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Welcome to Eternals!

Once achieving mud level 111, you will be automatically joined into the Eternals guild. This is in addition to your existing guild object. At this point you will now see a 'long shimmering thread' in your inventory, which is a symbol of your membership. Eternals have a unique set of skills and powers that can be accessed both by Eternal GXP and XP. These powers and skills can significantly improve many aspects of life on 3K. All info files will also become available once you have joined. Eternal GXP is gained simply by being in combat.

Eternal skills cost Eternal GXP. Eternal powers cost mud XP.


First and foremost, all guild commands and abilities are filtered through a central command: 'eternal'
As an alias for this command you can use a single open paren "("

The following topics are available for more information:
- basics - powers - gs
- skills - chat - commands
- ansi
The following commands are available as well:
powers - show your powers (eg. 'eternal powers')
train - advance a skill
learn - learn a guild ability/power

As mentioned, "(" can prefix any of these, such as:
"eternal info" == (info
"eternal train" == (train

Info Topics


<(info ansi>
The following ANSI variables are utilized in Eternals:

eternal_ansi : Used for power messages to yourself.
eternal_room : Used for power messages to the room.
eternal_main : Used for the '(chat main' chatline.

These can be set using 'aset'. See 'help aset' for more information.


<(info basics>
Eternals are a bunch of epeen-driven hardcore players of epicness.

When you're tired of advancing your guild, your level, your stats, or your RL career, then you can start putting time into earning XP to put into your Eternal powers.
You can see your powers with the (powers command.

Powers in the Eternals guild are bought in tiers, using XP as the currency to do so. They are expensive. Very. They are intended to be expensive and targetted for the highest of players.

You automatically become part of the Eternals guild at level 111. This means you are one of the targetted highest level players.

The guild itself also has guild-specific skills to make your game experience more enjoyable and don't cost you XP. You can see these skills with the (train command.

See also: train, skills, powers


Syntax: eternal chat <line> <what>

Example of what the chatline looks like:

Locrian <.oO>: just letting you know, you're all awesome.
Alias suggestion:
<alias echat eternal chat main>
<alias eh eternal chat main -h>


Here's a list of all the commands you can execute in the guild. Some are self-explanatory, some have help files, others are for you to figure out:



<(gs> and <(score>

Example of what (gs will look like:

Image of what the (gs command looks like on the mud. Top row indicates your guild level and title. Second row indicates how much gxp you need to advance to your next eternal guild level as well as how much total gxp you have. Third row indicates how much gxp you've spent on skills as well as how much you currently have to spend on a skill. Fourth row indicates how much xp you've spent in total on powers and how much xp you currently have to spend on powers. Fifth row is your guild age, and last row is the date you joined the eternals guild.


<(info learn>
Advancing ones abilities is accomplished via learning consecutive tiers of power. Each tier costs more than the previous one and offers additional benefits or perks to those abilities.

Powers can only be learned within the guild; each one is tied to a specific concept of being and must be learned in the room appropriate to that concept.

Note: Learning a power costs XP.
Note: Your available XP calculation is based off of the highest level that you've attained, ever. So if you hit level 130, and then drop your level down to 111 through some means, you will have a huge deficit.

You can see the advancement costs and totals using the optional 'details' flag when typing the command.

Syntax: (learn [details] <power>

See also: powers, unlearn, skills, yomomma


<(info powers>
Your capabilities as an Eternal are primarily focused on your activated powers. You must 'learn' these powers in the guild hall before you will have access to them. For all powers, they cannot be used until you've learned them, which is the same as having tier 1 in that power.

Most of your powers are trainable, having multiple tiers. As a power increases in tier it undergoes various changes. In general, those changes affect the strength of it and reduce the cooldown. But not every ability follows that path; some of them are affected entirely differently as they advance.

For tiers 1, 2, and 3 of a power, you must be guild level 0, 3, and 6. For tiers 4, 5, and 6 of a power, you must be GL (tier-1)^2 (9, 16, 25) For tiers 7 and above, you must be GL 6 * (Tier - 1), capped at 100. Spelled out, that means: 36, 42, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72, 78, 84, 90, 96, 100
[Scroll down to WMT's table which displays this calculation for you.]

Lastly, because of your epic awesomeness and mastery of your own destiny, every month on the lucky 7th day, you can unlearn 2 of your powers (for free) and pick up others, if you like.


<(info skills>
Your eternal skills are blanket benefits to your power and abilities. Each skill has its own info file that is worth reading.

See also: train, toggle


<(info unlearn>
Sometimes people have a heavay burtation. Sometimes people get bored. Sometimes people get drunk, and sometimes people change their minds.

