Welcome to Changelings!
1. Rules
2. Starting
3. What are Intrinsics
Click to read rules
Changeling Help rules
In order to make the Changeling experience the best it can possibly be,
there are several rules which must be adhered to at all times while you
are a member of the guild. In addition to the rules listed here, you
are expected to uphold the general rules of the mud. Type "help rules"
to familiarize yourself with them.
If any of the rules listed here change, you will be notified by a new
entry in "info new". It is your responsibility to remain up to date.
If you have any questions about these rules, please ask an
active Guild Wizard or Guild Ancient: info admins
While public discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of forms is
allowed (dispositions), the sharing of any of their special powers,
abilities, quirks or damage types are prohibited. Furthermore it is
not allowed to give out the total numbers or their location within
the guild.
The posting of form information of any description, on any medium
is not permitted.
To summarize: Anything a form does that's not shared by all other
forms is covered by this rule.
** New players should be given the opportunity to explore, learn and experience the guild on their own.
The Ingest intrinsic may not be discussed and its effects may
not be divulged. You may not discuss your ingested amounts, not
even if you are lying about it.
Everything you need to know is here: info ingest
You may not discuss how to gain this ability or the effects of gaining it. This power is to be treated as a quest and as such all the usual rules along with it.
Your language on the guild chat lines should be clean and
non-offensive at all times. Some leeway is given, but repeated
uses of bad language won't be tolerated.
If your current topic of conversation happens to be offensive to
an individual or group, and they request that you change the
subject, then please do so, providing that the request is a reasonable one.
Some items found throughout the realms have a special means of being worn or removed. The use of these items in a form that could not normally use them is not allowed.
Player Killing
Please refrain from killing your fellow Changelings during
simulated player killing events, unless you organize otherwise
beforehand. This rule does not apply to opposing clans or
For real player killers, it is up to you to work out what the
ground rules are.
If you stumble upon a guild-related bug, then please inform a
player admin or wizard guild master immediately. If none are
online, then use the "gbug" command to report it, and make
sure you include any relevant information.
Do not post bug-related information publicly or chat about
it on the guild lines. Once reported, this does not give you
the right to abuse it. See "help rules" for more information.
You are expected to be courteous to other guild members at all times on any public medium (chatlines, boards etc). If you have a personal problem with another member, then it should remain exactly that; personal and not public.
Guild Artifacts
These special items are highly useful to other Changelings.
Please do not intentionally go linkdead for any extended
period with an artifact in your possession that you have
borrowed from the guild box; doing so may result in
unpleasant consequences.
The following apply to going linkdead with an artifact
that you have borrowed from the guild box:
1. Going linkdead for 1-2 hours two times a day is OK.
(We all have to eat or get to and from work and school)
2. Going linkdead for over 2 hours is NOT ok.
3. All Changeling artifacts that have been donated to the guild box should be considered guild property and treated that way.
Basically if you are in the possession of a Changeling artifact
that you have borrowed from the guild and know you need to
be linkdead for more then 2 hours you must return the artifact
into the guild box for others to use.
Any artifacts that you find yourself outside the guild you can do
what you like with, but we do encourage that you share it with
your fellow guild members.
Botting is defined in 'help rules'. Read it. Know it. Live it.
First offense of botting reported to me by any wizard with
substantial proof will result in your removal from the guild.
Period. We have enough tools for you to use to help with combat,
you should not ever have a 'need' to bot. So, recap.
1st offense, guild object removed.
Last updated: January 10, 2009
Starting out in Changelings
a. Useful commands
b. Newbie
i. Choosing a form
ii. Training skills
iii. Newbie areas
Welcome to Changelings!
Please be sure to read the main guild board (at the center
of the guild) for important announcements and updates.
ncom | Chatline specifically for asking questions. |
com/chat | Communicate with other online Changelings. |
ecom/echat | Emote on the main guild line. |
morphs | Lists those Changelings who are presently online. |
powers | Lists available miscellaneous commands. |
To get help on any guild topic, use the "info" command. For example, "info rules" will display the rules file.
rules | Very important guild rules. |
info | How to use the info (guild help) system. |
pool | How to navigate around the guild hall. |
origins | Where did changelings come from? |
chaos | The power that affects you. |
physiology | What's a changeling made of? |
index | A list of all helpfiles. |
faq | Answers to common questions. |
newbie | Brief guide to getting started. |
To start learning how to live and fight as a changeling, read through all of the information in the "forms" section as well as "intrinsics" and "skills".
