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Vole the Hateful

<questlist 94> / <questlist vole>

Bring about the destruction of the embodiment of all that is Evil, Vole the Hateful. You will need powerful allies to help in your quest.

Search in the Realm of Fantasy

Thinking : (8/10)
Exploring : (10/10)
Fighting : (10/10)

Quest Point Value : 80
Designed for Levels: 35+

Created by : Rastafan
Once per Reboot : YES


Map of Rabbit Fields and Drow Kingdom of fe dar Shad
Map of Rabbit Fields and Drow Kingdom of fe dar Shad

Quest Instructions

(last solved and updated: August 2022)

  1. Travel to The Drow Kingdom of fe dar Shad. Directions from Fantasy - <portal, 15e, leave, 11e, 9s, 2w>
  2. Make your way to the maze. Note: you will come across many mobs that are blocking your path while traveling from place to place during this quest. - <s, 3d, 3n, ne, d>
    4k : Drow warrior
    6k : Drow warrior
    5k : Drow warrior
    2k : Drow warrior
  3. Directions to level 2 of the maze - <2s, e, s, e, s, 3e, 2s>
    52k : Two-Headed Troll
  4. Directions to level 3 of the maze - <d, n, 2e, s, 2e, s, e, s, e, s, w, 2s, e, kill hound>
    Note: If the hound is not here to kill, that's okay, you can still proceed to the next step. DO NOT bypass the hellhound if he is there though; if he is there and you do not kill him, you will be transported to Hell instead of level 3 maze.
    15k : Hell Hound
  5. Directions to level 4 of the maze - <d, 2s, 2e, 2s, 3e, 2n, 2e, 2n, 2w, 2n, w, s, w, s>
    Note: Just as before, if the hound is not here to kill, that's okay, you can still proceed to the next step. DO NOT bypass the hellhound if he is there though; if he is there and you do not kill him, you will be transported to Hell instead of level 4 maze.
    37k : Strong Drow Warrior
    39k : Strong Drow Warrior
    16k : Hell Hound
    15k : Hell Hound
  6. Travel to the Maul of the Titans - <d, e, s, w, 2s, e, 2s, 5w, s, e, s>
    52k : Drow Soldier
  7. <search>
    You search around and notice a secret door to the west!
  8. <w, search>
    You search around for a while and find a trapdoor leading down!
  9. As soon as you complete this step, you will be attacked. <d, get maul> - You should now have the Maul of the Titans.
    Upon touching the maul of the titans you have incurred the wrath of the Titan King, owner of this artifact.
    You shall pay for your mistake.
    maul: Taken.

    86k : Ghost of a Titan
  10. <look at maul>
    The fabled Maul of the Titans, once able to destroy the most powerful monster in a single strike, it appears to have lost most of its magic.
    Perhaps it could still magically dig, like it once could.
    This weapon is in excellent condition.
    This weapon's classifications: 10 (blunt)
    This weapon gains benefits from your mace weapon skill.
    You'll most likely herniate a disc lifting this.
  11. Make your way out of the maze - <u, e, n, w, n, 5e, 2n, w, 2n, e, n, w>
  12. <u, n, e, n, e, 2s, 2e, 2s, 2w, 2s, 3w, 2n, 2w, 2n>
  13. <u, w, 2n, e, n, w, n, w, n, 2w, n, 2w, s>
  14. <u, 2n, 3w, n, w, n, w, 2n>
  15. <u, sw, 3s, 3u, out, n>
    951 : Drider Guard
    1k : Drider Guard
  16. Now that you're in the Rabbit Fields, <dig> in every room that indicates it's an "open field"
    Note: After 2 passes through the field, digging in each room "once" on each pass, nothing was found. Began a 3rd pass through the field, but dug in each room 30 times each. Eventually, a successful dig occurred.
    You slam the maul into the ground. But nothing happens.