Your eternal ability allows you to unlearn powers that you just don't think are living up to your expectations. Towards that end, during the lucky 7th day of every month, you can unlearn 2 powers and gain the XP back that you spent on those powers. Also, if it's not such a lucky day but you're desperate, you can still unlearn those powers but you will eat the XP cost.

"eat the XP cost" means you will not get the XP back that you spent learning the power. i.e. XP gone, poof. You no get back.

Syntax: (unlearn <power>


<(info train>
This command allows you to increase one of your guild skills or your guild level. You can use this command anywhere. Without an argument, it will show you your current skills and levels.

Skills cannot be trained higher than 1/2 your guild level.

Syntax: (train ["level"/skill]

(Old) Example of (train

Guild Skills
Continuity : 0/ 10 (50,000)
Immunity : 3/ 10 (200,000)
Eradication : 10/ 10 (-)
Radiance : 0/ 10 (50,000)
GXP available to spend : 52,911
GXP spent on skills : 3,050,000


<(info toggle>
Sometimes you just don't want your skills to do what you trained them to do. This means you are likely insane. However, you can enable and disable your skills using this command.

Syntax: (toggle [skill]

Powers Calculation Table

Desired Tier Level Eternal Guild Level Required
 1  0
 2  3
 3  6
 4  9
 5  16
 6  25
 7  36
 8  42
 9  48
 10  54
 11  60
 12  66
 13  72
 14  78
 15  84
 16  90
 17  96
 18  100 (capped)

Eternal Skills and Powers




<(info continuity>
The continuity skill affects your ability to manipulate time and its mechanics to reduce the cooldowns of all timed abilities. Each point in continuity reduces cooldowns by 1%.

Note: Does not impact boot-limited powers.

Eternal Main - Kikipopo .oO: If you (recover, you will have access to (resetmydamnskills that will work once and only once.
June 2024


<(info immunity>
On your path to godhood, periodically you phase into a state of ultimate power, becoming completely immune to damage for an entire round. Your chance to become immune is 1% per skill point every round.

Eternal Main - Kikipopo .oO: If you (recover, you will have access to (resetmydamnskills that will work once and only once.

Date: June 2024


<(info eradication>
Being in your presence becomes a dangerous contract when you train this skill. Enemies you are fighting (or that are fighting you) have a chance of being jolted each round merely for touching you. Each point in this skill gives a 1% chance of dealing 500 damage plus another 100 damage per guild level each combat round.

Eternal Main - Kikipopo .oO: If you (recover, you will have access to (resetmydamnskills that will work once and only once.

Date: June 2024


<(info radiance>
Conversely to eradication, the radiance skill allows allies around you to regain health and mental stores at a much faster rate. Since this is a direct tap into the highest echelons of energy, people that are already tapped into it will benefit much less than someone who is not yet worthy of that power. Each party member regens 3 HP/SP per round plus 2 per skill point.

Eternal Main - Kikipopo .oO: If you (recover, you will have access to (resetmydamnskills that will work once and only once.

Date: June 2024


Power name - (training room)


<(info bolster>
Using your immense magical abilities, you can take the most mundane of melee instruments and make them better. Any non-special weapon can have its offensive abilities increased with this power.

The effective WC of the weapon is increased for each WC already greater than 0 on the weapon. It is increased by a flat 10 plus twice your bolster tier, then an additional 10% per bolster tier.
Your bolster lasts 25 minutes plus 3 minutes per tier.

Bolstering an already bolstered weapon will show you who has it bolstered and for how much longer.

Syntax: (bolster <weapon>

Tier 1 : Bolster a weapon
Tier 2 : Cooldown reduced by 25%, % more damage
Tier 3 : Cooldown reduced by 33%, % more damage
Tier 4 : Cooldown reduced by 50%, % more damage
Tier 5+: Increased % to weapon damage

<(learn details bolster>
Experience Point costs for Bolster:
1 : 2.5B ( 2.5B)
2 : 3.3B ( 5.8B)
3 : 4.2B ( 10B)
4 : 5.4B ( 15.4B)
5 : 6.9B ( 22.3B)
6 : 9.1B ( 31.4B)
7 : 12.6B ( 44B)
8 : 17.3B ( 61.3B)
9 : 23.5B ( 84.8B)
10 : 31.8B (116.6B)


<(info destroy>
Using your god-like powers, you are able to completely obliterate an opponent without having to lay a finger on him. In order for this to work, you must have previously defeated that enemy in order to study its tether to the world and its aura. Your historical time frame of having defeated the monster to when you can destroy it is 15 minutes.