Changeling Help newbie
Choosing your First Form
It's best to get one animal form and keep working on that form until it
is maxed out (info form familiarity). If you change your mind later, the
only penalty is the time you spent training the one you discard. Slime
may seem unappealing because it's fairly boring, but in the long run it
saves your familiarity points because slime doesn't cost any to train.
If you do choose an animal form, get one you're comfortable being--both
thematically and ability-wise. Select an aggressive form if you like to
do lots of damage and have shorter fights with smaller mobs. Go
defensive if you like to battle for longer and fight slightly bigger
mobs in longer fights. Neutral ("average") forms have a good compromise
between tanking and damage, and are the most efficient overall.
WARNING: The biome animals can be deadly if you are very small.
Be careful!
Training Skills
Your most important goal as a new Changeling is to get 10 points in every skill so you have Relinquish, our superpower. Stick to the skills that will help you fight better early on. Train Density, Mitosis, and Resilience as much as you can and before everything else. Along the way to getting relinquish, you'll get the liquefy intrinsic, which can be a real lifesaver.
Newbie Areas
These areas are among the best for newbie Changelings. Be sure you read
about them first! (info areas, info <areaname>).
mushroom, grocery store, chessboard, ice blue portal
(Originally contributed by Shaladain)
Related: rules, faq, intrinsics, forms, areas
What Are Intrinsics?
About Intrinsics
While choosing forms and morphing abilities are the primary capability of the changeling guild, intrinsics are the fundamental powers that a changeling wields in any form. Some of these are available immediately upon joining, and others will unlock once your skills have reached a certain point in training. These powers include being able to draw energy from a slain foe, to being able to create a clone of yourself that can assist in combat.
Intrinsic | De | Ho | Mi | Mo | Re |
Absorb | 1 Density | 1 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 1 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Absorb2 | 1 Density | 1 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 1 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Adrenalize | 1 Density | 7 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 5 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Augment | 15 Density | 18 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 18 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Bfuse | 1 Density | 14 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 14 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Bioextract | 1 Density | 1 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 1 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Bioluminesce | 1 Density | 3 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 3 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Clone | 1 Density | 1 Homeostasis | 18 Mitosis | 18 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Digest | 1 Density | 1 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 1 Morphogenesis | 2 Resilience |
Dissipate | 1 Density | 15 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 1 Morphogenesis | 15 Resilience |
Engulf | 1 Density | 1 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 1 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Flow | 1 Density | 3 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 1 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Fuse | 1 Density | 14 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 14 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Hyperproliferate | 1 Density | 6 Homeostasis | 7 Mitosis | 1 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Ingest | 1 Density | 1 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 1 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Instinct | 1 Density | 1 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 1 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Instinct2 | 1 Density | 15 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 15 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Link | 1 Density | 18 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 1 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Liquefy | 1 Density | 5 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 6 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Lore | 1 Density | 1 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 1 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Mimic | 1 Density | 8 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 9 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Morph | 1 Density | 1 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 1 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Perform | 1 Density | 1 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 1 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Perseverance | 1 Density | 13 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 1 Morphogenesis | 13 Resilience |
Relinquish | 10 Density | 10 Homeostasis | 10 Mitosis | 10 Morphogenesis | 10 Resilience |
Revivify | 1 Density | 1 Homeostasis | 11 Mitosis | 1 Morphogenesis | 11 Resilience |
Sense | 1 Density | 30 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 1 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Thermotaxis | 1 Density | 29 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 26 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Transmogrify | 1 Density | 1 Homeostasis | 1 Mitosis | 12 Morphogenesis | 1 Resilience |
Guild Info Files
Intrinsics |
The corpse of a freshly slain enemy is a rich source of cellular
material, which can easily be absorbed and converted into protoplasm
and stamina, serving to replenish some, or all that you may have lost.
The corpse of a freshly slain enemy is a rich source of cellular
material, which can easily be absorbed and converted into protoplasm
and stamina, serving to replenish some or all that you may have lost.
The process of injecting some recovered protoplasm into the remains,
produces a steak.
By generating and releasing excess adrenalin into your body, you are
able to induce a heightened physical aggression in your current form.