    You slam the maul into the ground with all your might.
    The ground begins to shake beneath you.
    The earth rattles, and cracks as the shockwave tears open a hole in the ground.
    The earth cracks open and a massive hole is formed, you fall in!
  17. <dig> 4 to 5 times to continue your travels further down. Your final destination should land you in the room with Rastafan Ballista Durskaen and two other individuals.
    As your eyes begin to adjust to the darkness of this hole, you realize there are other people here. A strong smell hits you, that of fecal decay, urine, and other unpleasant things. The apparant leader of the group begins to speak.
    "I am Granfore, leader of the 44th Ranger Battalion. My companions and I were trapped here by the evil mage Sauk."
    He continues, "My friend Rastafan is near death or we could have freed ourselves long ago. I thank you for what you have done for us; you have allowed us to live, and fight again another day."

    Rastafan stands, obviously expending his remaining energy. Rastafan speaks to you.
    "I have lost count of the days that I have been trapped here. Humiliated by my inability to free us due to being so weak, I have lost a part of myself, my courage and my self-confidence."
    He continues, "It was rumored shortly before we were trapped here that the drow Queen, Vasynase, was planning to pull forth the most feared demon in all the multiverse to our plane so that she may rule with his power. This has no chance of success. Vole will overpower her and take this plane and all of its people for his own play thing. We will all be destroyed."

    Rastafan stumbles slightly, Shekaelin helps him to stand. "Vole must be defeated before he has a chance to gain any power on this plane. He must be defeated as soon as he has been conjured. I hope it is not too late. Please, take this strand of beads, and find Vasynase. When you find her, you will find Vole. Break this strand of beads and it will summon us. We hope we can destroy Vole. We cannot go ourselves, for our presence within the Underdark would immediately alert him and we would lose our advantage, Vasynase believes us to be dead, and so does he." Rastafan hands you a strand of beads.

    With that, Rastafan collapses. Granfore goes to his side. Granfore looks to you, "Go now, we must heal ourselves and be prepared for the oncoming battle. Good luck and may the balance prevail." Granfore and Shekaelin tend to the limp body of Rastafan on the floor. Granfore says, "Let us hope it is not too late."

    Granfore and Shekaelin carry Rastafan out through the hole that you have created.
  18. You should now have a 'Strand of Diamond Beads'. <look at beads>
    Strand of Diamond Beads
    A beautiful strand of beads that was given to you by the Arch-Mage Rastafan Ballista Durskaen. Break them when standing before Vole.
    It looks light.
  19. <5u> - since the room you found to dig is random, you must now reorient yourself to the entrance of the Underdark.
    Tip: If you locate the far northwest corner of the square, you can then travel <8e, 6s, 2w>
  20. Find the translator. (Remember, mobs will block your path, kill them all.) Directions from the entrance of Underdark - <s, 3d, 3n, nw, 3w, 3s, kill guard>
    1k : Drider Guard
    1k : Drider Guard
    5k : Drow warrior
    4k : Drow warrior
    8k : Elite Drow warrior
    28k : Drow Temple Guard
    27k : Drow Temple Guard
  21. <7s, 3e, se, ne, e, 2s, e, 3n, w, n, e>
  22. <look at chair, search chair>
  23. Continue to <search chair> until,
    You search the chair and notice one of the legs was hollowed out and there's some weird device in it...
  24. <get translator>
    This is a drow translator, a rather intricate device, you're not quite sure how it works.
    It looks light.
  25. Return to the 4th level of the maze - <5w, s, kill soldier> (kill all soldiers)
    14k : Duergar Soldier
    15k : Duergar Soldier
    15k : Duergar Soldier
    15k : Duergar Soldier
    14k : Duergar Soldier
  26. <e, kill warrior> (kill all warriors)
    22k : Strong Drow Warrior
    21k : Strong Drow Warrior
    22k : Strong Drow Warrior
    21k : Strong Drow Warrior
  27. <portal, 2w, s, e, kill hound>
    Note: If the hound is not here to kill, that's okay, you can still proceed to the next step. DO NOT bypass the hellhound if he is there though; if he is there and you do not kill him, you will be transported to Hell instead of level 3 maze.
    15k : Hell Hound
  28. <d, 2s, 2e, 2s, 3e, 2n, 2e, 2n, 2w, 2n, w, s, w, s>
    Note: Just as before, if the hound is not here to kill, that's okay, you can still proceed to the next step. DO NOT bypass the hellhound if he is there though; if he is there and you do not kill him, you will be transported to Hell instead of level 3 maze.
    36k : Strong Drow Warrior
    16k : Hell Hound
    16k : Hell Hound
    37k : Strong Drow Warrior
  29. Acquire the password - <d, n, 4w, s, w, listen>
  30. <listen> several times until you have heard the password. (Remember this password for a later step when you'll need it.)
    A low screech is heard: RUN AWAY!
    You hear a voice mumble: Pray that lolth protects.
    You hear: I smell a human!
    A voice says: I think I hear something!
    A voice mumbles: fulbebiver
  31. <e, s, w, s, e, s, w, s, e, s, e, 2n, e, n>
    106k : Vasyrach, Demon Spider
    104k : sword spider
    106k : sword spider
    103k : sword spider
  32. <search throne>
    You search around the throne, as the evil burns your body.
    Eventually you find a hidden door behind the throne.
  33. <open trapdoor, d, w>
  34. Attempt to go <w> once more.
    A mysterious force prevents you from passing.
    You hear a low voice: 'Speak the word'
  35. Refer to the password you acquired after 'listening', and <say [password]>
    You hear a small snap.
  36. <6w, 3s, kill queen>
    32k : Drow Guard
    811k : Vasynase
    154k : Nasethandra
  37. After this next room, you will find Vole. Do NOT attack. - <s>
  38. <break beads>
    You grasp the strand of beads in both hands and yank them apart. Three of the beads remain bouncing after the rest have come to a stop. The beads begin to change...