Any equipment the enemy is carrying will fall to the ground unless it is specially bound in some way.

Note: A creature is defined as an incarnation of that creature or an exact duplicate of such creature. Monsters that are identical but vastly different in strength count as separate monsters.

Syntax: (destroy [target]

Tier 1 : Destroy creature, within 15 mins of previous defeat
Tier 2 : History increases to 1 hour
Tier 3 : Cooldown reduced by 50%
Tier 4 : History increases to 1 day
Tier 5 : History increases to 1 week

<(learn details destroy>
Experience Point costs for Destroy:
1 : 7.5B ( 7.5B)
2 : 8.9B ( 16.4B)
3 : 10.6B ( 27B)
4 : 12.8B ( 39.8B)
5 : 15.8B ( 55.6B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart

Divine insight - (Space)

<(info divine insight>
Using this ability you can study the room carefully and discover well-hidden secrets within. If there is nothing interesting (and this is very subject to interpretation by the power itself), then your cost and cooldown will not be charged.

Syntax: (divine insight

Tier 1 : Show all hidden exits
Tier 2 : Show all add items as well
Tier 3 : Show all searchable items
Tier 4 : Show me how many rooms I've discovered of known rooms
Tier 5 : Reduce cooldown by 87.5%

<(learn details divine insight>
Experience Point costs for Divine Insight:
1 : 3.5B ( 3.5B)
2 : 4.4B ( 7.9B)
3 : 5.5B ( 13.4B)
4 : 6.9B ( 20.3B)
5 : 8.7B ( 29B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart

Duplicate creature - (Life)

<(info duplicate creature>
This godly ability allows you to instantly clone a creature that you are currently in combat with. (You must be actively hitting it, or it is actively hitting you.)
The duplicate will immediately turn to attack you.
Note: There are monsters in the realms that are of curious construct. Duplicating these creatures can have weird or even detrimental effects. Please make note of these and report issues. (And don't attempt to duplicate them again.)

Syntax: (duplicate creature [critter]

Tier 1 : Duplicate creature under class 250k
Tier 2 : Class increases to <= 500k
Tier 3 : Cooldown reduced by 66%
Tier 4 : Class increases to <= 2Mil
Tier 5 : Class increases to <= 7Mil
Tier 6 : Class increases to <= 15Mil
Tier 7+: Class increases by 5mil per tier
Tier 10: Cooldown reduced by 75%

<(learn details duplicate creature>
Experience Point costs for Duplicate Creature:
1 : 3B ( 3B)
2 : 3.8B ( 6.8B)
3 : 4.8B ( 11.6B)
4 : 6.1B ( 17.7B)
5 : 7.8B ( 25.5B)
6 : 10.2B ( 35.7B)
7 : 14.1B ( 49.8B)
8 : 19.3B ( 69.1B)
9 : 26.2B ( 95.3B)
10 : 35.4B (130.7B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart

Duplicate item - (Possessions)

<(info duplicate item>
Simple matter manipulation is well within your grasp. Holding and studying an item allows you to create an exact duplicate. Some items are less-simple to manipulate and require a bit more training before they can be replicated.
Note: Replicating a binding (BoP) item will bind it to you (until tier 2)
Note: "unique" is defined as 1-only, semi-uniques are available immediately
Note: "permanently" means until the end of boot and only that item
Note: You can never duplicate a world drop
Note: You cannot duplicate a duplicated item
Note: You cannot own 2 of a unique item, give it to someone else
Note: An item can be copied a # of times equal to your power tier (min: 3)

Syntax: (duplicate item <item in inventory>

Tier 1 : Replicate a droppable non-unique/non-world drop item
Tier 2 : Replication includes unbinding
Tier 3 : Allows unique item duplication
Tier 4 : Reduces cooldown by 50%, can copy an item 4 times
Tier 5 : The duplicated item becomes unbinding permanently, 5x
Tier 6 : Reduces cooldown by 80%, 6x
Tier 7+: Increase the # of duplicates you can make by 1

<(learn details duplicate item>
Experience Point costs for Duplicate Item:
1 : 4B ( 4B)
2 : 5B ( 9B)
3 : 6.2B ( 15.2B)
4 : 7.7B ( 22.9B)
5 : 9.7B ( 32.6B)
6 : 12.6B ( 45.2B)
7 : 17.3B ( 62.5B)
8 : 23.5B ( 86B)
9 : 31.8B (117.8B)
10 : 42.9B (160.7B)
11 : 57.7B (218.4B)
12 : 77.4B (295.8B)
13 : 103.7B (399.5B)
14 : 138.7B (538.2B)
15 : 185.4B (723.6B)
16 : 247.7B (971.3B)

Section Z figurines cannot be duplicated (it will result in 0 AC items).