At times you may find that a little boost of your stats is
beneficial to overcoming tough odds. By biasing your body's
natural configuration, you can expend a little effort to gain
a temporary increase in speed, power or toughness.
The corpse of a recently slain enemy contains many useful energies and
nutrients, harvestable by a Changeling with the required skills and
a little stamina to spare.
By chemically altering your outer layer of cells you are able to
generate a dull green glow; more than enough light to see by in most
situations. Maintaining the glow is relatively simple, and not at
all difficult for a Changeling of any stage. In extreme situations,
where you need every ounce of stamina available to you, it may be
wiser to seek alternate light sources however.
Changelings with enough knowledge of the morphogenesis skill
are able to create an exact clone of themselves. These clones
are commonly known as 'familiars'.
Your Changeling body contains many powerful acids, rivaling those
found in the human stomach. These acids are able to break down most
items, absorbing any useful substances into your blood stream much like
other creatures obtain nutrients from food. You may digest one item or
everything you are currently holding, however you should use this with
Dissipate is the skill whereby you can defend yourself against many
types of attacks that would otherwise damage you by using a variety
of instinctive methods.
Although, as a changeling, you do not need equipment
it can be nice to have for that extra boost to overcome your foe.
Over time, you find that you can use some slime to engulf equipment
to allow it to mold to your form. The process of engulfing will
remove any armour class benefits, but special properties of the
piece will be retained.
Sometimes you may find that you have to repeat a series of actions,
and would find it easier to flow through them. Using this intrinsic
allows you to preset a list of commands to execute each round, the
first being executed immediately.
Occasionally, one may find it desirable to focus on quality over
quantity within their bioplast reserves. After a changeling has
mastered his or her ability to bioextract the raw protoplasm
within a corpse, he or she may also attempt, through biological
fusion, to combine the contents of two bioplasts into one of more
By concentrating intently on your internal processes, the rate at
which you regenerate and revitalize your body can be greatly
accelerated, providing that you are not already too mentally drained.
Gold coins possess unique properties, which when absorbed into your
system will aid in the mastery of the energies around you.
When in danger, your instincts are what might save you. By setting
this command to perform a life-saving action when low on HP, you can
avoid untimely deaths and mishaps.
When you are running low on your natural resources you can
use your instincts to make you react to the danger.
By connecting yourself to another Changeling via a thin pseudopod,
you are able to share both knowledge of their well-being, and
protoplasm. The link works both ways, and can only be maintained
while you are both in the same vicinity as one another. If stretched
too thinly, the pseudopod will break.
A trick known by all experienced Changelings is to suddenly release
your current form and "liquefy" back into your natural form, which
resembles a puddle of slime. The less observant opponents may mistake
you for dead, and cease their attack.
loreBy reaching out a probing pseudopod towards your enemy, you are able to determine some of their basic characteristics. Evaluating the potential threat of a monster before you attack it may aid you in increasing your life expectancy. |
This ability allows you to mimic anything that you come into contact
with, assuming their size and shape perfectly. Unlike morphing,
mimicking does not grant you any abilities of the things you mimic,
as you are only assuming their outward shape, and know nothing of
their internal structure and traits.
The ability to morph is what gives a Changeling their name; without
this ability, they would be nothing but a shapeless mass of slime.
This ability lets you set a command to be executed each round of
combat. The command you supply will work identically to how it
would if you had typed it in manually.
A Changeling using this ability is able to repel physical attacks by
using brute force to maintain their physical integrity. If successful,
the damage is negated, but the effort required to do so is considerable.
Going on unseen or felt by most beings, the battle between order
and chaos is a constantly raging one. As a Changeling, your unique
affinity with chaos enables you to harness this little-known and
chaotic source of power.
The brutal damage of a death blow leaves scarring that a Changeling
cannot mend by normal means. With enough skill, you may remove these
blemishes by focusing your energy on reviving the affected cells.
The protoplasm held within a changeling's body is the lifeblood from
which all cellular restructuring is derived. The liquid substance
which houses the cellular organelles, or cytoplasm, is filled with
nutrients and the core essentials for life. Secreting excess
cytoplasm into your environment may possibly allow others to benefit
from its contents.
Experienced Changelings have better awareness of the surrounding chaos,
enabling them to sense the general effect of how these unpredictable
forces are affecting them.
