All About Alignment
<help alignment>
As you play 3 Kingdoms, you will notice that the phrase in parenthesis
at the end of your title will continually change. This is known
as your alignment. The alignment is controlled by your actions. Killing
many evil monsters and performing righteous deeds will earn you a very
noble reputation. The same can be said in the reverse. The order of
alignments is listed below from good to evil. It should be noted that
not all of the alignments are listed below. The extremes on both ends
of the spectrum can only be known by achieving them yourself or being
present when another player has. Until then, they are a mystery to
be solved. Good luck.
Good | Evil |
neutral | neutral |
nice | mean |
moral | immoral |
righteous | malicious |
pure | corrupt |
good | evil |
? | ? |
Alignment may be important for some guilds, and for the use of
some objects in the game. For example, one would not expect an
evil character to be able to wield a "Harp of the Angels".
Type 'help vaf' to learn how to set a custom alignment title.
Helpful Mskill
Shows an indication on your score of your current alignment with increasing accuracy.
Example of what you'll see on <score>
if your skill level is -= 3/3 =-
Align : Corrupt [:|:::::]
See also: WMT's Skills info.
Name | Pts | ID |
1.0000000010 10 |
evil | |
1.0000000010 10 |
good |
See also: WMT's Medal info.
<skillquests 13>
Once your soul is touched with the essence of purity and the essence of pestilence, you will be awarded this set of 3 skill points.
See also: WMT's Skillquest info.
Alignment VAFS
There are three Voluntary Access Fee's (commonly known as VAF's) which can be purchased for your alignment.
Name | Cost |
neutral -Reset your current alignment to true neutral
1.0000000015 15 |
align -Custom alignment description (up to 20 chars)
1.0000000054 54 |
align2 -Colorized ansi alignment (must have 'align' first)
1.0000000050 50 |
See also: WMT's VAF info.
Alignment Changes
Name | Alignment |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Good |
Evil |
Evil |
Evil |
Evil |
Evil |
Evil |
Evil |
Evil |