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart

Embiggen - (Life)

<(info embiggen>
Harnessing the powers of the universe, you can draw in the energy that swirls around you. This energy infuses you with great abilities, enhancing your already epic stats to be more epicer.

Syntax: (embiggen

Tier 1 : Increase your stats by 20% for 20 minutes
Tier 2 : +6%
Tier 3 : +3%
Tier 4 : +3%, Cooldown reduced by 50%
Tier 5 : +3%, Cooldown reduced by 66%
Tier 6 : +3%, +8min, Cooldown reduced by 75%
Tier 7+: +3%, +8min
Tier 10: Total: Increase your stats by 50% for 1 hour

Experience Point costs for Embiggen:
1 : 4B ( 4B)
2 : 5B ( 9B)
3 : 6.2B ( 15.2B)
4 : 7.7B ( 22.9B)
5 : 9.7B ( 32.6B)
6 : 12.6B ( 45.2B)
7 : 17.3B ( 62.5B)
8 : 23.5B ( 86B)
9 : 31.8B (117.8B)
10 : 42.9B (160.7B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart

Energy well - (Death)

<(info energy well>
You are able to redirect all damage incoming to a target, from all sources, into an ever-growing well of energy. After a certain point, this energy well will explode, pouring all the gathered damage onto your target in a giant strike.

The size of the explosion is related to the current health of your target. Once that energy store has exceeded a certain percentage of the enemy's health, it will kerpoppity.

Note: Doesn't work on players.
Note: Weapon and spell damage are separated, cuz, code.

Syntax: (energy well [target]

Tier 1 : Build an energy well that explodes at 20%
Tier 2 : Cooldown reduced by 50%
Tier 3 : Explodes at 33%
Tier 4 : Cooldown reduced by 75%
Tier 5 : Explodes at 50%
Tier 6 : Explodes at 75%
Tier 7 : Explodes at 95%

<(learn details energy well>
Experience Point costs for Energy Well:
1 : 1.5B ( 1.5B)
2 : 2.1B ( 3.6B)
3 : 2.9B ( 6.5B)
4 : 3.8B ( 10.3B)
5 : 5B ( 15.3B)
6 : 6.7B ( 22B)
7 : 9.4B ( 31.4B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart


<(info enlarge>
You can reach in and tweak the internals of a target enemy. Making him bigger, stronger, faster... In order to do this, the target must be bleeding at least a little bit, and must be in combat.

Note: Any enlargementization that takes a monster over class 1 million will also cause that creature to be non-aggressive.

Syntax: (enlarge [target]

Tier 1 : Enlarge a creature up to class 500k
Tier 2 : Up to 1mil
Tier 3 : Up to 5mil
Tier 4 : Up to 15 mil
Tier 5 : Cooldown reduced by 50%
Tier 6 : Cooldown reduced by 75%

<(learn details enlarge>
Experience Point costs for Enlarge:
1 : 2B ( 2B)
2 : 2.7B ( 4.7B)
3 : 3.5B ( 8.2B)
4 : 4.5B ( 12.7B)
5 : 5.9B ( 18.6B)
6 : 7.8B ( 26.4B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart

Farsight - (Space)

<(info farsight>
Peering through the realms across infinite distance and space, you are able to see if a creature exists and the area in which it dwells. You can seek randomly with just a name, hoping that the creature you are seeking has a unique name. Alternatively, you could go find the creature once and tag it. Doing so allows you to see it, or its room, at a later time. If you are unsure what the creature's name is, you can ask to identify it using the 'wtf' flag.

Note: While farsight is on cooldown, you can use (fs to list your tags, to tag things, or to wtf things.

Note: The cooldown for farsight is only when using it, and not when tagging, untagging, wtf'ing, and most importantly, is not affected by the tier 5 ability of being notified (Please do not tag every monster on the mud or I will wipe Krank and then do bad things to you.)

Note: At tier 5 you will also be notified when the room unloads

Syntax: (farsight [wtf/tag] <name/val>

Tier : See room with mob in it from anywhere
Tier : Cooldown reduced by 50%
Tier : Can 'tag' up to 2 creatures
Tier : Can 'tag' any # of creatures
Tier : Notified when any of your tags respawn

Ex: (farsight ghoti
(farsight tag goblin <this will also return your tag #>
(farsight 3 <or whatever # was returned>
(farsight wtf goblin <gives you the name you should use for farsight>
(farsight tags <what do I have tagged...>
(farsight untag # to untag something you have tagged.

