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Help and 3k Terminology is Here

This page does not yet hold all help files available on the mud. For now, it only holds the help files that are referenced within this site.

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Help Files



Important topics you *MUST* learn and live by (important)
General Topics (general)
Ansi Topics (color)
Basic Topics (general)
Combat Topics (combat)
Guild Topics (guilds)
Soul Topics (souls)
Miscellaneous Topics (miscellaneous)
High-Mortal Topics (highmort)
Mortal Commands (mortal)
High-Mortal Commands (highmort)

To display a list of the help commands in any of these categories, use the help command with the '-l <category>' argument. The <category> is displayed in parentheses in the list above. You may also use the 'help all' command to display a list of all available help files.

Please read 'help help' for more information on using the 3K help systems

help help

<help help>
SYNTAX: help <optional toggle> <string argument>

Welcome to 3K's help system!

The universal helper system provides you with the ability to read help files, search them by keyword or category, or list them in an index.

Here's how it works:

There are two ways of seeing all of 3K's help files. For the novice or for those who prefer less spam, you can type 'help', and you will see a menu of 3K's help topic categories, and some directions on perusing help topics by category. If you prefer, you can type 'help -all' for a complete list of the available help topics, sorted by category. If you exclusively prefer this method, you can save yourself a few keystrokes by aliasing 'help' to 'help -all'. (see 'help alias' for more information)

Once you find an available topic, you may choose to 'help <topic>' to show the detailed information about that topic.

Several toggles are available to make it easier to search for help topics. The complete list with descriptions and examples of using each follows. Feel free to try out the examples so you have an idea how things work:

client Send a help file to the Portal autotyper (if used)
index Access the help system indexing feature
search Access the help system keyword feature
list Access the help system category list feature

The index feature will help you find topics if you have only some idea of what you're looking for. Here are some examples:

help index s -- lists all help files beginning with the letter 's'
help index shout -- lists all help files beginning with 'shout'.
help index -- lists an index of all help files, sorted by category.

The keyword feature will allow you to list topics associated with the input keyword, along with a short description of what that topic is about. Here are some examples:

help search rules -- lists help files that have 'rules' as a keyword topic.
help search <category> -- lists help files that fall under the named category.

Most keywords are themselves help topics (also known as a 'SEE ALSO:'), but there are several other 'logical' keywords that have been incorporated to group similar help files together beyond having them keyword each other.

Because you are a high mortal, you may use:
help search highmort - list all 'high mortal' player topics

All players may use:
help search mortal - list all 'mortal' player topics

help search communication - lists all such player topics

All keywords that are themselves help topics will appear as a 'SEE ALSO:' at the bottom of the help output. By using 'help search <topic>', you may list the help topics that have been associated with that help topic.

The category list feature will list all help topics that fall under one of the available categories (as listed when you type 'help' with no argument). Recently, it was made so this command works with any available keyword as well. Here some examples:

help list important -- lists help files that are in the 'important' category.
help list mortal -- lists help files that are in the 'mortal' category.

Some help topics belong to more than one category, so may show up more than once.

PLEASE NOTE: For UNIX junkies and those more comfortable with UNIX switches, You can use help -c, -i, -k, or -l as described for client/index/search/list features above.

See also: alias.

help advance

<help advance>
Syntax: advance [which]

You can advance your level or any of your stats with this command provided you have the available experience to do so. This command with no argument will attempt to raise your level by 1. Alternatively, you can advance your strength, dexterity, wisdom, constitution, intelligence, or charisma. You need only specify the first 3 letters of each to increase it. Such as: advance dex

Also, this command is used to advance any of your default skills. These skills can be seen via the 'skills' or 'mskills' commands. To advance a skill, the full skill tree must be specified. For example: advance combat.weapons.sword Would advance your sword skill by 1 level.

You may also RESET your skills using : 'advance skill reset' This costs money and it will tell you how much when you type it, giving you a chance to change your mind. The more often you reset, the more expensive it becomes.

You can also reset your skills either fully or just untrain one individual skill with no coin cost through usage of a VAF enhancement 'help vaf'

Once you've read this help file, and the help file on skills, send Cancer a tell with the phrase alluded to by the underlined letters in each file.

See also: levels, skills, stats.

help age

<help age>

Command: Age
Syntax age <player>

With no argument provided, displays information about your character's age. Otherwise displays information about any given player.


Age: 185 days 11 hours 30 minutes
Combat Age: 27 days 11 hours 41 minutes 42 seconds (14.66%)
Flap Age: 159 days 23 hours 48 minutes 18 seconds
Idle Age: 2 hours 34 minutes 16 seconds
FE: $44.51 VAFs: $150.00

Age - Total time you have spent playing/flapping on 3K
Combat Age - Total time you have spent in combat on 3K (and the percentage ratio of combat age to total age)
Flap Age - Total time you have spent out of combat on 3K
Idle Age - Total time you have spent idle on 3K
FE - Fictional Earnings (money Marble would have earned had you given shared-includes="/help_files/raw-data/help-age.html">.01/hr of your online age)
VAF - Voluntary Access Fees (Fees that you have given to Marble)

See also: funds.

help androids

<help androids>

Recruiter NOT required.

Androids are highly customizable robots that can deal death or absorb the most deadly of blows. With an array of components, they are able to fit themselves to most any situation.

Like Sorcerers, Fighters and Clerics, they advance faster than other guilds in exchange for having a hard cap on their maximum level and guild level. They are designed for casual players that want to quickly be able to explore most of the game without such a large time commitment that a traditional guild requires.

Androids can upgrade their components as they advance in guild levels. This allows the freedom to become well rounded or focus on an offensive or defensive role. Androids are never able to fully upgrade all their components and must make choices on which role to fill, but may sacrifice a portion of their guild experience in order to try a different path. An Android may use a weapon or internal mounts to deal damage in one hand, and a shield or a second internal mount for the other, giving the guild a variety of options.

Be sure to read the sign in the Recruitment Hall (w,u,n from Center of Town) to learn how to join the guild as well as the current level cap and other important details of joining or leaving the guild.

See also: guilds.

help angel

Since right after the beginning of time, good and evil have waged war throughout all the planes of existence. On the higher planes this war is fought directly by beings that embody pure good against beings that embody pure evil. On the lower planes, good and evil are forbidden to intervene directly, instead allowing beings with "free will" to determine the balance of good and evil for themselves.

Typically, a resonance point occurs on each plane. Sometimes toward evil, sometimes toward good, but overall the equilibrium of the cosmos is maintained. Until now. Something has been interfering in the lower planes, the mortal realms, causing the pendulum of balance to swing wildly, sometimes toward good, sometimes toward evil. The forces of good and evil both are concerned about what this chaos means. Uncertain of what will happen to the cosmos of balance is not maintained.

In response to whatever this force is that is disturbing the universe, those beings that embody good and evil themselves, the angels, have created a bridge to the mortal planes. Forbidden from directly interfering with the lower planes themselves, they have instead found mortals on those realms to take on their role of balance keepers.

Mortals with incredible skill and potential that seek to aid in restoring the balance on this plane should seek out others who have already been imbued with a divine spark. They can share this spark, which will grant the mortal incredible prowess in battle and imbue them with incredible manifestations of good and evil. Each mortal seeks their own path and can develop their spark how they best see fit. They can develop the martial aspects of divine combat, focus more on their divine powers, or combine them both to become the ultimate soldiers in this cosmic battle.

It matters less which side "wins", as long as some sort of stability is returned to the realm. Do you have what is needed to rise above your mortal self and save the universe from an uncertain and chaotic fate?

Your wings await.
See also: guilds.

help ascended

<help ascended>

Recruiter NOT required.

The ascended guild is an original concept, based upon the immortal giant races of the D&D universes. Ascended are those mortals of the 3Kingdoms who have reached a certain point of mortal power attainment, and wish to traverse the path of immortality. Leaving behind their physical shell, the Ascended's form becomes the immortal manifestation of their very soul. This form is a physically formidable foe and shrugs off damage that would best any mere mortal. They are to be the tanks and protectors of large groups of mortals when their adventures lead them into situations they could not otherwise handle.

Only select few may ascend. Those that have reached significant power and mastery of their mortal forms and abilities may ascend. This provides more options and possibilities for high level players to explore and enjoy. Some requirements include High Mortal status and being at least mortal level 90.

You do not need to leave your mortal guild to join Ascended.

See also: guilds.

help auction

<help auction>
Topic: Auction
SYNTAX: auction

Official Pinnacle Auction Line

Type 'auction' to get your own copy of the auction line.

Auction Commands:
talk on auction line (only during auction)
bid on current auction item(s)
check the items and bid on the current auction
"acheck long" will show an items long description
block the auction line
destroy this auction line
lists the last bunch of auctions

Auction House Commands
ahlist [filter]
Show items for sale at the auction house
ahview <item>
Show long desc for auction <item>
ahhist [reverse]
Show recent auction history
<the above cost 50 coins to do remotely!>
ahbid <#> <amt>
Bid from afar (costs 100 coins and not within 30 seconds of auction end.)

To auction items, you must go see the auctioneer down from Cancer. To receive items you have bid on, you must 'say collect' to the auctioneer.

See also: afind.

help awho

<help awho>
Syntax: awho

This command works very similar to swho, but only lists players who have been idle less than 5 minutes.

See also: swho
See also: finger, players, who.

WARNING: this command will not work for any player that is in the Ascended guild.

Example of the awho command
screenshot of the awho command

help badditem

<help badditem>
Note: This help file is only available if you've created a wizardling character.

Topic: Badditem
Did you forget an additem again? Don't feel like editing the file and searching for where it goes? Then remembering the syntax? Do you mostly just hate life? Yea, me too. Now you can use this command to add NEW add_items to the room you're in. Simply type:

badditem [-s] <comma separated list of items>

And then you'll be prompted for the item description, and blammo, you have yourself a fancy new add_item() in your room. Check it out. You can use the '-s' flag to add a search item instead.

Used without an argument, it will list all additems in the room.

Surgeon General's Warning: Use of this function may cause unexpected appearances of Rumor behind you, naked.

Example: badditem tree,trees,green trees
These are lush green trees, with many leaves.

badditem -s leaves
As you search the leaves you discover they are covered in bugs!

Caveats: Early add-items will trump later add items, that means if you typo'd a description, it will be forever typo'd until a wizard intervenes. (You can short-term fix it with this command, but as soon as the room unloads, it will revert.)

badditem letters
Please describe this item:
Soft green block letters with gold and purple outlines giving them a three-dimensional aspect.
Is this what you want?
Soft green block letters with gold and purple outlines giving them a three-dimensional aspect.
Save? (Y) : y
Item added.

help bard

<help bards>

Recruiter required.

"His soul was nourished by beauty, his
spirit drawn to mystery. The art of a
bard must harness both."

--Morgan Llewelyn
Bard, the Odyssey
of the Irish

The Bards of the Three Kingdoms are a widely varied lot, but in the soul of each bard beats a passion for beauty and a desire for knowledge. Some choose to pursue this through the deadly songs of combat, while others choose to learn the pure forms of physical combat. Others practice the soothing art of instruments, while others choose to hide in the shadows and observe unseen, or to gather knowledge about the inhabitants of the realms, and the realms themselves.

Although the path each Bard may take varies widely, all pursue the same goals, all share the same depth of spirit and vision. If you would tread the trails of the Bard, seek out any current bard to progress.

See also: guilds.

help bdelete

<help bdelete>
Note: This help file is only available if you've created a wizardling character.

Topic: Bdelete
This command will delete an exit or collection of add items that have been added to a room you created via the 'build' command. To delete an exit, please type: bdelete exit/<direction to delete> To delete an item use: bdelete item/<name of item>

Please note: Deleting an item will delete ALL of the items that are associated with that item as well.

Example: build east roomxyz
(oops): west (to get back) bdelete exit/east

badditem lights,camera,action
You see lights, a camera, and some action.
(oops): bdelete item/camera (removes all 3 since they point at one desc)

When deleting exits, if you want both sides deleted, you need to do each one separately.
You can use this to make a room dark, or light again too.
Use 'bdelete light/light' to toggle between light and dark.

Syntax: bdelete <what>/<which>
examples: bdelete exit/west
bdelete item/lava
bdelete item/bright shiny lights

help bdescr

<help bdescr>
Note: This help file is only available if you've created a wizardling character.

Topic: Bdescr
This command aids a high mortal in developing his/her area by allowing a quick and easy way to provide a short and long description to your room.

Syntax: bdescr [-s] [text]
bdescr SAVE

With no arguments the 'bdescr' command will show the current short and long description of the room and the source of those values. When you're done burning through your area in this manner, you can use the SAVE directive to merge the short and long descriptions back into the room's '.c' file permanently.

Example: bdescr -s My Room
bdescr You are standing in my room. Please leave.
(oops) bdescr You are standing in my room. Get naked.
bdescr SAVE (not necessarily required, but no going back now) (makes your directory cleaner and prevents you from making further changes without wiz interaction. Necessary before your area becomes public domain.)

Note from Rastafan: For 'bdescr SAVE' it cleans up the directory (a lot!) which makes it easier for a wizard to navigate. However, it prevents you (just you) from changing the short and long description at all. If you're really confident you've spelled everything correctly and that the description is as you want it, you should go ahead and SAVE it.

If you do not SAVE, you will not lose your descriptions.

However, a SAVE is required before your area would pass final review and be open to the public.

help bladesingers

<help bladesingers>

Recruiter required.

BLADESINGERS, a beginning

In the centuries since the fall of Myth Drannor, and the disappearance of the elves, man has fought on his own against the armies of the dark mages and the evils of the realms. Now, a few of those warriors from the past called Bladesingers have returned to teach a few dedicated humans the techniques of the old ways.

Those who join the guild of the Bladesingers will first be tutored in general fighting styles using any weapons. They will learn which skills are useful in dodging enemy attacks, and how to read and use the ancient runes...the corner stone of the guild.

As the apprentice progresses thru the ranks, learning more advanced methods of fighting, the elves will train the young fighter to call upon the Unseelie Court of the faerie world to cast spells to enhance their fighting, to learn more about their opponents, and to evaluate armours and weapons.

Soon, the accomplished Bladesinger will be able to prepare his/her own armours and inscribe the runes on them to create additional protection or regeneration.

A Bladesinger may customize their training to their own style. If you are more comfortable having stronger protection or healing, you can train in those skills. Perhaps you would rather kill faster and depend on your rune skills for protection..then you might train the attack skills in more depth.

Bladesingers may wear any armour, and use any weapon. There are no alignment restrictions from the guild and no level restriction for recruitment into the guild. If you would like to join our guild, please contact a Bladesinger of glvl 25+.

help bmob

<help bmob>
Note: This help file is only available if you've created a wizardling character.

Topic: Bmob
In conjuction with the 'build' command and related utilities, this command allows you to add a monster to your room. It adds the most basic of monsters with your fully fleshed out descriptions and a full set of comments on how you want a WIZARD to finish coding it. You cannot add more than one monster per room.

A monster needs a file name, a name, a short description, a long description, a set of aliases, and commentary. So, make sure you have that information ready before you start this command. It will run you through many prompts to get this information.

Further information:
file name : your unique filename, no player sees it
name : What you'd see in combat, such as 'red dragon', 'jake' etc
short: What you see in the room, such as 'a large red dragon'
long: The full description you'd see when examining the monster
aliases: any of the other words a player could look at to see your mob
comments: Anything/everything necessary to turn this monster into what you want it to be. 'class 50k, aggro, summons rats...' (This should be a terse but concise list, as exampled above.)

Note from Flaxen
Just a quick note to let everyone know that although infinity area creators will not necessarily be held to the same descriptive or interactive standards as traditional wiz-created areas, your areas will still be held to certain game balance standards like mob density, for example (currently 1 mob per 3 rooms).

