- Wizard as of:
- Rank:
- Domain:
- Guild Affiliations:
- Areas Created:
- 1
- About the Wizard:
Name | Realm | Expl. | Class (low) L | Class (high) H |
Toy Store | Science |
1.0000000006 6 |
1.0000000075 75 |
1.0000003065 3k |
Toy Store
From Science: <enter, u, 3e, d, e, path, 2e, n, 13e, n, e, n, e, 11n, 2e, 4n, e, bridge, e, 2se, e, 4n, enter>
Return to Pinnacle (Chaos): <out, 2s, enter>
- Hit around:
- Alignment:
- Unknown
- Rewards:
Quest - #1 Marbles
- Reputation:
- Reset Type:
- Area Details:
This area has two spectacular items available - the hover board [1,500 coins] and the ball dispenser [3,000 coins]. The hover board allows you to levitate (replaces the levitate power for guilds that do not have it - like Knights). Levitation is needed in popular areas such as Aegis Global, and Banshee's Lair. The ball dispenser is a great tool for exploring areas with unusual exits and unexpected room transitions.
A quick tintin alias to acquire either item:
Beginning at the Science entrance -
#alias {getdispenser} {enter;u;#3 e;d;e;path;#2 e;n;#13 e;n;e;n;e;#11 n;#2 e;#4 n;e;bridge;e;#2 se;e;#4 n;enter;n;n;e;buy 3;keep dispenser;w;s;s;out;s;s;enter;h}
#alias {getboard} {enter;u;#3 e;d;e;path;#2 e;n;#13 e;n;e;n;e;#11 n;#2 e;#4 n;e;bridge;e;#2 se;e;#4 n;enter;n;n;e;buy 2;keep board;w;s;s;out;s;s;enter;h}
Additional information is not available. If you'd like to add more, complete the area feedback form to add data.
Mobs and Items:
Mobs and Items:
Click on the buttons below to see a list of mobs and/or items from this area:
A hover board : 1500 coins
A ball dispenser : 3000 coins
List of both Mobs and Items
A hover board : 1500 coins
A ball dispenser : 3000 coins