Throughout your journeys of 3 Kingdoms, you have travelled through many areas, climbed mountains, battled enemies, and discovered treasures. All of these were coded by players that decided to take the leap into the wizards realm. To sacrifice their botting combat behaviors and code awesome new things for you to explore, conquer, and become stronger. This is a page to highlight these individuals and commend their creations, and to say, thank you! If you're interested in becoming a wizard, check out the wizardling help page.
Below is a list of known wizards that have created areas on the mud. Clicking on a creators name will take you to a page dedicated to the areas they've made. If their name is not yet clickable, their page has simply not been created yet (this is a work in progress).
Many thanks to the following individuals
- Adalius
- Alayna
- Alerik
- Alfonzo
- Amish
- Andeddu
- Aneki
- Angio
- Aravan
- Argoth
- Ariakus
- Aristocles
- Arrion
- Artex
- Artex
- Aserena
- Asheratyluk
- Askye
- Assassin
- Ath
- Aztec
- Bake
- Balthus
- Barrayani
- Beast
- Bebe
- Beefcake
- Bilbo
- Blackstaff
- Blazen
- Blizzard
- Bork
- Bran
- Briareos
- Caalan
- Caelestis
- Cailet
- Calaran
- Calico
- Calvin
- Canislupus
- Casso
- Chaos
- Chewbacon
- Chris
- Chrome
- Cirrus
- Cletus
- Craid
- Crolack
- Crossbone
- Crowley
- Damo
- Darkforce
- Darkfyre
- Darklord
- Darrkin
- Darwi
- Dayln
- Delenn
- Devesine
- Distortion
- Doh
- Dozy
- Drakacanus
- Druss
- Dynon
- Edroman
- Eek
- Elana
- Eliot
- Fido
- Flaxen
- Foggie
- Frank
- Frizzle
- Fubger
- Gabriel
- Ganzie
- Garet
- Gerin
- Glorfindel
- Gogglesman
- Gogmagog
- Green
- Groosh
- Halcyon
- Hayt
- Heath
- Hefford
- Heroin
- Highlord
- Hobbes
- Horus
- Igor
- Indium
- Infiniti
- Ink
- It
- Jaxom
- Jeffo
- Johnny
- Joker
- Jr
- Jux
- Karde
- Keeble
- Kelson
- Kendric
- Kikipopo
- Kino
- Kinslayer
- Kintax
- Kohl
- Koronin
- Kwuteg
- Lagman
- Lauranna
- Leto
- Lime
- Lipscom
- Lockheed
- Loomer
- Lorderon
- Lostar
- Machina
- Malaclypse
- Manson
- Maphingis
- Mimic
- Mischief
- Mithrandir
- Miyuki
- Miyurachi
- Monte
- Morin
- Morkin
- Mors
- Mos
- Mosiah
- Muzicchik
- Nanook
- Necrite
- Nermal
- Olethros
- Olfin
- Olower
- Oneiros
- Orthas
- Outlaw
- Paradigm
- Peeron
- Petrov
- Pfunk
- Phoenix
- Pistil
- Ploppy
- Polanna
- Polsy
- Pull
- Pyros
- Quaker
- Quicksilver
- Rajah
- Rakk
- Rampage
- Rastafan
- Raymond
- Razorx
- Renfield
- Requiem
- Revelation
- Riekl
- Rodney
- Rumor
- Ryft
- Safeire
- Salrylia
- Samiel
- Santiago
- Saragon
- Scrubby
- Seiger
- Serpentine
- Shadow
- Shadowlotus
- Siona
- Sioux
- Simetra
- Skeet
- Skinless
- Slick
- Slister
- Smoof
- Snookie
- Solo
- Sorva
- Squeak
- Steel
- Stelari
- Stercus
- Stranger
- Stu
- Surielle
- Syd
- Takamori
- Talimar
- Talismon
- Tarin
- Telcontar
- Tensor
- Tharog
- Theseus
- Thoreau
- Thorin
- Thumpson
- Thyros
- Timescape
- Tinder
- Tiro
- To
- Toad
- Toasty
- Tramane
- Trandamere
- Tranzic
- Tuesdai
- Tulip
- Turnhold
- Tweety
- Ulme
- Urian
- Vaix
- Various
- Vermillion
- Vexorg
- Vishnu
- Vivianne
- Vlad
- Vraal
- Vryce
- Wain
- Watson
- Wizwise
- Woof
- Xanthil
- Xiola
- Zair
- Zetron
- Zhaoyun
- Zimpor
- Zix
- Zan
- Zoom