At times, it can be to your advantage to inflict damage upon others
without resorting to bludgeoning or cutting them. Extending upon
the dissipate skill, a Changeling can burn or freeze their opponents
by superheating, or supercooling the areas with which they will strike
Changelings who are both skilled and experienced with specific forms
can alter their appearance somewhat, changing colours, sizes or
characteristic appearances. Gender can also be changed just as
easily to or from any of the three genders.
Skills |
While your apparent size may seem to vary tenfold, your actual physical
mass does not. It remains constant no matter what shape you assume,
and can only be altered by improving your density. In doing so, your
body becomes stronger as the additional mass improves your strength
and power.
Homeostasis represents your ability to maintain internal equilibrium
by adjusting your physiological processes. While it is not an easy
skill to master, the most difficult in fact, it is one that carries a certain influence.
The replenishment of lost and damaged cellular material (protoplasm)
is accomplished by mitotic cell division, which can be a slow process
when large amounts are involved, especially if you are already
fatigued from physical exertions. By improving your mitosis skill,
you are able to accelerate your regenerative abilities, the cell
division occurring much more rapidly.
The genetic information required to perfectly imitate a living being
is enormous, and is limited by your morphogenesis skill. A new-born
Changeling begins life with two forms, their natural form, which
resembles a puddle of slime, and their previous form in life, the
knowledge of which is retained during the conversion process.
Resilience is a measure of your ability to resist disruption and
effectively maintain your current shape. By improving this skill
you will find yourself able to withstand larger amounts of damage.
As you adventure throughout the realms, you will gain guild-related
experience, which is used to enhance your skills.
Forms |
The biome contains many habitats containing a large variety of
animals. Use the 'legend' command to display a list of terrain
symbols and their description. The wrapping for room descriptions
within the biome area is configurable with the 'gset' command.
As you spend time fighting in a form, you progressively gain more
familiarity with it. This in turn improves your efficiency and
effectiveness in combat.
form choice
One question which will invariably rise to every Changelings lips,
snout, beak, jaws, or whatever it is they have, is:
form points
The number of forms you may learn, and familiarity with those forms is
finite. Your "form points" represent how much more information you may
learn at your current level of skill.
Although your physiology has been dramatically altered by becoming a
changeling, a small remnant of your human genetic knowledge remains.
Due to this lingering cellular familiarity, the human form cannot be
entirely unlearned, and gaining additional familiarity requires no
form points.
As you become more comfortable with your chosen form, you grow stronger
and more confident in your abilities. Each fight brings you closer to
the true nature of your form. For those of you who choose to embrace
this nature, you gain an intimacy with it that brings many benefits.
learning forms
Your greatest ability as a Changeling is that which allows you to
assume the shape of other beings. In doing so, you gain access
to their strengths, weaknesses and unique skills.
Now that you are a changeling, your innate form is a puddle of
slime, oozing about and whacking your foes with tentacles.
A form's special abilities and powers may not be revealed to another
Changeling--treat it like quest info. Please respect others' ability
to discover these powers. For details, see: info rules
Powers |
This command lets you completely customize your HP bar by entering
a combination of text and tokens. If you need to, you can also
reset your HP bar to a one of the standard configurations.
fcomOn the fcom line, your chats are identified by your form instead of your name. |
This command displays your current form and detailed information
about your appearance.
This command allows you to easily modify the ansi variables associated with guild abilities and messages. Use the syntax shown below.
At times you may wish to view briefer messages to lessen the amount
of data that scrolls across your screen. This command allows you to
toggle the brief/verbose settings on various messages. Use "gbrief"
with no argument, to view the list of what may be briefed.
This power lets you report a guild-related bug for the wizards to
fix. Please be specific in your description of the bug, and supply
any information you deem relevant.
This command allows you to set a customizable guild entrance message.
Note this power is only available to highmortals and above.
This command allows you to set a customizable guild exit message.
Note this power is only available to highmortals and above
This command displays information about fellow Changelings, including their complexity, the date they joined the guild and their guild age.
This command displays a detailed history of your guild activity,
including advancement, skills, forms, levels and deaths.
At times you may have an idea for a new power, form, area file, or
some other addition to the guild. We welcome these--this is YOUR
guild, after all! Use this command to log your idea, so the guild
admins can evaluate it for inclusion in the guild.
This power allows you to view your guild score, a page which displays
various pieces of important information about your status in the
Changeling guild.