    The beads begin to form into humanoid shapes. The shapes look familiar.
    Vole says: You'll never find the 44th, Merak has buried them deep beneath the plains, in a living grave. Out from the beads step three brave warriors: Rastafan Ballista Durskaen, Granfore Crelbane, and Shekaelin Stahalfen. Vole cackles hideously.

    Vole says: You'll never find the 44th, Merak has buried them deep beneath the plains, in a living grave.
    Vole looks very angry.
    "You'll never defeat me!" He cries as he tears into the flesh of Granfore.

    Granfore uses Crelbane to heal his wounds!
    Rastafan blasts his foe with magic missiles!
    Shekaelin withers his foe with his staff!
    You cast protection from frost on yourself!
    Vole calls death upon his foe!
    Above combat is repeated extensively.

    Vole the Hateful has been destroyed by the 44th Ranger Battalion. The world is safe from his Wrath, thanks to you. This quest has been solved. You feel the force of Evil in the land take a Plunge. The embodiment of all that is evil, Vole the Hateful, has been slain by Agni!!! The Rangers, the Paladins, and all good people cheer at the corpse of Vole. Your body revels in Ecstasy as a blanket of Good lays over the land.

    Granfore speaks to you.
    "We were lucky this day, the balance was with us. Thank you for all that you have done for us. I reward you with my sword, Crelbane, use it well and always to achieve the balance."

    Quest complete!

  39. Optional step - <get all, look at paper>
    A powerful looking Long Sword, with spikes along the hilt.
    You feel as though it could yure you of wounds.
    This weapon is in excellent condition.
    This weapon's classifications: 20 (edged)
    This weapon gains benefits from your sword weapon skill.
    You must be level 10 to wield this weapon.
    It looks heavy.

    a small piece of paper
    This is a small piece of paper. Its edges are worn and faded from time.
    It has something written on it:
     SWEN 4 3 5 7
    The paper catches fire and burns up!
    It looks light.
  40. Return to Fantasy: <4n, 7e, u, s, e, 2s, 2e, 3n, e, n, w, n, w>
  41. <u, n, e, n, e, 2s, 2e, 2s, 2w, 2s, 3w, 2n, 2w, 2n>
  42. <u, w, 2n, e, n, w, n, w, n, 2e, n, w, 4n, 3e, u>
  43. <2e, 9n, 11w, enter, 15w, portal>