If you have any questions about what other standards you may need to follow for your area to be open to others and for it to be finalized, please ask away!


help breed

<help breed>

Recruiter required.

The Breed are perhaps one of the eldest races of all time. Returned after aeons of self-imposed exile, they are armed with perhaps the most potent force of all--the power of the mind. For it is from within that psi is generated. The Breed, in general, are a secretive lot, believing that each person must forge his or her own destiny, unfettered and untainted by the ideas and opinions of others. Obtaining knowledge without understanding is a most dangerous thing.

Each of the Breed therefore, makes his or her own way through life, learning from those who will teach them what they wish to know when they are ready. The path of the Breed however, is not one of ease, but rather one of discipline, diligence and patience.

As such, the Workings of the Breed are highly diverse and vary from Breed to Breed. For few Breed ever embark on exactly the same life path as another. It is rumoured that their great city is hidden from outsiders to protect the Breed from those who would do them harm.

help build

<help build>
Note: This help file is only available if you've created a wizardling character.

Topic: Build
Well, you've done it. You've discovered the secret to unbridled area creation power.

Using this command you can build rooms on the fly, as you wander around. Need to wander around your area a bit before you find a suitable place to expand it? Want to just make a whole new area without having to edit dozens of files by hand? Well, this is your ticket.

Syntax: build <dir> <filename>
build list (show all my files)
build (show syntax plus which room I'm in now)

Creates a new room in direction 'dir' from the room you're in now. It creates the exits in your source room and destination room and gives the new room a filename that's cartesionly coordinated from the one you're in now. Or named 'filename' if you provide it. A named 'file' is just a filename, no path, no ., space, /, \ (Valid dirs: the 8 cardinal, in/out, up/down, enter/exit, portal) Dual-direction hidden exits can be made with a preceding '@' character. Single (exiting) hidden exits can be made with a preceding '#' character. Single (return) hidden exits can be made with a preceding ' character.

example: build west street_corner
build @north back_hidden_room (hidden in both ways)
build #north other_hidden_room (hidden out of this room only)
build $north third_hidden_room (hidden only from the other side)
Do not use special characters in the destination room except underscore.

Once in your new room you can use 'bdescr' and 'badditem' commands to add real flavor to it.

CAREFUL: Random use of this command is going to add exits to the room you are in! Your area is automatically 'in game', so you will be giving access to all players. Be aware of this.

See also: bdescr badditem bmob bdelete

Note from Rastafan:
Obviously 'build' is your room construction tool.

When you build, you provide a direction and a filename.
Example: build west kitchen1

That would create an exit from your current room to 'kitchen1' and it also moves you to that room.

Let's pretend I'm building a 4 room square kitchen. I would type the following commands:

build west kitchen1
build north kitchen2
build east kitchen3
build south kitchen1

Note that you're linking the last room (kitchen3) at the end there back to kitchen1 creating your loop.

You can link any room back to any other room also. So I could do something like:

build west hallway1
build west hallway2
build west hallway3
build west hallway4
build north bedroom1
build west br1closet
build $down hallway1

Now I've linked the closet in the bedroom back to the beginning of the hallway. This example makes for a crappy map, but obviously you can use this to build an upstairs, or twisting dungeon, or even intentional confusion into your area.
(The "$" preceding the down exit means that the exit will be hidden from the hallway but visible in the closet. See 'help build' for more info.)

Note from Wasp:
The command to open/close your infinity areas (discussed in note 14), is "unblock all" or "block all" in any room that is named with an "entrance" in the name.

help calendar

<help calendar>
SYNTAX: cal [-r] <month/year>

This command will show you the current calendar month. You can also input a month/year parameter. The month must be between 1 and 12, and the year must be greater than 1753.

 -r Disable display of scheduled reboots.

You can also add and remove notes/appointments from the calendar for yourself. cal add and cal remove


Just typing calendar will bring you up a block calendar of the current month.

Adding an event to your calendar will display an asterisk next to the day and add a note towards to bottom as to what event(s) will be occurring.
<calendar add 3/31/2023 Update WMT!>

Typing in a month and year will show you what you have planned in the future.
<calendar 7/2023>

help ccouncil

<cinfo ccouncil>

Clan Information: Ccouncil


ccouncil <message> : talk on ccouncil line
ccouncilem <action> : to emote on ccouncil line
ccouncil -b, ccouncilblock : to toggle blocking of the Clan Council line on or off
ccouncil -h, ccouncilhist : for a history of the ccouncil line

USEABLE BY: Leader, Recruiter


The Clan Council line is an important source of information for all clans, as well as a proper forum for discussion of issues arising from clanworld, as well as occasional "Pearls of Wisdom" from Skinless. This line is only accessible by leaders and recruiters of all clans.

If you wish to ANSI the Clan Council line, the ansi variable for ccouncil is "cwcouncil", and can be set using the normal mud aset command (<help aset> for more information).

Last modified: Tue Jul 2 23:39:50 2002 by Rompas

help changeling

<help changeling>

Recruiter NOT required.

The old man leans on his staff, scrutinizing you, 'So mortal, you wish to learn about the race of the Changeling? It just so happens that over my long centuries of life, I have known many a Morph, and learned much about them.'

Looking for signs of interest he continues, 'I have much to tell, if you have the time..'

Taking a seat on a nearby log, he begins his tale, 'Changelings are an ancient and powerful race, although only existing in folk tales for centuries, recently they have become commonplace and are growing in popularity. Able to mimic the forms of animals and anything they see, they are a deadly adversary, or a powerful friend.'

'Changelings possess unnatural control over their bodily cells, and are able to harness this to bend and shape their bodies to their will.'

'One minute you could be facing a well armed and armoured warrior', he pauses momentarily for extra effect, 'and the next a huge beast!, and if that isn't enough to scare an enemy to death, I am sure that it's pure animal fury and lethal natural weaponary will.'

'Generally a changeling will use the animal forms of the mammallian, reptillian and avain variety, but rumour has it that that a well learned morph can become that of an inanimate nature , or even one of the ancient dinosaurs that use to inhabit the land!'

'I once saw a powerful morph face several opponents, an average warrior would have of been felled in an instant, but this morph ignored all but one of his attackers, felling them one by one, their attacks bouncing off his body, or missing entirely. He fought blindingly fast, the whole fight took but mere moments.'

'The life of a Changeling is not an easy one my friend, it takes much patience and practice for them to become a master of their talents. The rewards for perserverence are large and satisfying, should you choose to follow this path.'

The old man scratches his beard absently, 'That's all I can tell you now I am afraid, my mind isn't what it used to be, If you require more information, look around and find some Changelings, they will be more happy to share more knowledge with you.'

'Take care friend.'
See also: guilds.

help chatlines

Topic: Chatlines

Syntax: chatlines
The 'chatlines' command will allow you to see a list of all of the chatlines to which you have access. It will list the name of the chatline, the ansi variable that may be set using mud ansi, the number of people currently using that chatline, the default # of history lines accessed, and the command required to use that chatline.

Each chatline can be accessed with the command word shown in the list when you type 'chatlines'. Each of these, in turn, allows some options. For example, if you had the 'newbie' chatline available with 'newbie' as a command word, you could do the following:

newbie <message> Send a message on this chatline
newbie -? Show all of the chatline's options
newbie -h Show this line's default history
newbie -h <#> Show <#> lines of line's history
newbie -w List the people on this line
newbie -b Toggle on/off line blocking
newbie -ab Toggle on/off announcement blocking
newbie -cc Loop through line options (client only)
Please do not send ANSI escape codes to chatlines.

See also: mudansi

help chit

Command: Chit

Syntax: chit <message>
This command functions much like 'reply' but instead of sending text to the last person that sent you a tell, it sends it to the last person that YOU sent a tell to.

> tell krank You smell.
You tell krank: You smell.
> chit like, really bad.
You tell krank: like, really bad
Tensor tells you: Stop botting.
> chit i hope you die in a fire
You tell Krank: I hope you die in a fire. [Note the lack of redirect]
> tell tensor But I sent you free Mountain Dew.
You tell Tensor: But I sent you free Mountain Dew.
> chit and a crate of cheetos [Note you last sent a 'tell' to Tensor]
You tell Tensor: and a crate of cheetos
> tell krank Can you level me up?
You tell Krank: Can you level me up?
Tensor tells you: Oh yea, afk.
> reply Cool, glad you got it. [Reply doesn't count as a tell]
You tell Tensor: Cool, glad you got it.
> chit I only need to be level 129
You tell Krank: I only need to be level 129

See also: gossip, sayhist, shout, tell, whisper.

help clan

<help clan>
Clan World

Clan World, what is there to say. Clans, or groups of people, get behind their respective leaders and kill. They kill all the other clans. The goal, to kill and not be killed in the process. To be the last clan alive. To be the king of the hill!

Clan Wars give each clan the chance to be victorious. It is a chance to show off your guild powers against other players. Just like PK but you are with a clan and you don't have the experience loss. Players vote on Clan Wars and fight for the prestige of their Clan standing alone in the Winners Circle.

Currently there is a cap of 30 clans. Once this cap is met all others wishing to form a clan will be held in queue. Also each clan has a level cap of 500. So be careful when you are planning who you want in your clan.

If you are interested in joining a clan, come to the Clan Room just north of login and post your request to become involved. Another good way is to contact a Clan Leader or Clan Recruiter directly, especially if you know them through your own guild.

See also: anarchy, arena, bloodmatch, invasion, kill, milestones, pk.

help clerics

<help clerics>

Recruiter NOT required.

Clerics are spiritual healers with a variety of offensive and defensive spells at their disposal. Like Fighters and Sorcerers, they advance faster than other guilds in exchange for having a hard cap on their maximum level and guild level. They are designed for casual players that want to quickly be able to explore most of the game without such a large time commitment that a traditional guild requires.

Clerics learn new spells as they advance in guild level. These spells range from simple healing or utility spells to powerful spells that use the lifeforce of fallen foes to absorb damage or attacks that target an opponent's weakest defenses.

As Clerics gain guild levels, they also gain skill points that can be spent on skills to influence how well they absorb damage, heal, hurt others, or regenerate guild points. Large Clerics will eventually max all their skills, but smaller Clerics can match the order they raise their skills to fit their playstyle.

Clerics benefit from wielding weapons and wearing armor, and it's recommended to do both at all times. Weapons just supplement the damage from their guild attacks, but armor is required to get the most from their guild defenses.

Be sure to read the sign in the Recruitment Hall (w,u,n from Center of Town) to learn how to join the guild as well as the current level cap and other important details of joining or leaving the guild.

See also: guilds.

help counterpoise

Command: counterpoise

Syntax: counterpoise <number> from <stat> to <stat>
Allows you to temporarily transfer points from one stat to another. The higher your skill is, the more points you will be able to transfer.

See also: skills, stats.

help health.counterpoise

(Skills Information)

Skill name: health.counterpoise
Your level: -= 0/4 =-

Allows you to temporarily move points from one stat to another using the command 'counterpoise'.

You have 10 of 100 skill points available to advance this skill. To do so, type 'advance health.counterpoise'
Be aware however, the advancement of some skills require the assistance and/or presence of a qualified trainer of that skill.

To view a list of all skills available to you, type 'skills'

Trainer: Changeling (player)

Info: Training limit will depend on the guild level of the trainer. 200+ for max.

3k Wiki Note:
<counterpoise 10 from [stat] to [stat]>
Up to 10 stat points can be shifted (at 4/4).
The counterpoised stats only have a 50% up-time, with a 3 hour duration and a 6 hour cool-down on the ability. (Although, since the counterpoised stats' duration is based on active time, and the cool-down is in real time, it's possible to have multiple instances of counterpoise rolling.)
For more information, see the skills page.

help craft

Three-Kingdoms Crafting System
The Three-Kingdoms Crafting System allows players to collect raw materials and turn them into powerful weapons, armour, or weapon or armour enhancing buffs, or self enhancing buffs. The raw materials can be stored over and across reboots in order to allow players to gather and plan their crafting strategies. Completed items can only be used within a given reboot.

Crafting is divided into gathering and production tradeskills. The gathering tradeskills include: chaos wrangler, farmer, and miner. The production tradeskills include: blacksmith, chef, and enchanter. These tradeskills are broken down as follows:

Chaos wrangler: Gathers energy from monsters across the mud and then infuses this energy into gems that are prepared by enchanters. The gems can then be used to enhance armour or weaponry, or given to a blacksmith to be included in the crafting of a weapon or armour. Players who have a good knowledge of monsters across the mud make for excellent chaos wranglers.

Farmer: Grows plants with the use of the many tools. Farmers must gauge the conditions of the farm and add the appropriate resources to the farm in order to create optimal growing conditions for the plant. Players who enjoy solving puzzles and have a lot of patience make excellent farmers.

Miner: Descends into the depths of the chaos mines to fight off wandering monsters in order to mine ores and obtain random drops such as dusts, jewels and shards. Players who like grinding will enjoy mining.

Blacksmith: The blacksmith assembles ores, dusts and shards from miners and charged gems from wranglers into powerful weaponry and armour. Players who are dependent on equipment and enjoy helping friends would make for excellent blacksmiths.

Chef: The chef takes plants from the farmer and places them into a cooker in various combinations in order to create food that can be eaten for powerful self-enhancing properties, such as a bonus to one or more stats. The trick is in knowing the right combination of foods in order to optimize the benefit! Players who like puzzles will enjoy being a chef.

Enchanter: The enchanter takes jewels and other random drops from the miner and combines these with fragments, essence and hearts that drop from monsters all over the mud to combine them together into powerful gems that can be charged by chaos wranglers. These charged gems can then be used to enhance existing weaponry or armour, or can be given to blacksmiths who will then use them to create weaponry or armour. Players who are very social and are able to coordinate many other players make for excellent enchanters.

Crafting is open to everyone ! Seek out Chavee in northwest Pinnacle !
See also: milestones.

help cult

Topic: The cultist game (a.k.a. Mafia / Werewolf)
SYNTAX: playcult

This game is commonly played at parties, where it is usually called Mafia or Werewolf. It's a social game in which a small number of bad guys have infiltrated a group of good guys. Both groups want to eliminate the other. Type 'playcult' to start. A mysterious voodoo fetish doll will appear on your person. Look at it for more help on how to join a game and play.

help cyborgs

<help cyborgs>

Recruiter NOT required
though it is better with a recruiter.

'More human than human'

The Cybernetic Research Corporation has been at the forefront of implant manufacture since the dawn of the Cybercorps. Our first product was the ground breaking Sub-cranial Interface & Neural Converter (S.I.N.C.), now the standard in implant-nervous system interfacing. This led to our total domination of the market, and now all Cyborgs procure their ware through us.

We provide an enormous range of implants designed to maximize our clients' potentials to withstand damage, master their surroundings, and deal out death. Under the umbrella of the Corporation, our clients can choose from one of several affiliations, each with their own style of combat and agenda.

If you feel you have what's required to start down the path towards cybernetic perfection, travel to the skyscraper on the east side of Pinnacle and talk to Valerie. Be warned--in order to survive the rigorous S.I.N.C. installation operation, a recruit must have a robust constitution.

See also: guilds.

help damage

Types of Damage

Damage is divided into ten different classification, which include the following:

Edged: Any damage resulting from a sharpened surface such as from swords, daggers, arrows, claws, teeth, or talons.

Blunt: Any damage resulting from a relatively flat, weighted surface such as from hammers, staffs, maces, boulders, or fists.

Fire: Heat damage resulting from sources like open flames, explosives, extremely hot surfaces, or magical fire.

Ice: Freezing damage resulting from sources like artic climates, chilling waters, snow storms, and magical coldness.

Acid: Burn damage resulting from sources like acidic sprays, digestive juices, or chemical explosions.

Electricity: Burn damage resulting from sources like lightning, tasers, stunrods, or a toaster in a bathtub.