This power allows you to view the highest hits you have done with each
of your forms.
gsaveThe saving of your guild status is automatic, and occurs periodically in the background while you play. Should you wish to manually perform a save, you may use this command. |
This command allows you to configure miscellaneous guild options
that are not related to a specific ability. To see a list of the
configurable options type gset with no argument.
This power allows you to select what information is shown on the
"morphs" listing.
Changelings seeking to share their emotions with other guild members
may use "gsoul" to send a mud soul command to every logged-in member
of the guild.
While regular mortal Changelings will have their titles changed whenever
they morph, High-Mortals may elect to have them kept unchanged. This
command will forcefully update your title, even if you have used the
"titlekeep" power to keep it constant.
A helpful alias to the proper "morphs" command for people who are
used to using gwho in other guilds.
This command allows you to browse through the guild info files, and to
perform searches for files with titles matching your supplied text.
During your login, various combat and advancement statistics are
recorded, and can be viewed using the "lstats" command.
During your login, various combat and advancement statistics are
recorded, and can be viewed using the "lstats2" command.
This power will list all the online Changelings, showing their
complexity, level and guild rank.
This command lets you view your solved and unsolved quests, as well as
details of any quest you are attempting to solve. Good luck!
This command allows you to view your stat and level costs while outside
the guild. It is identical to the "cost" command used in the main guild
At times you may find that your guild object is not working properly,
or a wizard may ask you to recover. This command will refresh your
guild object, hopefully alleviating any problems that you may have had.
Avian forms are always flying about and cannot "get" items directly
from the ground. In order to pick things up, you must swoop low
to the ground.
This command will only function for High-Mortal players, and will enable them to prevent their title from changing while changing forms.
This command displays the top 30 guild members sorted by guild
As you adventure and slay monsters, you acquire knowledge which may
be used to advance your skills. This command enables you to
train them, assuming that you have the required knowledge.
With the number of forms that you can retain limited, at times you may
wish to forget what you have learned about one, and focus on learning
more of another. With each use of this power, it will remove
one point of familiarity, then when that reaches zero, it will remove
the form entirely.
Minutiae |
GUILD CREATOR: Tharog (Opened November, 2002)
Ancient is the rank of the guild player admins.
As a Changeling, you have a unique affinity with the chaotic forces
which permeate throughout the realms; unseen and mostly unfelt by all
other living things.
Your molecular structure will lose its cellular
cohesion the more you morph, causing you to
get more drained from each time you change
form within the current chaos flux.
The sum of your five skills is termed your "complexity", and is used
to measure your status within the guild.
Changelings have little or no use for physical objects, therefore
there are no rewards for donating equipment to the guild.
elderThe elder rank represents a member of the player admins. The elders work with the Ancients to manage the day-to-day guild operations and make recommendations to the Enlightened ranks. Related: admins, ancient, retired |
After many years of absence, fraals have been sighted in the biome once
again. Their unique physiology makes them unsuitable to learn or study
from, but it is rumored that they may be tamed as pets.
There are 4 ansi vars you can set for your fraal:
Changeling healing abilities are remarkable to say the least,
due mainly to the nature of their structure. Even though when
the form of an animal is assumed, the respiratory and circulatory
systems are functional, they are not critical to the survival
of the changeling. Wounds inflicted on organs or their failure
will not cause extra harm.
old bioplasts
Created by the use of the bioextraction skill, a bioplast is a small
sphere with a hard translucent outer shell. Contained within is
bioplasm, protoplasm in its purest form.
Little is known of the Changelings who first roamed the land ages
ago, rumours and tales corrupting the truth into fantastic fairy
Upon entering this very pool of protoplasm, your body was mutated
drastically by the chaotic forces contained within its translucent
depths. These changes, combined with the now continuous affinity
with these forces, grant you a physiology which is both highly
unique and extremely versatile. Consisting entirely of protoplasm,
which in turn contains highly complex, polymorphic cells, your body
is not constrained by the natural limits imposed upon all other known species.
Spinning slowly and changing size when you least expect it, the pool's
translucent depths is a very strange place to call home. But to you,
a Changeling, this is what it is.
Tips for using the Portal Client
Your body, like all other Changelings consists entirely of protoplasm;
a translucent, semifluid substance which contains the polymorphic cells
which make you what you are.
A Changeling's physical health and mental stamina will not regenerate
automatically; abilities must be used to supplement these losses.
These people have helped to mold the guild into what it is today.