<(learn details farsight>
Experience Point costs for Farsight:
1 : 2.8B ( 2.8B)
2 : 3.6B ( 6.4B)
3 : 4.6B ( 11B)
4 : 5.8B ( 16.8B)
5 : 7.4B ( 24.2B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart

Fry - (Death)

<(info fry>
Using this ability, you call down the power of the gods to rain furious destruction upon an opponent. It will always be of a type equal to your enemy's weakest AC.

Syntax: (fry [target]

Tier 1 : 10k dmg to target + 250 per guild level
Tier 2 : Reduces cooldown by 50%
Tier 3 : Doubles the damage
Tier 4 : Reduces cooldown by 75% (so 25% more than level 2)
Tier 5 : Triples the damage
Tier 6 : ... hits everything in the room. Syntax: (fry ALL

<(learn details fry>
Experience Point costs for Fry:
1 : 2B ( 2B)
2 : 2.7B ( 4.7B)
3 : 3.5B ( 8.2B)
4 : 4.5B ( 12.7B)
5 : 5.9B ( 18.6B)
6 : 7.8B ( 26.4B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart


<(info hasten>
With virtually unbounded speed, you can traverse the mortal realms. This ability will allow you to sprint over great distances in an instant. At higher levels you can also do things other than move, like private things, or, things we'd prefer you not talk about. Due to the nature of deital grumblecakes, this power will not work within 7 minutes after a reboot.

Example: (hasten e/s/e/e/e/s/w/sw/up/n/n/n/...

Tier 1 : Up to 40 directions
Tier 2 : Reduces cooldown by 50%
Tier 3 : Reduces cooldown by 75%
Tier 4 : Up to 60 directions
Tier 5 : Can include non-directional commands
Tier 6 : Reboot shmeboot, we don't care to wait 7 minutes

<(learn details hasten>
Experience Point costs for Hasten:
1 : 3.5B ( 3.5B)
2 : 4.4B ( 7.9B)
3 : 5.5B ( 13.4B)
4 : 6.9B ( 20.3B)
5 : 8.7B ( 29B)
6 : 11.3B ( 40.3B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart


<(info heal>
With great results from an infinite distance, you are able to bind the wounds and strengthen the body and mind of a fellow adventurer.

Syntax: (heal [target]

Tier 1 : Full heal non-eternal, heal 1000 eternal
Tier 2 : Reduces cooldown by 50%
Tier 3 : You can heal yourself
Tier 4 : Reduces cooldown by 75%
Tier 5 : Reduces cooldown by 80%, doubles healing of eternals

<(learn details heal>
Experience Point costs for Heal:
1 : 2.5B ( 2.5B)
2 : 3.3B ( 5.8B)
3 : 4.2B ( 10B)
4 : 5.4B ( 15.4B)
5 : 6.9B ( 22.3B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart

Heightened awareness - (Space)

<(info heightened awareness>
Opening your mind to the intracies of mortality, you are better able to glean the experience of life and combat.

Syntax: (heightened awareness

Tier 1 : XP Gain +10% for 30 minutes
Tier 2 : +15%, +5 minutes
Tier 3 : +20%, +5 minutes
Tier 4 : +23%, Cooldown reduced by 50%, +5 minutes
Tier 5 : +26%, Cooldown reduced by 66%, +5 minutes
Tier 6 : +29%, +5 minutes
Tier 7 : +32%, Cooldown reduced by 75%, +5 minutes

<(learn details heightened awareness>
Experience Point costs for Heightened Awareness:
1 : 7.5B ( 7.5B)
2 : 8.9B ( 16.4B)
3 : 10.6B ( 27B)
4 : 12.8B ( 39.8B)
5 : 15.8B ( 55.6B)
6 : 20.2B ( 75.8B)
7 : 27.4B (103.2B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart

Immortality - (Life)

<(info immortality>
Appealing to the gods of life and death you are able to broker a deal that guarantees immunity to all damaging attacks for a period of time.

Note: There are creatures in the realms that cheat.

Syntax: (immortality

Tier 1 : 15 rounds
Tier 2 : 30 rounds + reduces cooldown by 50%
Tier 3 : 45 rounds
Tier 4 : 60 rounds + reduces cooldown by 75%
Tier 5 : 90 rounds

<(learn details immortality>
Experience Point costs for Immortality:
1 : 3.5B ( 3.5B)
2 : 4.4B ( 7.9B)
3 : 5.5B ( 13.4B)
4 : 6.9B ( 20.3B)
5 : 8.7B ( 29B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart

Pick pocket

<(info pick pocket>
Having studied a creature carefully in combat prior, you are able to find an opportunity to reach in and snatch an item being carried by your enemy. At lower levels, there is a good chance the creature will notice that you have done so, and attack. However, as you train your ability you can eventually do so without the slightest hint.