Mind: Brain-specific damage resulting from sources like psionic blasts, certain chemical compounds, and stunning or sonic weapons.

Energy: Damage resulting primarily from exposure to magical energy, such as from a magic missile, but potentially from energy-based weapons as well.

Poison: Damage resulting from exposure to toxins such as snake venom, gas traps, rotten food, or poison potions.

Radiation: Damage resulting from exposure to radioactive emissions such as from nuclear reactions, gammarays, or laser weapons.

Note: It's fairly common for a single source of danger to inflict several types of damage. For example, a freezing hailstorm might inflict both cold and blunt damage.

See also: defense, resistances.

help defense


Defense is a measure of your ability to avoid attacks in martial combat. The more experienced, agile, and skillfully trained you are, the better your defense will be. In addition, armor can also affect your defense, as bulky armors may limit your movement while some magical armors may heighten your reflexes.

See also: damage, resistances.

help dmap pinc

Topic: Dmap

SYNTAX: dmap [newb|pinc]

By typing 'dmap', you will be shown your location in either Pinnacle or Newbieland, if you are in either area, with your location represented by a flashing red (if you have ansi on) '@', otherwise you'll need to specify which map you'd like to view by using 'dmap newb' or 'dmap pinc'.

See also: citymap, newbie, newbieland.

help dungeons

<help dungeons>

Syntax: dungeons [player/directive]

This command allows you to see all the dungeons that you are currently saved to, the boot you're saved until (inclusive), when you're allowed to clear your ID (if at all), and the ID of the dungeon and any players (currently online) that are saved with you.

You will not be able to enter a dungeon area with players that are saved to a different ID. Similarly no one can enter your dungeon if they have a different ID. The only way to get the same dungeon ID as another player is to party with them. (Partying with players saved to various different dungeon IDs will have interesting results...)

You can check the dungeons your party mates are saved to with:
dungeons <player>
You can leave a dungeon group with:
dungeons clear <name or ID/all>

Example output:

Boot Number: 873
Dungeon Boot# Can Reset ID/With
Smurfland : 873 1H 47M 42S [15]
Chess Board : 873 1H 19M 42S [16]
Death Taco : 874 now [8]

Indicating that I'm saved to Smurfland through boot 873, unless I choose To leave that dungeon ID earlier, which I can do in 1 hour and 47 minutes. My dungeon ID for Smurfs is 15, and there's no other players online right now that are saved with me.
My lock on Death Taco won't expire for a few more boots if I desire, My lock on Death Taco won't expire for a few more boots if I desire, but I could leave that dungeon ID now if I wanted, if perhaps I was going to party with someone else in that area who is also already saved. My lock on Death Taco won't expire for a few more boots if I desire,
WMT's Note: the player in this help file should use the <dungeons clear all> command since we've now learned that entering the Death Taco dungeon with the 'Can Reset' section listed as now could potentialy screw up the scaling, etc.

See also: scaler

When you teleport into a dungeon, or even if you're summoned into one, your dungeon will not automatically clear when the timer is done. To manually clear this, type <dungeons clear all>.

help elementals

<help elementals>

Recruiter required.

This guild draws its power solely from the four basic elements of nature: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. The most experienced elementals have all four of these forces at their disposal and can control them effortlessly. However, to gain such powers an elemental first must learn the secrets of each element independently, and have full mastery of over one before exploring another.

The elementals are renowned for their sheer force, and ability to manipulate the environment of their enemy. The power of the elemental does have its drawbacks. Because most of their energy is devoted to controlling their environments, they are left with few defenses.

When wielding weapons elementals cannot attack with their elemental forces.

See also: guilds.

help eternals

Recruiter NOT required.

To get more information about Eternals, first you must become one.

Then you can type "(info" to get more details.

help explorers

<help explorer>
3Kingdoms Explorers

The number of rooms every player has found is tracked individually so that you can see just how far and wide you've spread carnage.
You can use the explorer command to see this information.

Syntax: explorer [arg]
No argument
- Shows your explorer status and ranking
- Toggles you being shown every new room you enter
(The 'explorer' ansi var will highlight these msgs)
- Show 'name's explorer rating
- Show the top '#' of explorers
- Show all the explorers

See also: elight, eport, esearch, explorers.

help fighters

<help fighters>

Recruiter NOT required.

Fighters are elite warriors. They are focused primarily on using physical combat to absorb huge attacks with armour and destroy their opponents with a weapon.

Like Sorcerers and Clerics, they advance faster than other guilds in exchangefor having a hard cap on their maximum level and guild level. They are designed for casual players that want to quickly be able to explore most of the game without such a large time commitment that a traditional guild requires.

As fighters advance, they have the option to gain guild levels to unlock mighty powers that provide them with significant advantages over their defensive skills that will passively make them stronger.

Fighters can fully benefit from wearing equipment. Having access to basic equipment as a minimum is strongly recommended. Due to the defensive ability of fighters, a good set of equipment will allow you to overwhelm much stronger enemies.

Be sure to read the sign in the Recruitment Hall (w,u,n from Center of Town) to learn how to join the guild as well as the current level cap and other important details of joining or leaving the guild.
See also: guilds.

help flapchat

Topic: Flapping Chat
SYNTAX: flapchat <message>

The 'flapchat' command will allow you to talk on the mudwide chatline for general chatter. It's blocked more often than shout and is generally intended for idle chatter and interesting topics. This is not a gripe line or a personal pedestal. Respect the conversation and please do not overuse it.
You can 'flapchat off' to never see it again.
You can also 'flapchat on' when you realize how much you miss it.
The content of this chat line should be rated 'PG' as per normal rules.

See also: chatlines.

help fremen

<help fremen>

Recruiter required.

Deep in the deserts of Arrakis, dwell tribes of fierce warriors, known as the 'fremen', or by their native name of the 'Ichwan Bedwine'. As per the novels of Frank Herbert, these fremen warriors are trained in a great number of combat skills, and also given training in the skills brought to them by the Atreides family.

The Ichwan Bedwine are powerful fighters, with the ability to attack swiftly, and cause mental anguish on their opponents. Some say they have the ability to control their opponent's minds, and command them to do their bidding. Being descended from the ancient Earth tribes of bedouin wanderers, the fremen also have many meditative self healing powers. They have a deep seated tribal sense of group power, and their fighting skill would seem to be enhanced when they combine to take out their enemies.

If you wish to become one of their brethren, then you must find one who is able to introduce you to their ways, and sponsor you into their fold. Please feel free to ask any of the higher level fremen online about the guild, although please do not ask any of the wizard fremen, as they really can't help you in this way.

See also: guilds.

help gam

Topic: Online Games Chatline
SYNTAX: gam <message>

The 'gam' command allows you to speak on the Gamers line. Do NOT add non-computer gaming information here. Nor should you add information about games that are not at least semi-recent or are intended as a joke.
Bad examples: Football, Baseball, Q-Bert, Pac-Man, Tied-Hand Kicking, etc. This line follows standard mud chatline rules and toggle options.

See also: chatlines.

help gentech

<help gentech>

Recruiter required.

Refugees from a full planetary sector war in the far distant future, the Gentech recruit soldiers to fortify their armies and lead them back to the future to conquer their enemies. These Gentech soldiers ride a fine line between genetic enhancement of their bodies, and incorporation and integration of far advanced technology into their cellular matrix. This being so, the Gentech posses the ability to choose their own fate within the structure of their guild. Some have even said that Gentech is the guild of 'choice'.

As opposed to most other guilds, Gentech members perform experiments to acquire skills and powers. Any power within the guild may be researched by any member of the guild at any time, but with this freedom comes a cost. Researched experiments can fail, which may lead to unpredictable results, including the loss of a power or in very rare instances, death. The chances of a researched experiment succeeding (or its degree of failure) depends on the experience the Gentech member has within the guild. The greater the experience, the more likely an experiment to research a power will succeed.

This total control over their chosen skills allows the Gentech to wield enormous power over not only their general surroundings, but also over their own bodies. Through this power, which is both raw and refined, the Gentech bring the world of the far distant future to today.

See also: guilds.

help gshout

Command: GShout
Syntax: gshout <message>

Much like the 'shout' command this sends a message to everyone in the game. However, it goes above and beyond by sending it to everyone in every other 3-flavor as well, such as 3scapes.

See also: gossip, say, shoutblock, talk, tell, whisper.

help hail

<help hail>
Topic: Hail
Syntax: hail cab

From within Pinnacle you can 'hail cab' to have a cab come and pick you up to take you back to the center of town.

This trip is free for any player under level 15 but can become quite pricy for the high level player in a hurry.

<hail cab>
You yell out "TAXI!" and a yellow Pinnacle Taxi screeches up. You jump in, pay your fare and are off!
Using the command cost this character 13,660 coins.

help hardcore

<help hardcore> <help hwho>
SYNTAX: 'hwho' or 'hardcore' [history [sort]]

This command shows the list of hardcore players currently logged on. If you use the [history] argument, it will show a high level of detail about every hardcore player that ever reached level 30. You can sort by any of the fields shown in the resultant output with the optional [sort] argument. The default sort order is by # of hardcore kills, as defined as monsters whose class is >= your hardcore kill class req (HCKCR) in the list.

Becoming a hardcore player
A player can ONLY choose to be hardcore when they are first created. You cannot turn a regular character into a hardcore character nor vice-versa. If a hardcore character dies just 1 time, you can no longer advance, leave town, party, or gain XP.

Every player gets a single hardcore alternate slot for free.

Benefits of Hardcore Characters
When a hardcore character reaches level 30, all of that player's legal alternate characters get a free skill point. Those characters also gain another point for every 5 levels beyond 30. Only your highest level hardcore character lends this benefit. i.e. having more than one hardcore character over level 30 won't give you extra skill points.

See also: players, who, who2.

help highmortal

TLDR - Once you earn the rank of High Mortal by earning at least 805 quest points and level 30, type <questlist, commands new, hm on> to access the high mortal chatline.

High Mortal is a title earned by collecting a certain number of quest points. The exact number you need fluctuates over time as the scale of the system changes. You must also be at least 30th level to receive this title.

High Mortals may change their titles at will. They may not change their alignment (the word that appears in parentheses after the title), but they often use the pretitle and title together to form interesting and unique titles. In addition they may choose to remove themselves from the 'who' listing type commands at will.

They may also change their entrance and exit messages that other players will see when they enter or leave a room. Many High Mortals create entrance and exit messages that match, creating interesting illusions and effects. The messages must always contain their name, and the exit message must contain the name of the exit they are leaving through.

In addition to altering their appearances as such, High Mortals may also communicate with others for much less cost. Tells and link tells no longer cost spell points.

High Mortals may choose which of the six fantasy realm entrances they appear in when passing through the fantasy portal. This makes traveling through the large fantasy realm much easier and faster. People who are following a High Mortal and who themselves are not High Mortal will appear in the current default portal. However, a High Mortal may summon another player if that player is in the base area of the kingdom. This does not work for the other two realms as well.

High Mortals of sufficient level may also earmuff people past level 49, without the use of earmuffs. At an even higher level, High Mortals may elect to create a legal second character, which must be registered. Only one of the characters may be logged in each reboot, so they must choose wisely each time they log in.

High Mortals also have their own chat line. This line is different from most of the other ones players have access too, because its members are in different guilds and yet at the same time of a limited group. High Mortals usually have at least a passing knowledge of each other and share a tighter bond between themselves.

As can been seen by the above powers, High Mortals enjoy many advantages. Their rewards are well earned, however. Overcoming the challenges presented in the quests is never an easy task, and these people are the few who have managed to surpass a great many of those challenges. If you are up to the task, you may one day join their ranks.

When you meet the requirements for High Mortal, you will automatically become a High Mortal. Then, type 'questlist' to update your QP with the system, then type 'commands new' to refresh your commands, and finally type 'hm on' to access the highmortal chatline. If you are still unable to use your highmortal powers, you may need to exit the game and log back on to get full use of all your High Mortal abilities. Your High Mortal status will be shown in your finger information.

There are several ranks of highmortal that can be achieved, many with access to highmortal commands! The ranks and quest point requirements for are as follows:

High Mortal Ranks

Rank: Pts Req.
Champion   805
Crusader   905
Hero   955
Legend 1005
Titan 1105
Seeker 1205
Inquisitor 1305
Questor 1455
Sleuth 1605
Luminary 1755
Seer 1905
Herald 2055
Sage 2205
Prophet 2355
Oracle 2505
Elder Oracle ~2800
Ancient Oracle 3000
Avatar ~3200

Help file last updated: 4/6/20

See also: hmpowers, levels, milestones, quest.

help history

<help history>
SYNTAX: history [<number>]

The 'history' command will give you a list of the 128 most recent commands you have typed in. With the optional argument, you may elect to list fewer than the default 64 commands.

The last 128 commands that you type in will be stored in a buffer for you to look at and use. Any command started with the percent sign is treated as a history command.

Perform the last command again
Perform the nth command again
Perform the last command starting with <text>. e.g. %hel

If there are any arguments to either of these commands then they are appended the command you'll be executing.

See also: commands.

help houses

Topic: Houses
Tired of having your conversations interrupted by people running in and out of the room? Longing for a place to stash that extra equipment? Visit the 3-K Real Estate Office and purchase a house.

The Real Estate Office is located e/n/e/e/n/n/e from login. Before you can purchase a house, you need to make deposits into the "House Saving ATM Machine" till you reach the purchase price of 500K coins. Then, once you are level 30 or higher, you can buy your house and proceed to design, decorate, and personalize it.

You can access your house from a number of places in town. Plus, you can invite your friends to visit or even provide them with a spare set of keys.

As you develop your house, you can also qualify for one of the house owner ranks. These ranks highlight those who have put a lot of work into their house thus making them great places to visit.

So, why wait, head over to the Real Estate Office today!

See also: citymap, milestones.

help ibrief

<help ibrief>
Topic: Item Brief
Syntax: ibrief [args | all [on|off]]

Item Briefing
ibrief - Lists briefed items in your inventory.
ibrief <arg> - Toggles brief on <arg> in your inventory.
ibrief all [on|off] - Toggles brief on/off for your entire inventory.
ibrief needed <arg> - Logs an item that should allow briefing.

ibrief will, on an item by item basis, block some/all messages from the item to reduce your combat spam. Each item must be individually coded for this to work. If you find an item that does not support briefing but should, use 'ibrief needed <arg>' to tag the item for wizards to add the functionality to it.

Also note, dropping an item will reset its brief setting.

help infinity

Topic: Infinity
SYNTAX: infinity <message>

Infinity Line Commands:
infinity on
subscribe to the channel
infinity off
unsubscribe the channel
infinity -w
show whos listening to the channel
infinity -b
toggle blocking of the channel
infinity -h
history of the channel

help jedi

<help jedi>

Recruiter NOT required.

The Jedi Guild is a sci-fi guild based on the Star Wars Movie Trilogy and on the Jedi Role Playing Game. This guild is not one of those theme-less and over-powered guilds, it is rather a guild intended to offer unique powers to those players who are fans of Star Wars.

Although it is impossible to give you a full impression of how this guild is organized or what powers you will have, I will give you as good an impression of what things will be like as I can....

All Jedi are unique. No two Jedi advance the same way within the guild, and each will have to adopt a different fighting style. Each will have different careers (17 choices) and different levels in each of the 49 ability skills.

It is said among the Jedi that nothing is impossible with the Force as your ally. This is certainly true within the guild. There are enough abilities to satisfy everyone's desire, to let you tailor your character how you want.

You want a lightsaber? Train that skill.
You want to throw lightning? Train that skill.

The available abilities run the entire range of powers to be found on the mud. Healing, damage dealing, defense, informative, and some others which are too complex to describe in a short file such as this.

Beware though in your choices, because the Dark Side lurks in the shadows, waiting to latch onto your soul and claim you from the path of light.