Your stamina is shown to you as a percentage, and represents the
current state of your physical endurance. As you expend energy
fighting, morphing, or using abilities, you will find yourself
fatiguing. Depleting your stamina completely has no directly adverse
effects, but may indirectly hurt you as you will no longer be able
to maintain abilities which drain stamina, or begin using new ones.
Gsoul fishslap.
wheeAre you having fun yet? |
Guild Shop:
Typing Tester | 100 coins |
Whistle of the Fraal Tamer | 10,000 coins |
Changeling Forms
Form | Class | Highest Attribute | Lowest Attribute |
Aardvark | Mammal | Tough | Very Slow |
Acrocanthosaurus | Reptile | Extremely Vicious | Extremely Slow |
Albatross | Avian | Extremely Vicious | Extremely Slow |
Alligator | Reptile | Aggressive | Very Slow |
Anaconda | Reptile | Vicious | Extremely Slow |
Ankylosaurus | Reptile | Extremely Tough | Extremely Slow |
Ant | Insect | Extremely Tough | Extremely Slow |
Anteater | Mammal | Tough | Extremely Slow |
Anole | Reptile | Agile | Frail |
Archaeopteryx | Avian | Agile | Lacks Aggression |
Armadillo | Mammal | Robust | Extremely Docile |
Asp Caterpillar | Insect | Extremely Tough | Extremely Slow |
Badger | Mammal | Agile | Lacks Aggression |
Bear | Mammal | Very Aggressive | Extremely Slow |
Beaver | Mammal | Very Aggressive | Very Slow |
Bee | Insect | Very Swift and Agile | Extremely Frail |
Beetle | Insect | Tough | Very Slow |
Black Mamba | Reptile | Tough | Lacks Aggression |
Blue-footed Booby | Avian | Extremely Swift and Agile | Extremely Docile |
Boa Constrictor | Reptile | Very Aggressive | Extremely Slow |
Boomer | Mammal | Average Toughness | Lacks Aggression |
Brachiosaurus | Reptile | Very Tough | Extremely Slow |
Budgie | Mammal | Extremely Swift and Agile | Extremely Frail |
Bull | Mammal | Very Tough | Extremely Slow |
Butterfly | Insect | Extremely Swift and Agile | Extremely Frail |
Caiman | Reptile | Vicious | Extremely Slow |
Camel | Mammal | Tough | Very Slow |
Cape Buffalo | Mammal | Vicious | Extremely Slow |
Capybara | Mammal | Very Tough | Docile |
Carcharodontosaurus | Reptile | Extremely Vicious | Extremely Slow |
Cat | Mammal | Average Aggression | Average Agility |
Chameleon | Reptile | Robust | Somewhat Sluggish |
Cheetah | Mammal | Average Aggression | Average Toughness |
Chihuahua | Mammal | Very Swift and Agile | Very Frail |
Chinchilla | Mammal | Very Swift and Agile | Very Frail |
Chipmunk | Mammal | Very Swift and Agile | Docile |
Cobra | Reptile | Average Aggression | Average Agility |
Cockatoo | Avian | Tough | Very Slow |
Cockroach | Insect | Tough | Docile |
Compsognathus | Reptile | Extremely Swift and Agile | Extremely Frail |
Condor | Avian | Vicious | Very Slow |
Coot | Avian | Robust | Average Agility |
Cow | Mammal | Very Tough | Extremely Slow |
Coyote | Mammal | Average Aggression | Average Agility |
Crab | Crustacean | Tough | Extremely Slow |
Crane | Avian | Average Aggression | Average Agility |
Crocodile | Reptile | Extremely Vicious | Extremely Slow |
Crow | Avian | Average Aggression | Average Agility |
Cuscus | Mammal | Very Tough | Extremely Slow |
Decollate Snail | Mollusc | Extremely Tough | Extremely Docile |
Deer | Mammal | Agile | Lacks Aggression |
Dilophosaurus | Reptile | Agile | Very Frail |
Dikdik | Mammal | Very Swift and Agile | Docile |
Dingo | Mammal | Tough | Somewhat Sluggish |
Diplodocus | Reptile | Very Tough | Extremely Slow |
Dodo | Avian | Vicious | Extremely Slow |