Note: A creature is defined as an incarnation of that creature or an exact duplicate of such creature. Monsters that are identical but vastly different in strength count as separate monsters.

Note: If you do not specify an item, this will fail unless the target is only carrying a single item... which you will then steal.

Syntax: (pick pocket [target]
(pick pocket [item] from <target>

Tier 1 : Within 15 mins of previous defeat
Tier 2 : History increases to 1 hour
Tier 3 : 0% chance of combat
Tier 4 : Cooldown reduced by 50%
Tier 5 : History increases to 1 day

<(learn details pick pocket>
Experience Point costs for Pick Pocket:
1 : 5B ( 5B)
2 : 6.1B ( 11.1B)
3 : 7.4B ( 18.5B)
4 : 9.1B ( 27.6B)
5 : 11.4B ( 39B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart

Protection - (Life)

<(info protection>
Wrapping yourself in a shimmering field of energy, you are able to inversely reduce the damage of a devastating attack.

During the full duration of your protection, hits above a certain percentage of your max hit points will be greatly diminished. Smaller attacks will pass unaltered through the field.

Note: There are creatures in the realms that cheat.

Syntax: (protection

Tier 1 : 20 rounds
Tier 2 : 40 rounds + reduces cooldown by 50%
Tier 3 : 60 rounds
Tier 4 : 80 rounds + reduces cooldown by 75%
Tier 5 : 120 rounds

<(learn details protection>
Experience Point costs for Protection:
1 : 2.5B ( 2.5B)
2 : 3.3B ( 5.8B)
3 : 4.2B ( 10B)
4 : 5.4B ( 15.4B)
5 : 6.9B ( 22.3B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart


<(info quicken>
A time tinkerer like you can easily manipulate the bounds of normal combat to provide yourself, and your entire party, another full set of attacks.

Note: Probably not very useful to spell-based guilds.

Syntax: (quicken

Tier 1 : Give your party another round of attacks
Tier 2 : Cooldown reduced by 33%
Tier 3 : Cooldown reduced by 50%
Tier 4 : Cooldown reduced by 66%
Tier 5 : Cooldown reduced by 75%
Tier 6 : Cooldown reduced by 80%
Tier 7 : Cooldown reduced by 84%

<(learn details quicken>
Experience Point costs for Quicken:
1 : 1.5B ( 1.5B)
2 : 2.1B ( 3.6B)
3 : 2.9B ( 6.5B)
4 : 3.8B ( 10.3B)
5 : 5B ( 15.3B)
6 : 6.7B ( 22B)
7 : 9.4B ( 31.4B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart


<(info redact>
This completely BS power allows you to truly muck with the deepest reaches of the minds of your opponents. Digging into your foe's earliest memories, you can cause it to forget certain aspects of combat.

Specifically, using this ability you are removing the special attacks or spell casting abilities of your opponents. At low tiers you are merely nuking the damage from a special attack. As you rise in tiers, you can eventually disrupt the creature's entire concept of the attack, eliminating all special aspects of that attack. As you climb, the size of creature you can affect increases as well.

Once you reach 3rd tier in this power, you will nuke the entire special aspect of the attack on first use. A second use will then also nuke the damage aspect.

Syntax: (redact [# from] [target]
Ex: redact overseer
 redact 1 from overseer (equivalent to above)
 redact 2 from overseer (pull the 2nd special)

Tier 1 : Can redact up to class 1mil, dmg only
Tier 2 : Class increases to 5mil
Tier 3 : Nukes special ability too (first)
Tier 4 : Class increases to 15mil
Tier 5 : Cooldown reduced 50%
Tier 6 : Class increases to 30mil + 250k/Glevel
Tier 7+: Class cap +5mil per tier

<(learn details redact>
Experience Point costs for Redact:
1 : 9B ( 9B)
2 : 10.6B ( 19.6B)
3 : 12.6B ( 32.2B)
4 : 15.2B ( 47.4B)
5 : 18.7B ( 66.1B)
6 : 23.8B ( 89.9B)
7 : 32.2B (122.1B)
8 : 43.4B (165.5B)
9 : 58.3B (223.8B)
10 : 78.2B ( 302B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart

Refresh area - (Time)

<(info refresh area>
N'er a more dominant effect has been created than one involving multiple Eternals working together. You, along with a pair of other Eternals, can use this ability to refresh an entire area. Every room in the area will be refreshed per normal mud refresedness. Each person activates the ability, the third one activating triggers it. At its highest level, you can also choose to unload the entire area and wipe it from existence.