Lastly, I would suggest that you consult any Jedi that is currently in the game to ask for his/her impressions of the guild. If you join I would like to personally welcome you into service as a Jedi, and if you don't, I wish you luck with whichever guild that you do choose. May the Force guide your decision so that you make the correct one for YOU!

The Jedi guild is open and welcoming members. If you're interested in the Jedi Knights, be patient and you may become one. Be warned though, this is a theme guild. Jedi won't go blasting Tiamat to kingdom come, they won't take on 10 PK's alone. If you're interested in that mystical spark that George Lucas placed in all of us over 20 years ago, this is where you'll find it. If not, look elsewhere for your guild, because it's probably not your destiny to be a Jedi.

See also: guilds.

help juggernaut

<help juggernaut>

Recruiter required.

The Juggernauts guild primarily revolves around the Battletech theme of Elementals. The Juggernauts guild for the most part relies on the interaction between the Juggernaut and his Main Battle Armour--his Elemental suit, for those who are familiar with Battletech terms.

The Juggernauts guild contains various Elemental suits from which to choose--ranging from purely offensive to purely defensive. The guild is also divided into clans, each with its own leadership. If a science fiction guild with lots of different possible playstyles is what you are looking for you should inquire into our guild.

The guild itself is located in the realm of science. If you are thinking of joining ask a Bloodnamed guild member for assistance.

See also: guilds.

help knights

<help knights>

Recruiter required.

A once green and vibrant plain extends around you, its tall grasses now crushed and trampled, the green splattered with the debris of war. For as far as your eyes can see the field is covered with the dead and those few lucky survivors who wander around aimlessly as if shocked to be alive after such a fierce fight.

One armoured figure in particular catches your eye as he kneels down and silently cleans his bastard sword on the cloak of a fallen foe. As the last of the blood is wiped from his blade the Knight rises to his feet, the leftover strain of battle slowing his movements, his injuries causing a grimace of pain. While you watch him, the look of pain fades from his face as he closes his eyes and seems to focus his thoughts on enduring his wounds.

With a final bow of his head, to the memory and valour of his fallen foe the Knight remounts his sandy coloured horse and rides off to rally and aid the survivors. The killing is over but there is more to being a Knight than just the glory of battle. A Knight is a powerful warrior, but that power is sheathed within a code of honour. Any Knight is not perfect, nor expected to be, but they must always attempt to reach for that higher ideal.

Note: The Knights guild is always interested in finding brave,
honorable new recruits. If you're interested in joining their ranks,
seek out a member of the Knights Guild for more information.

See also: guilds.

help mages

<help mages>

Recruiter NOT required.

Many rumors are whispered about Pinnacle's powerful mage guild. Although most of these are false, the following *is* known:

Mages are people who have dedicated their lives to mastery of the mystic art of sorcery. Expert mages have an arsenal of over one hundred spells at their disposal.

Although mages are best known for their offense, their defensive capabilities are not to be trifled with. One of their most feared and respected powers is the ability to conjure forth all manner of powerful beasts to fight for them in combat. These creatures, enslaved by the mage's potent will, sacrifice their bodies to save his, and may even be compelled to follow the mage as a personal servant. (Note that, although I say "his", some of the most powerful mages are female.)

Mages also can cast a wide array of useful, clever, amusing, and, it is said, even treacherous spells. Popular superstition says that a powerful mage can change his form, and that his feet do not even touch the ground.

On the other hand, mages lose much health and strength, subjugating these bodily powers to the pursuit of the arcane. Another drawback of this rigorous discipline is that mages are restricted in their choice of armour and weapons. Aside from robes, boots, staff, dagger, and a few trinkets, there is not much they can use.

Novice mages always wear a small pentagram of purest platinum, but it seems that more advanced sorcerers often give this up, in order to specialize in a specific type of magic.

The art of magic is older than Chaos itself. Indeed, it is rumoured that in the distant past, great mages warred for control of the kingdoms, nearly destroying them. Perhaps someday, you too could wield such power.

See also: guilds.

help method

<help method>


Presumably you wouldn't be playing this darn game if you didn't want to do quests. If you don't want (like) to do them 3K is probably not for you. This helpfile describes one approach to solving quests, and while it is by no means the only way to do them, the method works. The elements of solving quests are to get yourself a good map, search the whole area, follow the story line of the quest if there is one, and pay particular attention to the characters and objects you will discover while questing. Most importantly, write everything down. This is so obvious most people forget to do it. At any rate, these are the mechanics -- the part you bring to the quest is your patience, and problem solving skills.

Finding a Quest

Finding quests is actually easy to do in most cases. You find quests by mapping, and by being familiar with the three domains of 3K. If the quest listing you find at the guild entrance tells you to "seek in the Realms of Fantasy", you have already ruled out 2/3 of the mud. Now all you have to do is be familiar with the one Domain that holds the quest you want to solve.

Rough map the domain. This is so obvious that most folks miss it when they first start to play. If you can't find Wayhaven, the probability that you will ever solve the Wayhaven quest is pretty small. Take the time to map the three domains (Fantasy, Science and Chaos). You will not only make your questing life easier, you will discover all sorts of stuff that is generally useful. As a guideline, it should take 3 or 4 hours to rough map each domain.

When to do a Quest

Always quest, always map. Be ever searching for the next part of a puzzle. Monsters that give you reasonable XP and GXP are everywhere. Impatience and desperation are probably the single biggest killer of questers. If you are always questing, you will likely progress steadily, you will have a cool head, and you will certainly have a much easier time doing quests. The only way to solve the larger more complex quests is to get good at questing and to always be looking for that next piece of the puzzle.


In my opinion the most important part of solving a quest is to draw up a good map. Start with a piece of graph paper, and every time you move into a new room, draw a separate box for the room and put in lines to indicate exits from the new room. This is simple to do, and it can save your life. To map for a quest, set your wimpy very high, and just do a fast rough map putting down all the directions you can see without searching. Read the room descriptions carefully before exploring a new direction. You would be amazed at how many people see a sign that says 'Death trap to the east' and then proceed to go east and die (go figure). With this rough map in hand you now know all the safe exits, and where all the holes you need to explore are.

Mapping 2

With your rough map in hand, you now should look for the non-obvious or hidden, directions. These are room exits that you cannot see and are generally found around the edges of an area or leading into the holes you have found in your rough map. Of course this is not always true -- sometimes there are exits up, down, and so on. To find the hidden direction, read the room description carefully, there is usually a clue somewhere in the text (not always, but usually). The brute force approach is to try every direction {n,e,s,w,ne,sw,se,sw,u,d} on every square, and believe me you will probably do this at some point in your adventures here at 3K. Draw in the hidden exits you find.


Most quests have an element of searching to them. To do an effective search, read the room description. Look at everything in the room, monsters, objects, and look at every noun in the text of the room description and in the text you get back when you look. Generally speaking, in the first few squares, try 'look' and 'examine' both to see which one the quest uses. While you are looking, also 'search' the things you are looking at. This may seem tedious, but is a crucial step to finding the pieces you may need to solve the quest.

Story Line

From the very beginning, write down what you think a possible solution might be. As you discover new stuff, change your written solution to accommodate the new details. As dumb as this may seem, this step allows you to collect your thoughts and organize yourself to solving the quest. There are not many quests around that do not have some sort of logic behind them (as twisted as the logic may be). By drafting solutions you are in effect trying to put yourself in the place of the wizard who created the quest. Frankly, the more complex the quest is, the more important this step becomes.


Monsters give a living context to quests. In some quests they are used as scenery and filler, in others they give directions by talking to you, answering your questions, and so on. Don't just blindly stumble around killing everything you see. Look at them first, consider their size and damage potential, try saying stuff to them, see what they are carrying. Then if you must, and it is safe -- kill em. Notice I said 'and if its safe'. Generally speaking the average quest monster is often bigger than you are prepared to deal with. Look at your map, plan your escape, set your wimpy, make sure you are at full strength and have the best equipment and healing you can afford ... and THEN kill it.

Interactive Quests

When you see a quest referred to as being an interactive quest, what is really being said is that the monsters are designed to interact with you much like another player would. What is more important in these quests is to find out just what the monsters are trying to tell you or direct you to do. Try all kinds of things with them, like: say hi, say job, say quest, tell <monster> hi, exa monster, search monster, bow monster, etc. Look carefully at the room and anything within it for hints, plus listen to the monster carefully while examining it, etc. Contained in everything you see and hear will be a hint of what else to ask/look for.


Yes, there are rules. If you break them the penalties are severe. If you start with the principle that most quests are 'secret journeys' or 'rites of passage' that each player must experience without help, there is really only one rule that matters:

Don't discuss the details of a quest with anyone, ever.

Rules associated with specific quests are found in the quest listing for each quest. For instance, if the listing says no partying on the quest you MUST solo the quest. Pretty simple -- pretty obvious. There is a more formal RULES room down from where you log on. Whatever this file may say about rules, the RULES room rules.

See also: milestones, punishment, quest, questhelp, rules.

help milestones

Visit the Milestones page for more information.

<help milestones>
The world of Three Kingdoms is a vast and expansive place, with all sorts of interesting things to do! The following is a guideline of major game features and guidelines at given player levels.

Level 1
- You exist!
Level 5
- Guilds are now available! This may be your single most important decision. ('help guilds')
- The three major realms (fantasy, chaos, science) are now open to you! ('help areadirections')
Level 6
- You can now be recruited into a clan! ('help clanworld')
Level 10
- Crafting is available. ('help crafting')
Level 20
- Minor professions are now available. ('help professions')
Level 30
- You can buy a house! ('help houses')
- If you have sufficient quest points, you can become a High Mortal ('help highmortal')
- Specialization professions are now available.
- You can now become a wizard! ('help wizzing')
Level 35
- You can use the dungeon scaler! ('help scaler')
Level 40
- Major professions are now available.
Level 49
- Finish any newbieland quests that you want to do before you hit level 50.
Level 50
- You may create a legal second. ('help seconds')
- A second minor profession is available.
- Newbieland now prevents your entry.
Level 60
- A second specialization profession is available.
Level 61
- Equipment you acquire yourself will no longer autoload (except in rare circumstances or via use of other things like boons, etc).
Level 90
- You can now join the ascended guild ('help ascended')
Level 100
- You may create another legal character.
Level 111
- You have joined the Eternals ('help eternals')
Level 510
- You're a wizard, 'arry!

See also: ascended, clanworld, crafting, eternals, guilds, highmortal, houses, levels, professions, quest, seconds, wizzing.

help mission

<help mission>
Command: mission
Allows you to monitor and interact with any offered or active missions. Missions can be found through the 3-Kingdoms.

The syntax is:
mission abandon <num> - abandons a mission
mission accept <num> - accepts a mission
mission ask <who> - asks <who> for a mission
mission changelog - views the changelog
mission feedback [#] <what> - give feedback to coders
mission help - shows the help file
mission history - shows your history
mission list [brief|offered] - lists your missions
mission refuse <num> - refuses an offered mission
mission return <who> - returns a mission to <who>
mission review [offered] <num> - shows details about a mission
mission set [variable] <arg> - controls your settings
mission share <num> <who> - shares your mission
mission store [num] <what> - stashes an item for a mission

Missions are small tasks that you can perform for certain NPC's or creatures on 3K in exchange for a reward. If any creature has a mission available, you will see a question mark at the end of their name. Missions have a number of possible rewards that can range from coins, experience, stat boosts and reputation increases. The tasks can be killing certain creatures, or collecting specific items from an area. If you do find someone offering you a mission, be sure to type <mission help> for the available commands to get started.

See our missions page.

help monks

<help monks>

Recruiter required.

The Monk is a born fighter, he needs no weapon to fight and requires no armor, nor can he wear much. His main goals in life are to study, meditate, and fight.

A monk will get most of his Guild Experience Points from fighting bare handed in combat. If at any time your Guild Points or Peace Level drop to Zero(0), you will not fight well with your hands and are better off fighting with a weapon.

A monk's prime attribute is DEX. This is what most of his powers are based on, including his attack ability and dodging ability. (WC and AC)

INT is also a prime factor in determining how well a monk fights and how much damage he does.

Concentrate on those stats and your guild level, and you will be a powerful monk in no time.

Monks cannot wear armors of type: armour, helmet, boots, gloves or shield.

See also: guilds.

help mskills

<help mskills>
Skills on 3Kingdoms add a unique dynamic to your character. Choosing to advance yourself in one or more skills will have a positively profound and somewhat permanent impact on your character. The different skills available for advancement provide you with a myriad of special abilities and tangible effects, the combination of which will be unique to your character.

To see the available skills use the 'skills' or 'mskills' commands.

You get one skill point every even level, and one skill point for every year you've been on 3K. You also get 1 skill point for the first quest you complete. There are also skill specific quests you can get points for.

To advance skills use the 'advance' or 'adv' commands. It is recommended you read the help file on 'advance' as well.
example: advance health.regeneration
example: advance combat.armor.light.medium

You can see a brief description on most skills in one of two ways: First, try 'help <skill name/skill pre-req>' such as:
- help weapons
- help armor
- help metabolism
- etc.

You can always get information by using the full skill path as well:
- help health.metabolism
- help combat.armor.light
- help combat.weapons.axe.two-handed.elemental
- etc.

There are many skill QUESTS throughout the mud that will grant you additional skill points to spend. These quests follow the same quest rules as normal quests (read 'help quests') and you will be severely punished for sharing qinfo about them.

However, unlike regular quests, the 'skillquests' list is not a complete list of all available skill quests. It is mostly complete, but there are several where even applying a name would give too much information. Some skillquests are merely rewards for paying attention or doing good deeds, so keep an eye out.

Again, in all cases, skill quests are qinfo and any discussion about them will result in punishments involving loss of skill points, loss of levels or stats, quest points, or any number of other severely painful actions.

On the other hand, Skill trainers are to be considered public knowledge. The locations and abilities of these trainers can be shared, however, you should consider your audience when discussing them as many people enjoy the seeking aspect of finding skill trainers. If you feel the need to share the locations then it's advised that you use tells.

You may reset all your spent skill points in order to reallocate them as you wish by issuing the command:

advance skill reset

The cost of performing such a reset begins at 1000 coins for the first time, and increases by orders of magnitude for every subsequent reset.

The following ansi variables apply to skills:
skill_dodge, skill_crit, shield_block, skill_freecast

See also: advance.

help necromancers

<help necromancers>

Recruiter required.

The path of the Necromancer follows that of powerful magic. Ancient energies and ethereal forces are yours to command. Take a step toward immortality with the powers of the undead. Darkness and light combine to create devastating spells and awe-inspiring powers. The intensity of your guild experience will forever shape the rest of your life.

No guild in all the realms offers you the experience found in the Necromancers. Hundreds of powers are yours to command. The members are helpful and the info files are extremely complete. The guild is the most complex on 3 Kingdoms and very arguably the most complex on any mud anywhere.

The Guild Halls are comprised of over a hundred rooms, many containing secrets about the ancient histories of members long gone. Further exploration of the stone halls and ancient catacombs reveal hidden clues to that of the guild quest - to find and awaken the forgotten powers of the ancient Necromancers, and learn the secrets of their disappearance.

The guild is an intense experience, make no mistake about it. Very few people have even come close to experiencing all it has to offer. Power, mystery, intensity and excitement await you in the guild that is, the Necromancers.
See also: guilds.

help newb (chatline)

newb - The Newbie Help Line

Syntax: newb <command>|<message>
This line is for new players, regardless of level, to ask questions in an open format and get help and information from higher level players. Information given over this line should be useful, sincere and comply with all MUD rules (no qinfo, harassment, etc.)

Like all other public lines, swearing is not allowed on this line.

If you are a high level player desiring to be a member of the newbie helper community, please ask a Lord+ to set you up.

NOTE: This is NOT a gossip line, its ONLY purpose is for helping newbies! If you're not talking TO a newbie about NEWBIE stuff, you shouldn't be talking.