Doe | Mammal | Agile | Lacks Aggression |
Dog | Mammal | Swift and Agile | Frail |
Donkey | Mammal | Very Tough | Docile |
Dragonfly | Insect | Extremely Swift and Agile | Extremely Docile |
Drake | Avian | Swift and Agile | Extremely Docile |
Duckling | Avian | Swift and Agile | Extremely Docile |
Eagle | Avian | Extremely Vicious | Extremely Frail |
Elephant | Mammal | Extremely Tough | Extremely Slow |
Emu | Avian | Very Tough | Docile |
Falcon | Avian | Vicious | Somewhat Sluggish |
Ferret | Mammal | Vicious | Extremely Frail |
Finch | Avian | Very Swift and Agile | Extremely Frail |
Firefly | Insect | Extremely Swift and Agile | Extremely Frail |
Flyer | Mammal | Average Toughness | Lacks Aggression |
Fox | Mammal | Agile | Frail |
Frog | Amphibian | Very Tough | Extremely Docile |
Funnel Web Spider | Arachnid | Vicious | Very Frail |
Gazelle | Mammal | Extremely Swift and Agile | Extremely Docile |
Gecko | Reptile | Swift and Agile | Docile |
Gila Monster | Reptile | Aggressive | Somewhat Sluggish |
Giraffe | Mammal | Very Swift and Agile | Extremely Docile |
Goat | Mammal | Robust | Somewhat Sluggish |
Goose | Avian | Tough | Extremely Docile |
Gorilla | Mammal | Average Toughness | Very Slow |
Greyhound | Mammal | Aggressive | Frail |
Grizzly Bear | Mammal | Very Aggressive | Extremely Slow |
Ground Sloth | Mammal | Very Tough | Extremely Slow |
Hamster | Mammal | Extremely Swift and Agile | Very Frail |
Hawk | Avian | Vicious | Very Frail |
Hedgehog | Mammal | Robust | Docile |
Hen | Mammal | Agile | Frail |
Hornet | Insect | Agile | Lacks Aggression |
Human | Mammal | Average Agility | Very Frail |
Hummingbird | Avian | Extremely Swift and Agile | Extremely Docile |
Huntsman Spider | Arachnid | Agile | Frail |
Iguana | Reptile | Agile | Frail |
Jaguar | Mammal | Aggressive | Frail |
Kestrel | Avian | Agile | Lacks Aggression |
Kitten | Mammal | Average Aggression | Average Agility |
Koala | Mammal | Very Aggressive | Very Slow |
Komodo Dragon | Reptile | Very Aggressive | Somewhat Sluggish |
Ladybug | Insect | Extremely Swift and Agile | Extremely Docile |
Leopard | Mammal | Aggressive | Frail |
Lion | Mammal | Extremely Vicious | Very Slow |
Llama | Mammal | Tough | Very Slow |
Lobster | Crustacean | Very Aggressive | Very Slow |
Loon | Avian | Extremely Tough | Extremely Docile |
Lynx | Mammal | Agile | Frail |
Mammoth | Mammal | Very Aggressive | Extremely Slow |
Mare | Mammal | Aggressive | Somewhat Sluggish |
Mastodon | Mammal | Very Tough | Very Slow |
Meerkat | Mammal | Very Swift and Agile | Very Frail |
Mole | Mammal | Average Toughness | Lacks Aggression |
Mongoose | Mammal | Very Swift and Agile | Very Frail |
Moose | Mammal | Tough | Somewhat Sluggish |
Mosquito | Insect | Extremely Swift and Agile | Extremely Frail |
Mouse | Mammal | Extremely Swift and Agile | Very Frail |
Mule | Mammal | Tough | Somewhat Sluggish |
Mussaurus | Reptile | Extremely Swift and Agile | Extremely Frail |
North American Termite | Insect | Extremely Vicious | Extremely Slow |
Ocelot | Mammal | Agile | Very Frail |
Osprey | Avian | Very Aggressive | Very Slow |
Ostrich | Avian | Tough | Docile |
Otter | Mammal | Robust | Lacks Aggression |
Owl | Avian | Robust | Lacks Aggression |
Owlet | Avian | Very Swift and Agile | Docile |
Panda | Mammal | Aggressive | Extremely Slow |
Penguin | Avian | Tough | Very Slow |
Peregrine Falcon | Avian | Extremely Swift and Agile | Extremely Frail |