Note: The room you are standing in remains unmodified
Note: If someone else is in the area it will not work
Note: You can only do areas out in the realms
Note: If ANY participant does NOT include the "unload" option, it will only do the refresh and not the unload
Note: You have a 5 minute window between when the first person starts the chant until the 3rd person does before it expires
Note: If one of the participants logs out, it will fail
Note: Activating this starts your cooldown and costs you energy regardless of if it ever gets completed. Yes that's intentional. Yes, you have been warned.

Syntax: (refresh area [unload]

Tier 1 : Refresh/reset an entire area
Tier 2 : Cooldown reduced by 25%
Tier 3 : Cooldown reduced by 50%
Tier 4 : Adds the 'unload' option

<(learn details refresh area>
Experience Point costs for Refresh Area:
1 : 5.5B ( 5.5B)
2 : 6.6B ( 12.1B)
3 : 8B ( 20.1B)
4 : 9.8B ( 29.9B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart

Refresh item - (Possessions)

<(info refresh item>
Some items in the realms run out of energy or expire quickly only to regain their power after some time. This ability will cause that to happen immediately so that you do not have to wait.

Syntax: (refresh item <thing>

Tier 1 : Refresh an item
Tier 2 : Cooldown reduced by 25%
Tier 3 : Cooldown reduced by 33%
Tier 4 : Cooldown reduced by 50%

<(learn details refresh item>
Experience Point costs for Refresh Item:
1 : 1B ( 1B)
2 : 1.6B ( 2.6B)
3 : 2.3B ( 4.9B)
4 : 3.1B ( 8B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart

Refresh room - (Time)

<(info refresh room>
This ability lets you control the flow of time around you, instantly freshening a room that was previously defiled.

Syntax: (refresh room

Tier 1 : Refresh/reset a room
Tier 2 : Cooldown reduced by 25%
Tier 3 : Cooldown reduced by 50%
Tier 4 : Cooldown reduced by 75%

<(learn details refresh room>
Experience Point costs for Refresh Room:
1 : 6B ( 6B)
2 : 7.2B ( 13.2B)
3 : 8.7B ( 21.9B)
4 : 10.6B ( 32.5B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart

Reload item - (Possessions)

<(info reload item>
Certain mystical items in the realms are limited in quantity by the gods due to power or complexity beyond understanding. Your ability to twist space and bend the light itself allows you to elminate any trace of an item's existence in the eyes of the universe. Anything that caused this item to come into existence can, again, spawn another one while any existing ones stay safe and sound in their locations.

Note: To reload an item you are not carrying, you must specify it with complete exactness. If an item has never been reloaded from an actual copy of the item, then no record exists and it cannot be reloaded. Any/all eternals fill the pool of things 'reload item' knows about. You can use the "?" directive to search on an item short description to see if that item is in the list and that you have spelled it correctly.

Note: You cannot own 2 of a unique item, give it to someone else

Syntax: (reload item ["?"] <thing>
ex: (reload item dagger (you are carrying a dagger, you want it to reload)
(reload item The Staff of Ultimate Crap (You are not carrying the item but know the short desc.)

Tier 1 : Reload an item
Tier 2 : Usage increased to 2/boot

<(learn details reload item>
Experience Point costs for Reload Item:
1 : 5B ( 5B)
2 : 6.1B ( 11.1B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart

Reset dungeon - (Time)

<(info reset dungeon>
Tweaking tiny fabrics in space, you can snip out unwanted dungeons and delete them from the memory of the multiverse. As you become more powerful, you can wipe them out for your entire party.

Syntax: (reset dungeon <dungeon> ["party"]
Ex: (reset dungeon Puppy Mill
(reset dungeon Death Taco party

Tier 1 : Reset 1 dungeon
Tier 2 : Cooldown reduced by 50%
Tier 3 : Can reset for party

<(learn details reset dungeon>
Experience Point costs for Reset Dungeon:
1 : 5.5B ( 5.5B)
2 : 6.6B ( 12.1B)
3 : 8B ( 20.1B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart

Resurrect - (Life)

<(info resurrect>
You are able to demand an audience with Death himself to return the mortal bonds to a fellow player. You must be in town to do this as it is proximal to the graveyard, Death's favorite hang-out. As you get more powerful you can also focus inward for the return of your own form, to be able to do this from anywhere in the realms, and lastly to have Death return your ally to your side,

Syntax: (resurrect [target] ["here"]

Tier 1 : Resurrect another player while in town
Tier 2 : Cooldown reduced by 50%
Tier 3 : Can ressurect yourself
Tier 4 : Don't have to be in town to resurrect an ally
Tier 5 : Can return your ally to your side after the res (need corpse)

<(learn details resurrect>
Experience Point costs for Resurrect:
1 : 2.2B ( 2.2B)
2 : 2.9B ( 5.1B)
3 : 3.8B ( 8.9B)
4 : 4.9B ( 13.8B)
5 : 6.3B ( 20.1B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart

Shred - (Death)

<(info shred>
This devastating power will permanently pierce the defenses of your enemy. Once you have shredded their defenses, they will become more vulnerable to all damage types they are not immune to.