The following is a list of supplementary commands and toggles for the newbie line:
newb -w Lists the players listening to the Newbie line.
newb -h Lists the last 10 messages on the Newbie line.
newb -b Toggle blocking of the Newbie line.
newb -m name Tier 2 Helpers/Wizard Mute Ability
See also: helpers, newbie.

help nwho

<help nwho>
Syntax: nwho

List of people that are currently on the mud. You can specify a minimum level or a level range.
Add a '/m' to page the display.
See also: finger, players, who.

Example of the nwho command
(tried to fit it into one screenshot)
screenshot of the nwho command

help omp

OMP - The OFFICIAL 3Kingdoms Mud Party
SYNTAX: omp <message>

The 'omp' command allows you to speak on the OMP party line. This line follows standard mud chatline rules and toggle options.

>>> NOTE: This line is to be used for OMP Discussion ONLY <<<

What is an OMP?
Beginning in 1998, The Marble Group (3K's parent company) has organized an 'Official MUD Party' that is open to all denizens of 3Kingdoms, their families and friends. These (mostly annual) OMPs are held in major cities around the continental United States at a specific venue, typically a large hotel. The OMP is a multi-day event, with various activities that occur from Thursday through Saturday. Technically, Saturday evening/night is the actual OMP event, which includes organized snacks, prizes and all sorts of cool stuff.

Why go to an OMP?
An OMP gives players from all over the world the chance to come together and meet others who play 3K. It is a chance to sit down and talk to people you might never have met otherwise, and also a chance to hang with friends you see year after year. The weekend is packed with gatherings, movies, games, parties and site-specific activities for all.

Is this an adults-only gathering?
Yes, yes and yes. You must be 21 years or older to ride this ride.

Where can I find out more information on the next OMP?
Simply type 'omp' to see the latest details on any upcoming OMPs
Also check out the OMP room (type 'omp' at COT) and board for the latest info.

See also: chatlines.

help panic

Topic: Panic
SYNTAX: panic /[when][%]/[phase]/[notify]

This will set up an action your character will perform when your hit points fall below a certain value. This is a good place to put healing abilities or leaving the room

action : what command you would like to execute
when : threshold value to execute the command - as a % or val
 (default is 50%)
phase :
0 = at the beginning of your round
1 = at the end of your round
2 = between your guild's automations but before attacking
3 = between your guild's automations but after your attacks
(you will want to tweak this depending on how your guild reacts)
notify : A message you want displayed when it fires
WMT NOTE: at this time, we cannot get the messages to fire.

 Turn this thing off
  panic off
 Run east if your HP falls below 50%
  panic east
  panic east/50%
 Heal yourself if your HP falls below 200
  panic cast heal/200
 Sever from the game if things are looking bad at the end of the round
  panic hmsever/25%/1/Fly you fool!

help percent

While previously covered in the 'history' Command Of the Week, we're taking a closer look at the %% command.

The knowledge passed down from mudder to mudder (but also available in 'help history'), the infamous %% command will repeat the last command you typed. While some clients benefit from using the up arrow to repeat/cycle through commands you've recently typed, %% is a mudside command which specifically performs the last command again.

<help history>
SYNTAX: history [<number>]

The 'history' command will give you a list of the 128 most recent commands you have typed in. With the optional argument, you may elect to list fewer than the default 64 commands.

The last 128 commands that you type in will be stored in a buffer for you to look at and use. Any command started with the percent sign is treated as a history command.

Perform the last command again
Perform the nth command again
Perform the last command starting with <text>. e.g. %hel

If there are any arguments to either of these commands then they are appended the command you'll be executing.

See also: commands.

help pfind

Command: Pfind
SYNTAX: pfind [on/off] [comm] [-help]

The 'pfind' command will show a list of all the players who are seeking a party.

pfind : Shows a list of all players in search of a party.
pfind on : Adds you to the party list.
pfind off : Removes you from the party list.
pfind watch : Notifies you when someone requests a party.
pfind ignore : Stops notifications.
pfind comm <txt> : Adds a comment to your party listing.
pfind clear : Will clear any saved comments.
pfind save : Will save any comments you have set.

pfind comm 1 more needed - pref tank

NOTE: serious party requests ONLY, please.

See also: party.

help players

<help players>
Syntax: players

Without an argument this will show every player online, their level, guild level and pk status. It will also tally up the total players for each guild as well as for the entire mud.

With arguments it will only show players in the guild(s) specified or of the specified levels.

ex: players adventurer

This will show all adventurers online.

You can also use the first letter(s) of a guild, like:

players nec (show all necromancers)
players m (show all players whose guild starts with m (mages/monk))
players <guild> (input the guild name to see all players from that guild)

You can also specify a level range:
players 20- (show all players over level 20)
players 20-40 (show all players levels 20 through 40)
players -30 (show all players up to level 30)
players -core (Show all players in core guilds)
players -stats (Show only totals)
players -local (Show only players in this world (3k))

And also: players 10-20 n m w (show all players levels 10-20 of guilds beginning with n, m or w)

You can also combine multiple guilds on a line, like:
players nec witch new (show necros, witches, and newbreed)

See also: finger, who.

Example of the players command
screenshot of the players command

help pol

SYNTAX: pol <message>

The 'politics' command lets you access a mudwide chatline where anyone can spew worthless political opinions without fear of imminent desting It not cost any spell points to use. This line may be toggled on and off, with the commands listed below.

The politics line is watched regularly, and harrassment and cursing will not be tolerated, and may result in revocation of your politics line privleges, or worse.

Politics Line Commands:
pol on : subscribe to the politics channel
pol off : unsubscribe the politics channel
pol who, pol -w : show whos listening to the politics channel
pol block, pol -b : toggle blocking of the politics channel
pol history, pol -h : history of the politics channel

help portalchat

Topic: PortalChat
SYNTAX: portalchat

Once upon a time, in the year of our lord 1999, the Portal MUD client game came out to the world. Sweeping the minds of youth and adults alike. One of the client coders have decided to honor it by allowing a special Portal channel to be created where people could discuss usages, strategies, and any other items of interest.

See also: gossip, say, shout, tell, whisper.

help priest

<help priest>

Theme: Devoted followers of the gods are granted extraordinary powers by their deities. The powers vary from god to god, and include healing of wounds, inflicting damage on others, and control over weather, the elements, and nature itself.

Offense: The main offense of the priest guild is its spells. The spells do various types of damage, including fire, cold, mental, and physical damage.

Defense: The guild's primary defenses also come from its spells, although our tanking ability is augmented greatly by our healing abilities. Magic armour can be summoned, and protection spells cast. After monsters pound on a priest for many rounds, a well-timed healing spell will lessen the damage considerably.

Misc: Some of the many miscellaneous powers granted to the priests include enchanting weapons, changing people's alignments, lightening the weight of items, and temporarily boosting a player's stats. Priests can also create fireseeds and goodberries for newbies, as well as growth the guild followers of other players.

Superpower: Mends -- healing hp and sp from a distance.

Special: There are twelve gods that a priest can choose to worship, 4 good, 4 neutral, and 4 evil. The followers of each god have certain spheres of influence that are stronger or weaker, but overall things are fairly balanced. A new priest starts with the rank of acolyte and works his way up to avatar and beyond.

Restrictions: Each of the gods has their own set of restrictions. Common ones include keeping alignment on the correct path (good/neutral/evil), not wielding bladed weapons, and minor armour restrictions. Also, reagents from the guild are required to cast many of the spells.

GXP: Guild experience is gained through casting spells. The guild levels are known as 'steps ascended'. There are 80+ steps to ascend, with each one bringing a bit more power.

Priests are one of the older guilds on Three Kingdoms. We are excellent in parties with other guilds and are usually in demand due to our extensive healing abilities. Guild members tend to be friendly, talkative, and willing to help out anyone in need. No other guild has a line dedicated to griping, a guild box so chatty, or as many hot mudders. (woohoo!) Feel free to ask any priest if you need more information about our beloved guild.
(The Priest Admin)

See also: guilds.

help professions

<help professions>
Players may join a profession which provides the player with a benefit that is themed according to each individual profession. For example, an 'arsonist' is more proficient with fire damage. Using professions a player may customize their play experience according to their own play style and interests.

Professions are divided up into minor, specialization, and major professions. Minor professions are typically passive benefits that trigger randomly if the player is able to meet certain conditions that vary according to each profession. Specialization professions are similar to minor professions, but are situational in nature. Major professions typically grant the player new abilities and are much more involved than minor or specialization professions.

A player is able to choose professions at the following levels:

 Level 20 : Minor #1
 Level 30 : Specialization #1
 Level 40 : Major #1
 Level 50 : Minor #2
 Level 60 : Specialization #2

In addition, all previously selected professions must be advanced up to level 35 or higher. Seek out the Office of Professional Registration south, west, south, south, south, west, west from the Center of Town (west of the Bewitching Clearing) in Pinnacle!

See also: milestones, profession, profs.

From Center of Town: <s, w, 3s, 2w>
Return to Center of Town: <2e, 3n, e, n>

Once inside the Office, you can <read sign> -The small sign provides instructions for people who wish to interact with the people behind the counter. It reads:

list [minor|spec|major] - list available professions
list <profession> - get more information about a profession
join <profession> - join a profession (if you have an open slot)
fixprofs - recover your professional registration
leaveprof <profession> - quit a profession

**NOTE**: Do not forget the <profs> command at your disposal, which can be used anywhere.

help profs

<help profs>
SYNTAX: profs [new]

The 'profs' command allows you to see your current professions, the levels, and the progress to the next level. It is split up into major and minor professions. If you are not yet able to select a profession, this command will give you the criteria you must meet before you can select a new profession.

You can also see what has changed with professions using the command 'profs new'

Seek out more information about professions at the Office of Professional Registration in Pinnacle

See also: professions.

help profwho

<help profwho>
SYNTAX: profwho [profession]

The 'profwho' command allows a player to see the professions of all players online, or only those players who are members of the profession specified by the argument.

See also: professions, profs.

Why, or how, could this command be utilized to benefit you? If your weapon or armour needs repairing, you can <profwho fieldsmith> to find another player to fix them (this can also be done in Pinnacle's Smithy shop, however that also may cost a good amount of coins).

Or, if you need an item transmuted to something else, you can <profwho transmuter>. Are you in need of more SMD (or any other type of extra resistance)? You can <profwho reforger>.

Screenshot of the profwho fieldsmith command

help psicorps

<help psicorps>

Recruiter NOT required.


The researchers at the National Institution for Technology, while studying the human mind as part of their Wonders In Technology program, stumbled onto a way to empower a person's mind as an extension to their physical form. The research project, secretly funded by the government, was quickly closed off from the public and all the information gathered by the researchers was removed to a secret location.

The government created a program called the Black Knights to further the research based on this new information, which eventually lead to the invention of the PIM (Psionic Implant Module). In the interest of national security, a new, secret division of the Marine Corps was created, specifically to use this new technology for military purposes; thus Psicorps was born.

The focus of this division was not to create a psionic only division of the marines, but rather soldiers would use psionics to enhance their combat capabilities out in the field. This allows them to use the strength of their bodies and their minds in order to accomplish their missions.

Specialized combat training with psionic enhancements is the core of the Psicorps Soldier. Each soldier gains their own powers in their own ways and the Psicorps helps them train each power to its fullest potential. Newer versions of the PIM are being developed and as soldiers gain rank, they will be able to access a better unit than the one they possess.


Psicorps is a highly configurable guild. Players have access to sets of abilities and configure their implant to which powers they want to use for the situation that they are in. Players can return to the guild to swap out powers at any time which means they are not stuck to the powers they choose.

As players gain new tours (guild levels), they get access to higher and more powerful tiers. Their implant can also hold more powers. The guild also has several skills that can be trained in order to improve the players efficiency.

This makes the guild highly customizable to the task at hand. If a player needs to tank, then they can load all defense powers. If the player has a tank, then they can load all offense powers. Or anything in between. There are also utility powers that are unique to the guild itself.

So if you are interested in Psicorps, either type 'players psicorps' and ask a current player to recruit you. Or go to the Houston Transportation Hub in Science and find Lt. Combs in his office across from the arcade.

See also: guilds.

help purge


The player purge is based on the following guidelines:

Purge When?
2 weeks
3 months
3 months*
6 months*
2 years*
2 years*
50 days gone - zap,
6 months gone = wipe

If you are under level 10 and have not logged in within the amount of time indicated for your level, your player file will be purged.

* If you are over level 10 and have fewer than 20 hours of time invested in your character (age) then you will be purged after being gone the duration indicated above.

If you are over level 10 with at least 20 hours invested, you will never be purged automatically. Drunken fits, bug abuse, all the normal ways to get wiped still exist.

Once you are purged, the only restoration possible is via a VAF restore. Please type 'help vaf' for more information on how they work.

See also: email, register, rules, showaddr, wipeme.

help questlist

Syntax: questlist <name|number|required|short|full|solved|unsolved|-c|cha|fan|sci|new|pin|all|lev|lev:num|wiz:name>

'questlist' with no arguments will list all the quests in the game.

Options are:
<number/name> : list a quest of that number, name or alias.
required : list your quest point requirements.
unsolved : unsolved quests only.
solved : solved quests only.
chaos/cha : Chaos quests only.
fantasy/fan : Fantasy quests only.
science/sci : Science quests only.
newbieland/new : Newbieland quests only.
pinnacle/pin : Pinnacle quests only.
level/lev : only quests of your level or below.
level:#/lev:# : only quests of level # or below.
creator:name/ wiz:name : quests created by the wizard 'name'.
party : only quests that allow partying.
short : list in abbreviated format.
full : list in extended format, with full quest description.
all : this option is only useful for newbies, as it overrides the 'newbie quest only' default for their list.
-c : download the list to your computer rather than write it to your screen (Portal users only).

You can also combine args, eg:

'questlist chaos fantasy unsolved short' would list all quests that you haven't solved in either pinnacle or chaos, in abbreviated format.

'questlist full -c' would make a list of all quests on the mud, including their full descriptions, and download it to your client.

'questlist lev:10 chaos' would list all quests recommended for levels ten or below, in Chaos only.

'questlist creator:bob' would list all quests created by the wizard, Bob.

Ansi colouring is available for quest list output. Refer to the instructions in your guild's advancement room for configuration details.

See also: method, quest, rules.

help redo

<help redo>
SYNTAX: redo <wrongcmd> <newcmd>

Occasionally, a player will mistype the verb when typing out a nice long chat. Needless to say, it's a pain in the neck to go ahead and retype the whole thing. This command exists for just such situations. If you mistype a command or chatline you can use this command to redo the command without retyping the entire thing. To do so just type 'redo <oldcmd> <rightcmd>' and it will reissue the last command that matches 'oldcmd' but as the new right command.
e.g. shouut What guild should I join?
redo shouut shout
That will change your typoed 'shouut' to 'shout'.

See also: history.

help remindme

<help remindme>
 remindme (Summon a reminder tool)
 remind on (Activate TMC Reminder tool)
 remind off (Deactivate TMC Reminder tool)
 remind tmc (Acknowledge TMC reminder, you will not be reminded for 24 hours.)
 remind destroy (Destroy your reminder tool)

Once you have triggered a reminder, you will be reminded every 30 minutes until you ackowledge that reminder. Turning your reminder off and back on will immediately start reminding you.

A voting reminder tool suddenly appears in your inventory. Marvelous!!

3K Vote Reminder
A device to help remind you to vote for 3K on the various mud voting sites. There is a placard with instructions that you can 'read'.

