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Free Stag

<questlist 39> / <questlist free stag>

The legendary white stag has been captured by a hunting party from the castle of Medlar. Go to the castle and free the stag before the residents roast him for dinner. In return for his freedom, he will grant you your greatest wish.

Search in the Realm of Fantasy

Thinking : (4/10)
Exploring : (5/10)
Fighting : (5/10)

Quest Point Value : 20
Designed for Levels: 25+

Created by : Pistil
Once per Reboot : No


Quest Instructions

(last solved and updated: November 2020)

Note: You need TWO light sources for this quest. (See our Lights page.)

  1. <portal, 12n, leave, 8n, 4e, 6n, 6w, 4n, path, 2w, nw, 2n, nw, 2w, 6n>
  2. <kill lord> - and the bodyguard will attack you too
    35,043 : Lord of Medlar
    18,914 : Bodyguard
  3. <2d, kill griffin>
    26,576 : Griffin
  4. <n, get jewel>
  5. <s, 2u, s, 2e, u, w, s, e, kill lady>
    23,670 : Lady of Medlar
  6. <get gem>
  7. <w, n, e, d, 4w, 2d, s, 2e, s, kill guard>
    37,661 : Prison Guard Giant
  8. <get key, unlock door, open door, e>
  9. <kill giant>
    3,587 : Hill Giant
  10. <get stone>
  11. <w, n, 2w, n, 2u, 2e, 2s, 2w>

    Note: You only need to <examine markings> on these next steps. What you're looking for are the markings that indicate the order in which you should drop the stones. When you find the correct room with these markings, drop them IN THAT ORDER OR DIE.

    Extra Note: If you run into the Medlar Guard Captain while you're searching for the correct markings and he blocks your way north, just go around him - <w, n, e>
    These are the examples of what was found during this quest:
    1. When you're at the gargoyle - <examine gargoyle>
      A small squat looking stone gargoyle sits here. It is apparently watching this portcullis. It is grey with beady little jewel eyes. It smirks at you in a strange way. There appears to be some markings carved in its stone base.
      <examine markings>
      You can just make out what the markings say. Set beneath these stones of this passage is the tomb of the queen of the fairies. Aylia the Golden. Captured in the Obelisk War. She is entombed here for all time with much honor, and respect for her kind. All who dare disgrace her remains be forewarned, only death awaits.......
    2. From Gargoyle - <e, examine tree>
      A very large old oak tree. There are some markings on it. It is getting all covered in snow.
      <examine markings>
      You can just make out what the markings say. Contained within the deep earth beneath this mighty tree, is the one whom was loved by one and all. Methrab the Gifted. Slain by invading goblins in the twenty third year of the great cataclysm. Beware all who try to disgrace his remains......
    3. From Gargoyle - <2e, examine tree>
      A very large old oak tree. There are some markings on it. It is getting all covered in snow.
      <examine markings>
      You can just make out what the markings say. When the gem and the stone of the rulers of this realm and the jewel of this castle are placed here.............
    4. From Gargoyle - <w, n, examine markings>
      You can just make out what the markings say. Buried beneath this wall is the saviour of all the citizens of Medlar in the Great War of the Jeweled Dragons. Tylaick the Sovereign. Fell in battle in the third year of the Black Sky. To all who dare to disturb his remains, beware, only death awaits.........
    5. From Gargoyle - <3e, examine markings>
      You can just make out what the markings say. When the gem and the stone of the rulers of this realm and the jewel of this castle are placed here.............
  12. The markings on the correct location (which is the last one above) mention gem first, then stone, then jewel. Therefore - <drop gem, drop stone, drop jewel>
  13. Once the stones are dropped, a hole opens up - <d, nw, u, free stag>

Quest complete!

Return to Fantasy: <2w, s, e> and you should be back at the gargoyle now. <2e, 3s, 2e, se, 2s, se, 2e, path, 4s, 3w, portal>