emerald
A Beautiful Ruby
A Beautiful Diamond
Note: It has been noted that you may end up with dull gems. If this happens, you can still proceed with the remainder of the quest, don't worry (but you may not be able to get a stat boost from it).
<place ruby in groove 1, place sapphire in groove 2, place diamond in groove 3, place emerald in groove 4, forge, get gem>
<hold gem> and it will give you indefinite +3 INT and +3 WIS, but only as long as you're holding it. This quest can be repeated later on, up to this step if you're only interested in the stat boost. If you continue with the quest though, you will drop the gem and lose the stat bonuses.
Note: It is uncertain at this time what creates a beautiful gem as opposed to a dull gem for this stat boost. If you do not create beautiful gems in the end, it's said that you will not receive the stat boost when the gem is held. Email us your information if you're able to produce a beautiful, or non-beautiful gem, so that we can learn how to make these directions better.
Return to Chaos: <archway> (this will spit you out at one of the house entrances, keep going left until you're in the First House), <portal> - You'll now be somewhere in chaos (when I did it, I only had to go 2w to get to vortex, but you might have been transported somewhere else)>
Intelligence +3
Wisdom +3
Indefinite (while you're holding the gem)
The Gem of the Zodiac
Chaos, The Zodiac
Zoo Cleanup Crew
From Chaos: <enter, 3e, 2s, 2e, n, 3e, n, 2w, 2n, 3e>
Return to Chaos: <3w, 2s, 2e, s, 3w, s, 2w, 2n, 3w, vortex>
Chicago Zoo [Flaxen] Monster class:
7k to
163k This area has discovered rooms.
WMT has discovered rooms.
Mission Giver:
Zoo Cleanup Crew
Mission Timer:
40,000 XP
3,000 coins
Map of Area
Mission Instructions
Once you're in the area, locate the roaming Zookeeper. These directions will get you near him - <e, 3n>
When you've found him, <mission ask>
<mission accept>
Description : The zookeeper's normally serene gaze turns to wild panic as he
leans in close and whispers to you: 'The animals ... have become
monsters! One of them even spoke to me directly! THIS ISN'T
RIGHT! End these abominations! Finish them!'
Kill A laughing hyena : 0/5
Kill An enormous Polar Bear : 0/1
Kill A sleek black panther : 0/1
Kill A fierce Lion Warrior : 2/2
Kill A proud Lion King : 0/1
Find and kill the hyena's (directions are from the initial spot given to locate the Zookeeper, reorient yourself if you are in a different room) - <s, 4w, 4s, kill hyena>
24k : A laughing hyena
23k : A laughing hyena
25k : A laughing hyena
25k : A laughing hyena
26k : A laughing hyena
Find and kill the polar bear - <2n, sw, w, kill polar bear>
41k : An enormous Polar Bear
Find and kill the panther - <e, ne, 2n, nw, w, kill panther>
48k : A sleek black panther
Find and kill the lion warriors (they are aggressive) - <e, se, 2n>
33k : A fierce Lion Warrior
33k : A fierce Lion Warrior
Find and kill the Lion King (he is aggressive) - <enter>
45k : A proud Lion King
Once you've finished killing each one on the list, return to the Zookeeper (remember, he roams) - <exit, 3s, 4e>
<mission return>
You tell Zookeeper that you've finished the mission.
Congratulations! You have completed the mission 'Zoo Cleanup Crew'.
You have been awarded 3000 coins for your efforts.
You have been awarded 40000 xp for your efforts.