<read placard>
Welcome to the Three Kingdoms Voting Reminder System:

'remind destroy' - Destroys your reminder system.
'remind TMC' - Acknowledges TMC Reminder.
'remind on' - Activate the TMC Reminder.
'remind off' - De-Activate your TMC Reminder.

help resistances


Resistance refers to an object's (living or inanimate) ability to withstand damage. Objects with little resistance will suffer the brunt of the damage, while those with high resistance may potentially escape unscathed. Objects designed for protection (armour, spells) confer their resistance, both positive and negative, upon their user.

Each form of resistance is only effective against its associated form of damage. As attacks may deal multiple types of damage, it's possible for an object with high resistance to a specific form of damage to ward off one aspect of the attack yet suffer other forms of damage.

See also: damage, defense.

help retrace


SYNTAX: retrace [fix/v]

This command lets you see which direction would most expeditiously return you to the Center of Town. This is based on the travels of other players and is thus subject to the insanity of some players' movements. If you find yourself in a room you believe to be closer to town than is suggested, just type 'retrace fix' and it should update. This is not a guarantee and sometimes players will bollox things up with teleportation style items and such, especially house portals. Use your best judgement. Management is not responsible for burtations. Use with caution. Etc...
The option 'v' will show you all exits and whether they are closer or further.

See also: look.


Example screenshot using the retrace command. The exit 'leave' is closest to town.

help say

<help say>
Topic: Say
SYNTAX: say <message>

This wonderful command allows you to speak absolutely FREE! Not a single spell point is lost. "How is this possible?" you might ask (that's the first thing I asked when someone told me it's possible). Well, there is a catch.
The catch is that you can talk to only the people that are in the same room with you.
"That's not too bad." you might say. There is also a second catch. Second catch is that everyone that is in the room with you can hear you too. So if you are in center of town, don't say things like "I think *CENSORED*" because someone might hear you, and if you want them to hear you, then you might as well use shout.

See also: gossip, sayhist, shout, tell, whisper.

help sayhist

<help sayhist>
Command: Sayhist
Syntax: sayhist

So you are alone in the room with your mudlover. They come close to you. They say something and just then one of the bored wizzes wants to show how cool he is by spamming everyone with a giant dest message. You try to reach for the scrollbar, and they you discover that it's broken, what do you do?
Fortunately, we have a solution, type 'sayhist' and see the 20 recent messages that were said by you, or someone else in the room you are. You can look at it as your own personnal secretary.

See also: history, say, shouthist, soulhist, tellhist.

help score

Topic: Score

Syntax: sc | score | score2 | mudscore <arg>

The 'sc' command, short for the 'score' command will show you a colorful report detailing your character's attributes and accomplishments. This includes your level, quest points, and statistics, among other things.
The 'Quests :' display breaks down as follows: Quests A(B/C/D)
 'A' = Total Quest Points
 'B' = Total in-game quests
  'C' = Marbles, OMP, or bonus quest points
  'D' = QP from quests no longer active

When you pass any <arg> to 'sc' or 'score', it will show just your statistics on a single line.
If you use 'score stats' you will see a small, detailed display of your stats.

Many guilds add guild-specific character information to the score sheet, or have alternate score sheets listing other information. Contact a specific guild's members for more information about the workings of that particular guild. If you want to overrule your guild's score command, type 'mudscore'.

Your resistances show a very general idea of how resistant you are to the various damage types in the game. The order of the types is as follows: Edged (such as swords, daggers, stabby things), Blunt (such as clubs, maces, thumpy things), Fire, Ice, Acid, Electricity, Mental, Magical Energy, Poison, Radiation.

You can customize the colors with 'setcolor <var> <colour>', where <color> is one of:

sc_text : The text, like 'Wimpy:' and 'Exp :'
sc_value : All values in the score list, like '13'.
sc_title : Your title.
sc_warning : Medium hps/sps, or when you're very drunk.
sc_danger : Low hps/sps, stat penalties, or when you're blind drunk.
sc_bonus : Extra hps/sps, stat bonus.

For example, 'setcolor sc_bonus yellow' will show any stat or hp/sp bonuses in a yellow color. Provided you have 'ansi on', of course. :) When you haven't specified a color, score will use its own default colors.

To view your ability stat modifications, use the stats command

Type 'help vaf' to learn how to clear your permanent stats.

See also: mudscore, sc, score2, stats.

help setmod

Topic: Setmod

setmod <property> <value>
setmod ROWS 35
setmod COLS 75
setmod TIMEZONE 4

The setmod command allows you to configure the options found in the Modifications Office from anywhere on the mud.

Note: You can clear (turn off) an option by typing: setmod <property> CLEAR

ROWS - This property sets the number of vertical rows your terminal supports. For example, if you can fit 35 lines of text on your screen without it scrolling off the top you would have 35 vertical rows. This property is most useful in setting the page breaks when you are in a 'MORE' prompt.

COLS - Set the number of columns your terminal should wrap text to. The mud default is 72. (not widely used)

TERMCAP - This will set your terminal emulation property. This can help ansi emulation and some extra features used in some code, such as screen clearing and cursor movement. Currently, only 2 termcaps are supported: vt100 and vt52.

TIMEZONE - This property will set the time zone you live in. Setting your time zone will show your current local time in the 'time' command, as well as the standard 3K time. You can figure your time zone by calculating the number of hours difference between your time zone and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Normally, 3K's time zone is GMT-5 (i.e. 5 hours earlier than GMT), but it switches to GMT-4 during daylight savings in North America. If your time zone isn't a whole- number of hours different to GMT (e.g. say you're GMT + 9.5 hours), then you can set the minutes as well by placing a colon between the hours and minutes, for example: setmod TIMEZONE 9:30

TELLSELF - When the TELLSELF property is set, all of your outgoing tells will be logged to your tellhist along with the normal incoming tells. This is extremely handy when keeping up with multiple conversations. Example tellhist: To: Leila : What's up? Tulip : Got a sec? Leila : Nothing much, just catching up on boards. To: Tulip : Sure, shoot. To: Leila : Fun fun fun.

SCREENREAD - When the SCREENREAD property is set, the MUD will alter some output to be easier for a screen reader to process. This is not automatic and each individual location where it occurs must be coded manually so it is an ongoing process. If you come across something that would display better for a screen reader and isn't, please mail SCREENREADER with as much detail as you can (which command, if its a guild command then which guild, suggestions for how it could output, etc.)

help shout

Command: Shout

Syntax: shout <message>
When you logged on, most probably it wouldn't have been two minutes before you see 'thisplayer shouts: thisguild babes rocks the mud!!!'. Yes, you have guessed correctly, thisplayer has used the 'shout' command. The shout command allows you to broadcast your views, opinions and mindless babble to every single person on the mud.
Naturally on a command as powerful as this there are a few limitations:
1. It isn't heard by anyone who is earmuffed or shoutblocks you.
2. There is a limit on how much spam you can send and you know you reached your limit when you see the words 'yadda yadda yadda' appear.
3. You can shout only once a minute.
4. This is not the auction line. Do not use it as such.

Please note: We consider shouting a privilege here on 3k; it is a privilege that can be taken away from you in one of several ways if it is abused. It is the sole discretion of the higher 3k administration as your access to this privilege.

Type 'help vaf' to learn more about how to...
* Double your shout length before 'yadda yadda' kicks in ('vaf yadda')
* Remove your personal shout delay time ('vaf stimer')
* Increase your earmuffs to block other people shouting ('vaf muffs1')

See also: earmuffs, gossip, say, shoutblock, shouthist, talk, tell, whisper.

help sii

<help sii>

Recruiter required.

The Sii are an alien race that arrived in Pinnacle under fire from another warlike alien race. The survival of the Sii is attributed to their ability to adapt. The species has been able to adapt to harsh climates by living with natives in a symbiotic relationship.

Specifically, the Sii symbiont is able to attach tendrils into the cerebral cortex of specially prepared "forms". These forms are based on naturally occurring (alien) creatures. When the Sii arrived in Pinnacle, they brought a supply of these physical forms, because they did not know what climates would await them.

Consequently, it is common to see a Sii in the form of a Siierek, a large leathery winged creature of the night, or as a Ssthorak, a humanoid creature with the snout, talons and scales of a lizard. Experiments are currently being conducted on other Pinnacle creatures to find new forms, but so far only the human form has proven to be useful.

* * *

Members of the Pinnacle Sii radix ("the guild") have donated their body to be a form for Sii to use. During his donation ritual, a newly born Sii host merges with the human form, and their consciousness is shared. The Sii learns from the human while the human learns from the Sii.

Eventually, the player's consciousness BECOMES this merged consciousness, and is then able to inhabit other forms. The human form, while complex, is one of the simplest ones for these new Pinnacle symbionts ("guild members") to occupy, since it is an experience that they have had for many years.

See also: guilds.

help skillquests

<help skillquests>

SYNTAX: skillquests [name|number]
'skillquests' with no arguments will list all the skill quests in the game.
Options are: <number/name> : list a quest of that number, name or alias.
See also: method, qinfo, quest, rules, skills.

help skills

<help mskills>
Skills on 3Kingdoms add a unique dynamic to your character. Choosing to advance yourself in one or more skills will have a positively profound and somewhat permanent impact on your character. The different skills available for advancement provide you with a myriad of special abilities and tangible effects, the combination of which will be unique to your character.

To see the available skills use the 'skills' or 'mskills' commands.

You get one skill point every even level, and one skill point for every year you've been on 3K. You also get 1 skill point for the first quest you complete. There are also skill specific quests you can get points for.

To advance skills use the 'advance' or 'adv' commands. It is recommended you read the help file on 'advance' as well.
example: advance health.regeneration
example: advance combat.armor.light.medium

You can see a brief description on most skills in one of two ways: First, try 'help <skill name/skill pre-req>' such as:
- help weapons
- help armor
- help metabolism
- etc.

You can always get information by using the full skill path as well:
- help health.metabolism
- help combat.armor.light
- help combat.weapons.axe.two-handed.elemental
- etc.

There are many skill QUESTS throughout the mud that will grant you additional skill points to spend. These quests follow the same quest rules as normal quests (read 'help quests') and you will be severely punished for sharing qinfo about them.

However, unlike regular quests, the 'skillquests' list is not a complete list of all available skill quests. It is mostly complete, but there are several where even applying a name would give too much information. Some skillquests are merely rewards for paying attention or doing good deeds, so keep an eye out.

Again, in all cases, skill quests are qinfo and any discussion about them will result in punishments involving loss of skill points, loss of levels or stats, quest points, or any number of other severely painful actions.

On the other hand, Skill trainers are to be considered public knowledge. The locations and abilities of these trainers can be shared, however, you should consider your audience when discussing them as many people enjoy the seeking aspect of finding skill trainers. If you feel the need to share the locations then it's advised that you use tells.

You may reset all your spent skill points in order to reallocate them as you wish by issuing the command:

advance skill reset

The cost of performing such a reset begins at 1000 coins for the first time, and increases by orders of magnitude for every subsequent reset.

The following ansi variables apply to skills:
skill_dodge, skill_crit, shield_block, skill_freecast

See also: advance.

help sorcerer

<help sorcerer>

Recruiter NOT required.

Sorcerers are masters of elemental magics. Fire and ice bend to their wills to both protect them and slay their foes. Like Fighters and Clerics, they advance faster than other guilds in exchange for having a hard cap on their maximum level and guild level. They are designed for casual players that want to quickly be able to explore most of the game without such a large time commitment that a traditional guild requires.

Sorcerers gain powerful offensive and defensive spells as they gain guild levels, spending experience points to raise skills as well as their general statistics. At high guild levels they can also summon powerful golems to defend them in battle.

Sorcerers, unlike mages, can fully benefit from wearing equipment. Modest equipment will be sufficient for your needs, but with powerful gear a large sorcerer is a force to be reckoned with.

Be sure to read the sign in the Recruitment Hall (w,u,n from Center of Town) to learn how to join the guild as well as the current level cap and other important details of joining or leaving the guild.
See also: guilds.

help stats

<help stats>
Syntax: stats

The stats command displays any eternal forces that may be affecting your abilitiy stats: strength, dexterity, intelligence, constitution, wisdom and charisma. It also lists the remaining duration of the effect as well as the origin

Type 'help vaf' to learn how to clear your permanent stats.

See also: advance, score, stats2.

help stats2

<help stats2>
Every character has six stats: strength, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, constitution, and charisma. With every experience level, characters gain the ability to raise their stats, at the cost of additional experience points. The basic effects of the various stats are as follows:

Strength: Affects carrying capacity and offensive combat ability.
Dexterity: Affects both offensive and defensive combat ability.
Wisdom: Affects offensive combat ability.
Constitution: Affects hitpoint (hp) total.
Intelligence: Affects spellpoint (sp) total.
Charisma: Affects buying/selling and NPC reactions.

Note: It's important to remember that guilds place their own emphasis on which stats are important. You should confer with guild members and/or guild help files to find out the importance and advantages of each stat.

See also: advance, levels, score, stats.

help swho

<help swho>
Syntax: swho

You want to know who are the people who are logged on right now. You want to know the levels of the people who are logged on right now. You want to know all that and you would like it to be as spamless as possible.

Well, no luck here, because there will be always spam. But, on the brighter side, you have 'swho' that stacks all the players into four neat columns.

See also: finger, players, who.

Example of the swho command
screenshot of the swho command

help talk

<help talk>
Syntax: talk <message>

The talk command will allow you to send a message to all of the people that have been added to your linktell list.

See also: addlink, checklink, dislink, ignorelink, linktell.

help tell

<help tell>
Topic: Tell
SYNTAX: tell <player> message

Official Pinnacle Auction Line

The 'ask' and 'tell' commands are identical, but are both installed for your grammatical convenience.

These commands let you send a message to a single player on the mud, whether they are in the room or not.

There is no cost for this. To reply automatically to the last person who 'told' you something, use the 'reply' or 'respond' command.

Note: Tells will reach a person, even if they are in a different realm To send a tell to a person in a specific realm, use the @ symbol. For example: 'tell barnaby@3k2 hey there'

You cannot tell to anybody that is tellblocking you.

See also: gossip, say, shout, tellb, tellhist, whisper.

help tellb

<help tellb>
Topic: tellblocking
SYNTAX: tellb OR tellb <player name>

The 'tellb' command will allow you to block the incoming tells from someone you want absolutely nothing to do with.

With no argument, the command will list all the people you are tellblocking. With the argument as a player's name, you will tellblock that person. Typing 'tellb <that person>' again will remove them from the tellblock list.

Type 'help vaf' to learn more about how to tellblock all at once.

See also: shoutblock, tell, tellhist, trs.

help tellhist

<help tellhist>
Topic: Tellhist
Syntax: tellhist

The 'tellhist' command is a very handy device. This command will show you the last 16 things that people have told to you, just in case you missed in the scroll.

 'tellhist' will return your latest tells, up to 16
 'tellhist #' will return your latest # tells

Type 'vaf tellhis' to learn how to get a quadruple-sized tellhist, 64 tells!

See also: history, say, shouthist, soulhist, tellhist.

help townportal

<help townportal>
Topic: Townportal
Syntax: townportal [check|newb|pinc|stop]

By typing 'townportal', you will begin the process of creating a portal back to town, or, if less than level 5, back to newbieland entrance. You can also specify which location you would prefer, and you can also stop the process using 'townportal stop'. The process takes several rounds to complete, and this duration increases as you level up. Any movement cancels the process. You can see the time remaining until you can cast townportal using 'townportal check'. This command is only available to players level 30 or lower.

See also: citymap, dmap, hail, newbie, newbieland.

You begin to create a portal.
A magical energy begins to swirl.
A dark red portal begins to form in front of you.
The portal becomes darker and darker, swirling in on itself.
Did you know that you can get a portal to town from a necromancer?
Just type 'players necromancer' or 'players nec' and ask someone on that list.
It's pretty easy and the necromancer guild is quite helpful.
Honestly, I know some necromancers personally, they're very nice people.
You shouldn't be frightened of them just because they're called necromancers.
They really are the best way to get a teleport to town.
A blood red portal appears in front of you and you step into it.