Pigeon | Avian | Robust | Average Agility |
Pill Bug | Crustacean | Extremely Tough | Extremely Slow |
Pit Viper | Reptile | Average Agility | Average Aggression |
Platypus | Mammal | Very Tough | Extremely Docile |
Polar Bear | Mammal | Very Aggressive | Extremely Slow |
Porcupine | Mammal | Robust | Docile |
Praying Mantis | Insect | Extremely Vicious | Very Frail |
Pteranodon | Avian | Vicious | Very Slow |
Pterodactyl | Avian | Average Toughness | Average Aggression |
Python | Reptile | Vicious | Somewhat Sluggish |
Rabbit | Mammal | Robust | Docile |
Ram | Mammal | Tough | Lacks Aggression |
Rat | Mammal | Swift and Agile | Docile |
Raven | Avian | Aggressive | Very Slow |
Recluse Spider | Arachnid | Extremely Vicious | Extremely Slow |
Red Back Spider | Arachnid | Agile | Frail |
Reindeer | Mammal | Agile | Lacks Aggression |
Rhinoceros | Mammal | Vicious | Extremely Slow |
Rooster | Avian | Agile | Frail |
Sabre Tooth Tiger | Mammal | Extremely Vicious | Extremely Slow |
Sabre Tooth Tigress | Mammal | Extremely Vicious | Extremely Slow |
Saltopus | Reptile | Extremely Swift and Agile | Extremely Frail |
Scorpion | Arachnid | Extremely Vicious | Very Frail |
Seal | Mammal | Very Tough | Very Slow |
Skink | Reptile | Agile | Lacks Aggression |
Skunk | Mammal | Agile | Lacks Aggression |
Slime | Other | Very Tough | Extremely Slow |
Slug | Mollusc | Very Tough | Extremely Slow |
Snail | Mollusc | Very Tough | Extremely Slow |
Snow Leopard | Mammal | Extremely Vicious | Extremely Frail |
Sparrow | Avian | Very Swift and Agile | Docile |
Spider Wasp | Insect | Extremely Vicious | Extremely Frail |
Squirrel | Mammal | Extremely Swift and Agile | Docile |
Stallion | Mammal | Aggressive | Somewhat Sluggish |
Stegosaurus | Reptile | Robust | Docile |
Swallow | Avian | Very Swift and Agile | Frail |
Tapir | Mammal | Very Aggressive | Extremely Slow |
Tarantula | Arachnid | Aggressive | Somewhat Sluggish |
Tasmanian Devil | Mammal | Extremely Vicious | Extremely Slow |
Teiid | Reptile | Agile | Lacks Aggression |
Tick | Arachnid | Extremely Tough | Extremely Docile |
Tiercel | Avian | Vicious | Somewhat Sluggish |
Tigress | Mammal | Vicious | Very Slow |
Toad | Amphibian | Extremely Tough | Extremely Docile |
Tortoise | Reptile | Extremely Tough | Extremely Docile |
Trap Door Spider | Arachnid | Very Swift and Agile | Extremely Frail |
Triceratops | Reptile | Aggressive | Very Slow |
Trilobite | Crustacean | Extremely Tough | Extremely Docile |
Turkey | Avian | Extremely Swift and Agile | Very Frail |
Turtle | Reptile | Extremely Tough | Extremely Docile |
Tyrannosaurus Rex | Reptile | Extremely Vicious | Extremely Slow |
Vampire Bat | Mammal | Very Aggressive | Somewhat Sluggish |
Velociraptor | Reptile | Vicious | Extremely Frail |
Vixen | Mammal | Agile | Frail |
Vulture | Avian | Extremely Tough | Extremely Slow |
Walrus | Mammal | Very Tough | Extremely Slow |
Wandering Spider | Arachnid | Extremely Vicious | Extremely Slow |
Wasp | Insect | Average Aggression | Average Agility |
White Tail Spider | Arachnid | Extremely Swift and Agile | Extremely Frail |
Wolf | Mammal | Robust | Docile |
Wolverine | Mammal | Extremely Vicious | Extremely Slow |
Wombat | Mammal | Extremely Tough | Extremely Slow |
Woodpecker | Avian | Very Swift and Agile | Docile |
Worm | Annelid | Very Tough | Docile |
Yak Bull | Mammal | Very Tough | Extremely Slow |
Yak Cow | Mammal | Very Tough | Extremely Slow |
Zebra | Mammal | Robust | Somewhat Sluggish |