Syntax: (shred [target]

Tier 1 : 25% reduction in defenses
Tier 2 : Reduces cooldown by 50%
Tier 3 : Reduces cooldown by 75%
Tier 4 : 33% reduction in defenses
Tier 5 : Reduces cooldown by 84%

<(learn details shred>
Experience Point costs for Shred:
1 : 1.5B ( 1.5B)
2 : 2.1B ( 3.6B)
3 : 2.9B ( 6.5B)
4 : 3.8B ( 10.3B)
5 : 5B ( 15.3B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart

Summon - (Space)

<(info summon>
Your incredible power and dominance over matter allows you to pull living allies to you from great distances. Initially you can summon but a single ally, but as your strength grows you can summon entire squads of friendlies.

Summoning friendlies that are not allies can only be done from the center of town and requires confirmation from them. They will receive a small hole in space they can 'use' to get to CoT. They will have 20 seconds to do so before it expires.

Note: You cannot summon into guilds or houses

Syntax: (summon <player/"party"/player"'s party">

ex: summon krank (presumably to the UK so he dies)
summon party (I'm at the UK and hate my party)
summon omni (no one parties with him but he wants to go to CoT)
summon william's party (bring the party to you, at CoT)

Tier 1 : Summon a party member to you
Tier 2 : Summon your entire party
Tier 3 : Summon any player to CoT only
Tier 4 : Summon another player's party to CoT only
Tier 5 : Reduce cooldown by 50%
Tier 6 : Reduce cooldown by 75%
Tier 7 : ...ignores no teleport zones, like a boss.

<(learn details summon>
Experience Point costs for Summon:
1 : 5.8B ( 5.8B)
2 : 7B ( 12.8B)
3 : 8.5B ( 21.3B)
4 : 10.4B ( 31.7B)
5 : 12.9B ( 44.6B)
6 : 16.6B ( 61.2B)
7 : 22.6B ( 83.8B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart

Teleport - (Space)

<(info teleport>
Your power over space and movement allow you to shift your, and potentially others' locations to almost anywhere in the realms. As you train your power, your abilities will expand to epicness. When you attain the ability to move your entire party, it will only move the party members present in the room with you.

Note: You cannot teleport into guilds or houses

Syntax: (teleport [party] to <target>

ex: teleport to krank (why would you ever do this!?)
teleport to CoT (note, "CoT" is specific, not "cot", not "COT")
teleport party to william (the party always goes where William goes)
teleport party to CoT

Tier 1 : Can teleport yourself to a party member
Tier 2 : Can teleport yourself to CoT
Tier 3 : Teleport party members present to another party member
Tier 4 : Teleport party members present to CoT
Tier 5 : Reduce cooldown by 50%
Tier 6 : Reduce cooldown by 75%
Tier 7 : ...ignores no teleport zones, like a boss.

<(learn details teleport>
Experience Point costs for Teleport:
1 : 5.2B ( 5.2B)
2 : 6.3B ( 11.5B)
3 : 7.7B ( 19.2B)
4 : 9.4B ( 28.6B)
5 : 11.7B ( 40.3B)
6 : 15.1B ( 55.4B)
7 : 20.6B ( 76B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart

Unload room - (Time)

<(info unload room>
As the ultimate destructive power in the universe, you are able to snuff from existence your very surroundings. The space you occupy, and anything within is instantly expunged from this world.

For most non-dungeon rooms, the space you occupied will also spring back into existance, anew, and you will be sent to it. Otherwise you will wind up in town.

Note: This cannot snuff out a room with living creatures in it. Yes, leave your dog and followers outside.

Syntax: (unload room

Tier 1 : Unload a room
Tier 2 : Cooldown reduced by 33%
Tier 3 : Cooldown reduced by 50%

<(learn details unload room>
Experience Point costs for Unload Room:
1 : 8B ( 8B)
2 : 9.5B ( 17.5B)
3 : 11.3B ( 28.8B)

See WMT's Power Level to Eternal level chart