<townportal check>
You must wait 38m 36s before casting townportal.

help uno

<help uno>

3K UNO! <<<
Type 'uno' to get yourself a hand in the fun then
type 'look at hand' for more help on how to play.

Check out the UNO room west from the Pinnacle Prize!

3K UNO! Type 'uhelp <topic> for more

game credits
toggles ansi UNO viewing
toggles ushout blocking
forces a player out
calls out UNO!
picks color on a 1st Wild
begins a game
destroys your UNO game
draws a card
forces a player to pass
lists current games
gives UNO game to someone      
displays your hand ('uh')
access UNO help
utell history ('uhis')
ushout history
joins/creates a game
locks an UNO game
condenses your hand ('um')
toggles UNO page viewing
lists recent changes
plays a card uno!
submits bug/typo/idea
passes your turn
plays a card
quits you from your game
just read it :)
lists the rules of UNO!
game stats ('us')
expanded game stats ('us2')
sets various game attributes
shouts to all UNO players
does a UNO soul
tells to game ('ut')
emotes to game ('ute')
wagers money on an UNO game
lets you watch an UNO game
lists people with UNO hands

help uptime

<help uptime>
Topic: Uptime
Syntax: uptime [#]

The 'uptime' command will provide you some information on the status of the mud as far as player statistics are concerned.

The uptime command tells you:

1) How long the mud has been up this current reboot
2) When the next reboot is (modified for your timezone)
3) The length of the next reboot
4) Other crap

Feel free to use 'uptime2' for a quick, condensed version of the data

Please note that emergency situations that occur might change the time and/or length of the next reboot. These situations are rare, but can occur.

See also: mudlag, reboot, time.

screenshot of uptime command

screenshot of uptime 2 command

screenshot of uptime 3 command

help visited

<help visited>
Visited Areas

Shows you all the areas that your character has ever visited. It sorts by wizard name and then by area name. It shows the last time you've visited as well as the first time you've visited that area.

Syntax: visited [args]
-l - Sort by last visited instead of creator, area.
-f - Sort by first visited instead of creator, area.
-t - Only show areas visited 'today' (the last 24 hours)
-nt - Only show areas newly visited 'today' (the last 24 hours)
-c [wiz] - Only show areas from wizard 'wiz'.

See also: explorers.

help watch

<help watch>
Topic: Watch

SYNTAX: watch
OR watch <person 1> <person 2> <person 3> <etc>
OR watch - <person>
OR watch mywho
OR watch friends
OR watch stalking
OR watch all
OR watch clear

This command sets you up to be notified of all login/connection events for a person or list of persons. This list is not permanent so it will not be saved when you quit.

You can 'watch -person' to stop watching that person.

'watch' without arguments lists who you are watching.

Example: 'watch person1 person2 person3'
Will notify you whenever person1, person2 or person3 logs in/out or connects/disconnects.

'watch clear' - will clear your current watch list.

Note: Names you are watching for are not compared against your 'notify' level.

If you use mywho functionality, you may add everyone to your watch list with: 'watch mywho'.

If you use friends functionality, you may use these switches:
'watch friends' - watch your friends list
'watch stalking' - watch people who you stalk on friends
'watch all' - watch both friends and stalking.

See also: notify.

help who

<help who> <help mwho>
Syntax: who [-l | -p <3s|3k>] [-o] [minimum level]
OR who [-l | -p <3s|3k>] [-o] <[minimum level] [maximum level]
OR who [-l | -p <3s|3k>] [-o] [w | wiz | wizards | p | play | players]
OR who [-l | -p <3s|3k>] [-o] [-s [^]<part of playername>]

List of people that are currently on 3Kingdoms and 3Scapes, or just one if -l for local port or -p <3s|3k> for named port is used, or just 'who 3k' or 'who 3s' or 'who wiz 3k' or 'who wiz 3s'
You can specify a level range, or wizards only.

If the -o option is used, this will find online people only (not LD ones).

If the -s option is used you need to specify part of the players name, if you put ^ first it will only display players whose names begin with what you specify.

who -s pr [this would list all players whose names contain pr]
who -s ^pr [this would list all players whose names start with pr]

Type 'help vaf' to learn how to have your character appear in COLOR!

All players and wizards alike are reported, though some have the ability to hide themselves from visibility on the who list. Linkdead players are visible on the list until 2 hours or more linkdead, at which point they are considered 'Ethereal' and are not listed individually. Linkdead players (ethereal or not) are still able to receive tells, in which case they will be notified upon their return.

Also, wanna be Awesome!? Type 'help vote' and support 3K!
Topmudsites no longer accepts voting.

See also: finger, mwho, nwho, players, swho, who2.

Example of the who command
(tried to fit it into one screenshot)
screenshot of the who/mwho command

help who2

<help who2>
Syntax: who2
OR: who2 xp
OR: who2 age

A tabulated who list. With no argument, it will list the players in level order. With the 'xp' argument, it will list the players in order of greatest to least accumulated experience points. With the 'age' argument, it will list the players in order of greatest to least mud age!

See also: who.

Example of the who2 command
screenshot of the who2 command

help wimpydir

<help wimpydir>
SYNTAX: wimpydir [exit/CLEAR]

Sets the exit to attempt when you wimpy from a fight. You should make sure this is set properly for each fight, or not set at all so that a random direction will be chosen. The effectiveness of this setting is directly linked to your sharpness skill. You should read up on that. If the direction you choose does not exist, or your skill level fails its chance to fire, a random exit will be chosen if one exists.

See also: kill, wimpy.

help wizard

<help wizard>

The 3Kingdoms Wizard Hierarchy
Wizard Ranks
High Wizard
Arch Wizard

Titled Wizards
Solar : General authority within a specific Order
Ascendant : All the authority of an Archon, but slightly less cool
Archon : Prime authority within a specific Order

Retired indicates a formerly titled wizard who has either retired indefinitely or is on an extended leave of abscence.

As a player with a problem, if your problem concerns something within your guild you should contact your guild wizards first. Otherwise, you should target the preceding wizard tiers with your issue. Start out with Arch Wizards and work your way up.

Titled Wizards
Archons : Rastafan, Kikipopo, Adalius
Ascendants : Takamori, Flaxen
Solars : Frank, Turnhold, Revelation
See also: wizzing.

help wizardling

<help wizardling>

Topic: Creating a Wizardling
SYNTAX: wizardling [charname] - links up [charname] to your main character no argument will toggle your location between town/your area

This command allows you to link a new (non-second) character to you so that you can create infinity areas without being restricted or penalized for having two characters on at once. If you should choose to wiz then at that time the normal wizard rules about multiplaying would apply. This new character, your wizardling, exists separately from your character list and is only identified by its title to be related to you. This character will only have access to rooms in town, rooms in infinity, and rooms that may have made it in game under your name.

In short: This is designed to create a character for you that's sole purpose is to create new content and/or pursue being a wizard. To use this, create a new character and type 'wizardling <newchar>' to link it to your name.

Just typing 'wizardling' with no argument will teleport your wizardling character to town from your area, or to your area from town.

When you want your area linked into the infinity realm, be it immediately or after you've built it, just ask a titled wizard to create the entrance for you from The Beginning of Infinity in whatever direction you choose.

See also: build, characters, infinity, wizard.

Type <help archon> on the mud to see a list of titled wizards.

help wizzing

<help wizzing>

Candidate players for wizardhood must be at least level 30, with the required number of quest points (type 'required' in the level advancement room of your guild). Players of level 50 and above do NOT need to meet quest point requirements, however, the number of quest points you have accumulated will have a significant impact on our consideration and generally the only way you're advancing from non-HM to wizard-ship is if you've demonstrated significant worth to the community or past experience as a wizard. Additionally, levels gained via the big red button will reflect negatively towards this consideration.

Candidates should also have a clean record. A history of rule breaking and poor behaviour will not stand you in good stead.

Candidates may withdraw their application at any time by simply notifying a Solar+ however if this is done, any future 'wizmenow' attempts will be starting all over.

The process for wizzing varies based on a few factors but starts the same:

1) Qualify for wizzing as outlined in the requirements above.

At this point the procedure diverges:

2) If you have wizzed on 3Kingdoms before:

A) Type 'wizmenow' in your guild advancement room, then proceed to the room north of the Chamber of the Players' Council (w,w,n from CoT) and speak with Marsden to conduct an interview.

B) When done, speak to a Solar+. Your new interview and your request will be posted for the wizard community to approve. Your acceptance will be weighed on how long it has been since you left, how long you've been active immediately prior to your request (i.e. did you not play for 5 years, come back, and request to wiz the next day, or have you been playing actively prior to requesting), and the terms you departed the wizard ranks on. In addition to accepting or rejecting your application, the wizard ranks may return to you with a conditional approval, such as playing actively for a bit longer if you have just returned, or similar constraints (including going the traditional route as described in section 4 below), at which point you may elect to pursue such requests, or withdraw your application.

3) If you have never wizzed here but are familiar with LPC coding and will not need to learn from the ground up, you may be eligible to skip the Infinity area requirements in section below:

A) Type 'wizmenow', then proceed to the room north of the Chamber of the Players' Council (w,w,n from CoT) and speak with Marsden to conduct an interview.

B) When done, send a tell to a Solar+ indicating that you have done 'wizmenow' and your interview, and that you have not coded on 3K previously but have experience with LPC.

C) The Solar+ will then ask you to provide a single file of code created to their specifications. It will not be terribly indepth, it may be a room, an item, or a monster. It may have custom code required but nothing terribly difficult. As your prior codebase may not be identical to 3Ks (and likely will not be) it does not need to compile here, it just needs to demonstrate that you understand the basic methodologies and have a firm grasp of coding.

D) If such evidence is sufficient, your interview and request will be posted by the Solar+ for approval by the wizard community.

E) Your application may be approved, denied, or you may be required to complete the traditional path outlined in section 4 below.

4) If you have never wizzed here before and are not adequately familiar with LPC coding, you will need to perform the following actions:

A) Speak with a Solar+ to ensure there is nothing in your record that may prevent you from becoming a wizard so you don't waste your time or that of the wizarding community.

B) Create a new character for the express purpose of being a wizardling ('help wizardling'). At the completion of this entire section and approval for wizarding, you may either use this character OR one of your player characters to transfer into a wizard character. If you utilize one of your existing players, the wizardling will be deleted upon successfully wizzing. It is imperitive that on your main player character you type 'wizardling <new character name>' after creating the wizardling character to properly link it to your player character.

C) Create an infinity area. First, from CoT, travel 's,w,s,s,d' and read the board there. Then, once you've formulated an idea for an area that conforms to the guidelines on the board, you may reach out to a Solar+ to create an entrance for you to begin working. Your first area will need to be a minimum of 10 rooms (it is highly recommended you keep it under 20 rooms to ensure the process that ensues is timely). This is your chance to show the wizards your ability with descriptions, theme, concepts, so on. However, be mindful that the area should be designed for lower levels (under level 30) and requests for crazy items, marbles, quests, or similar will be denied.

D) When you have finished your work on the area, contact a Solar+ to have the area reviewed and have a wizard assigned to finish fleshing the area out into a live area.

E) Once that is completed, on your main (as wizardlings cannot go to guild rooms), go to your guild advancement room and type 'wizmenow' and proceed to the room north of the Chamber of the Players' Coucil (w,w,n from CoT). Speak with Marsden to be interviewed, and notify a Solar+ on completion. Your application will be posted for conditional approval to the wizarding community. Note: Despite 'wizmenow'ing on your main character, you may still use your wizardling as the character that is made a wizard.

F) If your application is conditionally accepted, then you will discuss with the Solar+ your idea for a second area. This area need not directly tie into the first area or even be related to it, however it must be at least 25 rooms (it is recommended to keep this area under 50 rooms at a maximum). This area will be a new exit from your existing infinity entrance room. Again, this area should be designed for lower levels and nothing crazy will be approved.

F) Once the second area is complete, contact a Solar+ to notify them (ideally the same one you dealt with before) and they will review your area for relatively condition and to view how thorough you were in its creation.

G) If everything looks acceptable, and nothing has changed in the other facets of your existance on the MUD that would prohibit your wizzing, your conditional acceptance will be converted into a full acceptance, and you will be moved to level 510 to begin your wizarding career. Your very first 'job' will be to take this second infinity area and flesh it out into actual code, much as the assigned wizard did in step 4(D) above when you completed your first area. This will be your first foray into seeing how LPC works and what you need to do to make a functional area, as well as your entrance to more formal training and mentoring. All progress from this point forward will be explained in detail directly via wizard communication.

When the interview is posted for approval to the wizard community in the sitautions above, a response is generally provided within one (1) week, however this is not set in stone and the decision may require additional time. Some of the reasons for a player's application being denied include:

* A record of quest cheating
* A record of botting
* A record of harassment
* A record of bug abuse
* A record of any infraction deemed illegal (see help rules)
* A record of being a jackass
* Too many other people are in the queue already

The titled wizards of the 3 Kingdoms reserve the right to deny wizhood to any player requesting wizhood at any time for any reason. They may also request additional follow up questions to any applicant for information not covered in the itnerview.

Archons may also elect, at their whim, to allow prospective wizards to bypass certain steps or procedures outlined above, or add additional steps or procedures, as they see fit.

*Be warned, upon acceptance of an application and being promoted to 510: Your first task will to be to spend as much time as it takes you to read all the wizard help files available to familiarize yourself with the MUD from a wizard perspective, emphasis on the files which outline rules and expectations of wizard behavior, performance, and policies.

All your player characters are frozen. You will not have them returned to you until you reach at least level 550 thru hard work and not all characters may be returned at one time. Which characters and how many will be decided by your sponsor and the Solar+ staff based on how dedicated to your work you have been up to that point.

You will not be able to log in a wizard and player character at the same time unless you are a Solar+.

You will be expected to have no communcation with players and focus soley on your work until you reach level 520.

Once you commit, you will be responsible for completion of reasonable wizard work within 6 months. If you fail to do so within that time, you will be removed. The definition of "reasonable wizard work" can be loosely defined by at least one non-trivial wizard area along with plans for advancing yourself within the wizard ranks beyond these areas.

If, at any time before the 6 month timeframe is complete, you are determined to have abandoned your wizard duties without just cause, your character will be removed. Determination of this will be done primarily by your sponsor, with other titled wizard input.

Bottom line, wizzing is a wonderful thing that allows you to actually contribute to making 3K a permanently better place. However, you should not do it unless you are willing and able to put in the work to make it worthwhile. Above all, don't wiz because you view it as some sort of "retirement" from playing, which it most certainly is not.

Last Updated: 2023/09/02 - Adalius

See also: highmortal, method, milestones, quest, rules, wizard.



Short for Three Kingdoms.


These mobs will attack you as soon as you enter their room or they enter your room.

Sometimes their aggressiveness is based on the players Charisma and if you have high Charisma they will not attack you. This is very annoying if you are tanking for a party where the other players have less then you as the mob will hit them instead of you.


As you play 3 Kingdoms, you will notice that the phrase in parenthesis at the end of your title will continually change. This is a known as your alignment. The alignment is controlled by your actions. Killing many evil monsters and performing righteous deeds will earn you a very noble reputation. The same can be said in the reverse. The order of alignments is listed below from good to evil. It should be noted that not all of the alignments are listed below. The extremes on both ends of the spectrum can only be known by achieving them yourself or being present when another player has. Until then, they are a mystery to be solved. Good luck.

Colored scale of alignments in order of alignment - heavenly, angelic, saintly, very good, good, pure, righteous, moral, nice, neutral, mean, immoral, malicious, corrupt, sinister, evil, demonic, satanic, cthulhic.
Alignment may be important for some guilds, and for the use of some objects in the game. For example, one would not expect an evil character to be able to wield a "Harp of the Angels".


A mob who assists will attack any player who starts a fight with another mob in that room. For example guards are often mobs who assist, and will attack if you try to kill the mob they're guarding.

Block exits

The mob will will block exits to stop you from going in one or more directions.

This ability works while the mob is in the room and you will need to kill it before you can proceed.

Block applies whether you are fighting or not.


One of the benefits of a Necromancer's close relationship with Death is the ability to enter into a contract to spare the suffering of another soul. A necromancer standing in the room where a comrade fell may call their soul back from the dead, allowing them to avoid ALL the usual penalties death entails.

Obviously Death does not normally allow anyone to escape his grasp completely unscathed, so the cost is higher than that incurred when petitioning for a priest's resurrection, but he has recently decided to dramatically reduce his charges.

The cost of the bloodnote increases as the level of the slain increases. The coins required raises gradually each level to 12000 coins at level 24. Beyond that, the costs reflect 3000 coins per level not to exceed 300000.


A boon is any type of boost provided to a players character by a wizard and/or Ogotaz. Directions to Ogotaz from Center of Town: <n, 2w, s, 4w, n, e>

Boon - 'Choose Boon'

This boon gives each player a pool of points to raise their stats with. The size of this pool, and how many points can be allocated to any individual stat, is dependent on the level of the wizard that grants it. A player can <choose [stat abbreviation here]> to pick which stats to boost until the pool is used up.

This is the message when the boon is granted:
<wizard> pulls a magical staff from an unseen rift and drives it into the ground in the center of Pinnacle. Waves of power shudder through all the players of the realms. You feel the waves of this blessing pour through you.

You can now 'choose' which stats to apply the blessing to.

You have 54 seconds remaining to choose your stats.
Type 'choose' for details.

Boon - 'Coin Piles Boon'

The granting wizard creates a variable number of coin piles in various rooms around the mud. (Chosen via randomizer or handpicked by the wizard?) Each pile is thought to be 100K from limited testing. The number of piles is (probably) based upon the level of the wizard.

This is the message when the boon is granted:
<wizard> reaches WAY DEEP into his pockets and pulls out a HUGE STINKIN' MOUNTAIN of coins! He divides the mountain into <variable number> smaller piles and drops them in strategic places around the realms.

This is the message when someone locates a coin pile:
<player> has found one of <wizard>'s gargantuan piles of cash.

Boon - 'Coins Boon'

A wizard throws some coins in the air. All online players will then reach out and grab a (usually pretty small) share of these coins.

This is the message when the boon is granted:
<wizard> reaches into his treasure chest and throws a small handful of coins out over the realms.

You leap into the air and snatch <# of coins obtained> coins for yourself!

Boon - 'Dagger Boon'

The casting wizard throws daggers out across the realms, and if you manage to catch one you end up with a wizard dagger that you can use to stab a mob for a single large hit.

<wizard> digs through a great big box of weaponry and starts launching little daggers throughout the realms. You manage to grab one as it sails past without getting stabbed.

This small little dagger is remarkably sharp. However, considering just how short the blade is, you don't think it would make a particularly effective combat weapon. It does seem as though you could 'stab' someone with it and maybe do a little bit of damage though.
This weapon is in excellent condition.
It looks light.

Boon - 'Divine Blessing Boon'

This boon will boost random stats a random amount. The amount each stat is raised is based on the level of the granting wizard.

This is the message when the boon is granted:
<wizard> reaches out his mighty hand over the realms. His steely gaze turns toward you, paralyzing you where you stand. A bolt of pure energy shoots from <wizard>'s eyes, causing you to stumble slightly, but leaving you with a heightened sense of well-being.

Boon - 'Hephaestus Hammer Boon'

This boon will increase the Durability of your wielded weapon by a lot, making it basically unbreakable.

This is the message when the boon is granted:
<wizard> takes up Hephaestus' hammer and brings it down upon the anvil of time. Terror takes hold as silence surrounds you and time stands still. Blinding blue sheets of energy fly from the point of impact as time lurches forward once again. You stumble slightly as the shock of the sound wave reaches you.

A brilliant blue light engulfs your weapon. It pulses with renewed power in your grasp.

Boon - 'No Death Boon'

A boon that while in effect will not let you die should your HP drop below 0.

This is the message when the boon is granted:
 Not gathered yet.

When the boon expires this message is displayed:
 Not gathered yet.

Boon - 'Protection Boon'

This boon will give all players online protection from damage, the damage will be redirected to the granting wizard. In combat you will see emotes when this happens.

The damage able to be absorbed by the granting wizard comes from a pool, the size of the pool is based on the wizard's level.

The wizard is also able to see which players used how much out of the pool.

This is the message when the boon is granted:
A swirling vortex in the heavens catches your attention. Looking intently, you see the god-like form of <wizard> going through the motions of an ancient ritual. As you watch, <wizard> raises his hand toward the high heavens of the elder gods, his index finger extended. What first appears to be a spark at the tip of his finger flares brighter and brighter, growing to the intensity of a star. The brilliant orb begins pulsing, seemingly in time with your own heart beat. <wizard> looks at you and you sense an aura of protection about your being.

When the boon expires this message is displayed:
<wizard>'s form begins to glow as the monumental energy absorbed on the behalf of the mortal denizens of the realms surpasses even his mighty stamina. His glowing form flares and then vanishes with a mighty sigh, his protection no longer sustaining you in combat.

Boon - 'Strade Boon'

This boon boosts one random stat by around 10 for each player online. Each player then has the option to strade once with another player to swap the stat being boosted.

This is the message when the boon is granted:
 Not gathered yet.


Acronym for Center of Town (this is the center of the city of Pinnacle).


Mining generates raw materials. Predominantly, these are ores. Occasionally, you get special mining drops: dusts, shards, and jewels (collectively referred to as goodies). Also, Miners can turn ores into bars (by smelting).

Enchanting uses fragments and goodies to generate uncharged gems. Enchanters can take an ore and have a chance to turn it into a goodie (trying this dests the ore in any case).

Wrangling uses uncharged gems and chaos essences from the mobs wranglers kill to generate charged gems.

Smithing uses bars, goodies, fragments, and charged gems to produce weapons and armor.

Farming generates foodstuffs for use in cooking.

Cooking uses foodstuffs from farming and produces consumable food and drink.


Due to their close relationship with Death, Reapers over a certain level may enchant a single gold coin on another player's behalf with the power of the Deathwatch. Whomever has been provided with such a coin may then use it during direst need to pay reaper, calling upon Death himself to save them from combat and carry them to the safe haven of Pinnacle.

Only players with less than 50% hp may call upon Death's favour in this manner, and then only once per boot. There are also some areas within the mud that even Death's long reach may not save you from, examining the coin can tell you more.


Mobs with this ability will pick up items and/or coins from the ground and add them to their personal inventory (usually as if they had used a "get all" command). Some mobs seem to grab things quicker than others. Note that "items" can include the corpses of other mobs/players (sometimes quite annoying)

Hard wimpy

This mob makes it difficult for you to leave the room while in combat with it. It may take several tries to leave the room.

Hits around

This mob will switch attacks from hitting one player to another player and not just hit one player. These mobs are usually bad for parties that have one person tanking as all people in the party need to be able to tank the hits.


The mob will follow you if you leave the room while fighting it. Most of the time these mobs will only hunt to the exit of their area, however this it not always the case.

No corpse

This mob, when killed, will not leave a corpse behind.

No peace

This mob, when killed, will not leave a corpse behind.

No port / No teleport

This is more of a room ability, in that the room itself will not allow people to teleport into or out of the room. Often associated with specific large mobs or traps, although some entire areas are no teleport.

No wimpy

This ability is similar to the Blocks exits or Hard wimpy abilities, except the mob will stop you leaving at all until it is dead. Usually this ability only becomes active after you attack the mob, not in all cases however.


This mud "resets" around once every week. Which means that all of the items you obtained while being online, will disappear upon reboot. All items are returned to the original mobs, all areas reset, all 'once per boot' quests are reset, etc. You do, however, keep all experience and coins gained.

Room damage

This mob ability is when a mob is able to damage to the room itself. This damage will affect everyone that is in that room.


This mob will generate one or more mobs when it dies. Usually these mobs are smaller than the original, and often aggressive, they attack you straight away.


From Center of Town: <n, 2w, s, 4w, s>
Return to Center of Town: <n, 4e, n, 2e, s>

Acronym for Surreal Spirits.


Short for Stat trade, which relates to the Strade Boon.


The Gentech superpower, sometimes requested by other players. This ability allows the Gentech to reset a room at will. Not all Gens have this power (even those who meet the guild level requirement). Those who do, have varrying numbers of slides per reset.

Guild Level: 15 - 1 Slide per reset
Guild Level: 30 - 2 Slides per reset

As can be expected, some Gentech are more willing to sell/give out slides than others. There are a couple ways in which this can be accomplished. The requesting player can guide/drag the Gen to the room they want to reset or they can request a Timeslide Link Bracer which, when worn, allows the Gen to slide that player's room while the Gen is safely back at his/her guild (or within a Dropship). Note that in any case, using this power drops the Gen to 1HP and 0SP, use of the Link Bracer will also hit the other player for "some" HP/SP damage. Messing with time simply hurts, no gettin around it.

Because of the 1HP/0SP feature, to timeslide a powerful Aggressive mob is known as John Wayning the mob and can be... quite fun.

Adventurers Guild

[Adventurer] help adventurer

Directions to Guild from Center of Town: <w, u>
Return Directions to Center of Town: <d, e>

<help adventurer>

*Default guild, recruiter NOT required.

The Adventurer guild is the guild you are in by default. You will remain in this guild until you choose to join one of the Full guilds. A full guild is one that is supported by a Guild Master and has a full range of powers, abilities and a guild hall. You may join a Full guild upon reaching Level 5.

The Adventurers advancement room is UP <jump, w, u> from the Login room. The login room is the room that you start in when you first come into the game. If you should ever lose your Adventurer's Handbook you need only come back to this room to get a new one.

The following powers exist in the Adventurers Guild:
consider <monster> Allows you to get a rough estimate of the strength and power of a monster before you fight it.
fireball <target> Cast a fireball at a foe, doing very good damage.
shock <target> Shock a foe with electricity doing good damage.
missile <target> Cast a magic missile at a foe doing slight damage.


Syntax: <Name of spell> <optional name of player enemy>
Cast a spell. If no argument, then cast spell on current fighting opponent. The following are spells specific to the adventurer guild. Please see your guild object for your guild's particular spells.

Spell Lvl SP Max dmg
missile 5 10 2 x good
shock 10 15 3 x good
fireball 15 20 4 x good

You have to have enough experience points to be able to use the spells, but then they will work 100 %.

If you cast a spell on an idle player, a fight will start.

Please see the adventurer's handbook gotten from within the adventurer's guild up from the Reception Room for further details...

See also: faq, guilds.

Visit the Adventurer's section on the Newbie page for more details.

[Adventurer] info adventurer

The Adventurers Guild - an overview

The Adventurers Guild is the default guild on 3K. As soon as you create a new character, you automatically join the Adventurers. In fact, you are not allowed to leave it to join another guild until you have reached level 5. The guild has now been expanded to make it a little more worthwhile while you are a member. Adventurers now have access to higher level spells ("info spells"), several chat lines ("info chats"), and a new skill ("info consider"). While this in no way approaches the complexity of the full guilds, hopefully it is an improvement. Any suggestions and comments may be mailed to 'GMS.adventurer'.

[Adventurer] info bury

Usage: bury corpse

Buries the corpse of your enemies and restores a small amount of hps and sps.

Notes: This ability is usable only once on each corpse.

[Adventurer] info chats

Newbie Chatlines

Usage: newb <message>
Your name and the message you enter will be sent to every newbie and any players who are listed as newbie helpers.

Options: newb -b - will block/unblock the newbie help line newb -w - will show you who is on the newbie help line newb -h - will show you a history of the newbie help line

Usage: achat <message>
Your name and the message you enter will be sent to every adventurer who can hear the newbie line and does not have it blocked.

[Adventurer] info consider

Usage: consider [target]

target may be a player or NPC. If target is omitted, every living thing in the room is considered.

Gives the player a general idea where they stand in relation to the target in terms of combat. It does not take into account special powers, spells, etc. and so may not truly reflect the strength of an opponent. It is intended as a guide, but is NOT guaranteed to give ironclad information. Act on this information at your own risk. That said, it's still pretty useful, especially in dealing with unknown NPCs.

Note: This is not a secret power, the target(s) will see that you are sizing them up.

[Adventurer] info earmuffs

Usage: earmuffs [#]

Earmuffs are used as a means to block all Player Level shouting. When typing this command, the '#' you will enter is the level of shouts you wish to block. For example, if you wish to block shouts of level 50 and below, you'd type 'earmuffs 50'.

Earmuffs can not be set above level 75. Any attempt to set a higher number than 75 will result in blockage at level 75.

Any questions concerning this power, please mail Peeron.

[Adventurer] info info

Usage: info [subject]

entering info alone will display the menu of possible subjects to choose from. If a subject is entered, information on that subject will be displayed. Note that this command is totally seperate from the "help" command. "help" will help you with information about the mud in general, while "info" will help you with topics specific to the adventurers guild.

[Adventurer] info newbies

Usage: newbies

Lists all members of the adventurers guild that are currently online, their levels, whether they have their handbooks and what chat lines they are blocking.

[Adventurer] info nhint

Usage: nhint

this command will display a random hint that will help you as an adventurer.

Any questions, hint suggestions, please mail NEWBIELAND

<nezbit leave> to make the hints stop.

[Adventurer] info rcost

Syntax: rcost

Remote cost. This command will show you the cost screen from anywhere on the mud. The output will be the same as if you typied 'cost' in the guild room.

[Adventurer] info recover

Usage: recover

This command supplies the player with a new adventurers handbook, and removes the old one. Used to replace a faulty handbook.

[Adventurer] info salve

Usage: salve [target]

target may be a player but not a NPC. If target is omitted, you will salve yourself.

Using available herbs and berries, you can create a healing salve which can help heal minor wounds. The more experience you have in using it, the greater its effects.

Cost: Creating the healing salve will cost you half the amount you heal in spell points. Cost is proportional to your level.

Notes: This ability is usable only once per round.

[Adventurer] info spells

Spell Name: missile

Description: Magic Missile
Spell Level: 5
Spell Points: 10
Average Damage: 20
Spell Name: shock
Description: Shocking Grasp
Spell Level: 10
Spell Points: 15
Average Damage: 30
Spell Name: fireball
Description: Fireball
Spell Level: 15
Spell Points: 20
Average Damage: 40
Spell Name: ice
Description: Ice blast
Spell Level: 20
Spell Points: 25
Average Damage: 40
Spell Name: acid
Description: Acid Spray
Spell Level: 25
Spell Points: 30
Average Damage: 60
Spell Name: sunder
Description: Partial / Total Disruption
Spell Level: 30
Spell Points: 40
Average Damage: 75
Usage: spell [target]
    or: cast <spell> [at target]

If the target is omitted, and you are currently in combat, the spell will be targetted upon your current opponent. If you are not currently fighting, you MUST supply a target.

Example: cast missile
      cast missile at farmer

[Adventurer] info stats

The following stats can be raised at the advancement room:

WMT Note: they can also be raised outside of the advancement room with the <advance [stat]> command.

STR - Strength
- How much you can carry and how hard you hit

DEX - Dexterity
- How well you can defend

WIS - Wisdom
- How hard you hit

CON - Constitution
- How many hit points you have

INT - Intelligence
- How many spell points you have

CHA - Charisma
- How well you interact with others

Each of these stats also play parts in different guilds. If you would like to know more about which stats are important for the guild you're thinking of joining, you should ask on the newb line.

To check your experience points and stats away from the advancement room, type "rcost." You can advance your stats and levels with "advance" (see "help advance").